the Gnostic Gospels show that Goddess worship was once a part of Christianity.
They show no such thing. It is true that some Gnostic texts attribute feminine as well as masculine traits to the Deity, but there was never any worship of a "creator Goddess" within Gnosticism. It is commonly-taught that Gnostic sects were in some way more sympathetic to women than the orthodox church. However, this is not supported by the Nag Hammadi Gnostic texts, which are now available in English. In the Gnostic Gospel of Thomas, Simon Peter says, "Let Mary leave us, for women are not worthy of Life." Jesus replies, "I myself shall lead her in order to make her male, so that she too may become a living spirit resembling you males. For every woman who will make herself male will enter the Kingdom of Heaven" [Nag Hammadi Library in English . The Gnostic "Sophia [Wisdom] of Jesus Christ" says "These are all perfect and good. Through these was revealed the defect in the female". In the Gnostic Dialogue of the Savior, Jesus directs his disciples to "Pray in the place where there is no woman," and urges that "the works of womanhood" be destroyed . In several Gnostic works, God the Father is praised and celebrated as "thrice-male". Anyone who has been persuaded that Gnosticism was pro-feminist has been duped by political propaganda masquerading as scholarship.
Sacred Star, do you accept these verses from the Gnostic Gospels? How can you support this in light of your viewpoints on the male/female relationship?
RE: Question on Gnostic Gospels and females
ORIGINAL: mcnabbmcnow
the Gnostic Gospels show that Goddess worship was once a part of Christianity.They show no such thing.
I recommend that you read a book by Sean Bryne called 'The Tragic History of Esoteric Christianity, The Church's War Against The Spirit of Sophia'.
It is true that some Gnostic texts attribute feminine as well as masculine traits to the Deity, but there was never any worship of a "creator Goddess" within Gnosticism.
The creator Goddess was pre Gnsoticism and there certainly are influences within it. I recommend that you read some of Stephan Hoeller's work he is a Gnostic scholar.
It is commonly-taught that Gnostic sects were in some way more sympathetic to women than the orthodox church.
It was great deal more than that we are talking equality here exactly what Jesus promoted. Here is a piece that truly sums of the way of Jesus.
Alexandrian Gnostic teacher Epiphanes
On Justice
Where does Justice lie?
In a community of equalties.
A common sky stretches above our heads and covers the entire earth with its immensity, the smae night reveals its stars to all without discrimination, the same sun, father of night and begetter of day, shines in the sky for all men equally. It is common to all, rich men and beggars, kings and subjects, wise men and fools, free men and slaves.
GOD made it it pour out its light for all the beings on this earth in order that it would be of common benefit to all: who would dare to appropriate the light so the sun to himself alone?.....
And everything exists, everything lives, is subject to this law of justice and equality....As for the laws of this world, it is they and they alone which have taught us to act against the law. Individual laws fragment and destroy communion with divine law.
The prophet said: "I had not known sin, but by the law", and how we interpret this meaning, if it be not the words of "mine" and "thine" have entered into this world throught the laws, and that this made an end to all community?
Nevertheless, that which GOD created, he created for all to hold in common possession: vines, grains, and all the fruits of the earth. Has the vine ever been to chase away a thief? or thievish passerby? But when man forgot that community means equality, and deformed it by its laws, on that day, the theif was born.
Steham Hoeller says that these words may be too simple for the complex and overpopulated world wherein we live, where the pestiferous horrors of crime, violence, mass insanity, the innumerable depredations of humans directed against humans distort all perspectives. Nevertheless, they are the words of vision, intuition and individuation. They are the words spiritual perception which rightly recognises that lawlessness is frequently brought about by the excess of law, and sin and evil brought into the world by the midwifery of taboos and commandments.
However, this is not supported by the Nag Hammadi Gnostic texts, which are now available in English.
Have you read them all? If you haven't you should read them before making such a statement.
In the Gnostic Gospel of Thomas, Simon Peter says, "Let Mary leave us, for women are not worthy of Life." Jesus replies, "I myself shall lead her in order to make her male, so that she too may become a living spirit resembling you males. For every woman who will make herself male will enter the Kingdom of Heaven" [Nag Hammadi Library in English .
As I have explained before Jesus was being tongue in cheek here because he knew that for both man and woman to become one with God both male and female has to align their both energies within themself before they could reconcile with God.
The Gnostic "Sophia [Wisdom] of Jesus Christ" says "These are all perfect and good. Through these was revealed the defect in the female". In the Gnostic Dialogue of the Savior, Jesus directs his disciples to "Pray in the place
RE: Question on Gnostic Gospels and females
Lords Prayer, from the original Aramaic
Translation by Neil Douglas-Klotz in Prayers of the Cosmos
O Birther! Father- Mother of the Cosmos
Focus your light within us - make it useful.
Create your reign of unity now-
through our fiery hearts and willing hands
Help us love beyond our ideals
and sprout acts of compassion for all creatures.
Animate the earth within us: we then
feel the Wisdom underneath supporting all.
Untangle the knots within
so that we can mend our hearts' simple ties to each other.
Don't let surface things delude us,
But free us from what holds us back from our true purpose.
Out of you, the astonishing fire,
Returning light and sound to the cosmos.
Lords Prayer, from Aramaic into Old English
Translation by G.J.R. Ouseley from The Gospel of the Holy Twelve
Our Father-Mother Who art above and within:
Hallowed be Thy Name in twofold Trinity.
In Wisdom, Love and Equity Thy Kingdom come to all.
Thy will be done, As in Heaven so in Earth.
Give us day by day to partake of Thy holy Bread, and the fruit of the living Vine.
As Thou dost forgive us our trespasses, so may we forgive others who trespass against us.
Shew upon us Thy goodness, that to others we may shew the same.
In the hour of temptation, deliver us from evil.
Divine Love
RE: Question on Gnostic Gospels and females
God has shown me the quote for you about not praying in church but praying alone.
Matthew 6: 5-6 NIV
"And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by men. I tell you the truth, they have received their reward in full. But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your father, who is unseen. Then your father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you."
So why do Christians pray in church and go against the Christ teachings?
and another beautiful translation
Divine Love
RE: Question on Gnostic Gospels and females
ORIGINAL: Divine Love
God has shown me the quote for you about not praying in church but praying alone.
Matthew 6: 5-6 NIV
"And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by men. I tell you the truth, they have received their reward in full. But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your father, who is unseen. Then your father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you."
So why do Christians pray in church and go against the Christ teachings?
and another beautiful translation
[link= http://www.panhala.net/Archive/Lay_Yourself_Open.html ]http://www.panhala.net/Archive/Lay_Yourself_Open.html[/link]
Divine Love
The verses never say that we shouldn't ever pray in public. Jesus is talking to people about the Pharisees, who loved to do these long, eolquent prayers in front of everybody to make themselves look great. The point Jesus is getting it is that prayer is a humble thing you do before God, and if you can pray in private, all the better. The point of prayer shouldn't be to look good in front of other people. If that's you're whole reason for praying, you are missing the point. But I don't think the verses ever say to NEVER pray in public. You have to keep in mind who Jesus was teaching and who Jesus was referring to when He said "hypocrites".
[link= http://www.visi.com/~nathan/xtian/publicprayer.html ]http://www.visi.com/~nathan/xtian/publicprayer.html[/link] Jesus did pray in public. And no, I don'tdislike women...I was just trying to make a point about the Gnostic Gospels.
RE: Question on Gnostic Gospels and females
This isn't directly related to the thread - to Gnosticism - but it does pertain to the male-female subject. I don't know if a modern hard-line (not liberal) Christian would accept it anyway, as it's part of the historical record, or whether they'd be outraged. I wouuld need to look it out and haven't time - but the earliest account of how Christians began the ceremony of baptism has them in the early 1st century fasting and praying all night, men and women together. Then in the morning from the given words it sounds as if they all take off their clothes and get into the water naked together, then emerging to put on new white robes.
No, I'm not suggesting a sexual element whatsoever - in fact the account displays remarkable purity of mind! If some Christians are so obsessed with these things today, LOL, I'd love to see a church-full of folk today do that! It must have been that in the 1st century Christians had a more inherent sense of purity (not 'sin') and so to them it was no great deal - though the baptism was.
RE: Question on Gnostic Gospels and females
Mc dear heart you are ignoring the text it clearly states 'pray in secret' how can you possibily ignore that?
As Jesus said 'those that have ears let them hear'.
I think Baptism went back much earlier than that Venetian....purification with water is ancient.....and stilll stands today submerging the whole aura into water. As Clement said 'it is only the pure that see purity' and that applies to sacred love too! The Temple Shrine indeed the place of worship, devotion and communion with God. 😉 Christianity has so much to answer for putting guilt upon people to do with the beauty of Gods creation of the human body and its sanctification.
Here Mc a little more
Sophia in Gnosticism was the female emanation of the pleroma, the fullness of the godhead, that some Gnostic thought was responsible for the coming into being of what was known as the Demiurge, the creator of the material world.
In Gnosticism the descent of the soul becomes an ascent, and its inquisitors are more malevolent than their Egyptian counterparts; but likewise it is Gnosis that is the key to salvation; as indeed, it was in the Ancient Mysteries of the old Greek religion, the Orphic, Chaldean, Dionysian and Eleusinian. It was the orthodox Christian concept of salvation by faith that was in complete contrast and opposed to the ancient mystery teachings that Jesus and those that came before him actually taught. The idea of salvation by Gnosis was in fact the least original of the Gnostic ideas, it was only because the church fathers perceived it is a particularly pernicious challenge to their orthodox Salvationist creed that it was given such prominence in their attacks. Gnosticism was nothing new it was clearly a synthesis of diverse traditions and ideas. Gnostics were consolidators and transmitters of a spiritual philosophy which came down orally from cultures that were 1,000’s of years older then the name Gnosticism or Jesus himself.
When the great library of Alexandria was ransacked by Christian fathers in 387, and what was left of it incinerated by the Mohammedans in 641, an inestimatable wealth of ancient mystery teachings were destroyed. It begs the question why did people feel so threatened by this library of ancient origins and philosophy. Scholars travelled from all over the world to study here.
Gnosticism was fundamentally incompatible with an institutionalised, proselytizing, authoritarian mass religion, in fact they were the complete opposite because they stood for freedom, liberation and redemption through inner reflection and Gnosis of the self.
We find a Gnostic saying in Luke “The kingdom of God is within you’,
There were many different factions of Gnostics. Some of our most modern Gnostics were Carl Jung, Goethe and William Blake
The way of Jesus, the Gnostics, Plato, and many others that came before them was salvation and ascension through self-realisation; self-referral, self-observation. This was the way home to peace, love, happiness and finding the kingdom of God within.
Jesus said ‘You are Gods field’ so amazing it is that in the 21st century scientists now talk about a field of consciousness. At the most fundamental level of the natural spiritual laws we find the Unified Field of all the Laws of Nature, as recently discovered by Superstring theory. When we unify our fields of consciousness we become a unified field of pure consciousness. Quantum cosmology verifies that the Unified field observes itself in a completely self-referral manner. This field generates the whole manifest universe by its process of self-observation. So we then begin to understand more fully the concept that God made us in its image so that it could observe itself.
However, one cannot unify ones’ own field of consciousness if one does not embrace and integrate the divine feminine within. As above, so below, so below, as above.
And some notes that I have on file.
The Gnostifc Society Library is probably the most informative.
RE: Question on Gnostic Gospels and females
It seems appropriate to put a copy of this here because it is very Gnostic.
"I shall be who I shall be' this is Hebrew for I AM
"Truth" "Faith" In Hebrew, "Truth and "Faith" are both from the same root. In Kabbalah, they correspond to the perfected 'male' and female' states of reality which when consummately UNITED bring redemption to the world. In the words of the Zohar .
He is truth and she is faith. This is what Jesus taught the two become one.........
And following on from Plotinus 'how does one become God like?'
By purifying consciousness.
In purifying perceptional consciousness one achieves the purity of conscious vision and this is what Plato is inferring. When we achieve conscious vision we see through the eyes of God that everything is perfect; because we have moved beyond the illusion of the duality of self-limitation into the oneness of God, the unified field of pure consciousness.
Divine Love
RE: Question on Gnostic Gospels and females
I don't feel that you can just say, Divine Love, that Jesus was just speaking "tongue and cheek". I've heard others use this expression, and its troubling. Why? Because it allows you to translate anything however the heck you want to. Either you have to accept the WHOLE Gospel of Thomas or none of it, or do you really think it is fair to pick and choose? I'm surprised that no one else has taken a stab at this thread.
RE: Question on Gnostic Gospels and females
ORIGINAL: mcnabbmcnow
I'm surprised that no one else has taken a stab at this thread.
Hi Steve,
Well, I didn't because (1) lack of time; (2) when a post is replied to with very many quotes which are then countered in the following post (second post in the thread) it tends to indicate there's going to be a lot of disagreement :Dso I just opted out TBH; (3) I don't know enough about the Gnostics to be able to give an opinion either way so there was no point in my posting - I don't know about anyone else.
I just took a look up the thread but TBH there's too much info from one side so it doesn't come across as dialogue and I couldn't get a mental focus on where it was going. But I did happen to see the little debate about whether to 'pray in secret' or in public. IMO to pray in secret means kinda that, but doesn't mean not to pray in public. In fact, ritual and ceremony with many people together IMO has a collective power of its own. I'd read that to mean not to be showy - those who go around professing how holy they are usually are not, and those who keep quiet about their spiritual life usually have plenty up their sleeve. So you can 'pray in secret' in public (!) as no-one knows just how deep you are going.
LOL, I have one more point but have to switch to a PC with a quieter keyboard here - it's late and this rattles loudly. So another post coming.
RE: Question on Gnostic Gospels and females
Back again.
OK, this has nothing in particular to do with this thread. You know how several threads are going on simultaneously, and they boil down to the same different viewpoints. In one you wrote along the lines that posters here wouldn't take your faith away from you, and Judy commented in no way did she seek to. Well, I've looked for that thread and haven't got all day. I don't know which it is, but your words came back to me and I'd like to echo Judy.
I wouldn't want to take anyone's faith from them who is a member of any of the world religions. It's rare you change anothers POV anyway, but supposing one could or did? In that case in no way would I want to take anything from that person, but rather to add to what they have. You may not agree and I'd be surprised of course if you did! - but I'm of the belief that what I'd call the esoteric perspective on Jesus, on Christ, and on his life and its meaning is an enhancement of normal Christian understanding. Just as Paul wrote of 'milk' (for young-in-understanding Christians) and 'meat' as the deeper comprehension that can come, IMO common Christian theology is only the milk. It's a starting point, but it's quite limited and self-limiting.
There are not two people here (or anywhere?) who totally agree on everything, so just speaking for myself -
I believe that the life of Jesus happened pretty much as the gospels record (not that they are the literal words of God, but fairly accurate). I believe in his death, Resurrection, and most of all his Ascension. The point of departure is that I believe he was an examplar, come to teach what all might become. The one unique Son is a principle present in all, as is the Holy Spirit. Jesus really was the Son of God, but not unique in that. God is not absent from this world but imminent in it, and within us. The spiritual path is one of continual self-betterment, not a simplistic formula which, once accomplished, one is 'saved' and others are not but had better get their asbestos suits ready. ;)So we are all at different stages spiritually - stages of spirituality or of the self-realisation of God within us are a continuum, not a yes/no or saved/not saved matter. That's why Jesus said not just and only to believe on him but also "Be ye Perfect." The attempt to be literally perfect is there in the life-record and in the writings of the saints and sages of all time.
It's a shift in understanding that takes place. Most Christians believe that statements such as "I am the way" refer to Jesus. But the universal Christ Spirit can speak through people who embody that Spirit. In the OT we find God gives his 'name': I AM That I AM. This ispretty identical BTW with the earlier revelation in the Vedas: OM TAT SAT OM (Thou art That).Here the 'I AM' is the primordial 'name' - if it must be attempted to put it into words - of the Divinity. Jesus' statement might be written: "I AM the Way". The I AM is the Christ-potential all have ... and can we deny that some people we meet seem spiritually so very special and are not JUST saved? So we might translate the saying as "I AM, the Christ in you, is the Way. No man cometh to the Father (attains inner union with the Divine as I, Jesus have) except through 'me' the universal Christ."
Read that way, it means that we don't attain the purpose of life, union with God, except by becoming 'Perfect' as he said to do, becoming Christic.
So that's part of where I'm coming from. I'll close as it's not part of the thread subject. It could always be another thread.
RE: Question on Gnostic Gospels and females
I am sure Jesus, nor God, would NOT have said 'pray in secret' -- in fact, god does not want us to pray at all.
It would have been COMMUNE in secret - as it is ones own intimate communion with souls and Source that ascension becomes possible.
Divine Union is also about this communion (and integrating the female and male within).
RE: Question on Gnostic Gospels and females
I don't feel that you can just say, Divine Love, that Jesus was just speaking "tongue and cheek". I've heard others use this expression, and its troubling. Why? Because it allows you to translate anything however the heck you want to.
Its about understanding the nature of the man Mc I can give you other examples if you wish. It is obvious that Jesus had a sense of humour and why would you dream that he did not? I have also learnt in communion that he has a dry wit at times.
Either you have to accept the WHOLE Gospel of Thomas or none of it, or do you really think it is fair to pick and choose?
I embrace all of it and in wholeness Mc.
I agree Kolo I would be interesting to look at the root words. The other word is contemplation and I am sure that most people find contemplation in nature on one's own far superior to contemplation in a crowded room of other energies. As I write this it makes me think of the beautiful hillside sanctuary overlooking Assisi where St Francis would lay alone on the ground looking up at the sky. Surrounded by nature, trees, the sun and birds singing, such a wonderful place to be; we each went our own way alone in different directions in total peace. We just did not ever wish to leave this sacred place and could understand why St Francis spent so much time there.
Divine Love
RE: Question on Gnostic Gospels and females
in fact, god does not want us to pray at all.
I think that requires elaboration to say the least.
RE: Question on Gnostic Gospels and females
Many thoughts and actions.. we lose energy or we sometimes take energy.
All polarity thinking either takes or loses.
Prayer/praying .. loses chi
Communingis sovereign.
xx Kolo
RE: Question on Gnostic Gospels and females
Thanks for the comprehensive explanation. 😉
P.S. I think I'm getting the hang of 'new age-speak' by now. In that jargon you are saying I think that prayer is 'polarity' in the sense that a person praying feels outside God and praying to 'another' Being, whereas communion is being at-one with Divinity? I don't think we can dare topresume what is taking place in anybody's heart when they pray, and there is no clear dividing line at all between prayer, contemplation or meditation.We might say, for instance, that deep prayer is meditation with the focus upon words (and some prayer is without words).
As for the general concept - 'God does not want us to pray at all'. You only need to look up the NT and do a word search on prayer. If you know better than the NT however, then that's marvellous.
RE: Question on Gnostic Gospels and females
Venetian ..this is not about our love for God, or Jesus. It is about it being more of a collaboration rather than an begging/adoration - requesting an intervention, when it is there already, or rather - when the karma disallows any intervention at all.
We also discover, many beingshave appropriated everythinggood and wonderful ..religions, orders - and who we think we are'praying'/supplicating/adoring (loss of chi).. this chi actually goes to these beings.
it is like mantras, praying - is sort of closing the door.. there are no questions, there are only statements and requests, with no intent of hearing an answer.
RE: Question on Gnostic Gospels and females
Hi Kolo,
With respect it is clear IMO that you don't understand prayer and the understanding of what it is or can be is superficial here. What they called 'prayer' was obviously an incredibly deep experience to, for example, Christian mystics and saints such as St. John of the Cross of St. Therese. Again, there's no hard delineated dividing line between prayer and other techniques of spiritual communion. As I wrote already, we can't dare to presume we know what is going on in another's heart during prayer. And as I already wrote, Jesus prayed and goodness knows how many times the word crops up in a NT search. For myself, I tend to believe Jesus knew what he was talking about. Frankly given a choice I'd say Jesus is right, not a forum post I've read here.
I see you are saying that mantras are wrong too. Looks like the closing of many doors, the closing off of many spiritual techniques that do work wonderfully. Still yer takes yer choice and it's up to you. And it looks like the opinions are absolute, so good luck.
RE: Question on Gnostic Gospels and females
There has been a lot of research on the impact of prayer, so then one can ask oneself why it works? For me it is all about 'intention' and that is the difference between prayer with intent to create and sheer abandonment of intent through communion with the divine in oneness with no specific intent. There are many types of prayer and it is not specific in the bible translations what type Jesus was doing because there are so many contradictions in the ancient texts and some translations are not true to their roots. In the Gospel of Thomas Jesus severly warns that people should not pray or use alms at all. So what could this mean? It could be referring to using our powerful intent to interfere with another's energy/soul consciousness and this would be tantamont to invasion and contravening and transgressing the cosmic laws. In the same way as many medicinal mind altrering drugs interfere with the soul's journey. In the bible itself Jesus also speaks out about mantra's and advises not to repeat a babble like the pagans. However, this quote could have been included by the early Church fathers just like a translator in the 1600's added the words about 'salt of the earth'.
Yesterday I did a search on the root of prayer and found this.
: Prayer
The Hebrew word for prayer is tefilah. It is derived from the root Pe-Lamed-Lamed and the word l'hitpalel, meaning to judge oneself. This surprising word origin provides insight into the purpose of Jewish prayer. The most important part of any Jewish prayer, whether it be a prayer of petition, of thanksgiving, of praise of G-d, or of confession, is the introspection it provides, the moment that we spend looking inside ourselves, seeing our role in the universe and our relationship to G-d.
The Yiddish word meaning "pray" is "daven," which ultimately comes from the same Latin root as the English word "divine".
So that is an interesting interpretation 'judging the self' e.g. judging the divine self with intent.
However, I agree with Kola there is no need to pray when the creator already knows what people need before they need it. When people are in tune with their souls, the divine provide all the guidance and wisdom that a person needs; as and when they need it on a need to know basis. Sadly, until people realise how omnipotent they are as creators of intent and purpose they will continue to believe in tradtional prayer and this of course can be viewed as separation; perceiving a greater force outside of the self. When in reality it is As above, so below. The divine once said to me that the divine were praying for me. When I asked why the response can back 'so that you continue to only listen to us, the thought of the divine praying for me came as a great shock. So once again what appears to be a contradiction.
Divine Love
RE: Question on Gnostic Gospels and females
I tend to quote the Bible from memory, and no way can I instantly give chapter and verse. But in the OT "God" - which I take to be an esoteric teaching - says "As concering the works of my hands [ what Divinity can manifest in the physical world] COMMAND YE ME." That means that prayer is not 'begging', sorry, but prayer done right is the adjustment of atoms and of all energy as we can command by the Spoken Wordthat energy to then accomplish divine tasks. Prayer is wonderful. It is not begging endquote but the working with the Divine pranas.
If anybody holds the concept that prayer is "begging" then IMHO they have a great deal to learn, and for the third time I say they should not judge what people are doing when they say they pray. The absolute and total oneness with God occurs under many terms.
RE: Question on Gnostic Gospels and females
H all,
I can see it's time I re-wrote my deleted thread "Effective Prayer"! There are at least three types of prayer - the prayer of petition; of gratitude; and of affirmation. Kolo was talking about the prayer of petition above.
In Christian Science, we have found the prayer of affirmation to be the most effective. The way that I see it is that all true prayer is a deep communion with God, the divine universal Mind. It is leaving behind the human mind and uniting with (or yielding to) the divine. in CS, we start from the standpoint of absolute perfection, of the understanding trust in the absolute certainty of good. We understand that we are the image and likeness of God and therefore, the glorious conditions of Spirit are the only conditions of man. The next logical step is to realise that actually, there is nothing to pray about, as all is well. What we pray for is to understand and perceive reality as God knows it.
Here are some of my favourite explanations on what prayer is and does:
"….The real work of prayer is not to get God to act properly but to empower us to live more fully in the light of His very real goodness…." Allison Phinney
and from the writings of Mary Baker Eddy:
Prayer cannot change the Science of being, but it tends to bring us into harmony with it.
Prayer cannot change the unalterable Truth, nor can prayer alone give us an understanding of Truth; but prayer, coupled with a fervent habitual desire to know and do the will of God, will bring us into all Truth.
True prayer is not asking God for love; it is learning to love, and to include all mankind in one affection. Prayer is the utilization of the love wherewith He loves us. Prayer begets an awakened desire to be and do good. It makes new and scientific discoveries of God, of His goodness and power. It shows us more clearly than we saw before, what we already have and are; and most of all, it shows us what God is
Love and peace,
RE: Question on Gnostic Gospels and females
Yes, Judy, thanks for clarifying as it looks like it was needed. "Petition" is what was intended by Kolo, clearly.
As for somewhere in the OT, 'God' saying "Concerning the works of my hands [what Divine energy can do] Command Ye Me" - obviously so-calledlowly mortals are not intended to command a higher being, but rather this was IMO written down as part of 'Cosmic Law' - that the impersonal energies of the Godhead are there to be affected by every thought, feeling and spoken word anybody ever makes, and all shape our lives, so the 'initiate'for want of a better term "Commands" this energy of God by affirmation and invocation into bringing forth healing, abundance, wisdom, and all goodness throughout the Earth ... by the spoken Word [how else to "command ye Me"?].
RE: Question on Gnostic Gospels and females
And when humanity realises its own omnipotence as a creator of reality; there is no need to command the source because you have become one with the source. And thus no separation.
Divine Love
RE: Question on Gnostic Gospels and females
Yes Divine Love , that is it .. no separation. Divine Union/Omnipresence.
When one has this Divine Union - ongoing communion with ones Souls and Source.
The first thing they ask you to do, is to stop praying.
They do not want your prayers (yes our love and our UNDERSTANDING - THEY REQUIRE 'COMMUNION'.
I'm afraid one wont find the answers in the works and words of others (no matter how popular, how circulated, and for how long)- as during communion, we channel our own truth, our own answers .. and it will be this channelled info. that will ascend each individual.
Because what will work for one, wont work for another - what is ones truth, is not necessarily anothers.
WE are not our Source, our Omnipresense just yet .. not quite.
There is quite a bit of inner work to do(self healing)to attain any level of higher consciousness and Being.
But we do require mentoring and guidance from our Omnipresence to attain it.
And this is not through prayer, but through Communion (questions and answers).
RE: Question on Gnostic Gospels and females
Once the soul consciousness is truly purified it merges with the spirit then oneness with the source is achieved Kolo.
Then you do not need anymore guidance or mentoring.
Divine Love
RE: Question on Gnostic Gospels and females
Sorry, sorry, and I really should keep serious here. But I don't think I'd like to mix with this "they" (the MIB?) and I feel pretty sure they'd run scared from me too. So never the twain shall meet?
[Just in case anybody takes me literally(!)[:-], I don't actually acknowledge any 'they' as being objectively real as actually existing, so we are IMO dealing with the unconscious of someone, yet again, IMHO.]
Actually I suppose it is pretty serious, as this kind of thing IMO marks where rational logic spills over into the irrational - sorry again! 😀