Like everyone watching the horrific images on the news and yearning to be able to do something to help, I found this article very helpful as it suggests ways in which to pray and prayer is effective.
[url]Prayer for Burma[/url]
Love and peace,
Gosh, what a week! Now our prayers are so needed for China too.
I found this on this morning
[url]China—in the arms of Love[/url]
Love and peace,
Thanks, Judy, for your links. I'm horrified that the junta in Burma is not allowing aid personnel into the country. What are these people like? How can they live with themselves. At least China is more open nowadays. My prayers go to all the victims and their families and loved ones. Apparently great numbers of children were killed in Burma.
Hi Sunanda,
At least the Chinese government obviously care about their people and are mobilising great numbers of troops and it seems that everything that humanly can be done is being done, but as you say, Burma is another story. Still we must not give up hope and our prayers. Nothing is impossible to God.
Love and peace,
I would like to send peace,love and healing, to all those in need.........may the Divine light shine on those who are suffering, and bring them much needed comfort.
love and blessings