Hi everyone,
Didn't know whether to put this in Philosophy or here, but it's an interesting read and I'll try to get back when I have time. Just wondered whther any of these descriptions are how you see God?
America’s image of God varies
USA Today (US) – September 11, 2006
The USA calls itself one nation under God, but Americans don't all have the same image of the Almighty in mind. A new survey of religion in the USA finds four very different images of God — from a wrathful deity thundering at sinful humanity to a distant power uninvolved in mankind's affairs. . . . Written and analyzed by sociologists from Baylor University's Institute for Studies of Religion in Waco, Texas, and conducted by Gallup, the survey asked 77 questions with nearly 400 answer choices that burrowed deeply into beliefs, practices and religious ties and turned up some surprising findings: Though 91.8% say they believe in God, a higher power or a cosmic force, they had four distinct views of God's personality and engagement in human affairs. These Four Gods — dubbed by researchers Authoritarian, Benevolent, Critical or Distant — tell more about people's social, moral and political views and personal piety than the familiar categories of Protestant/Catholic/Jew or even red state/blue state. . . .
Love and peace,