Sciencetology - Wha...
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Sciencetology - What Is It?

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Hiya everyone

I keep hearing about this new cult/religion sciencetology, does anyone know what it is or involves?

I can't seem to find anything about it expect that Tom Cruise and John Travoltaare a big fans of it.

Love Angel x

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RE: Sciencetology - What Is It?

On the other hand, it's essential in a democracy to maintain freedom of religion.

For example, there's also a "cult" or people who accept money from parents to illegally 'kidnap' their children 'back'. I know someone in his 30s who was so kidnapped and held in a cell for days until he escaped (to return right back to his chosen religion). If anything is wrong, this is more wrong than so-called cults. So if they're not breaking the law literally, they must be allowed, and it's a question of individual discernment.


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RE: Sciencetology - What Is It?

I've had two strong encounters with Scientology.

The first was as a result of walking down a street in Los Angeles and being given
a free personality test and then buying a book on Dianetics.

I read the book.......right up til the end, it made sense to me. We have thought patterns that get stuck energetically and effect our lives in either negative or postitive ways. This was years before I became a subtle energy healing facilitator but even then, it made sense to me.

Then, I got to the last part that said the only way to "clear" myself was to put myself in the hands of a dianetics person who had made it all the way to "clear". Woah. That was it for me.

Then, years later after I had forgotten this experience, I attended a free acting workshop. It happened to be in the Dianetics center in Los Angeles. I attended with a friend of mine, who did not actually share my metaphysical leanings. Both of us became agitated shortly after arriving and we both decided to leave about the same time.

As we started out of the compound, I noticed we were both moving faster as we went. When we got out, my friend turned to me and said he didn't think they would let us out. How perfectly bizarre that we had both had the same exact thought about the place. It has a concentration camp feel to it that was tremendously controlling.

Yet years later still, I met a woman who had defected from Scientology. She told stories of being harassed and threatened.

All told, I do not want anything to do with it.

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RE: Sciencetology - What Is It?


Hiya everyone

I keep hearing about this new cult/religion sciencetology, does anyone know what it is or involves?

I can't seem to find anything about it expect that Tom Cruise and John Travoltaare a big fans of it.

Love Angel x

Also see [link= ][/link], it will explain what a fraud and a money making scheme this so called religion is. It's not even a religion, it's more of a Sci Fi fantasy story that Actors and Business men have been duped into believing. If yuou go to this site though you can read some of the horror stories of people that have been brainwashed inot giving their life savings to these Seudo-churches. Some even committing suicide as their only way to leave this fradulent religion. Very sad and more of a Cult than a religion.

Also look at [link= ][/link] , too many stories about the evils of Scientiology and how this moron L. Ron Hubbard got a Tax exempt status is beyond me. His religion is outlawed in Spain, Germany and over 40 other countries.

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RE: Sciencetology - What Is It?

Iagree 95% but just one point: the media have utterly brainwashed people about so called cults. It's all about freedom of religion and democracy. If a sect is not breaking the law you have to let people go ahead with it.

It's their choice. And you may not know the whole. Life will always have it. Outlaw sects, and we are back to utter control and Gearge Orwell, which would be the most dangerous cult of all.

I'll go further and say I am on a government Board about "new religions", and the media so often misrepresents them. We do need freedom of religion, and then it's up to each individual. Rather than to be controlled by a robot state. Which is the biggest nightmare of all. No thanks. Let people make their own individual errors.


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RE: Sciencetology - What Is It?

ORIGINAL: venetian

Iagree 95% but just one point: the media have utterly brainwashed people about so called cults. It's all about freedom of religion and democracy. If a sect is not breaking the law you have to let people go ahead with it.

It's their choice. And you may not know the whole. Life will always have it. Outlaw sects, and we are back to utter control and Gearge Orwell, which would be the most dangerous cult of all.

I'll go further and say I am on a government Board about "new religions", and the media so often misrepresents them. We do need freedom of religion, and then it's up to each individual. Rather than to be controlled by a robot state. Which is the biggest nightmare of all. No thanks. Let people make their own individual errors.


May be true but Scientology has not been misrepresented. It is merely a Pyramid Scheme under the Guise of a religion based on Sci Fi Stories which is what L. Ron Hubbard was before he made this religion. He was a Sci Fi Author. Scientology preys on middle class families and their assets. Every dime must go to the church until you are broke and then they cut you off once you are no longer of any value to the church. This is why they are outlawed in many countries, Not because of their beliefs but because of their money making schemes and Fraudulent practices when it comes to business, taking over peoples mortgages on their property, taking over peoples savings and then convincing them that every dime they make must go to the church, this is not a religion it's Highway robbery.

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RE: Sciencetology - What Is It?

ORIGINAL: Divine Love

they've a whole Department set up to target stars and the famous! They have a justification for that (that it's a good example for artists to get involved) but it doesn't wash with me.

Well actually it is a lot more than that if you read their brochure called 'Psychiatry manipulating creativity' Harming Artists.

Marilyn Monroe
Robert Walker
Vivien Leigh
Judy Garland
Del Shannon
Peter Green
Billie Holiday
Bud Powell
Ernest Hemmingway
Frances Farmer
Janet Frame
Stevie Wright
Barry Hart
Brian Wilson
Kurt Cobain

All the above were harmed by psychiatry and its treatments. The truth is, each of these great artists and many of the others who have left this planet were offered 'help'. In each case, however, they were betrayed and placed on a path to destruction. It is written that this betrayal came from the direct and indirect influence of psychiatry - an influence that left these artists dreadfully damaged, their foundations of strength and certainty torn away. In Hollywood, mind altering and addictive drugs are regularly found in the entertainmens industry. Quite apart from the devastation for the artists themselves, consider this: artists create the future of our culture.. icons that others aspire too. Artists whether it is art, film, tv, and those that make music and you know the power of that on societies.

Fortunately it was a path to destruction that I managed to escape by the skin of my teeth, I listened to my soul when it said 'if you take these drugs you will end up in that hospital and never come out'. Perhaps that is why the power of their work for good and that they get a fair unbiased hearing is important to me also. How many people don't hear their souls? How many people walk down that path to destruction; trusting that doctors know what they are talking about. Ultimately, mind altering drugs are far more dangerous than scientology could ever be. I suggest those that don't know; spend some time talking to these fine young people who are campaigning against child abuse and drugging our children also.

Check out Dr Breggin [link= ][/link] and his book 'Toxic Psychiatry'.

Divine Love

The two things these people had in common was too much money and too many drugs, this is why they are dead.

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RE: Sciencetology - What Is It?

Hi Big D,

I think you will find this has already been said on this thread or on the subject over and over? Nothing new.

V xxx

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RE: Scientology - What Is It?

The Beginner's Guide to L Ron Hubbard
11:00pm - 12:05am
Channel 4

VIDEO Plus+: 741094

Comedian and writer Hardeep Singh Kohli tries to find spiritual enlightenment through the teachings of L Ron Hubbard. Rejected by the Church of Scientology, Hardeep finds a warmer welcome with Ron's Org, an unauthorised splinter group who split from the Church in the 1980s.

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RE: Scientology - What Is It?

I watched the above show last night on TV, However I fell asleep half way through the show.
This morning apart from feeling slightly annoyed for missing the show I woke up eggar to find out more information on this 'Faith' 'Cult' or 'Way of life'.
I was hoping to type into google and find positive information on Scientology however I receive a mast of quotes from bad press?
Bar from the forum.
Ok heroes my point (yes there is one) If you go to google and type in any religion a mass of bad press will appear, for example the recent scandals of young boys being abused by catholic Priests.
My personal view is that Scientology receives more bad press due to the secrecy.

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RE: Scientology - What Is It?

thanks, spiderman, for the heads up on the programme being on.

overall, it showed scientology in a good light. tbh, i think the "tech" (as its called) is and can be helpful in everyday stuff. most of it is common sense anyway.

its as you proceed up the bridge that things get "stranger" but as the guy said last night... if we are so willing to accept angels and faeries, why not aliens?

good programme.. looking forward to seeing the other 2 in this series (tonight, islam... tomorrow hinduism).

ms lou... there are pro sites out there but yes, you'll always find a critic site and boy, does scientology have its share of hateful critics! very very hard to find an unbias site... on anything actually!

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RE: Sciencetology - What Is It?

Well, I didn't fall asleep last night - nearly but not quite! I found the programme very interesting as it demystified to a large degree a subject that has seemed very mysterious. It occurred to me that rather than being called a religion it should perhaps be labelled a therapy, on a par with other psychotherapeutical methods viz NLP, gestalt therapy, transpersonal therapy etc. I didn't quite 'get' how this splinter group operated...are they saying they are the 'pure' Scientologists and the official group are not true to LRH's teachings? All in all, though, a thought provoking peep behind a somewhat obscure curtain.

Tonight's offering in the series has Peaches Geldof's take on Islam and tomorrow (at an even later time) is 'my' programme on Hinduism (see the Hinduism forum for details on why this is 'my' programme!:D - I detect a hint of ego butting in there, down boy down!!!)

Sunanda xxx

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RE: Sciencetology - What Is It?

I have it on tape but haven't seen most yet. I watched it up to the first commercial break. I must see more of the guy but I actually found the presenter himself to be a real turn-off, and as if he not only knew nothing but had no interest. However that's only the first 15 minutes of 3 hours. (I may skip the Islamic one with this guy doing it.)

From the little I know, I agree with the therapy-not-religion idea. I once posted elsewhere on HP that I knew one of the scientology celebs and was talking to him about it. His attitude was that he didn't care if the theory or the philosophy behind it was valid or not. "It works. It's a tool I find works. I can audit you, if you want."

But then ultimately it IS a belief-system and we do find it waxky. Dreamed up by an s.f. author after all. (But then again Whitley Streiber has written books I accept on his alleged real-life alien abductions which totally screwed up his life for a while. Such as "Communion". And he was in the unenviable position of trying to convince people of that while being ... a horror novelist!)

P.S. On the presenter, I must remind myself -- R.I.P. He died right after the series.

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RE: Sciencetology - What Is It?

hi david,

oh... i didnt know that... that he'd died. i was quite warming to him. i thought it was quite good that he didnt have any real preconceived notions about it, and i have to say, my attitude to scientology (on my brief foray), was similiar.. a bit "wtf??". the whole idea of reading and undertstanding every word etc etc... but, really, its true.

also... it is a self discovery thing. no one will interpret the "teachings" for you, because that is how things are misconstrued. you have to find out for yourself, and think for yourself.

its a religion for tax purposes... i'd call it more a philosophy and yes, it can equip you with tools to cope and deal with situations, but then life experience can also do that.

[link= ][/link]website of the freezone, the splinter break away group being filmed, their ideas and ideals.

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RE: Sciencetology - What Is It?

Oh David!!!!

You've got hold of completely the wrong end of the stick! (LOL I just remembered where that expression came from!:D)
Last night's presenter was ONLY on last night's prog. Tonight's Islam programme is presented by Peaches Geldof(!) Tomorrow's Hinduism programme 'stars' Paul Nicholls (once of East Enders.) Paul Nicholls is accompanied in his search for Hinduism by an Indian chap called Bhaskar Bhattacharya. It was him - Bhaskar - who died shortly after filming the Hinduism programme.
Last night's presenter Hardeep thingy is NOT DEAD, did NOT die! Capisc?

Sunanda xxx

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RE: Sciencetology - What Is It?

Oh, OK. I had the wrong end of the stick! Erk - phooey.

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RE: Scientology - What Is It?


thanks, spiderman, for the heads up on the programme being on.

overall, it showed scientology in a good light. tbh, i think the "tech" (as its called) is and can be helpful in everyday stuff. most of it is common sense anyway.

its as you proceed up the bridge that things get "stranger" but as the guy said last night... if we are so willing to accept angels and faeries, why not aliens?

good programme.. looking forward to seeing the other 2 in this series (tonight, islam... tomorrow hinduism).

ms lou... there are pro sites out there but yes, you'll always find a critic site and boy, does scientology have its share of hateful critics! very very hard to find an unbias site... on anything actually!

Thats true Rosie maybe we are a world of disbeleivers always looking for the bad in everything.

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RE: Scientology - What Is It?

I finished watching "The Beginner's Guide..." on TV and take it all back on the presenter. He's an honest and humourous chap. It was also the only real insight I've ever had as an outsider into Scientology. I doubt I'll be much swayed by all the negative stuff in the media again.

I'd be happy to go through the process up to being audited .... but it still all seemed pretty simplistic to me. Just one of many minor tools you might find in life.


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RE: Scientology - What Is It?

exactly, v... but like any "religion", its the needy and vulnerable that need the help in discovering those "tools" of life.

i actually read "the fundamentals of thought" (the book the presenter was reading) and enjoyed it. it made a lot of sense to me. i think i did the course too... bit crap but hey! i also think the ARC (communication) triangle makes sense too (i did a powerpoint incorporating that once).

i tried being audited, by a trainee, so without the E meter. i really didnt like it. it made me uncomfortable, but then i was trying to recall a particularly bad episode, idea being that you then "get it out of your system". you saw how the E meter registers "emotion" (charge)? and then once you have "faced" and eliminated the negative thoughts, the needle on the meter "floats", indicating that that particular episode in your life, no longer has a hold on you. tbh, i should never have chosen the episode i did, lol i should have gone for something simpler, but, well... i didnt and i didnt finish the session either, a huge no-no in their books, i think in case you then become psychotic!

the methodology of repeat repeat repeat didnt sit well with me.

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RE: Scientology - What Is It?

'Audited', Rosie? Dear God....!

I prefer my own version of God and spirituality without the 'audits', thank you! 😀


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RE: Sciencetology - What Is It?

I am very brand new to this forum thing. ...looking to find out more about this weird group of scientologist.
I just watched a 48 hour special abouta young man killing his mother because his mother and father was into this scienctology group, and this young man ends up killing his mother..stabbing her 70 sotimes because he thought his mother was after him to harm him(more or less) Andit had been said that this young man had a very serious mental illness. His parent didnt believe in psychology or taking medicines that medical doctors wanted to subscibe to him for his illness, WHY?because his parents didnt believe in it (scienctology influence). But to make a very long story short..because of the refusal of not being treated for this condition he had...they blame this scienetology church for not allowing him to be treated properly by doctors. (The doctors blame them). Now the scienctology chruch wants nothing more to do with the young man...
What do you all think of this??
it is absolutely frightening to me!!!!

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RE: Sciencetology - What Is It?

Yesterday, in The Sunday Times, there was an article, alleging that the charity Narcononis is a front to promote the teaching of Scientology.

As I really know very little at all about this movement, I was interested in reading pages 2 and 3 of the article, where the reporter goes undercover and also publishes some "Secrets of a church that believes a galactic warlord caused all our ills" :

In 1995 a key secret concerning the way in which Scientologists believe the world was formed was leaked by a disillusioned “operating thetan”, one of the organisation’s most highly ranked members.

It asserts that 75m years ago an evil galactic warlord called Xenu rounded up 13.5 trillion beings from an overpopulated corner of the galaxy, flew them to Earth and dumped them in volcanoes and vaporised them with nuclear bombs. This scattered their radioactive souls, or thetans, which were then trapped and implanted with a number of false ideas — including the concepts of God, Christ and organised religion.

These entities attached themselves to human beings and are at the root of our personal and global problems today.

What worries critics most is the religion’s secrecy and intolerance of dissent. Members who are critical of the church are declared “apostates” and are excommunicated and often cut off from family and friends who must “disconnect” from them.

In the 1960s Hubbard issued a policy known as Fair Game, which said that all who opposed Scientology could be “tricked, sued or lied to and destroyed”.

If that last sentence is true, then frankly, we would all do well to be alert!

The brother of a friend of mine came under the influence of a group loosely attached to Hinduism in the 70's and I was shocked by how he had changed. From a gentle, loving young man, he had become aggressive and defensive, even his voice was louder and deeper. He started telling me some of their money-making antics and I was shocked, so, to reassure me he said "So long as we are raising money for the Lord Krishna, it is permissible to lie, steal or cheat." Well, I told him with great vigour that he knew perfectly well that it was NEVER permissible to lie, steal or cheat in the eyes of God and that proved to me, that the movement that he had been influenced by had no connection to Truth or the divine!

Love and peace,


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RE: Sciencetology - What Is It?

Hi Judy,

On the brother of the friend, I think it's important to note that around the 70s some groups that were "cults" or pretty amiss from real Hinduism spread in the West and in no way represent real Hinduism! (Imagine, for you, as a member,a wierd cult breaking off as an offshoot of Christian Science!)

As for:

In 1995 a key secret concerning the way in which Scientologists believe the world was formed was leaked by a disillusioned "operating thetan”, one of the organisation's most highly ranked members.

It asserts that 75m years ago an evil galactic warlord called Xenu rounded up 13.5 trillion beings from an overpopulated corner of the galaxy, flew them to Earth and dumped them in volcanoes and vaporised them with nuclear bombs. This scattered their radioactive souls, or thetans, which were then trapped and implanted with a number of false ideas — including the concepts of God, Christ and organised religion.

These entities attached themselves to human beings and are at the root of our personal and global problems today. [link=,,2087-2535187_2,00.html ]l[/link]

Sounds perfectly reasonable to me. :D:D:D:D

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RE: Sciencetology - What Is It?

Hi Venetian,

Don't worry, I realise that the influence he was under no way represented the mainstream Hindu beliefs and practices, which is why I used the term "loosely attached". I have always found that true Hindus (and I know there is a wide spectrum within that umbrella term) are gentle, caring, honest and good people.

Love and peace,

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RE: Sciencetology - What Is It?

There's a word in Hinduism that I'm too lazy to look up - in a file 4 feet away somewhere! :D- but it means "school" or group or maybe lineage, and Hinduism is so embracing that it would for the most part embrace the group you mean and call that Hinduism too. 😀

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RE: Sciencetology - What Is It?

I am not a great believer in organised religion. I think that people should be entitled to believe in what they feel drawn to and not be dictated to by a belief system, but, I am not about to start a debate over problems that organised religion has given to the world and I can see that it gives people salvation, and as human beings we are desperate to believe in something.

So to that end I was reading this scientology debate with interest and mild disbelief and looked it up on wikipedia as I do find they have unbiased information. As a mother, the greatest gift I think I have given my baby was the ability through the wonder of the human bodyto provided him with essential nutrients, antibodiesand immunity from my milk. Breastfeeding has also reduced my chances of breast cancer. I was shocked therefore to read on wikipedia that "Hubbard also wrote that [link= ]breastfeeding[/link] should be avoided"!

Also, whats this about?... Hubbard stated that the delivery room should be as silent as possible during birth. This stems from his belief that birth is a trauma that may induce [link= ]engrams[/link] into the baby. Hubbard asserted that words in particular should be avoided because any words used during birth might be reassociated by an adult later on in life with their earlier traumatic birth experience. Hubbard was obviously not a woman on any of his previous lives!

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RE: Sciencetology - What Is It?

Hi Supermummy,

What a gorgeous avatar! is that you and your little one?

I just had to pop in again just to say that I have never ever thought of Scientology as an "organised religion" - as Sunanda said at the top of this page - it really isn't a religion, but a philosophy (I'm sure others would find less flattering ways of describing it!)

Wikipedia is written by individuals - sometimes it's excellent, sometimes it's very biased - one way or the other - it all depends upon the integrity and honesty of whoever is posting!

I too find it disturbing when someone says something that goes against something as natural as nature providing nutrition for a young mammal - after all, whales breastfeed as do all warm-blooded animals - they can't pop into Tesco's to get some formula! 😀

Love and peace,


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RE: Sciencetology - What Is It?

Judy makes the points that went throgh my mind last night.

Scientology isn't a religion. Also, religions ultimately don't force people to believe i anything. People can choose (to a point) to elong or not to do so.

Wikipedia as J says, is written by people like you and me. If a subject is controversial, people can "fight" over the wording, changing it every few hours to suit themselves. If this gets bad it goes to an arbitration stage and a notice on the subject says that it's being contested.


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RE: Scientology - What Is It?

Ron Hubbards son has given a lot of eye opening information about his father and the scientology "religion" these are just a couple of links here:

I totally agree that people should have the freedom to believe in whatever they want and that if people want to believe that a pack of frozen peas will come again and save our souls / beam us up to another planet then that is fine, lol, whatever floats your boat.

I do take issue with vulnerable people being conned out of their money, but as Kim says, each has their own responsibility. I do believe that people who are attracted to things like this are vulnerable a lot of the time and their judgement can be impaired in the face of a comforting alternate reality that seems to be warm and safe.

Lastly, I class all religions as philosophy 🙂


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RE: Scientology - What Is It?

PanoramaMon 14 May, 8:30 pm-9:00 pm30mins

John Sweeney investigates the Church of Scientology, endorsed by some major Hollywood celebrities, but which continues to face the criticism that it is less of a religion and more of a cult. Some former members claim the Church uses a mind control technique to put opponents at a psychological disadvantage. During the course of his investigation, Sweeney is shouted at, spied on, visited in his hotel at midnight and chased around the streets of LA by strangers in hire cars.

Subtitles StereoWidescreen

[link= ] [/link]

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RE: Scientology - What Is It?

That sounds BAD! What a shame - I'm not certain I'll be around to see or even record it.


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