Love is Life!
Those words are in capitals because they are not meant to indicate a human emotion or a mortal temporary sense of living, but to represent the universal, divine truth of the Source – whatever you call it!
I’m writing this is response to a thread on the Reiki forums, where some seem to consider that love is simply a human emotion and has nothing to do with healing.
I know that in Christian Science healing, not only does the healing come through divine Love, God, but without the human expression of love, it is just the cold dead letter. It's when i feel the presence of infinite Love, wrapping me up in a warm glow, often before the physical healing has been evidenced, that I know I am healed (and I'm talking about cure here)
We were put here to love! Love is the core of our being!
I hugely respect and cherish the vision of Julian of Norwich, a 14th century anchoress, who was healed on what was expected to be her deathbed and who had a series of revelations where she was taught by the crucified Jesus. Here are a few:
"And from the time that it was shown, I often asked to know what was our Lord's meaning. And fifteen years after and more, I was answered in inward understanding, saying this:
'Would you know your Lord's meaning in this? Learn it well. Love was his meaning. Who showed it you? Love. What did he show you? Love. Why did he show it? For love. Hold fast to this and you shall learn and know more about love. But you will never need to know nor learn anything else for ever. So was I taught that love was our Lord's meaning.
And so I saw full surely that before ever God made us, he loved us. And this love was never quenched, nor ever shall be. And in this love he has done all his works, and in this love he has made all things profitable to us, and in this love our life is everlasting.
In our making we had beginning, but the love in which he made us was without beginning, in which love we have our beginning. And all this shall we see in God without end."
From In Search of Julian of Norwich by Sheila Upjohn)
Also see
Mary Baker Eddy (who also had a revelation on what was expected to be her deathbed) told her students that the best way to heal was to:
[COLOR="Blue"]"Just live love - be it - love, love, love. Do not know anything but Love, Be all love. There is nothing else. That will do the work. It will heal everything: it will raise the dead. BE nothing but love." (We Knew Mary Baker Eddy, p. 134)
Divine Love is infinite. Therefore all that really exists is in and of God, and manifests His love. (Science and Health p 340)
Divine Love always has met and always will meet every human need. (Science and Health p 494)
Love and peace,
Love is Life!
Those words are in capitals because they are not meant to indicate a human emotion or a mortal temporary sense of living, but to represent the universal, divine truth of the Source – whatever you call it!
I’m writing this is response to a thread on the Reiki forums, where some seem to consider that love is simply a human emotion and has nothing to do with healing.
I know that in Christian Science healing, not only does the healing come through divine Love, God, but without the human expression of love, it is just the cold dead letter. It's when i feel the presence of infinite Love, wrapping me up in a warm glow, often before the physical healing has been evidenced, that I know I am healed (and I'm talking about cure here)
We were put here to love! Love is the core of our being!
I hugely respect and cherish the vision of Julian of Norwich, a 14th century anchoress, who was healed on what was expected to be her deathbed and who had a series of revelations where she was taught by the crucified Jesus. Here are a few:
Mary Baker Eddy (who also had a revelation on what was expected to be her deathbed) told her students that the best way to heal was to:
[COLOR="Blue"]"Just live love - be it - love, love, love. Do not know anything but Love, Be all love. There is nothing else. That will do the work. It will heal everything: it will raise the dead. BE nothing but love." (We Knew Mary Baker Eddy, p. 134)
Divine Love is infinite. Therefore all that really exists is in and of God, and manifests His love. (Science and Health p 340)
Divine Love always has met and always will meet every human need. (Science and Health p 494)
Love and peace,
A correction
This artical was written by Sue Harper Mims at her final class by Mary Baker Eddy, and the correct written note by this student is as follows.
"It is to Love-be it-Love,Love Love. Do not know anything but Love. There is nothing else. That will do the work. It will heal everything, It will raise the dead. Be nothing but Love."
As you see, love is in uppercase in the original letter of Miss Sue Harper Sims,
But the board of the Church at that time when putting those letters in bookform, Known as, We knew Mary Baker Eddy, desided to change it in lower case, as they reasoned that a person could not be Love, so they changed it to love. The Board could not grasp such teaching.
But Mary Baker Eddy and Sue Harper Mims, her favorate student were not refering to persons, But was teaching that there is only God, nothing else,and Man as His reflection, and a reflection does not have a mind.
Man is God individually reflected, and not, Man is the individually reflection of God.
Regards Meta
A correction
This artical was written by Sue Harper Mims at her final class by Mary Baker Eddy, and the correct written note by this student is as follows."It is to Love-be it-Love,Love Love. Do not know anything but Love. There is nothing else. That will do the work. It will heal everything, It will raise the dead. Be nothing but Love."
As you see, love is in uppercase in the original letter of Miss Sue Harper Sims,
Well well well Meta! So you were there in her class and not only heard what she said (Mary Baker Eddy was SPEAKING at the time, not writing) but obviously had a chat with her afterwards to get confirmation of whether it was uppercase or lowercase? 😀
And by the way, no-one, however hard they try could possibly "to Love" It is possible to love, but not to Love.
To continue with Love is Life - here is some more from Julian of Norwich:
"...and so I saw that God rejoices that he is our father and God rejoices that he is our mother and God rejoices that he is our true husband and our soul his beloved wife."
".....I saw that he is to us everything which is good and comforting for our help. He is our clothing, who wraps and enfolds us for love, embraces us and shelters us, surrounds us for his love, which is so tender that he may never desert us. And so in this sight I saw that he is everything which is good, as I understand.
And in this he showed me something small, no bigger than a hazelnut, lying in the palm of my hand, as it seemed to me, and it was round as a ball. I looked at it with the eye of my understanding and thought: What can this be? I was amazed that it would suddenly have fallen in to nothing. And I was answered in my understanding: It lasts and always will, because God loves it: and thus everything has being through the love of God."
That so reminds me of these words of Mary Baker Eddy’s:
“I saw the love of God encircling the universe and man, filling all space, and that divine Love so permeated my own consciousness that I loved with Christlike compassion everything I saw. The realization of divine Love called into expression “the beauty of holiness, the perfection of being.” (Science and Health 253) which healed, and regenerated, and saved all who turned to me for help.” (Reminiscences by Abigail Dyer Thompson in We Knew Mary Baker Eddy p 68)
Reading “The Revelations of divine Love”, I see many connections between Julian and Mrs Eddy, especially in the emphasis on love and calling God Mother as well as Father I have always loved the wonderful account by a mother who took her two children to a gathering at Mary Baker Eddy's home. Her daughter had a nasty boil on her head and had been very tearful and fretful that morning. But when they got there:
"I wish I could make the world know what I saw when Mrs Eddy looked at those children. it was a revelation to me. I saw for the first time the real Mother-Love, and I knew I did not have it. I had a strange, agonised sense of being absolutely cut off from the children. it is impossible to put into words what the uncovering of my own lack of real Mother-Love meant to me.
As I turned in the procession and walked toward the line of trees in the front of the yard, there was a bird sitting on the limb of a tree, and I saw the same love, poured out on that bird that I had seen flow from Mrs Eddy to my children. I looked down at the grass and the flowers and there was the same Love resting on them. it is difficult for me to put into words what I saw. This Love was everywhere, like the light, but it was divine, not mere human affection.
I looked at the people milling around on the lawn and I saw it poured out on them. I thought of the various discords ……. and I saw, for the first time, the absolute unreality of everything but this infinite Love. It was not only everywhere present, like the light, but it was an intelligent presence that spoke to me, and I found myself weeping as I walked back and forth under the trees and saying out loud, "Why have I never known you before? Why have I not known you always?"
I don’t know how long it was until my boy came to me and said, "Come, mother, they are going home." I got into the carriage and drove back to the hotel, but that same conscious intelligence and Love were everywhere. It rested upon everything my thoughts rested upon."
When we got back to the hotel, there was no boil on my child’s head. it was just as flat as the back of her hand……" (12 Years with Mary Baker Eddy. I.C. Tomlinson)
I have posted that account several times on HP – I just love it! To me, it illustrates what Mary Baker Eddy meant by these words;
The manifestation of God through mortals is as light passing through the window-pane. The light and the glass never mingle, but as matter, the glass is less opaque than the walls. The mortal mind through which Truth appears most vividly is that one which has lost much materiality--much error--in order to become a better transparency for Truth. Then, like a cloud melting into thin vapor, it no longer hides the sun. (Science and Health 295)
And Love is reflected in love; (Science and Health 17)
Love and peace,
Well well well Meta! So you were there in her class and not only heard what she said (Mary Baker Eddy was SPEAKING at the time, not writing) but obviously had a chat with her afterwards to get confirmation of whether it was uppercase or lowercase? 😀
And by the way, no-one, however hard they try could possibly "to Love" It is possible to love, but not to Love.
Was you there? how do you know what you wrote is correct, you only got it from a book- Yes? It would be fairer if you had asked the people in Boston, if they could send you a copy of mrs Sims original letter. Although I doubt if they would send it to you.
According to you, Jesus could only love,as He was not Love? Was His Mind=Love God or human? when He did His mighty deeds. Does not Mary Baker Eddy teaches that we, in reality, have the Mind which is God, and that we are not body but Soul. Yes. Man is never Love,or Soul, or Spirit. But our Mind in Truth is. when Mary Baker Eddy spoke at her last class, She was not referring to some humans or persons, but to their Consciousness and said, Be Love , Love, Love. Human love is to weak to do anything much.
Our body is but the idea of us, and thats all. And if our mind aproximates Mind, it will show our body spiritual.
Regards Meta. I shall not write or reply about this anymore, as it would be boring to other members of HP, besides it is a useless
exercise, so I let you be in whatever you believe, and agree to disagree.
Hi Judy,
Whatever the ins and outs the fact that many have recogonised that love is at the core of things is important. Yuor descriptions of what it all feels like I fully understand, I sense within it all the connections that make up every soul and the web that it all forms.
For many this is a problem, they perhaps not know how to express it or because of the unfamilariarity may feel uncomfortable about it all. With these people I try to be patient, they surely know what they are spurning but cannot ignore it, it is a difficult change - one we all find challenging at times.
Love will prevail though, perhaps just one person at a time, but it cannot be quashed because it is part of us all, and it cannot be hidden because it keeps manifesting no matter what is going on around.
The question of whether love aids healing processes is the same kind of issue for me - if we are primaily spiritual beings, and healing is primarily a spiritual process, then it makes no sense to exclude it, rather like trying to paint in the dark I suppose.
Thanks Chris,
It was because I so resonated with your thread on the other forum pages that I felt I wanted to start this thread, just to lift and inspire. I think the main problem is that most people see healing as purely a physical method of improving sick matter, but I'm pleased to see that even the medical profession today is beginning to look more at holistic healing and to acknowledge how the state of thought of the patient plays a large part.
I remember reading years ago of a woman who was diagnosed with terminal cancer. She had a baby and was simply pouring out so much love for her child (and probably also not thinking the disease) that it simply disappeared.
Love and peace,
Hi Judy,
Excellent story - and these things do happen. These kind of instances for me are evidence if anyone ever needed it, that we all know how to heal, we have all the tools inside us it is just that many have forgotten or perhaps this is not the right time for them. We call them miracles, but actually it is just one of the too-seldom manifestation of what we can do as spirirtual beings.
Excellent story - and these things do happen. These kind of instances for me are evidence if anyone ever needed it, that we all know how to heal, we have all the tools inside us it is just that many have forgotten or perhaps this is not the right time for them. We call them miracles, but actually it is just one of the too-seldom manifestation of what we can do as spirirtual beings.
you are saying right chris. thanks for your post.