There must be some people here who believe in karma, what does the average person believe in karma and how does it manifest in their eyes, do people think that karma is just from this one life, should I say from this incarnation or does it come from previous incarnations, if you believe we have been here before.
Peace and light
Ahhhh, don't be insulted. .
It's okay. I wasn't. I was making a point.:)
maybe one should be a bit more careful about what one is sowing....Sounds like perfect justice to me!!!!
Can be a difficult one this. Some people may find themselves being born into a dysfunctional family in a dysfunctional environment. Depending on the kind of experiences a person has been exposed and conditioned to can sometimes lead to that person leading a life often viewed as unacceptable by society.
Coming from dysfunctional experiences if this kind of person stumbles over the implications of Karma with a limited sense of self worth, insecurities, suffering with anxiety, believing in Karma and its created laws could drive a person to despair because they find they are unable to meet the convictions Karma places upon their life resulting in the rise of helplessnesses.
Can be a difficult one this. Some people may find themselves being born into a dysfunctional family in a dysfunctional environment. Depending on the kind of experiences a person has been exposed and conditioned to can sometimes lead to that person leading a life often viewed as unacceptable by society.
Coming from dysfunctional experiences if this kind of person stumbles over the implications of Karma with a limited sense of self worth, insecurities, suffering with anxiety, believing in Karma and its created laws could drive a person to despair because they find they are unable to meet the convictions Karma places upon their life resulting in the rise of helplessnesses.
And I believe that out of this birth karmic situation the most growth is possible for the spirit involved. And growing from this situation is HARD. Seeing options is HARD. Pondering over change, figuring out how to change, what to change, who do I want to be, is it possible for me to be different than what I was born into? HARD!
So imagine:
•You see dissatisfaction with you; is this all there is?
•You desire change.
•You are afraid (can you do it, who will you be if you do).
•You decide to create yourself in the image that you desire.
★You do this until ★YOU ARE★
•You see dissatisfaction with you; this is not enough.
•You try to see if maybe you are missing something.
•You want to know if you are missing something.
•You approach the universe with fear and trembling (because you are not sure that you want to know).
•Doors open, you are lead to find what your mission is.
•You then begin your mission with confusion, fear and excitement.
★YOU ARE★ Just begining:-)
I can see in my own life, these mental wars and stages of questioning and growth. I had GREAT therapy, but it was the journey of a thousand books that supports me in my growth. I can credit this chatroom with some of my growth. I will take it wherever I find it.
I will not be what I was born as...I will be what I was born to be.
Karma is something that can never be understood as a concept. It is so simple that it is complex and so complex that it is simple! Now that has made a lot of sense hasn't it!
Karma does not become any simpler concept to grasp....more so if it were discussed by diverse audience. That is true to most discussions...but Karma is especially cussed subject to
A few things have been mentioned in this thread such as it could be an escape from personal responsibility or a way of spiritual control or eternal damnation just on top of my head.
It is neither of far as I know. Growing up in India, I know everyone (even if they say they don't ) believes in karma, not as a theory or concept but in a slightly heartful way it is almost in the DNA for the lack of better expression. It lends a certain grace to life. In my entire liffe I have not heard any single person attributing their bad actions to karma..What I have noticed many times that it leads to surrender, acceptance. It is a graceful acceptance of what is happening and seeking grace in that sorrow...karma is a deep understanding that the scheme of things is only taking shpae in the Perfection.
karma is eternal beacuse you are eternal. It is endless continuum. Punishment or reward are interpretations of present moment.
Grace is the over riding force...which quashes the brunt of it. So it is only looking to push you into what is eternal rather than keeping engrossed with the vicissitudes of present moment. In grace mind settles down. So Karma is soothed too, extinguished.
As you surrender to grace....your karma is looking to exhaust itself. for the built up momentum of energetic residue, vibrational accumulation eventually exhausts itself. Because grace is always looking to shower on you.
Karma belongs to mind. When it starts to dawn that I am not my mind, the mind has started a journey towards its own source is set to go beyond karma. Then Life eventually is lived as a spontaneous play of consciousness.
Karma is the interplay of polarities. When you are attached to neither of the polarities, where is karma? It is a thing of the mind and a very powerful way to set you on a seeking to go beyond suffering altogether.
The way to understand Karma is that grace would not let you rest until you have become grace itself. So vicissitudes, punishments, negativity etc etc happen endlessly and when time is ripe for you you start receiving grace...karma begins to melt away...
No eternal punishment other than in the sense that it won't let you be until you turn towards the centre of your own being. Karma could be understood as a servant of grace.
my tuppence worth anyway
So, if I say that the overall god is Odin, that’s okay by you? Or Innana? Or Zeus? In that case we might as well give up discussion. It seems to me that you are simply co-opting others’ beliefs and stitching them into yours.
I’d still be amazed if 100% of the global population defined “dross in religions” in that way.
Now you’ve changed your argument, from “all religions” to “all religions of the light”.
Again, you are making huge assumptions if you can only think of fear as a reason for rejecting your ideas. My reason for rejecting them is that in years of talking with those in the Land of the Dead and with my Spirit Teachers, I have not only never come across any evidence of karma but I have also been told and seen evidence that karma does not exist.
However one perceives God is their own affair. If one perceives God as a big man in the sky, or a spirit, or whatever, what does it matter? Does it further their soul?
Maybe that's so, but they might alter their stance once the penny dropped that God doesn't need middle-men, not least self-appointed ones!
Nobody can further their soul one jot, other than through their own actions.
In response to your statement that 'everyone is on the same path is a diminishing of all religions'. Sounds to me like you're trying to factor in and defend religions of a different shade...
No 'karma'? Great news for rapists, paedophiles, murderers, bullies, thugs, tyrants and torturers!!! ... were it true. It isn't.
Cause and Effect is one of the fundamental spiritual laws of the universe. Our destiny is in our own hands.
Can be a difficult one this. Some people may find themselves being born into a dysfunctional family in a dysfunctional environment. Depending on the kind of experiences a person has been exposed and conditioned to can sometimes lead to that person leading a life often viewed as unacceptable by society.
Coming from dysfunctional experiences if this kind of person stumbles over the implications of Karma with a limited sense of self worth, insecurities, suffering with anxiety, believing in Karma and its created laws could drive a person to despair because they find they are unable to meet the convictions Karma places upon their life resulting in the rise of helplessnesses.
Maybe Fate in its infinite wisdom plants the seed in the ideal environment for it to grow. Not just grow, but through testing, to grow strong and produce a finer, more beautiful flower....?
Karma could be understood as a servant of grace.
Fine words!
Karma serves to teach a lesson - albeit the hard way - and emerging the other side the soul is 'cleansed' and very much the better for it....
My reason for rejecting them is that in years of talking with those in the Land of the Dead and with my Spirit Teachers, I have not only never come across any evidence of karma but I have also been told and seen evidence that karma does not exist.
That's interesting Jane. Is that your understanding of karma full stop; regardless; or what about if we take 'spirituality' and 'reincarnation' out of the equation and say that karma exists in the sense that if someone does something bad then they will carry with them some underlying guilt or fear or something that will eat away at them, and in that sense their badness is coming back to them? Would you agree that it exists in that sense, or do you have a different understanding/belief about it?
All Love and Reiki Hugs
Relax. Tell your stories, express your beliefs, give your opinion...then let it go [COLOR="DarkRed"]♥♡~~~~
If you are attached to the result (changing someones beliefs) you could feel angst. We don't want angst, now do we?
Having said our beliefs, printing them on here for THE WORLD TO SEE. is enough. What we say will mean something; maybe not today but maybe next week or next year. That we have different opinions is a good thing.
That's interesting Jane. Is that your understanding of karma full stop; regardless; or what about if we take 'spirituality' and 'reincarnation' out of the equation and say that karma exists in the sense that if someone does something bad then they will carry with them some underlying guilt or fear or something that will eat away at them, and in that sense their badness is coming back to them? Would you agree that it exists in that sense, or do you have a different understanding/belief about it?
I’m not sure how taking spirituality and reincarnation (both of which I do believe in) away changes karma.
To take a topical subject – does it seem to you, or to the doctors who have diagnosed ‘severe personality disorder’ that Ian Brady has underlying fear or guilt? Okay, that’s a extreme example, but I suspect that none of us gets through life – certainly in “western culture” – without both being damaged and damaging others. Almost always unintentionally and often without even knowing it. Not to mention the fact that “something bad” is different for everyone.
My understanding (to use Paul Crick’s terminology for “what I know to be so”;)) is that most people feel no guilt (after death, that is – we can be pretty messed up in many ways before death) for the mistakes they make and for harm done in a sanctioned way – a soldier killing an enemy soldier, for example. Yes, our souls (most, anyway) can see that war is dreadfully harmful but those same souls, once in the Land of the Dead, can be compassionate to themselves and to others.
Very damaged souls can be put into places of deep healing. Once the healing is done, they are welcomed back into the community.
And yes, some souls are so damaged that they think they deserve punishment. But that is before the healing.
I have never come across ‘karma’ in my own experience or in that of other shamanic explorers. There is quite a body of research on past-life regression and nothing I have read there backs up an idea of karma.
Karma itself is a pretty nasty idea – until it’s watered down by “as ye sow, so shall ye reap” and “what goes around, comes around”. It is, after all, the justification for caste and an explanation for congenital physical and mental conditions.
However, there is a belief that I would agree with, although I do not see it as karma (which is much more personal). Everything is connected. We are all part of the great web of life (“life” in the shamanic sense being much wider that “life” in the biological sense), so if I damage someone, the entire web is that much more damaged. Therefore, because I am part of the web, I also am damaged. Likewise, if I heal someone, the entire web is that much more healed. Therefore, because I am part of the web, I also am healed. (Complicated by the fact that giving someone healing that they don’t want is damaging! )
Thanks for your explanation Jane,
Your last paragraph touches on what I was getting at, in that if we leave out the religion or spiritual or shamanic understandings of reincarnation or what happens after death etc. and just look at what happens in this life, if we do something 'bad' then we will create an effect that we are involved in ourselves, and that can effect us too (whether it's fear of something happening, or just a change of the situation by what we did etc.) I assume the reference to Ian Brady is something in the current news? I don't read newspapers or watch TV news etc. so I don't follow the journalistic hype that's put out there, I just hear about stuff going on from other people talking, and have better things to be doing in my life than getting attached to the negativity in the news, especially with all the good things we can focus on. 😉
I can only say that if he has been diagnosed by doctors as having some personality disorder, then perhaps that is the Karma coming back on him?
I understand what you're saying about Karma being perceived as a reason for Caste, but I think a lot of that comes down to particular societies and doesn't a) make it right or b) mean that that is the true understanding of karma by all those who follow that concept. e.g. In India they may follow karma in that way of understanding to create their Caste system, however in many Buddhist cultures other people are not judged and karma is something personal. A matter of perspective it seems.
I also think that when we talk about karma, it perhaps causes problems when we try and take it in isolation. Along with Karma we have the concepts of Attachment, and Mmerit, and the idea of samsara etc. and these are integral to understanding what Karma is about
All Love and Reiki Hugs
It is, after all, the justification for caste and an explanation for congenital physical and mental conditions.
That is a news!
No, had everything rested on karma as a scapegoat and "explanation", there would be no Ayurveda, very complex and sophisticated system of well being called Yoga, Pranayam, Mudras, Dhayana (meditation), detailed map if inner energetic patterns, chakras, kundalini, Arithmatic, a highly developed Astrology, Astronomy, effects of sound on mind in form of Mantra, transforming sexuality by tantra, and helping oneself towards greater clarity, prosperity by yantra...great architectural endeavors and so on....
also what they know as LOA in a very warped way, power of mind was delved into thousands of years before now. It only is entering awareness of masses for decade or two.
Doesn't give the impression that they were keeping karma as a little gennie in the bottle as an "explanation" to suffering and caste system. Every nuance of suffering on many many subtle levels has been deeply and methodically explored and not only that various methods were explored and discovedred to go beyond it...and very effective well documented ways too.
Not confined to one religion-all subsequent religions after Hinduism be it Boddh, Jain, Sikh. Even Christians and atheists have that in their collective consciousness this clarity about karma. I know that because I have one childhood friend who is devout Christian and many aetheist friends have karma -not as a concept but a deep understanding that the "Flow of life" knows where it is going, even if the individual mind in that point of time cannot fathom it.
Karma here is just a concept..but it is a way of life where this little word originated from...It is never a topic of discussion in India-just like you wouldn't disuss you? you breathe it, you don't have to agree, disagree, accept reject, condemn or sing praises of... . It is what it is...either you get it or don't want to get still does what it always does.
I always understood the term "Karma" from the Sanskrit meaning "Action", which to me denotes movement and energy. So called positive or negative karma are just perceptions/judgements of the mind. Who is to say what's good or bad?
As for god and all paths leading to god with the usual analogy of the mountain, I would of said something similar myself once but I don't know now. I see it more now like a series of mountains and intertwining pathways. (And not suggesting that being on top of the analogous mountain is better than being at the bottom.) Perhaps a little like the Shamanic web of life or the Buddhist interdependent co-arising.
Just imagine for a moment:
You grow up hard. You treat people hard and you never die.
OMG! You say. That life was a waste.
Or...You grow up easy, pleasantly and with more than any one could ask for. You enjoy life. You die.
OMG! You say. That life was a waste.
So in planning your new life...
You plan to suffer worse than you gave out, to make up for what you did (or did not do). And ask for more suffering if you don't wake up. But if you do wake up then it can be removed.
You also sign up for a mission.
Earth school 🙂 Soul progression 🙂 Becoming God 🙂 Karma 🙂
Ask for more suffering if you don't wake up. But if you do wake up then it can be removed.
Nice comment Stephanie. This is certainly thought provoking in itself. 🙂
Hi PJ7
Surely you do not think that all this on planet Earth is just for the one incarnation,
I believe that no one can ever be sure of that which we are not sure about,
I cannot be sure there are other incarnations any more than I can a single incarnation. If I had to explore this question I would chose a belief that we have one incarnation with no ending. I would consider that an ending comes to all parallel lives when we come to realize that we have not really separated from some kind of a source, god etc. that once the last judgement has been made, the last thought shared we awaken back to whence we came.I have one question for you I would love an answer why do you think we are here?
why are we here? I don’t know! Is anything I believe correct? I don’t know! Is there a god? I don’t know! is the god we know a god that we created? Because we wanted one?.The answer to this question I believe could not be answered without knowing all that is, but can be explored. because in my view we have not encountered anything that could answer our questions.
If we did encounter something, I believe within human nature there is always an element of doubt to that belief within;with no frame of reference to validate against. while we live within this world there can never be any answer to satisfy humanities hunger to why we are here.But above all I believe there is a 'something known' yet unable to be proven, unexplainable, without satisfactory answers to fill the hunger humanity seeks, that in the end somehow seems........Right.:)
I would love to answer all your questions of why we are here and is there a God the only one I can really answer truthfully at the moment is yes there is a God ( some of the other questions would take too long to answere).
And we did not create him He created us without Him we would not exist, the full picture is available to everyone, there is a book I was led to over 10 years ago, it explains the whole of creation, the universes, why we are here, and where we go to after death it is comprised of 168 lectures, but the reader must bring lectures to life within them, they are to be read in sequence as when you build a wall you do not start from the top.
When I first read it, it didn't make sense at all over 10 years later I am still reading it, and if God willing I was here for another 50 years I would still read it is, it is called In The Light Of Truth by ABD-RU-SHIN I believe it is one of the most important books on the planet, some would say the Bible is.
As the people that read and understand it will verify!
I have said many times you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink it,
I have led many people this book but not many stay with reading it, as it doesn't comply with their thoughts and what they already think they know as true, put aside your pre-conceived opinions before you read it, that the churches have taught you to accept in blind faith!.
(I have been off line for quite a while and have not been able to answer all the questions I apologise for this and will try to catch up)
Peace and light
Hi PJ7
Years ago I would have believed in the mainstream view of Karma. ‘We reap what we sow’ kinda thing, a ‘come back and get it right’. But at the time I think it was really more of a go with the flow of the masses until I began to find my own way to what Karma meant or if Karma really existed?.That Karma provides no evidence.
Over time I began an internal dialogue and found myself questioning Karma. I came to the conclusion Karma didn't exist purely because I have not experienced or known first hand of what Karma seemed to present. or simply to me just doesn't exist!
In turn coming to the conclusion that the choices we make in life now affect the outcome before us now, but we still have the choice to change the outcome.
In the case of ‘been here before’ well similar to Karma, coming to the conclusion that previous incarnations don’t exist. Of course there is always the usual argument that neither can I prove previous incarnations didn’t exist!.
I don’t know how I came to believe but I do believe that if there were reincarnations that they are all happening now. Not linear but in a sense of a parallel dimension.
The way I would explain this is by being in a large hall with many other people and children filling the hall, I look to just one other person before me and say:
” Consider reincarnation happening all at the same time, how would we know as to where these other lives of ours are?, well for a moment visualize ourselves within a ring and as this happens quite powerfully it seems all background noises begin to fade and mumble. I may then whisper “Do you hear the many mumbling and chatting of voices around us? Well consider are these our other lives, living now, at this moment? Listen to our other selves, watching how our other selves interact with all of our other selves”. Quite a surreal experience.
With this thought in mind there is something to be said about ‘Treat others as you would wish to be treated yourself, to love your enemies, to forgive etc which raises the thought that how we treat others could actually be returning back to ourselves to our lives all happening at once now.
For consideration maybe this reply I shared is in some way rebounding through all our other lives living all at the same time right at this instant. Triggering instant cause and effect retuning in some way back to myself as I live now. ( mmm? the thought of ' what a man thinketh is what he becomes?:))
I suppose in the Karma sense each choice, decision and act we make instantly rebounds through all our other lives which may instantly alter the paths to our other lives.
A constant cause and effect happening all at the same time. ‘From one thought many thoughts are born’ Not a clue how I came to settle with these views but to me they certainly do resonate within.By the way I was a Christian, brought up in a strong Christian family, but no longer class myself as a Christian. 🙂 but I felt the Karma and reincarnation question was one to share my view on.
Nice Topic PJ7 :nature-smiley-008:
Hi there
and thank you for the reply and the interest, you say, Karma provides no evidence, you experience karma every day in sowing and reaping, we create the environment around us.
If you refer to the Bible when Jesus spoke to Peter and said you reap what you sow, when he cut the guards ear off you live by the sword, you die by the sword.
As for incarnations, you have already had many and carry the experiences within you from previous lives, as does everyone else living on the planet at the moment.
You talk in terms of a parallel dimension, I don't understand this well but everything in creation is radiation, I know this to be true.
We have previous lives and might even have a life after this one, I am not sure about the second part of this statement.
You refer to treat other people as you would like to be treated, saying what goes around comes around to my mind explains, perfectly, as you reap so you sow.
You sow love you get love, you sow hate you get hate, and so on!
Not everything comes back to us in the same incarnation, I believe that sometimes we are reincarnated and given a chance to redeem our previous mistakes.
The truth will resonate in you as you are correct I believe the spirit will recognise it, as I have said before this is addressed to everyone as it affects everyone whether they believe it or not!
It is lovely that you were brought up as a Christian as I was myself, I still class myself as a Christian, my beliefs are a lot of difference now to what the churches taught and still do, truth I believe was never taught completely by the churches, only their perceptions and interpretations depending on the religion the person followed and we are expected to follow in blind faith
Peace and Light
No, I don't believe in karma. I think your questions are very interesting, but I don't feel happy answering them in "Christianity". I'd gladly join in if they were posted in " General Religions".
we could always start another discussion in general religions, you can even start it yourself and I would join in
Peace and light
Hi PJ7
Surely you do not think that all this on planet Earth is just for the one incarnation,
I believe that no one can ever be sure of that which we are not sure about,
I cannot be sure there are other incarnations any more than I can a single incarnation. If I had to explore this question I would chose a belief that we have one incarnation with no ending. I would consider that an ending comes to all parallel lives when we come to realize that we have not really separated from some kind of a source, god etc. that once the last judgement has been made, the last thought shared we awaken back to whence we came.I have one question for you I would love an answer why do you think we are here?
why are we here? I don’t know! Is anything I believe correct? I don’t know! Is there a god? I don’t know! is the god we know a god that we created? Because we wanted one?.The answer to this question I believe could not be answered without knowing all that is, but can be explored. because in my view we have not encountered anything that could answer our questions.
If we did encounter something, I believe within human nature there is always an element of doubt to that belief within;with no frame of reference to validate against. while we live within this world there can never be any answer to satisfy humanities hunger to why we are here.But above all I believe there is a 'something known' yet unable to be proven, unexplainable, without satisfactory answers to fill the hunger humanity seeks, that in the end somehow seems........Right.:)
Hi there
I'm sure that we have more than one incarnation, one incarnation with no ending is impossible really if you think about it, the earthly body dies and would have to be kept being replaced if there was only one incarnation.
You mention the last judgement, I can assure you we are well into the last judgement.
Life is a lot different to people's thoughts, the intellect is a wonderful tool, but that's all it is a tool of the spirit, upon death we'd leave it behind with the earthly body.
A lot of people say to me they prefer to wait and see, I do not believe this is is the proper course to take!
Your questions have not been answered because you have not looked close enough for the answers (it is said seek and you will find), and if you receive them would you honestly believe them, you would probably look at the person first who came with the answers to see if it fell in with what you already believe, as I believe many people did at the time that Jesus was on the earth, then they murdered him because they did not agree with what He brought!
As I have said it before truth is hard to accept and if it doesn't comply with peoples thoughts and opinions it is not accepted by many but rejected.
Peace and light
Hi PJ,
Ok, let's start with your original question...
Well, I can see why people can be confused with you asking a question about Karma in the Christianity forum, as it is typically associated with Buddhism, but if we consider that Karma is a Sanskrit word originating from the ancient philosophies from which the philosophies of Hinduism, Buddhism and pretty much all mainstream religions are based (though some would like to believe otherwise) then it's perfectly acceptable to ask it in any of the religious, spiritual or philosophical forums.
Not sure what you mean by an "average person", but I'll assume you are just asking what people other than yourself understand or believe about Karma.... so here's my understanding...
By definition, karma is the concept of cause and effect, so we cannot say that it doesn't exist, whether considered scientifically or otherwise. So that leaves us with, essentially, two concepts of karma to examine... 1) does karma exist in the sense of "do something bad and it will come back on you later" and 2) does karma exist through reincarnation (assuming reincarnation exists).
1) It's certainly fair to say that if we carry out an action, there will be some effect (by definition of karma), but does that 'effect' come back on ourselves. There's two ways we can look at this... one is that 'we are all one' so by our actions we will definitely be effecting ourselves in some way or the other is that, even if we consider ourselves separate and we, for example, do something horrible to someone else, no matter how much we would try and convince ourselves that our actions will not have an effect to 'come back on us', our true Self will hold the knowledge of our actions and without true awareness of the present, it would cause the mind to create fear of the future based on those actions, which in itself would cause karmic re-action back on us, or attract those who attach to such fears causing them to do something in return.
2) If people don't believe in reincarnation then it doesn't matter. The 'energy pattern' that is created by actions will exist in the universe even after the current incarnation of a person. Whether that person incarnates again or not, that energy pattern will be around until it is transformed by interacting with other energy patterns. So, if you believe in reincarnation, there's every possibility (especially if you believe in a connection to your past lives) that you will have attachment to that previous energy pattern and it will effect you in the current incarnation. If you don't believe in reincarnation, there's still the chance that you will be effected by the energy patterns created in the past as they exist in the present, and perhaps that's why some people believe they are just 'unlucky' or 'lucky' or whatever. 😉
Well, it's a law of science, or a law of other philosophies or models or whatever. It doesn't have to be limited to just the concept of 'creationism'. There's no point in limiting the concept of cause and effect to just one belief system... as that achieves nothing additional to the basic concept itself.
And what a different place the world would be if there were more non-believers. Surely that's just stating the obvious... i.e. if things were different then things would be different. 😉
Using the argument "Just because you do not have proof doesn't mean it doesn't happen" to try and support the statement of fact you make that reincarnation exists, is a flawed argument. The fact that there's no proof, means that there's no proof either way. Reincarnation may or may not exist and nobody can state it to be fact or otherwise. Each are entitled to their own opinion without being told that they don't have the full picture as if you somehow do. It does come across as somewhat condescending to suggest otherwise.
Regardless of teachings or churches... there's no proof for or against. There's just as much possibility that we are only here for the one incarnation, otherwise what would be the purpose of procreation and continuing the species... passing on DNA/genes and sharing knowledge and skills and understanding to our children? You see it can work both ways. 😉
Why doesn't it answer the question? Why indeed does there have to be a purpose except to aim to live for as long as possible and continue our species on this planet? It may be as simple as that or it may not be? It is people who have searched for an answer to that question that has been the reason why philosophies and religions have come about whether it's the belief in goddess nature, the sun god, the greek gods, the one Christian god, or no gods at all etc. To me, that question has no basis for answering the original question of Karma and reincarnation... unless of course you would like to expand on your own understanding. 🙂
All Love and Reiki Hugs
and sorry about the late reply as I have already explained I have had computer problems.
As for putting the thread about karma in a specific area, I am trying to reach everyone as I believe it affects everyone and not just certain religions and beliefs, I will be glad to start it elsewhere as well.
You say by definition, is the concept of cause and effect I agree with you, yes I believe in very deeply that karma follows through each incarnation, which is why in some instances some people have to come back again to break such threads.
When people cause harm to other people, and on the news shall we say they get off of with it I think to myself (and feel sorry for them) and think if people only knew that nothing is forgotten at all, our deeds await us.
You again say if I don't believe in reincarnation it doesn't matter, I agree with this to point that the people have sowm the threads, and very little will prevent karma returning.
I do not believe in luck, good or bad, we just reap what we have already sown!
You say there's no point in limiting the concept of cause and effect to just one belief system, no as I have already said it affects everyone, whether they believe it or not, I don't really care, I just as with the horse lead to the water.
Proof, and more proof and even when something is proved it is still doubted,
you say regardless of teachings or churches there is no proof for or against, as I have already said it was said seek and you will find.
Let me ask you a question, on planet Earth there is probably a plant for every ailment we just have to find it, there are more stars it is said in the sky, than there are grains of sand on the earth, is all this just by chance, I don't think so, I think a lot of people would like to think that with the earthly death that everything ends, so they can live as they wish without reaping the consequences, fools!
What about Reiki or Healing in general where do you believe it comes from, it works I don't have to prove it to people it works! There's enough evidence in the results!
I would love to expand on my own understanding of what believe but I have no need to as I have already explained there is a book that I have learnt from!
As I have already said if it doesn't fall in with people's opinions and beliefs, many will reject it.
Peace and light