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Abandoned by God?

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Abandoned by God?

A Christian Fundamentalist asked me whether I had become the person that I had become because I had felt God had abandoned me.

This is a very powerful question and a great catalyst that caused me to think about this subject deeply. My memories include being brought up as a protestant Christian with a mother that used to be a Sunday school teacher, {my parents were thought to be beatniks at the time} eventually we moved and our local church was part of the High Church of England. So on Sundays we went to the Church of Mary Magdalene and during the week I was taken to a Christian Spiritualist Church; so I grew up with a basic understanding of karma and reincarnation. I asked for a bible for my eighth birthday present and was bought a porcelain Buddha for my 18th.

In hindsight, looking back nearly 40 years what did God mean to me growing up from a child into a young woman?

Well God wasn’t something that I really thought about. Church was something you did automatically; like cleaning your teeth, brushing your hair and going to school. God was something taken for granted, remote, untouchable and up in heaven somewhere. Yet, here was a child that was clairsentient and totally at one with nature and could walk for hours in nature talking to who knows who! She was totally at peace and at one with animals and nature itself. In hindsight, if she ever felt close to God, this was it – in nature, although she was not aware of it at the time.

So how did God become a major part of this woman’s life?

When she was sick of being sick and the last straw had broken the camels back she indeed cried out ‘God hath you forsaken me?’ ‘Please take this pain away’. Did God abandon her in her hour of need? No she was never abandoned she was shown the way…………..

By chance, co-incidence or synchronicity she was led to go into a bookshop and find a book ‘You Can Heal Your Life’, God had answered her cries. This book showed this woman that there was light at the end of the tunnel and that she could indeed heal herself. The synchronicity following this continued, and bit by bit, stage by stage she was given each clue, understanding and truth. People were brought into her life too assist her with her self healing journey; God did indeed show her the way home to love, peace and happiness within.

So did God abandon her?

No never!

God was always there waiting to pick up the pieces. Once Kim totally surrendered and asked for help, the help was indeed given in abundance.

It was through this help that never wavered; that she truly came to know and understand God, how God works in all his/her mysterious ways. So much proof was given in multi-dimensional ways that she never ever doubted God.

There is a lovely Sufi quote that sums it up perfectly. I was looking for the self and I found God and when I found God I found the self.

A treasured colleague once said of me ‘Kim’s love of God and the Divine is unassailable’.

So abandoned by God?

Oh no, I found God and we have an intimate relationship. The Lover and the beloved.

I did not find God within Church walls, doctrines or books.

I found God by simply asking God to help me….in the evidence of life experience I found God everywhere.

My compassionate and charitable Grandmother used to say;

Where there is a will there is always a way…………

Glory BE to God this was proven to be true.

Do you have a story to tell of how you found God?

Love beyond measure

Kim xx

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RE: Abandoned by God?

Hi Kim,

I owe you a bit of an apology [:o]. I opened your thread a few days ago and thought - on no I cannot read all that [&o]. I was in a hurry, working at the time, but still wanted to keep up with what was going on on these pages. Today it is Sunday morning, I haven't made coffee yet as once again, I wanted to see what everyone is thinking. I pressed on your page again and willingly read it - wonderful - so much of what you say mirrored my childhood, except I was the questioning child. I listened to bellowing ministers and said - no more - I was a deep thinker at 8 years of age. But I - like you - spent hours and hours walking down the country lanes, looking for nests in the hedgerows (just to see how many eggs there were and the pretty colours) smelling the air, watching the golden corn sway in the wind. I loved those moments.

So thank you for sharing your memories, I hope you accept my apology 🙂

In love & light

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RE: Abandoned by God?

Dear Publisher

How wonderful it would be for us to encourage children to contemplate in nature when one can find such peace and wonder there. I remember lifting up the ear of my dog and telling him all my troubles; it felt like he was my only true friend in the world. Looking back then how wonderful that children can develop such powerful relationships with Gods animals. Angels of healing and support without doubt.

Divine Love

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RE: Abandoned by God?

I too felt very drawn to answer this post.

I do not have any evidence that i had psychic abilities when I was younger but from about 9 onwards and especailly in my early teens I felt kind of 'different'. I felt as though the people around me had got life wrong somehow.

I used to write endless diaries about how beautiful i found things and how wonderful it was to hear the waves and watch the moon on the water. I would be filled with such emotion that i would cry and yet others did not seem to see it.

But through my teenage years i kind of lost this connection became too interested in boys and being dead set on going to medical school and becoming a surgeon. I became so focused academically that other development stopped. Looking back the more i worked at school the more i was praised and the more i worked furiously to be a part of this highly esteemed, secure profession.

During my first semester at uni I ended up in hospital and having my appendix out. I then sprilled into depression. After months of resentment I began to become aware of a reawakening. The universe knew it would take something major to reignite my spiritual fire and hey presto............

Now I am back at uni but feel on my true life course - it turns out that i may become a dr after all just not a medical one.

I am currently going through a very tempestuous time as my awareness fights with my ego and human insecurities to be fully integrated into my everyday life. Slowly i am finding the courage and the light and the freedom and the love that is god.

With love and light


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RE: Abandoned by God?

Dear Sunbeam that is a great story thank you for sharing. Excellent news that you are back are uni. 😉

am currently going through a very tempestuous time as my awareness fights with my ego and human insecurities to be fully integrated into my everyday life. 

Would you like to share more?

Slowly i am finding the courage and the light and the freedom and the love that is god.

Cosmic 😀

Divine Love

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RE: Abandoned by God?

GOD does not leave us, we leave him! GOD has a reason for everything! think of Paul, he often asked GOD why he wouldnt remove the "thorn from his side"( which i believe was him not being able to see very good ) because he always signed hisname in capital letters! so not everyone will be healed when they pray for it. but GOD is always in control!!!

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RE: Abandoned by God?

Do you agree that children should reach a stage of matuiry to eventually learn to live on their own without the dependency of their parents? Wouldn't it show a stronger character on their part to do so? Isn't this the whole reason why we are given free will to explore, judge, desire, love, hate, etc, etc all on our own? If God intervenes then how will we ever mature to a stage where we all can live independently without his guidness. No reason at all as to why a child shouldn't grow up and see life on their own taking the hardships along with the rewards without the parents approval.

I have no respect for any parent that says otherwise.

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RE: Abandoned by God?

ok, first of all i never said that we shouldnt grow and mature on our own. but as a parent wouldnt you intervene if you knew that your child were ,say, using drugs! you would try and help them and or try to stop them wouldnt you? i would hope so cause i couldnt respect a parent that wouldnt! god intervenes ( only sometimes ) because he loves us and wants us to go down the right paths in life! but ultimately, its our decision to either trust gods intervention or not! also who in there right mind wouldnt want GODS guidence, for he is a GOD of love and he wouldnt do anything or want anything that was bad for us!

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RE: Abandoned by God?

I think you are greatly missunderstanding my point. Humans have been around for 3 million years now at least according to recent scientific research proving evolution. You are saying that it is still Ok for God to intervine as a father when we are parenting ourselves? Till when will you say that it is ok for us to completly let go of the family nest and finnaly live true independent human lives? Will it be another 3 million years from now?

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RE: Abandoned by God?

hello calissa

just wondering if you have ever read "Conversations with God" (Book 1) by Neale Donald Walsch?? (i'm not sure whether you would 'agree' with all of it?, but i'm sure you would find it very interesting)

ORIGINAL: godschild0690
but GOD is always in control!!!

one of the biggest points made is that God gives us a choice in everything!!

Quote: "The whole point of the process (life) was for you to discover yourself, create your Self, as you truly are - and as you truly wish to be. Yet you could not be that unless you also had a choice to be something else."

food for thought....


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RE: Abandoned by God?

thanks for the info jess, id love to read it. im sure with anything we read there will be something we dont agree with but like you said it will be food for thought!

Amelia Jane
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RE: Abandoned by God?

Hi...helping the thread to stray off topic (sorry guys)
I've read conversation with God book 1 too, I found it quite interesting although I haven't been drawn to reading the others yet...but I hear there's a film on it coming out...or perhaps it is out

[link= ][/link]


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RE: Abandoned by God?

on the above topic, i have to say that, about 8yrs. ago my husband and i were at a really horrible place in our marriage. he was into some aweful things. well i didnt want my kids or myself involved i it and i didnt know how to escape from it, when i heard a voice tell me to leave tulsa,ok and take the kids and move to west virginia, where my mom lived! i had no money, cause he took it all, and i had a small broken down car. i thought i was going crazy and i told myself that i didnt hear what i thought i heard. so during the next few days the "voice" kept telling me to just get in the car and go. so i did. i pawned my ring for 80.00, packed up and took off on an 18 hour trip! to my surprise, i got there safely and with 20.00 to spare! i stayed there for a year, and while there i had found a job within two days, got some help through the state for the kids, like: insurance,and food , at work this guy that i didnt know gave me his credit card to get the kids some clothes, i quit smoking. but best of all, my husband turned his life around and quit doing the bad stuff he was doing!,so.. who was the "voice" that told me to go up there, and when i did , how did all those wonderful things happen to me, well i believe it was GOD who got me there safely and made all those things happen for me!

Amelia Jane
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RE: Abandoned by God?

An amazing & wonderful story & thank you very much for sharing that with us here

I had a very simular expereice too which was my final 'Wake up' call. My interpratation of my experience is that it was an Angel...I know..that sounds didn't have wings or a halo but I knew, he told me what can happen, he told me I had choices if when I'm clear in my heart what I truley need rather then want then I will have it,..that I was in control. I did try& brush it off afterwards.. but the feeling clung to me...still does & this is going back years & years!

This was differernt to spirit communication, I have been able to see spirit since I was born..this was very different..


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RE: Abandoned by God?

yes - thank you calissa for sharing that great story with us

and i think that supports what i said about choice - that 'voice' could certainly have been "God" or even your own inner wisdom (basically the same thing) - but you had a choice whether to pay attention and act on that voice or not - and you obviously choose well, and helped to turn your life around - congratulations!!

and thankfully your husband also made some wise choices by the sounds of it...

wishing you well
