I was going to answer this in 'is the bible/koran out of date.
Right at the end of 'publlishers' post .. he states he has his own communion with spirit.
THIS makes everything else irrelevant.
Because it is ones own communion with Souls/spirit .. nature guide.. Source and Earthmother that one achieves any ascension/mastery/enlightenment/illumination.
One cannot hope to raise ones consciousness to any higher level (and this we must achieve for ascension) WITHOUT the mentoring and guidance they give us.
Ascension is new truth.
Ascension is not found in the old truths, words or works of others.
Some of these works one may find a spiritual path .. but not an ascension path.
Yes, they may have some keys, some truths - but not the whole truth.
We keep moving, keep searching, keep asking questions.
Without these questions, one will not receive the necessary answers.
Keep quoting the old works of others .. one will not achieve ascension.
(it is known, that there has been too much removed from the bible , and mis-translated (all for a purpose of course)
As one ascends, not by learning and immersing oneself in past dogmas - but by channelling new truths for ONES SELF .. for ones personal healing and direction. It is the higher truths and wisdoms from Nature, from Earth and Soul that do this.
Earthmother MUST become an equasion in our Ascension - Nature must become an equasion in ascension .. they are both ascending, it is humanity that is dragging the chain.
and Karma must become an equasion.
Because it is the immense amount of karma that humanity is immersed in, is the reason humanity is dragging the ascension chain.
As one starts to see the mirrors (that trigger) all as karma (all from pastlife occurrences) - and strive to heal them all.
THEN one starts their ascension.
I hope that makes some sense my dear new friends.
Ascension is Unity and Collaboration, and Experience.
(not debate and belief)
RE: Ascension vs religions/dogmas
Hi Kolo, and welcome to HP!
I agree that one's personal Ascension is about experience or rather, self-transformation and Becoming, not, as you say, about quoting and belief. Mind you, if that was directed at Christianity, remember that of course their doctrinal goal in life is not the Ascension anyway.
It's not a subject everybody sees eye-to-eye on, and sometimes it can be useful to be very specific for clarity's sake. I must say that in the 'new age' if you'd call yourself that, terms get very blurred, as if they mean something obvious when in fact this is hardly the case! For example:
Because it is ones own communion with Souls/spirit .. nature guide.. Source and Earthmother
:DTo be honest, just IMHO, 'Souls' is different to 'spirit' which is VERY different to 'nature guide' and all of those are different to 'Source'. As for 'Earthmother' that probably means a hundred possibilities.
May I introduce you to a third perspective? Yours seems to be saying that old-style religion and mere belief is not the intended spiritual Path for men and women. Fine, but I've found, personally, that the New Age outlook, such as it has now become and deteriorated into, is also very lacking. I began a thread on this quite some time back, which frankly did begin as a partial critique of the New Age use of the word "ascension", though was simultaneously intended to be an inspiration. Then others gave their perspective.
In a nutshell, if Christians think the ascension of Jesus was unique, people today are beginning to disagree. Catholics even have it that Mary had an "Assumption" - they wouldn't call it "Ascension" because she was/is female. Elijah "ascended" "in a chariot". Enoch "walked with God, and was not [on Earth any more] for God took him" (quote from somewhere in the Old Testament).
However one point I made in this thread was that the New Age concept is pretty wishy-washy on ascension, and in fact it's a misuse of the word quite often as it gets used more and more and in the end is often used simply to mean a kind of general 'getting a bit better spiritually'. It hardly means only that, so the New Age has come to trivialise the word IMO. The individual, personal Ascension is a huge and profound concept, and the thread on it is here:
[the link goes into a post in the middle so it may be necessary to scroll up to the start]
[link= http://www.healthypages.net/forum/tm.asp?m=48015&mpage=1&key=True%2CAscension샧 ]http://www.healthypages.net/forum/tm.asp?m=48015&mpage=1&key=True%2CAscension샧[/link]
RE: Ascension vs religions/dogmas
Dear Kolo
I was going to answer this in 'is the bible/koran out of date.
Right at the end of 'publlishers' post .. he states he has his own communion with spirit.
THIS makes everything else irrelevant.
Nothing is irrelevant unless you perceive it to be so.
Everything has value when you value everything.
Because it is ones own communion with Souls/spirit .. nature guide.. Source and Earthmother that one achieves any ascension/mastery/enlightenment/illumination.
One cannot hope to raise ones consciousness to any higher level (and this we must achieve for ascension) WITHOUT the mentoring and guidance they give us.
Well some people have already arrived on this planet in an ascended state of being so this does not apply to everyone an there are many paths to ascension just as there are many mansions within.
Ascension is new truth.
It may be so for ypu.
Ascension is not found in the old truths, words or works of others.
Ascension has always been apart of the Ancient Mystery teachings and they are as inherent in human consciousness as the unviersal laws. We are one with the earth and the teachings that come from the nature of the planet and the cosmos itself. Depending on the culture we just begin to see it with new eyes.
Some of these works one may find a spiritual path .. but not an ascension path.
This sounds right for you but every individual is unique and as such so will their own ascension path be unique to them.
Yes, they may have some keys, some truths - but not the whole truth.
Nobody has the whole truth for our minds could not contain it all in conscious awareness. That is why we are born into community, in the synthesis of relationship. The community of our cells relate to the community of humanity.
We keep moving, keep searching, keep asking questions.
When you stop searching, stop asking you then become enlightened.
Without these questions, one will not receive the necessary answers.
Not necesssary people learn in different ways for each and everyone has a unique journey.
Keep quoting the old works of others .. one will not achieve ascension.
We cannot say what is right for another or that a person will not achieve ascension there own way........
(it is known, that there has been too much removed from the bible , and mis-translated (all for a purpose of course)
Some people enjoy academic discussion, it brings them pleasure and joy.
'You mentioned publlishers' post .. he states he has his own communion with spirit' and sometimes this Holy Spirit inspire us to find confirmation of our ascension in ancient texts; it was certainly this way for me. Spirit came and worked with me intensively showing me all manner of things. Some things that I had already learnt from my self and my own journey. Some things that have been taught to me from Spirit. The divine wanted me to see the confirmation everywhere. Everything has good purpose and an important reason for being as things have evolved they have shown me a unified field where I am able to unify everything and unification is part of ascension.
As one ascends, not by learning and immersing oneself in past dogmas - but by channelling new truths for ONES SELF .. for ones personal healing and direction. It is the higher truths and wisdoms from Nature, from Earth and Soul that do this.
This is only a part of the journey of ascension because you move beyond it when you are ready for the next level.
Earthmother MUST become an equasion in our Ascension - Nature must become an equasion in ascension .. they are both ascending,
Yes I agree
it is humanity that is dragging the chain.
Everything is perfect when one moves beyond the duality of limitation.
and Kar
RE: Ascension vs religions/dogmas
Welcome Kolo to HP!
And well done Venetian and Kim with your replies - I so agree with them.
You know Kolo, realising our spiritual identity includes being child-like, bing interested in all that is going on around us, having a great desire to learn. I have been writing on these forums for 4 years now and believe me, I have come across some "New Agers" who are just as dogmatic about their beliefs as the "religonists" they attack! 😀
These wise words from Mary Baker Eddy sum up how I feel - and apply to all beliefs and philosophies:
God is universal;
confined to no spot,
defined by no dogma,
appropriated by no sect.
I would always be suspicious of anyone who says "Only what I believe is right" and I'd say - prove it! I am a student of Christian Science simply because it can be proved, through healing. Have a look at the thread 'Healing through the Christ consciousness' - I'm sure that you will identify with it, but that level of understanding and spiritual demonstration has all come (in those instances) through the individual's study and understanding of the Bible and our textbook Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by MBE.
After all, at school, it would be hard, though not imposssible, for you to learn math or any other subject without your textbooks (or the knowledge to be gained from the Internet etc) The wisdom of centuries is contained in the sacred texts of the world religions. The OT prophets as well as Jesus and his students could raise the dead as well as heal the sick. They have tried to impart some of this knowledge to future generations. So why re-invent the wheel?
Take the inspired Word from the sacred texts and don't get bogged down with human opinion.
Love and peace
RE: Ascension vs religions/dogmas
Yes i agree absolutely - 'opinion' has no relevance. belief has non - nor blind faith.
Only Truth.
There are no 'blurred edges' with spirit and soul - they require absolute clarity.
And clarity is what is achieved in ascension.
No one can clear a karma for another - this is one of the many delusions of the false intervention.
It is they that have told us that - and it is 'they' that are incorrect.
Yes Divine Love - 'ascension' has always been a part of the ancient texts, ancient 'mystery teachings' (yeah mystery alright)- but in deeper introspection with Soul, 'ascension' was far from achievable for many reasons.
It is not until these questions are asked .. that one will know truth.
Especially the deeper truths of the 'mystery schools'. (who EXACTLY controlled these organisations - and why they controlled them .. the same for religions and such .. to control the spiritual teachings of humanity - would control humanity).
And the truth is, at this time - that our karmas are preventing ascension.
THIS is NEW truth -- in fact, new ascension truths are being revealed daily, by Soul, Source and Earthmother. All for our information and ascension.
Namaste my good friends
RE: Ascension vs religions/dogmas
No one can clear a karma for another - this is one of the many delusions of the false intervention.
It is they that have told us that - and it is 'they' that are incorrect.
No its from experience with source Kolo.
Yes Divine Love - 'ascension' has always been a part of the ancient texts, ancient 'mystery teachings' (yeah mystery alright) - but in deeper introspection with Soul, 'ascension' was far from achievable for many reasons.
Only because people believed it to be so and man has moved on greatly from being quite primative in their thinking.
Especially the deeper truths of the 'mystery schools'. (who EXACTLY controlled these organisations - and why they controlled them .. the same for religions and such .. to control the spiritual teachings of humanity - would control humanity).
And a lot of these were carnal man because it is only carnal that seeks to control and carnal tries to understand but cannot truly undertand the spirit of wisdom.
And the truth is, at this time - that our karmas are preventing ascension.
Well this is your truth and what you believe you do create. As below, so above, as above, so below.
THIS is NEW truth -- in fact, new ascension truths are being revealed daily, by Soul, Source and Earthmother. All for our information and ascension.
Well I would say that there are very few new universal truths but there are lots of new ways of looking at truth and ascended understanding of the same.
God is universal;
confined to no spot,
defined by no dogma,
appropriated by no sect.
Love it!
Divine Love
RE: Ascension vs religions/dogmas
aaah but god HAS been appropriated.
by many sects - by many religions - by many orders.- by many beings on this planet that call themselves the ascended masters
(who Divine Love are NOT Source .. yes karma is cleared with the guidance of ones Source, not with the 'ascended ones')
If we asked the Universal Mind (god/Source per se) we WILL be answered.
Ascension truth is ascension truth.
RE: Ascension vs religions/dogmas
Hi Kolo,
While many people today channel the wisdoms from Spirit as our ancestors have always done: Abraham, Jesus, the many Prophets in the Bible, Joan of Arc, the Salem Witches etc etc, and we do know that our ultimate purpose is to ascend so that our soul does not have to return to the Earth plane again. All of the information that we need to make life enjoyable and a constant source of inspiration and happiness is to be found within the pages of thousands of books that we see on the bookshelves today. There are so many because we are allvery different individuals; we all find enjoyment in different things and so make choices that resonate with us personally.
Some people find their peace and contentment in the Bible - wonderful; or the Koran - fantastic, or Diana Cooper - amazing. Nothing is wrong or a bad choice, it's value can only be determined by the way in which each one of us conducts our life.
have a great day 🙂
In love and light
RE: Ascension vs religions/dogmas
aaah but god HAS been appropriated.
by many sects - by many religions - by many orders.- by many beings on this planet that call themselves the ascended masters
(who Divine Love are NOT Source .. yes karma is cleared with the guidance of ones Source, not with the 'ascended ones')If we asked the Universal Mind (god/Source per se) we WILL be answered. Ascension truth is ascension truth.Namaste Kolo
You make assumptions and your perceptions have no basis in my reality.
Not once have I mentioned that ascended masters were source. So we can see how easy it is for people to come to conclusions due to their own belief system.
However, ultimately everything is a part of source.
Divine Love