Hiya everyone
I keep hearing about this new cult/religion sciencetology, does anyone know what it is or involves?
I can't seem to find anything about it expect that Tom Cruise and John Travoltaare a big fans of it.
Love Angel x
RE: Sciencetology - What Is It?
Hi Angel,
While I don't know anything from personal experience about it, I have found that Wikipedia is usually quite a balanced source for information - you could have a look at this:
Being a Christian Scientist, people often get us confused with Scientology (and avoid us like the plague as a result!) while we have absolutely no connection whatsoever with them - it's like chalk and cheese.
Ron Hubbard, the founder, was a science fiction writer before he started this organisation. One thing about them that makes me uncomfortable is that often, at MBS exhibitions, I have come across them, not being open and truthful - not identifying who they really are. That makes me suspicious.
Hope you find your answers.
Love and peace,
RE: Sciencetology - What Is It?
Hiya Judy
Thank you for the link and I must apologise to you as I was under the belief that Christian Scientists and Sciencetology were both the same thing. Thank you for putting me straight on that matter.
Love Angel x
RE: Sciencetology - What Is It?
I've known scientologists and in London they accost you in the street (Warren Street to be precise.). They don't say who they are but ask if you'd like a "free personality test" - it's just a recruitment scheme. Come to think of it, a trusting ex of mine had her bank account wiped clean by them when she was new to this country and naive.
Judy kind of sums it up. It's not new but goes back to the 50s or 1960s. Since Hubbard was an s.f. writer, the more you get into scientology, the more you see that it's just a fictitious 'religion' he created in his mind quite deliberately. Incredible! If you really read their beliefs, it's insane! - Travolta did an s.f. movie which flopped awfully, but he believes it to be a true story! The more you progress higher in its ranks, the more money they want from you from the next course. And 'lower' people don't know anything about the 'higher' levels.
I haven't the slightest idea how the celebrities get taken in by it: but they certainly get specifically targeted as they have money and public kudos. However, I do know one of them and his attitude was this as he'd say to me: "I don't care if it's 'true', I just know that it works as a system for yourself. I can audit you (audit is one thing they do) if you like." So I presume they must get something from it.
Normally I shun the word 'cult' and welcome freedom of religion, but scientology is almost as dodgy as it can get.
Judy, I always assumed you were one of them! So you're not? (To anyone else, that's just a weak joke, as Judy knows :D.)
BTW, last I heard, Hubbard just disappeared, off a huge expensive boat he owned, presumed drowned. One might think he took the money and ran, but I got the impression he really is dead. Did anyone hear any more on that?
RE: Sciencetology - What Is It?
Well I don't know anything about the main organisation except that Hubbard wrote a book called 'Dianetics' which when I scanned it had a lot of positive thinking in there.
I have come across a research organisation that is funded by the main organisation and they are really doing some great work campaigning against child abuse and children being drugged. There are a lot of doctors and scientists involved with this research organisation. One of their brochures is called 'Documenting Psychiatry harming inthe name of healthcare'.
It seems to me that if anyone else has a problem with the belief system of any organisation it is then branded a 'cult'. Let's face it Summit Lighthouse was also branded the same but the originators did some great work including being behind the innovation of montessori nureseries for children.
When I have met these people doing the campaigning to help children at MBS exhibitions, I have signed their petitions and never heard anymore from them, they have given away expensive brochures outlining the campaign with some important research as well. So from my perspective a lot of excellent work is being done and as Tom Cruise loves children I can see why he and his wife chose to get involved.
Check out 'The Citizens Commission for Human Rights'
'The CCHR is renowned for its long standing work aimed at preventing the inappropriate labeling and psychotropic drugging of our children. The contributions that the this commision has made to the local, national, and international areas on behalf of mental health issues are invaluable and reflect an organisation devoted to he highest ideals of mental health services. ' The Hon. Raymond N. Hayes, California State Government, 2002.
You can check out the commissions website site as well.
This commission was founded in 1969 by the Church of Scientology and Dr. Thomas Szasz, Professor of Psychiatry, as an independent body to investigate and expose psychiatric violations of human rights and to clean up the field of mental healing. CCHR is now an international organisation with 130 branches in 34 countries. The commission includes doctors, and other medical specialists, artists, lawyers, educators, and civil and human rights representatives who advise and assist in their professional capacity.
There is always more than meets the eye........
We now have 17 million children on mind altering drugs.......worldwide. Aldous Huxley's brave new world indeed. Thank God these people are using their voice in a grounded and scientific way.
Divine Love
RE: Sciencetology - What Is It?
It would be nice if foreign visitors and British students new to London were not approached in the street by smiling faces and offered a "free personality test" only to find that the test 'reveals' they need to take a course costing a few hundred pounds - and that upon completing that course, it's revealed that the results are that they 'really do need' to take another course costing twice as much - and on and on. As stated above, I know people who've arrived in London in good faith with a few thousand in the bank, and got a job, but only to find that through their trusting attitude their accounts are wiped clean, and once they have no money left they're basically not wanted any more.
I see nothing but sinister manipulation and a hunger for the money of the innocent (it's usually visitors and the young targeted) in that. I can't say I smiled back when they used to approach me.
RE: Sciencetology - What Is It?
Well I wonder if anyone else as had any of these strange encounters that Venetian's speak of. As a Londoner that lived in the West End of London and a family that stills does I have never heard of such things. So it would be good to hear if any other Londoner's have had any such experiences or seen these people waiting for the next innocents to arrive. The only thing that was rife at Kings Cross and Euston was pimps.....of the sexual nature looking for children, teenagers and rent boys. However, we live and learn so it would be enlightening to hear of any other 'personal' experience of the Sciencetologists.
Are you sure that the person involved wasn't parading themself under this cover when in fact they had nothing to do with them? Could it just have been a undisirable character Venetian? If it is true, did the lady take legal action to have her money returned? It does sound daft giving someone else your bank details unless they were emotionally involved. I must admit I did have my bank cleaned out once by my son's father and it is not a nice experience.
Divine Love
RE: Sciencetology - What Is It?
Oh yes - I've been offered a Stress Test by people who turned out to be Scientologists. I think it might have been in Warren Street. I got very lost on my way back from Regent's Park to Waterloo, after I had done an EFT practitioners course. I was incredibly chilled at the time, and it was a lovely evening. The test consisted of holding 2 metal cylinders which were attached to some kind of meter. I quite enjoyed it. The guy gave me a series of prompts eg family, friends, workand the meter gave a different reading everytime, but didn't alter very much from the baseline. He gave up on me when I wouldn't buy his Hubbard book, and I tried to tell him about EFT, and how helpful it is for stress! I think I stressed him out, which was fun.
I could handle that OK: I kind of knewhis agenda- but it is an insidious method of getting people in.
When we were 17 I had a friend (funnily enough his name was Loss) who got involved with them and disappeared from us. He was going through a very bad patch with his family at the time.
RE: Sciencetology - What Is It?
hi angel,
one of my really really good mates was into scientology big time... lived and breathed it. as a consequence, i know quite a lot and even dabbled a little.
i guess you should go to the horses mouth if you want more info... [link= http://www.scientology.org/ ] http://www.scientology.org/ [/link]. of course, this site is biased. i could give you the address of a usenet newsgroup but, tbh, its so biased against and a good example of a nasty flame throwing forum. a depressing place, to say the least. my friend would contribute and face awful criticism.
anyway, as venetian says, although he's simplified it... scientology is in fact a "technology" as such. it teaches you the skills and tools you need to succeed and survive, survival being a humans biggest basic instinct. it has religious status for tax purposes ;). yeah, they have sunday services but its not like you pray to hubbard or anything!
like any mainstream religion, the young and emotionally vulnerable are likely to get interested. yes, it costs lots of money to progress your way on the "bridge" and yes, it gets wackier the further you do progress. however... what cant be denied, is that these people who partake of courses, seem to get something from them in a postive way.
one of scientology's favourite things to say, is, "think for yourself" and another is "what is true for you, is true for you". neither of these statements are untrue. a lot of the "technology" is plain common sense, but then, young vulnerable people dont always have that, so it answers a need.
it wasnt for me but i did take stuff from it, that i can still refer to today.
wherever there is an "org" (office) there will be recruiters nearby... so yes, warren street/ goodge street in london. also poole and definitely east grinstead (st hill manor there is the UK head office).
my friend followed his dream and to my knowledge he works for them now in santa barbara. we are no longer in communication and i'm sorry, but yes, i do blame his beliefs for that... a controversy of scientology is that they dont want "members" being around people that are going to be negative to it. it brings the member down to a lower "tone" (emotion) level when they should be up.
anyway, from my experience of it, i'd say you shouldnt knock anything til you tried it, but i wouldnt advocate it either, cos they are hard to shift once locked in on you! (i still get junk mail!). its taught me religious tolerance though, thats for sure.
ooops, as a p.s. dianetcs, i never read... <yawn> but fundamentals of thought was good read... and have we lived before (think thats what its called).
just saw sharons post... the meter thing, is an e meter... never had a go myself cos i thought it was daft! but i did have a go at being audited (hmmmm councelled for want of a better description) and i didnt like that AT ALL! i think i freaked the auditor out too <g>!
RE: Sciencetology - What Is It?
ORIGINAL: spinal music
I've been offered a Stress Test by people who turned out to be Scientologists. I think it might have been in Warren Street.
There's no doubt that these are actual Scientologists. They're standing right outside the London HQ (or one, if there's more than one), and offering to take you in. BTW, these people themselves are low-level members, and usually foreign, who've recently been roped in themselves. One way of getting someone more 'committed' to anything is to have them out on the street early on in their membership. So they're not very experienced themselves and can't tell you much.
RE: Sciencetology - What Is It?
anyway, as venetian says, although he's simplified it... scientology is in fact a "technology" as such. it teaches you the skills and tools you need to succeed and survive, survival being a humans biggest basic instinct.
Well, yes, that's how the celeb put it to me. He truly rejected the whole scenario which is science fiction about aliens and stuff, right? He simply said "It works". But then many things work, such as NLP say - and he made a right daft fool of himself in the media for actually becoming one of those people standing in Warren Street to rope you in. He was just on a search and trying out all sorts of things.
RE: Sciencetology - What Is It?
Ah yes the stress meter they had two stands at the Personal Development exhibition at London Excel in January and they were packed out all show, people willingly getting involved and going on the stand. The speakers talk was also packed out 😀 and I trouble getting him off stage....
So this is what they are using on the London streets nowadays......I guess it is the sheep mentality again.....like you Sharon they wouldn't get past me.......the ultimate rebel!
Divine Love
RE: Sciencetology - What Is It?
i'm sorry, kim, but thats an insulting and intolerant statement.
So this is what they are using on the London streets nowadays......I guess it is the sheep mentality again.....like you Sharon they wouldn't get past me.......the ultimate rebel!
it would seem that neither you (or sharon for that matter) speak with any knowledge on the subject, so it seems a bit impertinent to express a kind of "clever smugness".
maybe old habits die hard with me, well certainly i know they do, but one should not criticise what one knows nothing about... i could quote dr friKKin seuss ;)... green eggs and ham...
"You do not like green eggs and ham?
I do not like them, Sam-I-am.
I do not like green eggs and ham.
I could not, would not, on a boat.
I will not, will not, with a goat.
I will not eat them in the rain.
I will not eat them on a train.
Not in the dark! Not in a tree!
Not in a car! You let me be!
I do not like them in a box.
I do not like them with a fox.
I will not eat them in a house.
I do not like them with a mouse.
I do not like them here or there.
I do not like them ANYWHERE!
I do not like green eggs and ham!
I do not like them, Sam-I-am.
You do not like them.
So you say.
Try them! Try them!
And you may.
Try them and you may, I say.
If you will let me be, I will try them.
You will see.
I like green eggs and ham!
I do! I like them, Sam-I-am!
And I would eat them in a boat.
And I would eat them with a goat...
I do so like
green eggs and ham!
Thank you!
Thank you,
so anyway... my point is that unless you have tried it for yourself, you should reserve judgement. many people get from it what they need... as others do from God 😀
RE: Sciencetology - What Is It?
Dear Rosie
Wo girl apart from you I have written the most postive post above about the organisation and what they spent their money on, at least I did my utmost to provide a very positive side of their work of which I support whole heartedly. You should know me by now I can't bear injustice and if both sides of the coin can be shared I will take the oportunity to do so. Please don't make the assumption or jump to the conclusion that I dislike scientologists, they certainly have done nothing to harm me and from my perspective I see a lot of good works as a result mentioned above.
I must add that if any organisation or individual is good; one does not have to solicit people, you allow them to come to you as I have always done. I will also add that I mentioned that they did not do this at the exhibition people willingly got involved through their own choice and free will. However, the stand was so busy of course it would attract a lot of attention.
However, I will add that a lot of people get involved in a great many things without really checking out the whole thing prior to doing so and that is what I meant by sheep mentality, I hope on reflection I have not offended you or anyone else because it certainly was not my intent and apologise if you feel it is so.
Divine Love
RE: Sciencetology - What Is It?
hi kim,
no personal offense taken :o).
i think when discussing other people's belief systems, its just a minefield that one should tread carefully through. it just seemed insensitive to refer to "sheep mentality"... lol i could mention God and his "flock" but, i wont :D!
and yes, i did read your other post. tbh, i feel between a rock and hard place with scientology. it wasnt for me, i didnt like it... but i also appreciate that others get what they are looking for from it.
the critics mostly comprise, and this is a generalisation (something else one shouldnt do!), of "ex" scientologists with an axe to grind, because they became "disillusioned" or whatever... something that can happen within any "religious" organisation.
the $$$ side of it is very real though. and i can understand that say, christianity, gives it services (as such) for free... but as i tried to explain... scientology is perhaps offering something different... certainly "councelling" for example, and you dont see many councellors giving their services free. also, courses (hmm dont even ask!), but yes, courses... well not many courses are offered free either.
its a big subject and i am no expert. lol any scientologists reading this would probably say i have "charge" on the subject that needs "auditing"... sheesh!
RE: Sciencetology - What Is It?
I Rosie yes I understand, Carl Jung expressed it like this:
"Neither family nor society nor position can save man from his fate; nor yet the most successful adaptation to his environment, however smoothly he fits in. The development of personality is a favour that must be paid for dearly. But the people who talk most loudly about developing their personalities are the very ones who are least mindful of the results, which are such as to frighten away weaker spirits.
I understand this to mean that sometimes we are not aware of our own power and the impact we have on others. However, I always feel that everything is perfect and for good reason and agree with another quote from Carl Jung.
"The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed."
Well disillusionment happens in all areas of life and personal development and spiritual organisations have not escaped it either over the years as we know, but that doesn't make them any less worthy. I just think that people in these cases have started to really think for themselves or moved beyond what the organisation has to offer; of course there have been organisations of all types that made incredible claims and promises and after people have invested their whole lives and sometimes money, and the promises have not materialised they can become very disenchanted, bitter and angry. The same is happening to many Christian Fundamentalists who are now discovering they have bought into a huge amount of lies and deception. However, instead of searching for their own truth they then turn their anger against any other believers much like the ex's you mention. As far as scientology is concerned that is sad because they must have received some help to begin with otherwise they would not have got involved and to not appreciate and honour our own choices and all the positive aspects of our journeys is sad indeed. So this then begs the question what was missing from this organisations that people should leave and turn in this way......was it just mind control or was it serious self development that heals the root causes of the core issues. I think the results speak for themselves for that is also the fruit of the good works.
Well as a bird that flys with the divine I don't have a problem with flock or any other name come to that. 😉
From my perspective no church gives its services for free they all charge they just do it in different ways. So if people have an issue with money and paying for in-depth help then they really need to reflect on how much help they really do get for free. I would say these forums are about it.....because even the NHS is not free we are taxed to the hilt whichever way we move.
I think you are just sad that is has come between you and a dear beloved friend, would you agree? No audit necessary and I am sure that you are like me we are more than capable of doing our own audits in our time and space.
Divine Love
RE: Sciencetology - What Is It?
i think when discussing other people's belief systems, its just a minefield that one should tread carefully through.
I think your comments in the two last posts are a fair cop, Rosie -- sorry, I mean fair comment. ;)I'd not take kindly to people making sweeping statements about my beliefs if they haven't been involved or very well-informed. (As has happened, and since there's no way I'd spend the time 'explaining' everything to the unknowing, I more-or-less let it go.) So fair enough: I've not been in Scientology either.
The two people I know well who have been were opposites in reaction: the one who got persuaded to give all her money (but had no bitterness at all when I came to meet her), and the other who didn't believe in the s.f. clap-trap (sorry but it is), yet said (then) that it 'worked'.
However I think it's kind of fair also to be a bit more downbeat on it given certain points not common to many religions / sects / 'cults'. To sum up again what I'd have spring to mind:
1. Founded by an s.f. writer, and surely, surely, those who read a few of the books will see that he's just extending his s.f.? I forget the details now, but years ago I did read the books which led to Travolta making a fool of himself with that awful movie (title?) based on Scientology beliefs. It would destroy inter-faith normally to go around calling every other belief wacky - but this one? Well said IMO. 😉
2. The overwhelming emphasis on money, as stated. Apart from the man in the street as at Warren St., they've a whole Department set up to target stars and the famous! They have a justification for that (that it's a good example for artists to get involved) but it doesn't wash with me.
LOL, I began this to say I agree with you ... only to find actually - well ... 😀
RE: Sciencetology - What Is It?
they've a whole Department set up to target stars and the famous! They have a justification for that (that it's a good example for artists to get involved) but it doesn't wash with me.
Well actually it is a lot more than that if you read their brochure called 'Psychiatry manipulating creativity' Harming Artists.
Marilyn Monroe
Robert Walker
Vivien Leigh
Judy Garland
Del Shannon
Peter Green
Billie Holiday
Bud Powell
Ernest Hemmingway
Frances Farmer
Janet Frame
Stevie Wright
Barry Hart
Brian Wilson
Kurt Cobain
All the above were harmed by psychiatry and its treatments. The truth is, each of these great artists and many of the others who have left this planet were offered 'help'. In each case, however, they were betrayed and placed on a path to destruction. It is written that this betrayal came from the direct and indirect influence of psychiatry - an influence that left these artists dreadfully damaged, their foundations of strength and certainty torn away. In Hollywood, mind altering and addictive drugs are regularly found in the entertainmens industry. Quite apart from the devastation for the artists themselves, consider this: artists create the future of our culture.. icons that others aspire too. Artists whether it is art, film, tv, and those that make music and you know the power of that on societies.
Fortunately it was a path to destruction that I managed to escape by the skin of my teeth, I listened to my soul when it said 'if you take these drugs you will end up in that hospital and never come out'. Perhaps that is why the power of their work for good and that they get a fair unbiased hearing is important to me also. How many people don't hear their souls? How many people walk down that path to destruction; trusting that doctors know what they are talking about. Ultimately, mind altering drugs are far more dangerous than scientology could ever be. I suggest those that don't know; spend some time talking to these fine young people who are campaigning against child abuse and drugging our children also.
Check out Dr Breggin and his book 'Toxic Psychiatry'.
Divine Love
RE: Sciencetology - What Is It?
the CCHR, backed by the church of scientology, yes, campaigns against the use of psychiatric drug therapy and electro shock treatments etc etc. it also strongly protests the use of ritalin for ADHD use... and i'd agree with that.
[link= http://groups.msn.com/psychbusters ]http://groups.msn.com/psychbusters[/link]a little OTT but certainly has a ton of information regarding psychiatric "treatments".
on the other hand, i do also believe that some people do require meds, initially, to "cope" but sure, this needs much monitoring so that the problem is dealt with rather than just concealed.
V... battlefield earth? never saw it. was slammed by critics... but from what i do know ;), its not actually based on the scientology beliefs... they are way more fun!
As far as scientology is concerned that is sad because they must have received some help to begin with otherwise they would not have got involved and to not appreciate and honour our own choices and all the positive aspects of our journeys is sad indeed.
good point. i kind of agree too. its a tough one though. these ex scientologists believe they were seriously "fleeced" and even treated badly, so they are very bitter and want to warn others off. but, i agree, there must have been something that resonated with them initially to then get in further.
i didnt "trust" it so only dipped a toe in. but i dont deny that it maybe helped me along to where i am now... very open to all belief systems.
RE: Sciencetology - What Is It?
Staying open minded and open hearted
How does anyone get 'fleeced'?
I could say the same about the second husband who married me for my money....however, I willingly and lovingly went there not knowing his intent. However, alarm bells did start to go off and the warning signs were there then I took action.
We are adults not children, we make choices, we allow situations to happen, from my perspective it really is time that people took RESPONSIBILITY for their co-creation for no man is an island. Its the old cliche 'it takes two to tango' this is the nature of the universe - two way interaction causes creation in this context.
Responsibility to research what one is getting into instead of blind faith.
Responsibility to decide whether their belief system is something that encourages one to move forward in spiritual independence.
Responsbility to speak to other members on their experiences
Responsibility to one's own decisions about financial contributions
When I talked about the 'sheep' I was really meaning people that allow themselves to be herded into a certain field of consciousness. Nobody could get me to do anything against my will some have tried and failed, not even Spirit I choose to align my will as and when, perhaps its the rebellious Aquarian or I am just very strong willed. In fact, I'm not sure how many people can be manipulated against their will?
That is another subject I think and ties in with other threads on mind control. You know I can't think of one organisation that has not been accused of very clever mind control and that includes 'Course in Miracles' 'Summit Lighthouse' 'Sai Baba' 'Hare Krishna's' etc etc the list is endless. Although a mind can only be controlled if we allow it to be controlled, indoctrination can only take effect when we allow and embrace the indoctrination and churches of all types have been accused of that. There is another organisation that shall remain nameless that once you get really involved they convince people to give up their sexuality completely; on the premise that if one does not have sex then one will break the cycle of rebirth and not return to earth. People get involved in the beginning in just meditation...and then things evolve. How people can think that by not birthing a child and not enjoying the pleasure that we were ordained to receive will break the wheel of karma is beyond me.
At the end of the day we have to look at the self and instead of putting negative energy outwards; take the opportunity to learn from the experience and how it can serve the self best, turning a negative situation into an opportunity for positive change within the self. Looking inwards at the self to ascertain why they allowed themselves to act in the way that they did - what purpose did it serve? What did they gain? It is often the case that these souls chose this journey to experience how not to do it! Once they have this gnosis they then know how to do it better. Acorns can grow into oak trees with the right fertilisation of love and compassion for self and others we interact with.
The easiest thing for people to do is blame someone else instead of take responsibility for co-creation and while they stay in blame or accusation their hearts are locked into anti-love of unforgiveness and when this is the case they can never ascend their consciousness or gain true freedom and liberation.
May peace be with them.
Divine Love
RE: Sciencetology - What Is It?
Hi everyone,
One tiny bit of information that might surprise you [sm=speechless-smiley-040.gif]. If you EVER give your details to the Church of Scientology, they will telephone you, write to you and WILL NOT take you off their mailing list. I have asked 5 times - 3 written and 2 telephone - the last man laughed [sm=rollaugh.gif][sm=rollaugh.gif]and said he didn't know of anyone who had EVER been taken off their lists. Be warned they rang me again last Thursday.
Best wishes
Publisher [:o]
RE: Sciencetology - What Is It?
Wow, that's awful, and I don't know but is it legal?
RE: Sciencetology - What Is It?
hi publisher,
yes i was going to say, dont ever give your details cos its hellishly hard to get them to stop bothering you... even now i still get various postal mail, the odd phone call about an event.
trouble is, knowing some of the "tech", one needs to apply it... so no "low tone" attitude on the phone... upbeat, short and sweet... and yes, its possble to say "push off" in that manner!!
no V, i dont think it is illegal... afterall, the information was voluntarily given, so i dont think it would come under telephone preference.
RE: Sciencetology - What Is It?
Just my fiendish mind at work ...
But it does occur that if you really have a gripe with someone, you could give their details to Scientology ;). Only joking - I never would.
RE: Sciencetology - What Is It?
Well I have signed two of their petitions in the last 2 years and not heard a dickie bird..;)
Divine Love
RE: Sciencetology - What Is It?
I have just heard from a friend who was on the stand at Brentwood that, while looking for a particular article in one of the magazines we offer free from a revolving stand, a Scientology leaflet fell out, which invited the reader to contact them to learn more. It seems that, on the pretence of looking through the magazines, leaflets have been inserted by followers. I'm glad we know about it and will be alert in the future!
So it seems that if one was to pick up some Christiian Science literature and not realise the difference, you could end up on their mailing list too! This is underhand behaviour and does not reflect positively on this organisation.
RE: Sciencetology - What Is It?
That's aweful, Judy!
RE: Sciencetology - What Is It?
Scientology is a cults and a scary one.
why would they try so hard to recruit people?
Why the need?
In France, a man staged a ten-days protest in front of a scientology shop (yes: a shop!) with banners accusing them of having ripped him of all his money. Then a debate was organised on live tv,many people phoned in to testify of similar experiences. A girl had been basically kidnapped by the cult and the parents had to organize a secret kidnapping operation!
I know it sounds too crazy, but whenever I hear or read the name "scientology" a chill comes down my spine.
I wished they stopped their hard-line army-style recruiting methods. Walking down tottenham Court Raod becomes a challenge when the absurd man in a suit is accosting you almost aggressively for a discussion on God or a mind test.
RE: Sciencetology - What Is It?
It's always been foreign girls who accosted me when I lived there. The idea of not using British is to keep members 'posted' in other lands, thus away from their families.
As I posted above, an ex-girlfriend of mine lost all her money to them. She arrived as a nurse from Singapore so of course was quite naive and unprepared for this. I must say she took it in good spirit and wasn't bitter! In two years she only told me the story once.
Did you know that when Van Morrison once got involved, they actually persuaded him to be one of those who stand outside to persuade people in? :D- led to quite a bit of mockery towards him at the time. 😀
RE: Sciencetology - What Is It?
a predatory cult, that is.