hi all
panorama program!!!!!!!!
,since in a recent thread this topic came up ,i feel that it would be interesting to see how both men and women feel about this subject.
i saw a program once ,quite some time ago now ,like a panorama type program.
it was about pms( moods and anger experiences)and the effect it had on the emotional lives of men !
of course i assume not all women suffer this badly( i dont know?) i have experienced similar but was not as problomatic as the program i watched.
but this was a selective few choosen to talk about it , the program presented the fact that it was more common than thought, men suffer in silence ,some beaten(in extreme cases), and that most men just were constantly pushed to low self esteem, worried about their wife and how to cope.
no advice was available, and they were not sure how to approach their wife to discuss this,
the program was directed at the ( silent men ) whom sufferand in extreme cases was seen as abuse.
the program portrayed that it was common and that most men find it hard to talk about it , and that relationships break down or suffer.couples split up because of there failure to talk about it.
this may not be as common today, women feel heathier,fitter in todays life stlye possibly better help ,treatments,???i dont know.[sm=confused-smiley-012.gif]
when i watched this program i was surprised as to how men are affected by this ,and the program portrayed it as a big problem.
do women want men to understand more ,or expect them to understand already.?
maybe if men knew how to learn about this they could help understand.!
just points !
it would be nice to see views on both sides to see how or if affect someone you know?
or advice as to how someone reading this (both men and women) would gain from it?.
experiences that others may have had that had a good outcome?
i thought interesting to post ,for both womens views as well of mens.[sm=scratchchin.gif]
god bless
RE: pms and men, interesting to see the replies here!!!!!!!!!
first of all, didn't see the programme. however, my lucky partner lives with 2 very strong women and has, so far, survived relatively intact! he knows when we are approaching our 'moon times' before we do and mentally prepares himself for being snapped at, wrong about everything and accused of being demanding, illogical and difficult! he has learned that we need to be pampered, pandered to, fed regularily and provided with lavender bubble baths and candles around this time. also, to keep his distance!
RE: pms and men, interesting to see the replies here!!!!!!!!!
Hii Andre,
Interesting post. I can't say I remember ever having beaten any men up!
Joking aside - I'm sure it probably is a serious issue for some men.
However, the main reason I've replied is that I wonder whether you realise that you've posted this in the Religion/Faiths section? Did you mean to? It would seem to live better in the Mental and Emotional to me.
RE: pms and men, interesting to see the replies here!!!!!!!!!
hi judy
thanks for that, i was supposed to list in general discussions,where this came from i dont know?
daft me![sm=nuts.gif]
northernlights, sound like you got him trained well[sm=love-smiley-009.gif],[sm=scratchchin.gif]good stuff.i think i need some pampering like that , my wife would never go for it.[sm=sad2.gif]ah well[sm=nature-smiley-008.gif]
thanks again
god bless
RE: pms and men, interesting to see the replies here!!!!!!!!!
we do actually do the same for him when he's in need of TLC!
RE: pms and men, interesting to see the replies here!!!!!!!!!
hi northernlights
now your making me jealous !,
god bless
RE: pms and men, interesting to see the replies here!!!!!!!!!
Well my OH regularly reminds me that PMS doesnt exist and that even female Dr's don't believe it exists and that its just an excuse for being a moody bitch! I do sometimes wonder where the hell i found him[sm=banghead.gif] Luckily i have enough facts and figures to put him straight - as well as my fist, kitchen knife and baseball bat - only joking![sm=eeeK.gif]
RE: pms and men, interesting to see the replies here!!!!!!!!!
One of the most empowering spiritual gifts of my life came courtesy of Native American relatives who introduced the concept of "Moontime Isolation" to me. The Sacred Moon Lodge is a powerful, empowering ritual practiced by Native American and other cultures.
A woman's menstrual cycle is a tremendously powerful time and it's no wonder that we have struggles when we ignore the call to go within and retreat. Modern women have no time to retreat but, in my awareness, they will have more time eventually if they will dedicate some time to honoring the Moontime. It is the time of month when a woman is closest to Source.
The simple act of isolating and praying for others and for vision that will help the planet has helped many a woman turn their pms into creative and productive energy.
RE: pms and men, interesting to see the replies here!!!!!!!!!
I think the cases you mention are probably quite extreme as you say.
I think there's no doubt about it, hormone fluctuations before a period definately has the tendency to make women feel a bit irritable, but I dislike it when women use it as an excuse or over-dramatise what they're feeling. A few monhs ago I was reading into the mind-body link of women's cycles and have to say it was really interesting. One of the theories is that hormones don't actually create irritibility, aggravation, moodiness, anger, sadness or even despair, but rather they accentuate what's already there. Therefore, metaphysically they are an extremely useful tool because they highlight which emotions or emotional patterns we've created for ourselves, and accentuate them, bring them to the fore.
I think that hnasc makes a brilliant observation in her post above, where she talks about using the menstrual cycle as a time to quietly retreat and pay special attention to intuition and body consciousness. I think if women in general regarded their periods as sacred and ensured they took care of their bodies to minimise symptoms (like ensuring proper nutrition and sleep) then we'd all feel so much better and wouldn't need to complain.
RE: pms and men, interesting to see the replies here!!!!!!!!!
Oh Az, how I agree with your second paragraph. Womens' cycles are sacred, and if they became more aware of themselves they'd know that. I have read articles and seen adverts where (some) women claim that they'd be a lot happier without their periods, but I find this quite disturbing. Menstrual cycles are naturaland confirm the feminine in us. Why anyone would want to deny that in themselves, I do not know. If these women stopped to think about how special their periods are, they'd be a lot less stressful.