Hi everyone. wasnt sure where to put this but here goes. People, forms paperwork etc always ask waht religion we are. Personally I believe in angels, holistical therapies, guides, manifesting and lots of other things. SOme friends who are pagans suggest Im one of them, wiccan friends tell me a lot of what I believe is wicca, Ive also been classed as spiritualist. Im drawn vastly to the moon and to water and have tried saying im eclectic but that doesnt seem to help either.
what do u think?
I tend to put 'Self' nowadays - confuses some of them, but as I believe in me - whats the point of putting a particular 'religion' when I have no faith in any of them?
If I fill any forms which ask for religion I always put none..
I sometimes put 'Pantheist'.
I put none, as there is nothing that I've come across that covers my beliefs!
thanks for your replies....
Im inclined not to put none as I feel Im doing myself an injuctice then.
what is pantheist?
thanks for your replies....
Im inclined not to put none as I feel Im doing myself an injuctice then.
I suppose it depends on your definition of religion?
I don't feel any sense of injustice 😉
what is pantheist?
If you don't worship with other people, I would call your idividual practice a spiritual path not a religion...
If you do worship with others......then usually there is a spiritual name attached to the group.
Hi Paula :wave:
As part of the BA in Comparative Religion, we look at "nouveau" classifications and from what you say, technically the box you'd tick would be "New Age". However, for similar reasons to that which Oakapple gives, "New Age" is not widely recognised as a religion and some individuals are reticent to declare their beliefs as such, feeling that nowadays that anything and everything is subsumed under one incoherent classification...
* Edited to clarify that by referring to Oakapple's post, I mean that a belief or collection of them is totally different to 'faith', however abstract one's interpretation of that word might be. For example, you say you 'believe in holsitic therapies' (more precisely that they work, perhaps) but so do I- and on the same level I also believe that electricity exists, that I am grateful for my family. But none of those beliefs, while arguably all "metaphysical", are "religious" beliefs....