Just found this in the Christian Science Monitor.
A new study shows that many devout Americans know less about religion than do atheists..
For a highly religious people, Americans have plenty of room to improve their knowledge of religion, according to a new survey that’s stirring debate about the health of faith in America.
The US Religious Knowledge Survey, released Tuesday from the Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life, found atheists and agnostics know more basic facts about the Bible than either Protestants or Catholics.
The CS Monitor’s survey is the full 32 questions, but you have to write down your answers and score yourself. I got 3 wrong
This is the shorter version This was my score:
You answered 15 out of 15 questions correctly for a score of 100%.
I know that some HP members will do really well, though there are some very American legal and school questions that you just have to guess at.
I've always admired the faith of the True Atheist.I’ve always admired that 100% belief in absolutely nothing.
What is there to be admired in an individual that believes in nothing supposed to believing in something .
Both comments are a huge over-simplification of atheism, lumping all atheists under one stereotype. And totally at odds with:
Everyone is uniquely and divinely different.
As for:
Religious fundamentalism?
There's only one thing that's fundamental to any religion,
and that's God.
I disagree completely. This doesn’t make me an atheist, simply someone with a religion without a God.
Non sequitur
Both comments are a huge over-simplification of atheism, lumping all atheists under one stereotype. And totally at odds with:
As for:I disagree completely. This doesn’t make me an atheist, simply someone with a religion without a God.
Non sequitur.
I'm flattered that your're spending time going through my words,
however you're not being fully attentive to what's been written.
There was clarity and precision in the word selection;
True Aetheist – 100% no holds barred aetheist –
rather than the woolly, fluffy and common or garden variety.
But you chose to go off on some other tangent.
Evangelism & proselytising
I admire the simplicity and honesty of this post.
Again the preceeding post was very precise;
Yes, but all world religions from this cycle of time come from the Indian Subcontinent,
or from close proximity to it;
Shamanism belongs to a previous cycle of time.
That said I like the honesty of your post since on this forum,
regardless of the original thread / post,
you seldom miss the opportunity to plug Shamanism and/or soul retrieval.
Whoever said that evangelism and proselytising
were merely confined to Christianity and Islam?
Non sequitur
I'm flattered that your're spending time going through my words,
however you're not being fully attentive to what's been written.
There was clarity and precision in the word selection;
True Aetheist – 100% no holds barred aetheist –
rather than the woolly, fluffy and common or garden variety.
But you chose to go off on some other tangent.
What I said was not a non sequitur. Nor was it at tangent. I am not a 100%, woolly, fluffy, garden or any other sort of atheist. Nor do I believe in “God”. Those statements are not incompatible. You know what I believe.
I objected to your generalisation about atheists “believing in nothing”. There are more things to believe in than spiritual/religious matters.
I admire the simplicity and honesty of this post.
Again the preceeding post was very precise;
Yes, but all world religions from this cycle of time come from the Indian Subcontinent,
or from close proximity to it;
Shamanism belongs to a previous cycle of time.
Shamanism is certainly older than other belief systems but, since it is still practiced, belongs to all cycles of time, and to all places.
Besides, if you are going to say “from this cycle of time” you really need to explain (in order to be understood) when “this cycle of time” starts and finishes and how you decided on the boundaries.
That said I like the honesty of your post since on this forum,
regardless of the original thread / post,
you seldom miss the opportunity to plug Shamanism and/or soul retrieval.
Whoever said that evangelism and proselytising
were merely confined to Christianity and Islam?
I don’t think anyone said it.
I’ve said before that I can only write from a shamanic point of view. That’s who I am. You can be fairly proselytising yourself – as can many others on HP. But I’m not being evangelical. I’m not trying to convert anyone. Just trying to widen awareness. I don’t think shamanic practice would suit most contributors to HP. ( I think I've put off more people than I've attracted to shamanism.)
Shamanism belongs to a previous cycle of time.
Does it? May be the cycle has done it's full turn and Shamanism appears to be on the up. As well as by observation, I have also been prompted to think this by reading Liber Null & Psychonaut by Peter J Carroll.
He has this interesting chapter about how first there was Shamanism (1st aeon), then Paganism (2nd aeon), then this became Monotheism (he included Buddhism in this, but I'm not going to argue the toss on that one) the 3rd aeon, then Atheism (4th aeon). But he goes on to say that we are returning to the shamanic consciousness but in a higher form (5th aeon), though doesn't go directly at that point why it's a higher form. Got to read the whole book, lol.
Better mention that he says some cultures remain in one aeon while others have swept forward, but never completely freed themselves to the past, ie Paganism tainting Catholicism. He considers that each new aeon shortens as history progresses, which makes sense to me as time is curvy, spirals and
I had full marks for this quiz (32 out of 32). To be fair - many questions were unbeliveably easy and I took an educated guess at 2 (what US teachers could teach in class).