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Prayer that arrests terrorism

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Terrorism is the fear of fear itself and sometimes, this fear can paralyse us into feeling there’s nothing we can do about it and that at any moment we may become its helpless victim. Well, there is something that is effective - prayer.

I have read so many instances where spiritual alertness brought the angel messages - the intuitions from God that either prevented a terrorist act, protected those who it was meant to kill and main or arrested the perpetrators. There was a wonderful instance in N Ireland (where prayer was going on continuously for peace and protection) where some cows in a field ate through the detonator wire that should have activated a mine to blow up British soldiers due to use that road. Those were some spiritually-guided cows!

The foiled plot today to kill untold numbers in aircraft bombings made me think of Jesus’ words:

Fear them not therefore: for there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; and hid, that shall not be known.
(Matthew 10, Luke 12)

We need to prayerfully put the whole world (yes, even those deluded individuals who think that an act of mindless murder is the will of God) where we all belong - under the shadow of the Almighty (Ps 91 - the Psalm of protection)

I have found three articles on that will help us pray for our world:

Prayer that arrests terrorism
Mark Swinney

In prayer, we confront with the power of God the motives and thoughts behind criminal acts, recognizing that such acts are unnatural to God’s creation and never come from Him.

The war on selfishness
Tony Lobl Reprinted from the September 12, 2005, issue of the Christian Science Sentinel.

If there was a world where everyone was as unselfish as my Indian-born fellow Londoner, there would be no terror to war against. Terrorism absolutely requires self-centeredness to make a terrorist. No one can qualify for the role without it.

A spiritual resource for dealing with terrorism

Rosalie E. Dunbar Reprinted from the October 2004 issue of The Christian Science Journal.

Speaking of the Civil War in the United States, Mrs. Eddy wrote: “The history of our country, like all history, illustrates the might of Mind, and shows human power to be proportionate to its embodiment of right thinking. A few immortal sentences, breathing the omnipotence of divine justice, have been potent to break despotic fetters and abolish the whipping-post and slave market; but oppression neither went down in blood, nor did the breath of freedom come from the cannon’s mouth. Love is the liberator.”

[link= ][/link]

Love and peace,

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RE: Prayer that arrests terrorism

I love that story about the cows..makes more meaning of the phrase 'holy cow'

Prayer is a wonderful response to what we are seeing/hearing in the media today

I also pray for the transformation of the terrorist in me, so that contributes to world peace, along with asking forgivesness for all thoughts in me that may in any way have contributed to this


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RE: Prayer that arrests terrorism

ORIGINAL: tigress

I also pray for the transformation of the terrorist in me, so that contributes to world peace, along with asking forgivesness for all thoughts in me that may in any way have contributed to this

That's so beautiful tigress! 🙂

Tony Lobl was saying just that sort of thing in his article about the war on selfishness (that he sees as underlying all terrorism) - that we have to pray to overcome selfishness in ourselves first and quotes Mary Baker Eddy's words:

Self-love is more opaque than a solid body. In pa-
tient obedience to a patient God, let us labor to dis-
solve with the universal solvent of Love the adamant
of error, — self-will, self-justification, and self-love, —
which wars against spirituality and is the law of sin and death.
(Science and Health p 242)

(An adamant is an inpenetrably hard stone)

Love and peace,


Edited to correct font size

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RE: Prayer that arrests terrorism

Exactly what is it that you are praying for? Are you praying to have those that believe in God's will within the religion they follow to convert to yours so there wont be as I stated in my other posts "Intentional Killings"? In their minds they are just doing God's will and they don't see evil with their actions. Therefore how is it really called a sin since you're still only looking at it using just your beliefs?

In essence you are no diffrent than them or anyone who influences others to their viewpoint except they are doing things a bit more openly by killing others whereas you are doing things more quietly and slowly. A bit more devious if you ask me.

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RE: Prayer that arrests terrorism


I have to say that I find your last post hugely offensive on a personal level considering that it's addressed at a lovely lady who has absolutely no agenda whatsoever as far as converting other people to her religious beliefs. I know for a fact that she respects every individual's right to their own faith and has never ever tried to convert anyone to her own deeply held beliefs.
The title of this thread is 'prayers that counter terrorism' - please tell me how you read that, or any of the posts, and formulate the question

are you praying to have those that believe in God's will within the religion they follow to convert to yours

Yours is an unnecessarily provocative post and insulting to Judy (Principled). There is no need whatsoever to post in this tone. I protest and would dearly like to know your agenda. We have told you time and again that the vast majority of members of HP respect any and every point of view, religious or otherwise. I am not a moderator but I imagine they will not take kindly to your post as it falls outwith the rules of this forum in that it constitutes a personal attack on a member.


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RE: Prayer that arrests terrorism

Thank you, sunanda. This has now been referred to the other moderators for discussion.


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RE: Prayer that arrests terrorism

Sunanda -
Perhaps I'm bothered with the thought that we're putting so much importance into prayer to counter terrorism, to go against terrorists, when infact our prayers are battling the prayers of the terrorits themselves. I find it quite ironic. The terrorists are praying to stop the "intruders"... they're praying to their god for our beliefs to end. So the way I see it, and the way I interperit "prayers that counter terrorism", seems to be an episode of Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom where 2 rams fighting over terrority head butt each other again and again etc etc, but to what end?

I see us fighting so hard over a piece of land when yes, in essence it's just a piece of land, but for what... so they can prove their point? It's also so we can prove ours. The only diffrence is that they are using unpleasantly harsh methods to make their point, but in the end what have we accomplished? We pray to our God to make it stop and to see the brighter side (the "Enlightened" side), but what does that mean? The way that I take it is 'for them to see the enlightened side' means for them to discontinue their beliefs and believe things from your beliefs. So yes, I do see this as trying to "convert" someone. I find it difficult to see it any other way, but the message I'm trying to give as well is this: Yes, prayers are improtant; however what are we truly accomplishing by fighting terrorism by prayer?

Millions of people have been praying for years, but perhaps we're putting too much emphasis on prayer and making that the only action. I'm heated because I see soo many good people day after day dying because not enough is being done. These wars have turned into " my god vs your god", and whos god is stronger... whos god will win? I'm as much for possitive praying as any other person on this forum, but I dont see how positive prayer alone will arrest terrorism.

This forum is for open thoughts and you've prompted some of mine. Perhaps my words have come accross a bit harsh, but isn't it nice that your words can spur such emotion? I'd also like to add that if Judy is not out to "convert" then why is she offended by my username when she said it was "dark" that I should present my real identity without hiding behind an enigma? Im sorry, but she is trying to convert me into what is only appealing to her views. She still failed to mention to me how she is really solving the issues of mankind by using her views for the salvation of mankind when she herself takes offence to other peoples interests such as my username. As such a pety thing as it is.. it is offencive to me and I dont see how she is not influencing and trying to convert others.

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RE: Prayer that arrests terrorism

Oh gosh, I said to myself that I wasn't going to write anything else here, but with your last post I'm getting a sense of the 'real you' reaching out and I'm touched. I suppose, OL (and Judy isn't offended by your name, it's just that we are a friendly lot here on HP and most people are known by their Christian names as well as their sign in names). Anyway, I take your points but a little clarification is needed as to who you mean when you talk about 'we', 'us', 'them' etc. I can't speak for anyone else but I am simply praying for peace - not for one side or the other to 'win'. I just want the killing to end. Wherever.

Actually you've repeated words I used elsewhere, namely that the concept of 'my god is stronger/better than your god' is so plainly patently obviously STUPID...and is the cause of so much bloodshed and killing.

Personally I pray because there is nothing else that puny little old me can do to influence world events in any way whatsoever. So it's all I can do....Oh and sign petitions and contribute to this forum...a bit feeble but at least it's something.

OL, please don't sound so angry all the time. You come on here and start slagging people off (or that's what it sounds like), you take offence at things that are really not meant to be offensive. We know nothing about you...but we're all humans and we're all just trying to do the best we can. Just like you!

With love
Sunanda xxx

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RE: Prayer that arrests terrorism

I think you've hit the nail on the head with my last post. I'm concerned with all the killings from these terrorists plots and I'm sharing my concern which seems to come accross in an angry tone. I feel free to speak my mind in here as there seems to be alot of open individuals who listen and not judge me.

To touch on your point I find it very humorous, in a way, that what I say is taken offencivly, but I'm told that I take things offencivly as well. When I joined the forum I was told that my username was [color="#cc0099"]"dark and negative"as well as [color="#ff00cc"]"sinister"[color="#000000"]. So I find it difficult to believe that Principled (Judy) has not taken offence. I'm glad that we can make it back to the topic and go past this silliness.

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RE: Prayer that arrests terrorism


Yes, you're right, no matter what differences of opinion we have, basically we're all on the same side - just coming from different directions!

You know, something that I learned a long time ago which I've found very useful to apply when people push my buttons, is that very very often what I object to or dislike in others is the very same thing that I have deep inside myself. People mirror our own fears and dislikes basically. So, with no offence meant - honestly, it could well be that you think other people are offended - when they're not, maybe they're just commenting in a semi-humorous way even - because you are offended by them. It's a cycle ... and of course it's not helped because when we're reading/writing, as we are here, we can't see facial signals (a smile for example) or hear tones of voice. And of course we don't even know each we may not be prepared to make allowances as we would for friends or family.

So now we're buddies, how about giving us a first name...please?

With love
Sunanda xxx

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RE: Prayer that arrests terrorism

I completly agree on what your saying but, I am puzzled by the fact that you yourself found my first post offencive yet try to defend someone else by saying that they could be "commenting in a semi-humorous way". However you origionaly got bitter to a point where you made it clear to me that the moderators won't take it kindly to my so-called personal attack in my first post which I had no intention in the first place of attacking which you stated that it was.

Clearly not everyone here is following what should be a "on the same side" sort of stand point when I have asked non-offencive questions and have yet to recieve any replies in the other topics let alone this topic. I came here under the impression that I could debate about intelectual topics concerning religion. What I'm seeing in return is more or less bitterness to objections rather than rational reasoning. Therefore it follows the same concept of what I was refering about in my above posts on how one group prays for the other to stop and end the killings when the other group is praying for the complete opposite. Im sure the people in this forum that you consider to be open for debates who you think are "on the same side" are probably praying so that I or those who object to their beliefs will eventually agree with them.

Sorry if someone thinks that I am playing Devils advocate but, I have a right to express my objections or is there a rule preventing me from that? A true Peacemaker won't get offended or agitated by objections.

My name is Matthew

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RE: Prayer that arrests terrorism

With her Moderator's hat on now:

Ican see this thread has now gone [sm=offtopic.gif]andmust ask that posters refer to the subject matterwhich is
'Prayer that arrests terrorism'.

I would also like to thank Matthew for all his efforts in trying to keep his postings on a friendly basis. Can you all please keep things 'friendly' now and refrain from any personalattacks on each other. As per the forum guidelines.

Any foul or hostile language used will not be tolerated. This includes any derogatory statements and profanity. Direct or indirect personal attacks are strictly not permitted. Insults and negative attitudes are not allowed. Saying you don't agree & why, can be done in a good humoured and polite way without causing offence.

Many thanks
on behalf of the HP Moderating Team

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RE: Prayer that arrests terrorism

I am so sorry moonfairy if you're referring to me, as I absolutely had no intention of making a personal attack on matthew. As a personal friend of Principled, I had been upset by what I perceived to be a false interpretation of her posting and was genuinely confused as to where matthew was coming from or what point he wanted to make. I have not been online lately so have only just come back to this thread.

Actually I was just trying to make friends: possibly in a hamfisted kind of way. I would repeat my earlier point about how easy it is to misinterpret the written word.
I feel now that I don't really know what I or anyone else is saying on this thread any more and was actually surprised when I checked my original post to matthew to find that I had posted so vehemently ('I am hugely offended on a personal level....' etc). How awful of me to say such a thing. I hope everyone concerned will accept my apologies (and please don't think I am being sarcastic as I mean this most sincerely).
When it comes down to it, Matthew, of course you have the right to your opinion and to post that opinion. I am no longer offended. I hope you are not either. I posted in haste. I repent at leisure.

With love
Sunanda xxx
