After the Witch Persecutions of the 15 and 16 hundreds, the great plague occurred.
After the Holocaust we now have HIV
After the gulf war we now have bird flu.
Does anyone see a spiritual link between mans wrong doing and his suffering.
I believe that when mankind does great wrong God punishes them.
From a Christian perspective maybe Jesus father in heaven was the God of the Jews, and the whole of creation.
After all there was a giant earthquake when he was crucified, so perhaps the current theory that Jesus is Lord of all is wrong, also if I remeber correctly he taught each others forgiveness of sin, yet my father who is a bit spiritually wrong beleives that it is Gods forgiveness of our sins and not each other,
I believe that as a result of the third reich God became so irate at the loss of his chosen people that he swore to wipe out pretty much all of mankind,
Revenge is not always sweet, it all depends how one gets it.
From a personal perspective I firmly believe that Jesus was right in his chosen path and that had his teachings not been perverted we would not be suffering as a planet nearly so much as we are now.
It all takes time.
When someone does something wrong to someone they are not always punished right away, sometimes vengeance teaches a stronger lesson.
Jesus was "a" son of god, yet because of the temple authorities, he was murdered. Could it be that this same order is still in defiance of their creator
or could it be that we are being led by the most deceptive intelligence most often referred to as Seth.
When the world was created it was perfect yet when a child loses it's toy it can become angry. When a man is killed his friends will seek revenge, yet when his friends die with him it is God who seeks revenge,
God rules the three worlds, and if people "come" to him with sad or bad news he will always look into things.
And the Devil was sent to test them.
But God will be the judge.
The Devil the punisher, yet in the living too.
Probably after the current holocaust of psychiatric and pharmaceutical drugs, there will be a new disease for those who think they can "get rid of" those they don't like, perhaps it is depression, perhaps obesity, perhaps worse,
Don't mess with God because he can really mess with you.
And don't think he doesn't exist because you can't see him.
When you look in the mirror who's face do you see ?
You see what people are saying about you, you see how you are being judged, and you see who's looking at you.
God is our father, we came from him, it breaks his heart when people go wrong. It makes no sense to make up laws which are false in their intentions, and especially when they are the result of false God's and evil spirits.
If you are to remember correctly the only commandments given to our race, were the ten commandments, if you read on you can eventually be told that there was one who stood in the house of God and claimed to be God,
It also says that the beast would be beloved in heaven until they heard what he had done, it also says that the "beast" would no longer deceive the nations of earth any longer, ie: the rules on witchcraft and sorcery were actually the product of a liar, and murderor who made out that the Lord was saying them.
Impersonation, Purgery, Murder, Incitement, and bad intents are but a few of the felonies that the God Seth have committed, but above all if people do not interpret the Bible correctly, the prophesy of Revelation, will come true.
Where there is evil, there will always be good, Where there is Good there need be no evil, yet where there is understanding, evil can be constrained, and taught to be good.
Your comments please.
cannot believe you feel like this >Not one word of gods love just pushment.This is terrible It make me feel sad :012:
I believe in self responsibility, and judge myself, and respect karmic balance.
I do my best to be on good terms with all persons but the same time be on good terms with myself, and always aim to hit the pillow with a clean conscience.
I do not believe that God deals out punishment, nor the devil stokes the fires of damnation.
Sorry Patient Much but I have to disagree with you.
After the Holocaust we now have HIV
After the gulf war we now have bird flu.
Just because the earliest known trace of HIV is from around 1950 does not mean that it's a result of the Holocaust, especially as it seems to trace back to non-European countries and may possibly have crossed from other species to Humans at that time. There's a good chance it already existed way before then. A for Bird Flu that is likely to have originated (records are hard to come by) from anything up to 412 BC. ()
Just because science is able to identify them and give them a name in modern times does not mean that they have only just come into existence.
Your statements sound like pure scaremongering for the purpose of Religious propaganda.
yet my father who is a bit spiritually wrong beleives
Is this not judgmental behaviour? Do you have the right to be so judgemental?
God became so irate
it is God who seeks revenge
But God will be the judge
Don't mess with God because he can really mess with you
And there was me thinking God was pure Love.
If you are to remember correctly the only commandments given to our race, were the ten commandments
Actually there are many ancient texts pre-dating the bible that define many similar sorts of Rules and Guidelines for living a good an healthy life. I think it is wrong to insist that the ten commandments are the 'only' commandments given to our race. Perhaps you need to do a little more research into other religions and belief systems.
ie: the rules on witchcraft and sorcery were actually the product of a liar, and murderor who made out that the Lord was saying them
This shows a naiive or no understanding of Wicca practices. There is much good done by the practices of such believers.
Impersonation, Purgery, Murder, Incitement, and bad intents are but a few of the felonies that the God Seth have committed
Well that's one way you can label everyone who doesn't believe in God but I don't think you can say it's representative. I don't believe in God but, to the best of my knowledge, I am not guilty of any of the things you define there.
evil can be constrained, and taught to be good.
Who determines what is evil and what is good? It's not black and white.
Love and Reiki Hugs
After the Holocaust we now have HIV
Why choose the Holocaust? There have been numerous atrocities at all times of human history. It's stretching it a bit - OK, a lot - to link the two: they are untold years apart. Since gays and Africans are suffering most from HIV, what did they have to do with the Holocaust? Bad logic IMHO.
After the gulf war we now have bird flu.
It's known that we've always had bird flu. It goes back centuries, and arises in a major way every several decades (which it hasn't done yet again since 1917-8). So again I disagree with your logic.
I believe that when mankind does great wrong God punishes them.
You're free to believe that if you will, but like others I don't believe God "punishes" anyone. I do believe in karma and its return, which is more subtle and not a punishment.
After all there was a giant earthquake when he was crucified, so perhaps the current theory that Jesus is Lord of all is wrong,
I never thought it was right! (Not a theory, by the way, but a doctrine or dogma.)
Oh golly Patience Much, what a dark depressing post!
You certainly don’t describe the God that I love and know as universal, unconditional divine Love!
In John’s first epistle, chaper 4, he wrote: "And we have known and believed the love that God hath to us. God is love; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him." "There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love. We love him, because he first loved us."
John started those letters with these words: "And these things write we unto you, that your joy may be full. This then is the message which we have heard of him, and declare unto you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all."
Does light know darkness?
If disease and suffering were sent by God, Love, why did Love then send Jesus to show us the way out of disease and suffering?
I’m afraid old theology just isn’t logical to me and most important – it doesn’t work. You can’t heal when you hold such dark vies of God.
Do have a read of these wonderful healings of beloved pets when the writer changed her concept of God, from one similar to yours (when there were no answers to prayer) and to the higher view. Here is the link:
[url]Now My Heart Sings[/url]
Mary Baker Eddy, who re-discovered the healing power of the Bible, wrote:
Whosoever believeth that wrath is righteous or that divinity is appeased by human suffering, does not understand God. (Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures p 22)
God is All, and by virtue of this nature and allness He is cognizant only of good. Like a legislative bill that governs millions of mortals whom the legislators know not, the universal law of God has no knowledge of evil, and enters unconsciously the human heart and governs it. (Miscellaneous Writings p 206)
Whatever appears to be law, but partakes not of the nature of God, is not law, but is what Jesus declared it, "a liar, and the father of it." God is the law of Life, not of death; of health, not of sickness; of good, not of evil. It is this infinitude and oneness of good that silences the supposition that evil is a claimant or a claim. The consciousness of good has no consciousness or knowledge of evil; and evil is not a quality to be known or eliminated by good: while iniquity, too evil to conceive of good as being unlike itself, declares that God knows iniquity! (Miscellaneous Writings p 259)
Her words were not some pleasant, bland, abstract theory – she lived them and proved them (as did the writer of the article above):
When I have most clearly seen and most sensibly felt that the infinite recognizes no disease, this has not separated me from God, but has so bound me to Him as to enable me instantaneously to heal a cancer which had eaten its way to the jugular vein.
In the same spiritual condition I have been able to replace dislocated joints and raise the dying to instantaneous health.......
Certain self-proved propositions pour into my waiting thought in connection with these experiences; and here is one such conviction: that an acknowledgment of the perfection of the infinite Unseen confers a power nothing else can. An incontestable point in divine Science is, that because God is All, a realization of this fact dispels even the sense or consciousness of sin, and brings us nearer to God, bringing out the highest phenomena of the All-Mind. (Unity of Good p 7)
From a personal perspective I firmly believe that Jesus was right in his chosen path and that had his teachings not been perverted we would not be suffering as a planet nearly so much as we are now.
I agree with you there, but I would say that had his teachings been understood in their spiritual import and not only his words, but his works taken as our model for life, the world would experience the harmony that is already present, yet unclaimed.
Love and peace,
God... Is... Love :nature-smiley-008:
[COLOR="DarkOrange"]God is Light
and in Her
is no darkness at all
:nature-smiley-008: :nature-smiley-008: :nature-smiley-008: :nature-smiley-008: :nature-smiley-008: :nature-smiley-008: :nature-smiley-008: :nature-smiley-008: :nature-smiley-008: :nature-smiley-008:
Open the heart.......and let the Sun shine In:nature-smiley-008:
Who is this god character? Why the anthromophization?
Why blame outside or inside influences?
God punishing for been a naughty boy, this is stuff of make believe.
This is just a form of escapism.
In chapter 18 of the Tao Te Ching (Dao De Jing) it says:
When the great Tao is forgotten,
goodness and piety appear.
When the body's intelligence declines,
cleverness and knowledge step forth.
When there is no peace in the family,
filial piety begins.
When the country falls into chaos,
patriotism is born.
In the third section of chapter 57:
Therefore the Master says:
I let go of the law,
and the people become honest.
I let go of economics,
and the people become prosperous.
I let go of religion,
and people became serene.
I let go of all desire for the common good,
and the common good becomes common as grass.
(Stephen Mitchell translation)
Dis-ease and illness is a reflection of mankind (and womankind) not adapting or flowing with the course of nature whether within or without. Reduce the resistance to life (internal or external) and you reduce dis-ease - whether on a physical, psychological, sociological, ecological or spiritual levels. We should stop blaming. All we need to do is change are hearts - isn't that what Jesus was trying to tell us!
Best Wishes
Reiki Pixie (going a bit philosophical after a glass of wine)