Does anyone know, and can tell me anything about the Penticostal religion?
Just interested to know about it, as a family member has just started seeing someone of that religion.
Summer 🙂
Pentecostals are Christians who believe that you must be born again to enter the Kingdom of Heaven, that is to have a "conversion" experience and become Christians. They also believe that the Holy Spirit comes down and "baptises" one in the Spirit. The signs of this are usually that people enter a trance and "speak in tongues", which are usually explained as angelic languages rather than languages on earth. The gifts of the Spirit are usually given as: "speaking in tongues", healing, wisdom, knowledge, prophecy, prayer.
Their meetings are usually quite entertaining!
They are usually quite fundamentalist. I myself attended Pentecostal churches when I was a teenager, which is when I discovered I had the gift of healing. I was scared by this so I ran away from it for years, only rediscovering it after I had had Reiki. I often wonder what they would make of the way I use my gifts now - I suppose they'd think I'd gone over to the dark side!
Hope this helps.
Thank you for that ChrisRams, mind you I am still having problems understanding.
Are they excepting of other religions, or is it a matter of having to convert to be excepted.
This person is very secretive, and has said nothing will come of the relationship. From what I can gather its almost as if he is slightly brainwashed...........or maybe he is like it because that's what his family expect of him, to continue along with their beliefs.
To put it bluntly, is my daughter being used?
I don't think your daughter is being used, especially as this man has said that nothing will come of the relationship. Pentecostals are not tolerant of other religions, but they stop short of insisting that partners convert: rather there is a lot of pressure exerted. I've no doubt that there are plenty of genuine people in that church, but there are also plenty of gullible people and plenty of manipulative people - in short just like any other church really!
Hi ChrisRams,
Thank's for that, yes it's true 'just like any other church'
summer 🙂
I know 2 Pentecostal families (one is a pastor in the Church) and they seem very nice. I don't know too much (ChrisRams knows much more) but i've been told that when the spirit comes down on them they start spekaing in tongues and when that starts the services can "rock and roll" (their words not mine ;)). Don't think they def want people to covert if they marry someone who isn't a Pentecostal but I guess they'd like people to convert (if that makes sense).
Unfortunately one of them inadvertantly told me that the Catholic church was the "whore of Babylon" which was nice - as I'm Catholic :rolleyes:. They didn't know beforehand though.
Perhaps you could go along to see their services ??
Yes Happygirl, I guess you've just revealed the extent of the tolerance of these people!
Yes Happygirl, I guess you've just revealed the extent of the tolerance of these people!
I didn't take it personally :D. Water off a duck's back. LOL.