Sciencetology - Wha...
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Sciencetology - What Is It?

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Hiya everyone

I keep hearing about this new cult/religion sciencetology, does anyone know what it is or involves?

I can't seem to find anything about it expect that Tom Cruise and John Travoltaare a big fans of it.

Love Angel x

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RE: Scientology - What Is It?

I found this thought-provoking in yesterday's Sunday Times. I have some sympathy with the Church of S if the piece does not give a balanced view of the facts from both sides, but until we see it, we can't comment.

The Church of Scientology is spending £30,000 in a pre-emptive strike against a Panorama documentary. The Scientologists have produced 100,000 copies of a DVD accusing the BBC of sharp practice and "gross bias".

Scientologists to BBC: what planet are you on?


PS this reader comment answers an earlier discussion on these pages:

Some years ago in Germany, the scientologists lost a court battle about the right to call themselves a religion. After lengthy deliberations the court ruled that Scientology is not a religion but a commercial enterprise!

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RE: Scientology - What Is It?

Spiderman has also posted here:

[link= ][/link]


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RE: Scientology - What Is It?

I did end up staying in literally to see this. Thanks for the heads-up, Spiderman. That was quite some TV docu!

I think we have to be aware that the BBC team did go in with bias. All the same, the detail and vibes they dredged up were appalling. What kind of "religion" would employ several members to literally spy on the BBC because a documentary is being made? [:-]If anyone didn't see it, the BBC were followed like in some spy thriller, and tracked down and faced up toin their own hotel.

Gotta say that what really convinced me that Scientology is really bad news was the "PR" guy who was there at every occassion. Was that meant to be a spiritual or enlightened person? He was Mafia, pure and simple.


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RE: Sciencetology - What Is It?

Check this out [link= ][/link][:o]

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RE: Scientology - What Is It?

Panorama again ... although I missed it, unfortunately, there was a programme on Monday evening (last night) by way of an update ... "new developments in previous investigations". Did anyone see it?

It is to be repeated on Thursday at 1.20am (technically the small hours of Friday, but listed for Thursday).

This thread also came to light because a new one has been started in Philosophy:

[link= ][/link]


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RE: Sciencetology - What Is It?

Thanks for the info,
ive checked out the site.
It does make you wonder if it borders on the same sort of 'up on stage' religion you see on tv, all those people 'following' something. But where the 'main man' seems to be a lot richer, and i don't mean in faith, than all the people they preach to.

Interesting reading though, and a choice for some and why not!


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Scientology - What Is It?

The Secret Life of L. Ron Hubbard

<a class="go2wpf-bbcode" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="


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thanks, SpiderMan, i hadnt seen that documentary before. interesting viewing.

its focus was on LRH rather than scientology, as such. he came across as, in some instances, highly intelligent, but thats always close to insanity, right?

i always find it interesting with these documentaries, that current scientologists dont want to be interviewed, like david miscavige, the current head, i mean, why not take part?

i thought, overall, it was fairly balanced, not over sensational. the critics are so strong on this "philosophy", and, yes, its true, that there is much secrecy... and certainly $$$$ involved.

anyway, it brought back some memories of conversations i used to have that maybe i'd rather not recall... engrams or not ;).

Reiki Pixie
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Hi ya

I just heard something.

SShhh. :033:

It sounds familiar, shhhh. :033:

Oh, it's the sound of the "sshing sshing" of the cash till! $$$$$$$

:rollaugh: :rollaugh: :rollaugh:

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I briefly dated a Scientologist years ago. It's a business, not a religion, but they claim to be a religion to be tax exempt. We did attend a few relationship classes in communication which were quite good. Not religious at all. More like a psychological seminar.

The few Scientologists I met seemed very nice and were very focused, which made them successful in their chosen careers. That way they could afford more and more courses! It's a shame that what seems to be a useful technology -- a way to eliminate limiting beliefs -- has been corrupted by greed.

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I briefly dated a Scientologist years ago.

hi learning,

i briefly dated scientology!

It's a shame that what seems to be a useful technology -- a way to eliminate limiting beliefs -- has been corrupted by greed.

totally agree.

anything that can help folk to succeed cant be all bad. its very tainted and not without its controversy. but as you say, its basic technology can be a tool.

but then, doesnt any help cost (i'm thinking councellors, life coaches, hypnotists etc etc)?

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hi learning,

i briefly dated scientology!

totally agree.

anything that can help folk to succeed cant be all bad. its very tainted and not without its controversy. but as you say, its basic technology can be a tool.

To sickeningly name-drop yet again, this is what Van Morrison (I have to cite him, as he's the only Scientologist I've ever known) told me in the 1980s (as Rosie says above), and he offered to "audit" me. His basic point was that to him, it didn't matter whether the cosmology was correct or a load of nonesense; he actually found that the methods worked for him and did good. "If it works, why not use it?" On that I can't comment, and in fact I'm very sceptical, but that was his PoV anyhow.

Then again, I once had a g/f just on a nurse's wage, and she was utterly fleeced by it of every penny she owned.


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