Bird flu, any flu—s...
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Bird flu, any flu—stop the fear

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With today's headlines fueling more fear, I hope you'll find this article reasurring and thought-provoking. There is a higher power than material and medical laws.

I've been doing some research in the Christian Science periodicals from the First World War and the Spanish 'flu pandemic and have have come across dozens of healings of it, through prayer, often when the patient was at a critical stage. There are also many accounts of the preventative powers of prayer.

This article below include three such healings and also quotes from an expereiment when 50 sailors who were not afraid were exposed to the virus and were unharmed. (There are several similar articles on if you put flu into the Search box)

Love and peace,


Bird flu, any flu—stop the fear

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RE: Bird flu, any flu—stop the fear

I live in Fife. 20 miles from Cellardyke. I live near the village of Leslie, and from where I am sitting can see a valley (with the river Leven flowing through it) and various fields dotted with our resident swan population - they have made the fields their winter home = some are migratory but the majority are residents of the local loch - Loch Leven.
This morning, my fish man came to my door, and I purchased myusual Friday fish. I also asked for eggs. "Haven't got any - had to destroy them all yesterday" - he lives in St Monans which is near Cellardyke, and gets his egg supplies from a local free-range chicken farmer - they all received a directive yesterday to destroy their exisiting egg stock!!!! The world has gone mad. Any minute now, I expect tohear that there is going to be a cull of wildfowl. I just wish someone would show some common sense - the media have gone mad - I have seen severalBBC/ITV and international media vehicles around the area this morning. I'm thinking of taking pot shots at them instead -or are theclassed asan endangered species!!
Prayer is a powerful thing - however, I just HOPE that someone somewhere gets this into perspective, or we will go down the same senseless road we did with the Foot and Mouth epidemic.

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RE: Bird flu, any flu—stop the fear

Hi Jabba,

Gosh - it must be very difficult being right there in the heart of it!

I almost feel as if the pharmeceutical companies are hoping that if it is all publicised enough around the world they will get even richer and sell more drugs! 😀

Perhaps I've just missed it, but after some human deaths in the Far East and Turkey (all through very close contact), we don't seem to have heard anything more. Could it be that it's been contained and hasn't spread and hasn't mutated???

But you know Jabba, you don't have to get caught up in all the negative and fearful thinking (sounds like you're not!) which is only becoming part of the problem, instead, you can help become part of the solution.

I know sometimes it all seems overwhelming - there seems so much to pray about: war, injustice, starvation, torture, terror, etc etc not to even start on the ecological issues and now bird flu and sometimes we may feel so overwhelmed that you think "What possible good could I do?" "Where do I start?" and then switch off.

You know, even one person can make enormous changes by changing their thinking from the material to the spiritual. I just want to share an experience that I feel illustrates the difference prayer, especially collective prayer, can make:

Those who live in the UK may remember how in 1988 dead and dying seals were being washed up on the beaches of Norfolk and Lincolnshire. It was a virus. In the September of that year I went through a 2-week course of instruction on Christian Science healing. Our teacher said we should chose a world situation to collectively pray about while we were in class together. There were so many - Ireland, Israel, Apartheit, Communism, starvation in Africa, war in Africa etc etc - we couldn't really agree which to choose from. I suggested the seals and everyone enthusiastically started praying, seeing them as indestructible and eternal ideas of God who could never be separated from their innate perfection and wholeness or as the expression of Life, God. (we can see that for all our birds too)

Sometimes we never find out what good we might have done, but at other times, God has a way of letting us know. I can remember it so clearly: it was a Sunday, about 3 months later. I was on an aircraft and we had a delay. All the Sunday papers were laid out in the galley and I just thumbed through them and then couldn't believe my eyes as I came across the photo and story of Godzilla (why on earth she was called that I'll never know!) in a tabloid I would never normally read. Godzilla was being returned to the sea near Hunstanton in Norfolk. She was the very first seal to have recovered from this form of distemper and after her all the seals recovered. The paper gave the date she'd been brought in - the day before our two-week Class started! (To me, it wasn't a coincidence)

The following year a friend sent me another newspaper cutting which said that all the seal mothers had had two pups that year instead of the usual one and I went on a boat trip off Blakeney Point about two years after that and the boatman said that although it had been predicted that the entire seal population of the North Sea would have been wiped out by the virus, just three years afterwards I think it was 50% back and the last time I went a few years ago, numbers were absolutely normal.

Of course we were not the only ones praying for them - I'm quite sure thousands of others were, but I just felt that Godzilla's recovery and the recovery of all subsequent seal patients was no co-incidence.

Mary Baker Eddy gave the spiritual significance of birds as "The fowls, which fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven, correspond to aspirations soaring beyond and above corporeality to the understanding of the incorporeal and divine Principle, Love." (Science and Health p 511) and

"All of God's creatures, moving in the harmony of Science, are harmless, useful, indestructible." (S&H p 514)

To me, being harmless not only means cannot cause harm, but cannot be tou

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RE: Bird flu, any flu—stop the fear

Yes Jabba, this is way over the top. 'Bird catches bird 'flu' - wow! Human 'flu wipes out more people than anything, yet this disease of birds gets more coverage than human 'flu ever does. I heard today that the dead swan that had this 'flu might not have caught it here, but died somewhere over the North Sea and was washed up on the Scottish coast. No other reports of birds with bird 'flu have been reported.

Humans catch this bird 'flu when they are in close proximity to fowl and the dirt from them on a daily basis. It is extremely difficult for people to catch from chance encounters, but the media are going all-out to scare us. I am not scared at all because I know that for the most part, people who work on hen farms keep the places clean. The 'flu develops within the bird's droppings and then gets spread around. One hundred human deaths in three years - not exactly a pandemic, is it?

Yes, I fear that sooner or later, this'll have the same impact on wild and domestic fowl as foot-and-mouth did for cattle: senseless murder on an industrialscale.

I despair, I really do.


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RE: Bird flu, any flu—stop the fear

IMO the media are talking this into existence. With enough people picturing and describing what 'may'happen it WILL be created.So we have to ensure enough people are doing the opposite!It'll be dogs next, they tried it before with the blindness thing from dog mess, remeber?

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RE: Bird flu, any flu—stop the fear

Absolutely Northern Lights.

The media are trying to influence us into getting bird flu. I have also heard (don't quote me) that it is a man made virus (certainly sounds like it when you consider the official name for it) and that they intend to spread it at up coming anti war protests (one assumes that these will be against potential war in Iran). [:'(]

I think the secret is in the name "Influenza" not very much different from influence is it? [&:]

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RE: Bird flu, any flu—stop the fear

Good one Reikidonna;)

The power of positive intent - excellent, we will not be ruled by the media.

Divine Love

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RE: Bird flu, any flu—stop the fear

Hi Reikidonna,

Yes, the media is certainly talking up this bird 'flu, big-time. Birds catch it, not humans. I guess that it is 'man-made' if one considers that nature has evolved this mutant virus to cope with the degrading way poultry birds are treated in the Far East and elsewhere, and the proximity that man comes into contact with it.

I am not sure that it would be as effective a biological weapon than human 'flus. Human 'flu is deadly, and would make for a far better biological weapon if some clown were thinking of making one. A human being would need to be around bird 'flu almost 100% of the time to catch it, and even then it's not guaranteed. One hundred human deaths in three years - I wouldn't say that this is a threat, going by those numbers.

I am not sure how these inflenza viruses got their names. I think they were all named in the 19th century, when medicine began to be pioneered and studied more scientifically. I think (although I'm not certain) that 'influenza' refers to a group of viruses, which 'influence' living cells. It's just a Latin name for the group, I think. There are so many different 'flus about, that science has had to give them numbers, such as this one, which is H5N1. Human 'flus also have numbers, but they are commonly known as 'Asian 'flu', 'Spanish 'flu', 'Taiwan 'flu', 'Fujian 'flu' and other names. They occur everywhere in nature, and some are more evolved and deadly than others.

The evolution of viruses and bacteria, such as MRSA for example. just go to prove that evolution of species is ongoing, and that nature is very powerful.

Keep safe!


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RE: Bird flu, any flu—stop the fear

Hello Northernlights,

Yes, I remember also, the 'mass hysteria' which broke out over toxicara in dogs' mess, and blindness. I think a couple of people played about in grass and didn't wash their hands and ended up putting dirty fingers into their eyes. The media blew it up out of all proportion; so much was it blown up, that people were being warned not to stroke their dogs. Ridiculous!


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RE: Bird flu, any flu—stop the fear

Here's Wikipedia's definition - it's interesting that the original meaning had a "spiritual" context, then it changed to an empirical one, and now(in Reikidonna's post anyway) a conspiratorial interpretation is offered!

The term influenza has its origins in 15th century Italy, where the cause of the disease was ascribed to unfavourable [link= ]astrological[/link] influences. Evolution in medical thought led to its modification to "influenza di freddo", meaning "influence of the cold", which by the 18th century became the prevalent terminology in the English-speaking world as well.

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RE: Bird flu, any flu—stop the fear

Fascinating Spinal Music thank you for sharing.....

On animals I have always had a really bad feeling about cats and babies, babies constitution is not strong enough to counteract the disease energetic and otherwise that cats carry.

Divine Love

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RE: Bird flu, any flu—stop the fear

ORIGINAL: songstress

Hello Northernlights,

Yes, I remember also, the 'mass hysteria' which broke out over toxicara in dogs' mess, and blindness. I think a couple of people played about in grass and didn't wash their hands and ended up putting dirty fingers into their eyes. The media blew it up out of all proportion; so much was it blown up, that people were being warned not to stroke their dogs. Ridiculous!


[sm=offtopic.gif] of bird flu, admittedly, but may I just put the record straight here regarding toxocara canis.

It's not a question of fingers into eyes, Patsy, but fingers into MOUTHS, as small children tend to do. A very few cases of blindness are said to have occurred because children playing in grass in public areas accidentally ingested the eggs of this roundworm, which were in dog faeces. The worm then becomes a larva, which can move around in the human body. Some migrate to the eye area and can cause blindness.

The full life cycle of toxocara canis can be read here:

[link= ][/link]

Stroking your dog is fine. Just wash your hands thoroughly before touching food. Basic hygiene really, the lack of which seems to be a contributory factor to bird flu.


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RE: Bird flu, any flu—stop the fear

ORIGINAL: Divine Love

On animals I have always had a really bad feeling about cats and babies, babies constitution is not strong enough to counteract the disease energetic and otherwise that cats carry.

Divine Love

What do you mean, Kim? What "energetic" disease? Perhaps I have misunderstood your post.

There have been incidents of cats jumping into prams to have a snoozeand accidentally suffocating a baby whenthe pramhas been put out in the garden so the baby can getsome fresh air. These are indeed unfortunate accidents. I believe people put stringy net things across the pram to prevent this happening.

If you don't like cats, then you don't like cats, and that's it. But are you picking up some sort of "bad vibe" where none exists?

Mine is permanently poised to hop on the back of my broomstick for a ride through the night sky 😉


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RE: Bird flu, any flu—stop the fear

What do you mean, Kim?  What "energetic" disease? Perhaps I have misunderstood your post.

Energetic disease is miasma = pollution = any type of disease

But are you picking up some sort of "bad vibe" where none exists?

I don't think so, cats tend to scavenge more than dogs due to most being let out alone, so they are more prone to carry stuff than dogs. It is rare for a dog to pick up a dead bird or mouse but cats have fun with it and most dogs don't get much opportunity to rummage like cats because they are either in doors or on a lead.

Cat fleas biting babies for their blood not good either, however, I think that is basic common sense.

Divine Love

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RE: Bird flu, any flu—stop the fear

I cannot help but wonder, DL, how much you REALLY know about cats and dogs.

Dogs are the scavengers and eat dead rubbish.

Cats have "fun" with live prey. Not dead stuff.

Exactly the opposite of what you've posted. Sorry!


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RE: Bird flu, any flu—stop the fear

I see you've added a bit about cat fleas 😀 These can also be picked up by dogs. Preventive measures are available from the vet.

Are you sure you're not seeing blood-sucking vampires as well? 😀


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RE: Bird flu, any flu—stop the fear

As a past owner of many dogs, I think I do have some genuine experience and as far as cats are concerned perhaps you would like to study our local cats that go through our bins on a regular basis. When staying with friends who own cats I have often also witnessed them bringing dead mice and birds into the I AM not entirely innocent Holistic of animal behaviour least of all cats and dogs.

And no have never seen a blood sucking vampire:D

Divine Love

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RE: Bird flu, any flu—stop the fear

To get back to the topic - as of today the 3km exclusion zone restrictions have been lifted. Some more skepticalresidents are of the opinion that the swan was a 'plant' to test the has certainly helped the Visit Scotland office!

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RE: Bird flu, any flu—stop the fear

And how many people have cat trays in the same room as making babies food or just being with baby. Disease does not just travel through the physical it is also energetic and travels energetically. Energetic disease shapeshifts from one thing to another so hard for scientists to verify its origination.

To Stem Disease, Keep Cats Indoors, Stop Feeding Strays, Scientist Urges

Babies need sterile conditions as much as possible in the early years, is a home as clean as possible when there are animals around? Of course not.

Divine Love

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RE: Bird flu, any flu—stop the fear

Off Topic for A Bit (But then on again below)
I don't know if you all were trying to be humerous, but I was having a good laugh about the cat and baby thing-- fleas and vampires hee hee... that was funny.

This must be a difference between our countries again. Not that there are not any strays at all of course, but at least in towns there aren't the many you seem to see about DL. Here where I am, I don't see any.

We have laws here which provide that we must keep our cats AND dogs contained or under our control at all times. We cannot let them be loose to wander about trash cans or whatever. They have to be fenced in, leashed or in the house.

If one has any common sense, would they put a kitty litter box anywhere near an infant? This is just too much. Or leave them unattended OUTSIDE to sleep??? Really? Also, I disagree with the sterile as possible train of thought. That'sone of the wayschildren build up their immune system, by exposure.

I have 4 cats at present, I've also owned many dogs from poodles to border collies and labs. Dogs will eat anything from cat and baby poo to women's cast off... thingys from the trash. They eat garbage, roll in fish or other disgusting things -- and you think cats are disease carriers??? Only if bitten by a dog lmao!:D That was funny too.

Okay, my cats have never -- NEVER brought in a bird or mouse, I guess these friends could keep their door closed or not let the cats wander. Especially if there is an infant in the house! Unless stray and hungry, cats don't kill these things on purpose, they play with them and in my experience, the poor things escape about 80% of the time. Of course if they are feralcats willkill to eat, but then they wouldn't be bringing these trophy pressies in to mom and dad...

I have never heard such theories before as what you've offered DL -- I've read them in other topics too. Kind of intriguing -- disease shape shifts and travels energetically?

Now back to topic! We have not been affected yet by this "pandemic" but the press has us all plenty aware of it. Some large companies have already started preparing for workers being at home working instead of infecting each other. I must admit, I am thinking about 'if this then that' strategies justincase.

Do you all really think it's hooey? I'll go to that website you put up and read. Thanks once again for the education; )

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RE: Bird flu, any flu—stop the fear

Well they aren't strays AW they are cats that live in local homes. The other cat lives on a 28 acre farm.

As far as energetic disease is concerned if you wish to learn some more then I recommend you read up on Homeopathy because Homeopathy works on maisms and explains how one disease shapeshifts to another over generations. However, there is a lot more to it then that.

Divine Love

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RE: Bird flu, any flu—stop the fear

Thank you for the explanation about energetic disease. Very interesting 🙂

I notice you've started a thread in theChildren's Health forum about Animals and Babies:

[link= ] [/link]

whichso far just contains your link back to this thread we're in now. I was going to suggest you might post a bit more there to perhaps get some further discussion going, rather than remaining off-topic here, and that may still be a good idea.

However, in the meantime I had a lookon Google UK for the laws here concerning dog roaming, with a view to replying to American Woman.I came across this discussion on a website for garden law, and it's about whether or not ... with the threat of bird flu ... cats should now be "confined to barracks" as a matter of law. It runs to 5 pages and I have not read them all, but as cats can be an intermediary for carrying infection between wild birds and humans, maybe it's not so off-topic after all!

[link= ] [/link]

I was a little puzzled by some people referring to NFH til someone put it in full ... Neighbours From Hell. It seems there's a website of that name [:-]and it's mentioned because people object to other people'scats coming and using their gardens as a loo, and claim the owners are anti-social for allowing itto happen.


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RE: Bird flu, any flu—stop the fear

Divine Love

I don't think so, cats tend to scavenge more than dogs due to most being let out alone, so they are more prone to carry stuff than dogs. It is rare for a dog to pick up a dead bird or mouse but cats have fun with it and most dogs don't get much opportunity to rummage like cats because they are either in doors or on a lead.

I've back-tracked a little for a fuller reply to this. 1.30 in the morning is not my best time for long posts 😉

OK, let's take one species at a time!

1. Dogs. Your "It is rare for a dog to pick up a dead bird or mouse" is just not so, IMHO. You don't want to read the whole disgusting story, but I write from unpleasant experience, believe me [&o] Suffice to say one of my dogs was rushed to the vet, at their insistance when I telephoned immediately on arriving home from a country walk, for a massive injection of vitamin K to prevent his own possible death from second-hand Warfarin poisoning![:'(]He was fine, thankfully. AW wrote much truth in her post above about what dogs choose to eat.

"Dogs indoors or on a lead". No again, I'm afraid, at least as far as mine are concerned. Where safe to do so, for their sakes and livestock's, my dogs and countless others get to run free. In the countryside or town parks. In one's own (fenced) back garden, I guess there's a potentialrisk from wild bird droppings?

2. Cats. I agree, cats do roam unsupervised more than dogs. And yes, I've had dustbin lids knocked off, but it was dark so I could not see clearly enough to tell if the bushy red tail hanging out of the bin was that of a ginger tom or a fox, before it heard me and vanished into the night 😀

I know more about dogs than I do about cats, but I would hazard a guess that well fed cats don't rummage in bins.Cats don't only kill when hungry, but for fun, as you said. Because they're cats and that's what cats do, whether or not we like it. A dead bird brought indoors is probably freshly killed by the cat ... not been lying around for ages.

It is the movement of live creatures that triggers the cat's instinctive stalking/pouncing/patting it around activity. So a valid point was made in the discussion to which I posted a link in my previous post ... that a cat could well catch a bird that is DISEASED but still alive.

BTW, my local council introduced a new food recycling scheme last autumn. We have special little bins and biodegradable bags made of corn starch, and the bin handle also serves as a lock when it's lowered, so even if knocked over by an animal, it can't reach the contents. Not a bad idea now I've got used to it. I haven't liked to ask how they compost food waste or what they do with the result [&o]


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RE: Bird flu, any flu—stop the fear

ORIGINAL: American Woman

I don't know if you all were trying to be humerous, but I was having a good laugh about the cat and baby thing-- fleas and vampires hee hee... that was funny.

Apart from my one-liners above about broomsticks and vampires, AW, no I wasn't trying to be funny, though my sense of humour does sometimes get me into trouble! No, I was trying to post a couple of corrections to misassumptions as I perceived them, while hopefully remaining polite ... and brief, considering the hour.

If you've also read my replies to Divine Love, you'll have gathered that I went to Google to see what the law is here in the UK concerning dogs roaming, and I got sidetracked into the discussion about cats being an intermediary in the risk of getting bird flu,which made the whole thing rather more on-topic than earlier thought.

I think the situation regarding cats is probably covered there. UK dog law can be found here:

[link= ][/link]

They've certainly got much stricter in recent years, both in regard to dogs roaming, and dog fouling of public places, in both of which cases owners can be fined.

I agree with you about cat litter trays in food preparation areas ... I know a number of people whohave them in the kitchen... also about a too-sterile environment and natural immunity. There has to be a happy medium, IMO.


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RE: Bird flu, any flu—stop the fear

Did anyone see the newspaper headlines yesterday about the first human here to get bird flu? I didn't buy the paper and wondered whether anyone else read it.

Yes, Holistic thank you.

Divine Love

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RE: Bird flu, any flu—stop the fear

You're very welcome, DL 🙂

Yes, I did see something on the TV last night. However, it was reported that it is a strain of bird flu and they emphasised that it is not the deadly one.

Just wanted to post this quickly, and now will see what I can find online, since I can't remember the reference numbers of these different strains 😮


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RE: Bird flu, any flu—stop the fear

The chap in Norfolk has H7N3 virus, which manifests as conjunctivitis in humansand iseasily treated with topical ointment. He/she (thefarm worker has requested anonymity)has apparently been given Tamiflu as a precaution although he/she has no other symptoms.

I know of someone working in intensivepoultryfarming, and he has to wear special disposable clothing and wear a respirator when tending the birds!

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RE: Bird flu, any flu—stop the fear

ORIGINAL: reikidonna

The media are trying to influence us into getting bird flu. I have also heard (don't quote me) that it is a man made virus (certainly sounds like it when you consider the official name for it) and that they intend to spread it at up coming anti war protests

Would you mind if I say this is conspiracy theory gone mad? (Sorry! [&:]) The very people who 'spread it' would also get it. Once out, the real thing won't be contained.

I'd be willing to believe anything if there truly wasn't a real danger of bird flu crossing over into humans. But there is. It happens on average every 50-60 years, and it's overdue. That's simple historical fact. No, I'm not "afraid" as what's the point in that? Fear does no good, and indeed the pandemic once again may well not happen. I've talked to guys who specialise in this kind of thing, and they roughly say (1) the chances are 50-50, and (2) "but even then it's hard to really know".

Bird flus simply do pass over into humans, though it hasn't happened yet in the human-transmissable variety. Let's hope it doesn't happen. The last time was in 1917 and is "hidden history" since people at the time didn't want to dwell on it. It killed more people in the trenches of WWI than the war itself! - in fact, a good theory is that it began in those trenches, where they did keep chickens. It hit every nation upon earth, in 1917-18, and severely cut the population. I don't know why, but some races and nations would only lose a quarter of their population, while others lost over a half. I heard quite recently how, when it was all over, some local Americans to an Indian reservation went to check on people there: it was gone. No survivors.

So my points are: Fear is indeed pointless; but the threat is very real; conspiracy stories are silly as they suppose bird flu doesn't exist and cross over: it's done it in every century we know of. Finally, let's cross fingures! (If it happens it's likely to be around the start of next winter, one expert told me.)

(Sorry for the bad news! - and again, it may not happen - this time. If it does, the world always recovers and things carry on.)

Oops. Reikidonna wrote: "I have also heard (don't quote me)" ... I guess I did, didn't I! 😀


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RE: Bird flu, any flu—stop the fear

hmm 1917 just pinged out following an email this week from a friend who is into numbers from the US, totally off topic but it is exactly 89 years on May 13 that the Fatima Prophecies were bestowed and a very special day this year too! There may be more to this Bird Flu than meets the eye Reikidonna! ;)If you wanted to stop birds from flying what would you do? Create something to keep them grounded.......


I am not disputing what David has said and agree with him on that basis. However, my own feeling is that this is a lot more scientific. I have just checked the Greek Gematria of the name given to this virus - very clever indeed!

= 652 = Sacrifice

My recommendation avoid writing, saying or even thinking the words. Not because you will catch the virus, you don't need to catch the virus to get the impact of what is going on here.

Divine Love

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RE: Bird flu, any flu—stop the fear

The plot thickens.....more Greek Gematria

89 = Angel

= Angle

2006 = Simultaneous

Dictionary says this:

Simultaneity is the property of two events happening at the same time in at least ONE Reference frame.

In mathematics, a system of equations or a set of simultaneous equations share variables; a solution is a set of variable values for which all these equations are satisfied simultaneously.

In music a simultaneity is more than one complete musical texture occurring at the same time, rather than in succession. This first appeared in the music of Charles Ives, and is common in the music of Conlon Nancarrow, and others. A pitch simultaneity is also more than one pitch or pitch class all of which occur at the same time, or simultaneously.

Simultaneity is a more general term than chord: most chord progressions or harmonic progressions are then simultaneity successions, though not all simultaneity successions are harmonic progressions and not all simultaneities are chords.

In modern physics two events may be simultaneous with respect to a time event as follows:

A central event (0,0) is used to anchor a spacetime plane {(x,t) in RxR} = ST where x measures distance in units of 30 centimeters and t measures time in nanoseconds. Space events satisfy |x| > |t| and the time events satisfy |x| < |t|. Now a space event e is simultaneous with the origin (0,0), with respect to a time event z, if e and z are hyperbolic-orthogonal points in ST. Two events g and h in ST are simultaneous with respect to z if their difference g - h in ST is hyperbolic-orthogonal to z.

2006 = 8 which is the year of Spiritual Transformation as discussed at the end of last year.

David was there anything significant going on spiritually in 1917 that you know of apart from the Fatima Prophecies? Does anything spring to mind? It was a 9 year which is said to be the number of completion and the number of Divine Love (didn't know that).

it's done it in every century we know of.

Also very interesting.......David.

Reikidonna I think you have hit the bullesye;)Not only stop the fear but also the sacrifice! Let those Angel wings fly divine!

Divine Love

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