:grouphug: Hello Everyone why i ask this is because i was told today that i should not speak to satan,
i am a spiritulist have been all my life. i am also a psychic medium and healer, a woman asked me what my motive was for attending one of the meetings, i went because my neighbour whos husband is a minister asked me to go along i went because im open to see how they say they have changed, i was asked what my definition of a christian was so i said anybody who is a true christian wouldnt ask that question i told them they were very judgemental, no empathy
and that to me is not a true christian my definition is someone who does no wrong to others treats people as you would want to be treated yourself and help those who need help and a christian would welcome anybody into their home without any discrimination doesnt matter what denomination or creed they are, they told me i didnt know what the word meant so im asking you what your definition of a christian is.
take care
The new US president, if it is Obama, will make the world more dangerous by relaxing regulations and giving people more rights
So you think the world will be a safer place if we all have fewer rights? Scary.
If in 20 years Iraq is unstable and a dictator who is an Islamic extremist is in charge, I will fully admit the US government made a big mistake
I don't think you'll have to wait that long.
I object to violence because when it appears to do good, the good is only temporary; the evil it does is permanent.
- Mahatma Gandhi
My definition of a Christian is Gandhi.
Hi ace,
It's late so this is brief. I'd never agree to the utmost fundamentalist belief that the world is - I don't know what they say but they work it out from days mentiond in the Bible - 5,000 years, so many months and days.
As for the rest of your post I largely agree.
Science does work that way - a big subject also involving peer pressure. Evolution may exist in some or many cases, but I'd agree in my own way that there may have been leaps of creation equivalent only to possibly a literal creation (or test-tube creations?). You should try the book, "Forbidden Archeology" - not about the earth being young, but about science distorting and hiding hundreds of facts strongly indicating that not only man, but civilisation, has been around for maybe hundreds of thousands of years. After such time, the evidence is harder to find, is all.
, "sin" actually means negative karma.
Allow me to disagree. Sin does not mean negative Karma. It means failure to reach a certain goal. In this case failure to follow the rules of christianity.If you sin, it means you failed to accomplish something. This is why, I think people need instead of wasting their days feeling guilty, they need to get back up at their feet and try again. That is what sin is to me. Failure.
and it is basically explicit even in the New Testament that Jesus and the disciples did believe in reincarnation - hence, by extension, in karma.
May I please ask where you are getting this idea from? Jesus talked about Heaven and hell for the followers of the devil. Nothing about reincarnation. Please don't feel offended by my comments. I don't mean to offend thee. I just want to know where that Idea comes from. Thank yiu.
Hi TMO and welcome to HP!
You've asked Venetian a question above, but we haven't seen him here for many months. This thread is quite old - the last post was written in 2008, so don't hold your breath for a reply! 😉
Love and peace,
Allow me to disagree. Sin does not mean negative Karma. It means failure to reach a certain goal. In this case failure to follow the rules of christianity.If you sin, it means you failed to accomplish something. This is why, I think people need instead of wasting their days feeling guilty, they need to get back up at their feet and try again. That is what sin is to me. Failure.
Seriously, yes, sure, TMO. "Failure to follow the rules of Christianity" would cover "sin" from a Christian perspective anyway. (Not "failure" as such, but "moral failure".)
A lot of people these days take an esoteric PoV however, so desire to translate the notion of "sin" into something meaningful to them. I agree there's no point in guilt. But from an esoteric, and maybe a Hindu PoV, "sin" is basically synonymous with creating negative karma - meaning in the end you'll have to make up for the erroneous action.
May I please ask where you are getting this idea from? Jesus talked about Heaven and hell for the followers of the devil. Nothing about reincarnation. Please don't feel offended by my comments. I don't mean to offend thee. I just want to know where that Idea comes from. Thank yiu.
I won't go into this in detail. Whole books have been written on this. For example it's in "Esoteric Christianity" by Annie Besant. So one can go deep.
Whenever I wrote that, I shouldn't have said "explicit". It's more implicit.
The notion that reincarnation wasn't believed in, in those days in the Holy Land, doesn't really hold water. Reincarnation was believed in by various other faiths elsewhere, as was karma, and there was a lot more travel, trade, and exchange of thought than realized.
Jesus: "Who did sin, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?" - implies that the disciples, and people of the day, believed you could be born with defects due to "sins" (immoral action) prior to birth i.e. prior to the present birth.
"Some say you are John the Baptist, come again", again shows that at least some in that place and time and culture believed that at least some people could be reborn.
There are various other statements which can be taken implicitly.
But most of all there's the fact that the books of the Bible have been purged and altered to some degree in early times. Jesus also taught deeper truths to his disciples not contained in the New Testament. (The fact that he taught them many things not contained in the NT is stated within the NT. He even taught for "forty days and nights" in the upper room: there is no record of 40 days and nights of teaching - what? The disciples handed these oral (sometimes secret, written) writings down to THEIR followers, and from them they were learned by Origen of Alexandria and also Clement. Both these figures wrote at length of the oral teachings handed down from Jesus, who then was only three or four generations removed from them. Both asserted that Jesus had taught the disciples, privately, about reincarnation.