I hope I don’t offend anyone by posting this but I feel I have to say something about what the Bible says about psychics, mediums etc.
The Bible, both in the Old and New testaments warns against going to psychics and mediums, however I guess throughout the ages people have consulted psychics, mediums etc – particularly when life is hard – after a bereavement, relationship breakdown, job worries and so on. I have known friends and colleagues use psychics and I myself have.
However I do now believe the Bible to be true and makes the points for very good reasons. Throughout the time I have used psychics, very few (if any) predictions have come true (and I have used supposedly reputable psychics). I have actually been given a lot of mis-information about situations which has proved heartbreaking. To be frank, I could have saved myself an awful lot of time and money if I hadn’t gone to them, as they have been a complete and utter waste of time. Ditto my friends who have used psychics as well – they feel used. Most people go to psychics to gain information about particular situations. If false info is given, then the person having the reading can be led up the wrong path completely.
As I said, I do now believe the Bible does have a point (for a very good reason) and will never, ever use them again.
My problem though is that clients seek answers or further info about something (and pay handsomely for this info). The fact that they can be led "up the garden path" so to speak by different info or different interpretations leads me again to conclude that psychics or mediums should not be contacted. With false or conflicting info being imparted, this is of no use (and in some cases can be downright damaging) to the client.
The same 'could' be said happygirl regarding religions . Many pay a small fortune to be told a load of old crap (lol) . 😀
Who is more gullible the one that is brainwashed by the preacher or the one that is swayed by the psychic ..
But like I said there are genuine psychics and I am sure there are preachers with a pure heart .. There always seems as if there are two sides of every coin, depends on at times which side is facing towards you .. Which side of the coin that is doesn't always show one the whole / bigger picture ..
x dazzle x
One more thing individualized daz, this is yourself speaking (as you're the the only one here). Your Self via the form of the "bad smell" that enters the room when you talk of your self-realization..... Here's the message:
"The one who smelt it dealt it!" (:D:p)
(.....I've been spending too much time with my nephew....:D:rolleyes:heeeheee )
I tend to keep the window open nowadays ..:p
x daz x
The same 'could' be said happygirl regarding religions . Many pay a small fortune to be told a load of old crap (lol) . 😀
Who is more gullible the one that is brainwashed by the preacher or the one that is swayed by the psychic ..
But like I said there are genuine psychics and I am sure there are preachers with a pure heart .. There always seems as if there are two sides of every coin, depends on at times which side is facing towards you .. Which side of the coin that is doesn't always show one the whole / bigger picture ..
x dazzle x
Whatever you belive about religions, most genuine faiths don't take money from you (giving money is purely voluntary) or brainwash you (if you read up what brainwashing actually is) although I accept that certains cults and political regimes have done this.
Didn't see it that night, but I've seen it before (and he's done some other programmes of a similar vein), and he's very good at it, and very good at demonstrating how people can be easily led to believe that such 'messages from spirit' are true'.
More people should see those programmes, not to necessarily try and make them disbelieve, but more so that they can see how easily people can be misled, and to allow them to better question whether, what they are being told, is truthful or not.
All Love and Reiki Hugs
Anyone intersted in Derren's programme can have a gander at these:
[url] http://www.channel4.com/programmes/derren-brown-investigates/articles/do-you-believe [/url]
[url] http://derrenbrown.co.uk/derren-brown-investigates-4od/ [/url]
I have met psychics years ago who generally want to read for others out of (in their view) sheer compassion for others. (Some for self ego purposes). In their view they are in someway helping others move on from grief by proving in their view that there is life after death.
Are these psychics genuine in what they bring through out of the readings? I dont know. But I did see how much they wanted so much to help the pain of others, often seeing the same pain within the psychic. 2 people coming together to somehow find healing in each other, then they part company. Is this another way of looking at it?
I do agree there are also psychics who do exploit the psychic world, leading society in tarring all psychics with the same brush, that could easliy be the same with cowboy builders, false preachers, etc.but people who have had an unfortunate experience have learned something maybe. do we not learn from our mistakes?
Some sitters are dissapointed because the reading did not bring through certain messages or loved ones passed over,some leave in tears, maybe a kick start to complicated grief?, some maybe pleased with the reading and the entertainment they had. Society in general I feel may have an understanding through media coverage of the risk with psychics, but they still wish to visit for whatever reason.
In the end the sitter and psychic both leave the reading with something, learning about themselves something new, even if it is false. This is learned and the choice made to learn from the experience and move on to a place where the sitter finds the right thing they are seeking. Who knows? Just a view!.:)
Whatever you belive about religions, most genuine faiths don't take money from you (giving money is purely voluntary) or brainwash you (if you read up what brainwashing actually is) although I accept that certains cults and political regimes have done this.
Like I said happygirl theres normally more than one way to look at things . In regards to giving money away on a voluntary basis is just another way of acquiring money without having the front to ask for it outright . Certain religions are most wealthy and yet they still take donations..
Some religions take 10% of your income .. of course this is on ones own back as they say but if one wants to remain part of this religion one cannot do so without the money being transferred from their bank account via direct debit .
In regards to brainwashing most religions refer to a book / texts / scrolls in some shape or form and there is no room for discussion outside of that material . Like most people I have the religious door knockers trying to educate me of their faith and as soon as you ask them a question that relates to them .. they refer back to the book .. The book is like a magnet and one can seemingly be lost within it’s literature and no longer thinks for themselves ..
They might as well of been salesmen trying to flog me a dyson hoover .. If I speak about any other hoover they will point to how good the dyson is .. You won’t get many christians selling buddism .. Why? Cos there’s no room at the inn .
x daz x
I return to the original question: to my mind, communicating with 'the other side' is a facility or tool. A tool can be used in so many different ways - a hammer is a tool - it is great for knocking in nails to build something, but it can also be used to knock something down, or even used to cause damage to another. It is a tool - but the use that tool is put to is inherently in the hands of the user.
Communicating (psychically) can also be used in the same way - depending not only on the intent or vibrational level of the person doing it, but the beings/spirits that are being communicated with. If communication is with angels then one might expect to be told the Truth, but if they are evil then they can tell you anything, so what is communicated can be good or bad. Hence the results can be very variable unless the person doing the reading has a very good understanding of what they are doing and whothey are communicating with. Then of course there are the charlatans who will diddle money out of anyone for the sake of making a bit of income.
The trick is finding the right person - they are pretty rare. So in order to keep things under control it is easier for The Church to say all communication with the other side is not good. This allows for The Church to be in control. In the Middle ages, and even later, many were burned at the stake as suspects. A hideous means of control, but it worked.
Recently attitudes and perceptions have changed astonishingly and there has been an upsurge of interest. Anyone looking at being inolved needs to be wary though - and there are too many gullible people around.
I have met psychics years ago who generally want to read for others out of (in their view) sheer compassion for others. (Some for self ego purposes). In their view they are in someway helping others move on from grief by proving in their view that there is life after death.
Are these psychics genuine in what they bring through out of the readings? I dont know. But I did see how much they wanted so much to help the pain of others, often seeing the same pain within the psychic. 2 people coming together to somehow find healing in each other, then they part company. Is this another way of looking at it?I do agree there are also psychics who do exploit the psychic world, leading society in tarring all psychics with the same brush, that could easliy be the same with cowboy builders, false preachers, etc.but people who have had an unfortunate experience have learned something maybe. do we not learn from our mistakes?
Some sitters are dissapointed because the reading did not bring through certain messages or loved ones passed over,some leave in tears, maybe a kick start to complicated grief?, some maybe pleased with the reading and the entertainment they had. Society in general I feel may have an understanding through media coverage of the risk with psychics, but they still wish to visit for whatever reason.
In the end the sitter and psychic both leave the reading with something, learning about themselves something new, even if it is false. This is learned and the choice made to learn from the experience and move on to a place where the sitter finds the right thing they are seeking. Who knows? Just a view!.:)
I do agree that there are possibly some psychics who do readings because they want to help - although it is recognised that some people who want to help others can do it for an ego thing as it just makes them feel better about themselves.
The only person who can know the true motive of a psychic is him/herself – nobody else can. However whether their motives are pure and genuine or not - the outcome can be the same i.e. the client/sitter being fed false and erroneous information. At the end of the day the outcome in my opinion is the only thing that matters. As I have mentioned before in previous posts on this thread, the damage of being fed false info can be incalculable and can be hugely detrimental and damaging for the client. Imho – if a client goes back to a psychic with the feedback that the info given in a reading has turned out to be wrong, then to me a genuine psychic would look within themselves and decide whether they truly have the ability to give successful readings and if not then they should either stop before more people are damaged or take time out to do further practice. That, in my opinion, would be the course of action of someone who has a conscience. However in reality this is unlikely to happen because many psychics a). rely on being paid for their services and /or b). get something back from giving a reading (whether it feeds their ego or makes them feel useful or whatever) so even if they wanted to stop then it would be tempting to just carry on (because of money, because of the ego thing, because they are deluded in thinking they are helping someone) no matter what damage they are doing to the clients. Obviously if the psychic is a charlatan then the above is irrelevant anyway as they are out to get as much money from clients as possible.
I'm all for the law cracking down on cowboy builders etc and I believe that psychics should be under more control. The sad thing is that I personally don't now believe there are many/any good ones as both my friend and I used psychics who were so called reputable - so yes - we did take care and still got stung.
The trick is finding the right person - they are pretty rare. So in order to keep things under control it is easier for The Church to say all communication with the other side is not good. This allows for The Church to be in control. In the Middle ages, and even later, many were burned at the stake as suspects. A hideous means of control, but it worked.
Hi Caroline .
One thought had crossed my mind regarding this was a few years ago I had a few spirit connections with Fatima and a name of lucia santos ... .
I had the two names given to me at different times on the same day ..
neither name meant anything to me but in the evening I typed in the name of Lucia and bingo up popped the Fatima connection .. (the apparition of the virgin mary) to 3 young children of fatima (portugal) .
Well to cut a long story short I had made the connection and I had looked into the secrets of visions/messages attained .
There has been a huge stink regarding what has eventually been released by the church after many many years in that what has been released is not correct .
I have a lot of spirit communications that relate to mis-justices from many sources and the fatima case is just one of many ..
So rounding off my point I would say that there may be an objective to steer clear individuals from communicating from the so called dead and that is because the truth can come out via these sources ...
Its the same with the governments and all the red tape that poo poo psychics and mediums and yet don't some psychics work for the government ... Absolutely yes they do and have done for many many years ...
And yet it is all for entertainment apparently .. doh ..
Hypocrisy is a great word is it not ..
x daz x
) .
Well to cut a long story short I had made the connection and I had looked into the secrets of visions/messages attained .
There has been a huge stink regarding what has eventually been released by the church after many many years in that what has been released is not correct .
I have a lot of spirit communications that relate to mis-justices from many sources and the fatima case is just one of many ..
So rounding off my point I would say that there may be an objective to steer clear individuals from communicating from the so called dead and that is because the truth can come out via these sources ...
Hmm - this is what I mean. the psychcis and mediums say they have the truth and everyone else is wrong. Isn't than an ego thing ? Also how do you defend readings where reality has proved them wrong ??
Actually the more I read about psychics claiming that they give the truth, the more insulting I think they are. How do they think they come across to people (including myself) who have been lied to time and time again ?
Actually the more I read about psychics claiming that they give the truth, the more insulting I think they are. How do they think they come across to people (including myself) who have been lied to time and time again ?
Firstly happygirl and as I briefly touched upon in an earlier post each individual / individual medium will vibrate at a unique rate/frequency . The truth/s will reflect that vibration . So if one regards jesus for example as being a high vibrational being then the truth that he speaks of will reflect his vibration . One’s vibration reflects one’s self understanding in relation to God or Love or what you are .
I cannot say too much of where other mediums are at because thats their story, all I can say is that through my own vibrational awareness certain aspects of untruths or supposed injustices have came to light or have been brought to my attention from the world of spirit .
Now one’s attention is drawn to the individual spirit and to the measure of their vibration / intent / genuinety .
In regards to why particular spirits are drawn to me like lucia santos and past C.I.A. MI5 F.B.I. agents opens up another story .. but what lies behind the intent of such a connection made is that there lies something unresolved .
x daz x
In regards to why particular spirits are drawn to me like lucia santos and past C.I.A. MI5 F.B.I. agents opens up another story .. but what lies behind the intent of such a connection made is that there lies something unresolved .
Are you saying, daz that you're given information in order to seek justice on behalf of particular spirits?
If so, how does that translate on a practical level... you have the information given by spirits (which I presume that you accept as the truth, according to the individual spirits). What happens next?
I cannot say too much of where other mediums are at because thats their story, all I can say is that through my own vibrational awareness certain aspects of untruths or supposed injustices have came to light or have been brought to my attention from the world of spirit .
Now one’s attention is drawn to the individual spirit and to the measure of their vibration / intent / genuinety .
May I ask, are these spirits that you already know well enough to have learned to trust them? Or do you believe all spirits that seek you out? Are these spirits ‘dead people’ or other types of spirit?
Firstly happygirl and as I briefly touched upon in an earlier post each individual / individual medium will vibrate at a unique rate/frequency . The truth/s will reflect that vibration . So if one regards jesus for example as being a high vibrational being then the truth that he speaks of will reflect his vibration . One’s vibration reflects one’s self understanding in relation to God or Love or what you are .
I cannot say too much of where other mediums are at because thats their story, all I can say is that through my own vibrational awareness certain aspects of untruths or supposed injustices have came to light or have been brought to my attention from the world of spirit .
Now one’s attention is drawn to the individual spirit and to the measure of their vibration / intent / genuinety .
In regards to why particular spirits are drawn to me like lucia santos and past C.I.A. MI5 F.B.I. agents opens up another story .. but what lies behind the intent of such a connection made is that there lies something unresolved .
x daz x
My point though, as I've mentioned earlier, is that the poor sitter is unaware of what spirit/s are giving out information via the psychic or medium and I'm sure you'll agree that being told untruths can be particularly damaging in more ways than one (a case in point is my friend).
My point though, as I've mentioned earlier, is that the poor sitter is unaware of what spirit/s are giving out information via the psychic or medium and I'm sure you'll agree that being told untruths can be particularly damaging in more ways than one (a case in point is my friend).
A psychic is not relaying messages from the spirit . That’s what mediums do . I would agree that not everyone (sitters) are aware of what is happening behind the scenes in regards to where the information comes from, at times the medium doesn’t know .
I can understand the damage that can be caused through being deceived likened to one heart that is broken through a failed romance however we learn through the experience and at some point we will trust another in order to love again .
x dazzle x
May I ask, are these spirits that you already know well enough to have learned to trust them? Or do you believe all spirits that seek you out? Are these spirits ‘dead people’ or other types of spirit?
The spirits that visit / communicate are from all walks of live . The unresolved issues at present only have relevance to incarnated souls that are noted of our earths history .
What seems to be at apparent also is that these so called injustices are noted in our history .. In that respect I can confirm aspects of what information is given to some degree .
If I had a russian farmer spirit whom killed his wife whilst on the earth plane 300 years ago then it would be difficult for me to confirm the information .
It seems to work for me at present in regards to what information I am given and to what I can confirm that relates to such information . This builds my trust in the connection had . It’s a two way thing thats happening in this respect . Trust is the key . Genuine/correct information is the key .
As you know at a point you trust your Guides with your life . Everything comes through my main control . Similar to a bouncer at a venue, for if your not invited then your not allowed in .
Much is in place and has been so in order to allow what happens to happen .
Each individuals energy/vibration reflects what can happen and what does happen .
In respect to ‘do I know these spirits’ the answer would be on a conscious level ‘no’ . I have never heard of most of the energies that step forward but that’s not to say subconsciously on some level we have met / made contact in the astral planes / spirit world it’s just that I don’t have conscious memory of that .
x daz x
Are you saying, daz that you're given information in order to seek justice on behalf of particular spirits?
If so, how does that translate on a practical level... you have the information given by spirits (which I presume that you accept as the truth, according to the individual spirits). What happens next?
We are all familiar to the saying ‘to get something off your chest’ it could be as simple as that . There is healing in that simple process . It depends on the individual as you know in regards to how deep the rot is .
At present all I do is receive information . I don’t do anymore than that . I research what I get and only that . I don’t fill my mind with anything else . I am not really interested on one hand and on the other hand I don’t want to educate myself in these affairs because it can cause issues if more information comes my way that coincide with what I already know . I am happy to say I don’t know much in terms of general knowledge lol .
Over the last 6-8 months for example I have researched key names / words that tie in with kennedy’s assignation . I wasn’t around when he was shot, I have never been interested nor read / listened to any details in this case other than lee havey oswald was arrested . Its funny that of all the names / organisations that have been given to me via spirit none have been Mr Oswald .
I am not interested in whom did what to whom, I don’t study infamous characters I am mostly interested in energy and health .
I am aware of a book that is to be written that will not contain my words . What comes comes . What unfolds unfolds . Until then I cannot say .
x dazzle x
A psychic is not relaying messages from the spirit . That’s what mediums do . I would agree that not everyone (sitters) are aware of what is happening behind the scenes in regards to where the information comes from, at times the medium doesn’t know .
I can understand the damage that can be caused through being deceived likened to one heart that is broken through a failed romance however we learn through the experience and at some point we will trust another in order to love again .
x dazzle x
Many clients know the difference between a psychic and a medium however many psychics and mediums (including famous ones) themselves use these terms interchangeably therefore not helping matters. Your analogy of portraying a client having been given a false reading is akin to a broken romance doesn't sit right with me. My perception is that being given false information (after payment has occurred) is akin to a con-trick as that’s what conmen do – give false hope/promises/info and take money in exchange. If you went to purchase something (such as a car) or to seek advice about something (e.g. legal advice) you would expect that, in parting with your cash, that the info you are being given is correct – particularly if you go to a company or individual who is so called “reputable”. Being given false info about a car or given false legal information can be downright dangerous and could cause horrendous problems. If you are given wrong advice then you have grounds for grievance. My personal feeling is that many psychics/mediums are in it for entirely the wrong reasons and if I had my way the law would be made a lot tougher. I understand that many psychics and mediums would not want any restrictions on them practising in much the same way that many people who commit a lot of hurt on others wouldn’t want their activities investigated or curtailed in any way. If you are a person of conscience (and I believe you are) then I suggest you re-read my posts on this thread and at least try to understand the huge amount of damage that some of these people have caused.
Many clients know the difference between a psychic and a medium however many psychics and mediums (including famous ones) themselves use these terms interchangeably therefore not helping matters.
You will find many mediums that can work on a psychic level . How one receives information can vary . Thats why some may say or refer themselves to be Psychic Mediums . If there is no one stepping forward from spirit during a reading then the reader will resort to a psychic link until a point where a spirit connects . Not all Psychics are mediums but all mediums can work on a psychic level to some degree .
Your analogy of portraying a client having been given a false reading is akin to a broken romance doesn't sit right with me. My perception is that being given false information (after payment has occurred) is akin to a con-trick as that’s what conmen do – give false hope/promises/info and take money in exchange. If you went to purchase something (such as a car) or to seek advice about something (e.g. legal advice) you would expect that, in parting with your cash, that the info you are being given is correct – particularly if you go to a company or individual who is so called “reputable”. Being given false info about a car or given false legal information can be downright dangerous and could cause horrendous problems. If you are given wrong advice then you have grounds for grievance.
Many people put there faith into a medium just as one has faith in their loved one / partner / wife . When an individual looses trust and faith and is deceived by such a person then that experience can cause distress and distrust .
So likened to any learning curve / experience had one can stay within a particular state of mind or one can begin to trust and love again . It matters not what the situation is, It could relate to a bad relationship or it could relate to a reading with a dodgy psychic . Either way one can begin to trust again or one does not . Hence my broken heart analogy .
My personal feeling is that many psychics/mediums are in it for entirely the wrong reasons and if I had my way the law would be made a lot tougher. I understand that many psychics and mediums would not want any restrictions on them practising in much the same way that many people who commit a lot of hurt on others wouldn’t want their activities investigated or curtailed in any way. If you are a person of conscience (and I believe you are) then I suggest you re-read my posts on this thread and at least try to understand the huge amount of damage that some of these people have caused.
I have spoken in this thread regarding the individual vibrations of mediums and psychics . Each individual reflects their vibration . Not all mediums as said resonate on a low frequency that could entertain deceit . I have spoken on the thread about how I understand the damage that can be caused by such messages and I gave an example of such in regards to personal experience . I do not need to re read the opening post .. what is interesting though is that there is hardly any discussion of my points raised about the honest and genuine mediums and it seems that the blinkers are on in such a way where all one can see is the wave of destruction caused by mediums and not the wave of love .. Same goes for the reasons why the church want too steer individual clear from talking to the dead .. All that is mentioned is the work of the devil and such likes ... Like Judy says my mind set differs from hers and there seems no room for discussing my mind ..
Tis just one way traffic as they say .. I prefer a debate where people are willing to discuss every angle ..
x daz x
As I said earlier on, I don't have any personal experience of visiting Psychics. The only glimpses of Psychics that I've had are not at all impressive.
If we weren't having a discussion about Psychics I personally wouldn't even bother to set a Psychic experience apart from any other experience, as that would be going off on a tangent that, for one reason and another, I'm not sure that I want to follow.
That said, given my own psychic experiences, I would say that a genuine, psychic's abilities could be best used, by only looking into the mind of the sitter. Not poking around inside anyone else's mind, or making soothing predictions about the future.
The overview that daz mentioned earlier that can be given by a medium to a sitter - a broader perspective. This is what I've experienced. 'psychically'. From that broader 'overhead' perspective, someone in need of clarity and direction (the sitter) could be 'walked out of a mine field'.
In my experience, most people only want a clear, easy route, and so, I can see that a problem would lie in the fact that the sitter, would not be eager to backtrack, side step, change direction - do whatever was necessary to get out of their mine field. And they wouldn't be eager to admit to aspects of themselves that they would rather keep hidden from others. Aspects of themselves which have lead them into the middle of a mine field.
Which leaves 'reputable psychic companies' to spin fairy tales. Fairy tales that don't come true......
You will find many mediums that can work on a psychic level . How one receives information can vary . Thats why some may say or refer themselves to be Psychic Mediums . If there is no one stepping forward from spirit during a reading then the reader will resort to a psychic link until a point where a spirit connects . Not all Psychics are mediums but all mediums can work on a psychic level to some degree .
Perhaps. But psychics and mediums cannot then become annoyed if clients are confused ;).
I have spoken in this thread regarding the individual vibrations of mediums and psychics . Each individual reflects their vibration . Not all mediums as said resonate on a low frequency that could entertain deceit . I have spoken on the thread about how I understand the damage that can be caused by such messages and I gave an example of such in regards to personal experience . I do not need to re read the opening post .. what is interesting though is that there is hardly any discussion of my points raised about the honest and genuine mediums and it seems that the blinkers are on in such a way where all one can see is the wave of destruction caused by mediums and not the wave of love .. Same goes for the reasons why the church want too steer individual clear from talking to the dead .. All that is mentioned is the work of the devil and such likes ... Like Judy says my mind set differs from hers and there seems no room for discussing my mind ..
Tis just one way traffic as they say .. I prefer a debate where people are willing to discuss every angle ..
x daz x
My opening post does not give all the hurt and pain caused to my friend and myself - that's the reason why I suggested reading all my posts on this thread.
If my friend/s and I had ever come across anything true then perhaps we would have thought that there may be some good psychics and mediums. However we used a number of them and nothing came true - in fact my poor friend was led up the garden path good and proper. Unfortunately from my perspective you are asking me to believe something which I have no proof of. My friends and I were previously open minded and tried and tested various psychics - all without any success. Also adding insult to injury we have parted with cash for being given this false info. Perhaps there are some genuine psychics out there - who knows - my experience however has taught me otherwise. If say only 1 out of 20 psychics are genuine (and I'm being generous here), then it's likely that most clients will experience going to false psychics and be fed false information. This is truly terrible. My friend and I tried psychics and the results have been found wanting. It would therefore be extremely ill advised of me to, in future, put my faith in something that has caused so much distress and pain.
"all the hurt and pain caused to my friend and myself " "we used a number of them and nothing came true" "tried and tested various psychics" - "all without any success"" This is truly terrible. My friend and I tried psychics and the results have been found wanting" "caused so much distress and pain".
Hi Happygirl
With kind respect if you don't mind me asking why did you and your friend pursue psychics so much even though you both had these negative experiences?. There seems to be a lot of expressive pain through your posts both from your exeriences with psychics/mediums etc, seeing your friend in distress to whom you care so much for and possibly personal matters.
I am thinking the general media view is common knowledge when it comes to psychics and fake's. Did you both have a preconceived idea of the social stigma about psychics?. Why didn't you both say from the first reading or so " Were not going through that again, that was awful ", yet you mentioned that you both 'tried and tested various psychics, all without any success'. Did you feel that maybe there was a pre set expectation placed on the psychic's expecting them to bring through what you were both seeking?
I just had the feeling that something must have been driving you or your friend so much that hoping at least to find one psychic is worth the search in order to seek what you were looking for. Its not easy to ignore that 'maybe' just maybe there is a possibility at least somewhere a psychic can help to take the pain away. in the end when if the psychic was found to be wrong, who then is to blame for the anger you both must have felt?,in the end would the psychic be justified to the root of the anger? knowing that there is possibility the psychic could be wrong!
I agree there are many so called psychics/mediums in this world, many on an ego trip, many suffering from something they wish not to face within themselves, yet there are that rare few who maybe connected to spirit in order to bring through, to bring through spirit without the need to put their own twist on the communications they receive.
From my experience there are certain people who suddenly become aware of some from of communication, depending on the depth and strength of the connection they at first don't know what to do with what they are receiving until they are with another person, the connection becomes strong and I can only describe as louder and alive, a feeling of having to tell this person what they are being told, sometimes psychics/mediums may say ' can you take this?' because the communication is not for them.
If the egotistic psychic doesn't affect the communication the reading can be a pure and unaffected connection. Connecting in this way takes practice for some, practice in a way to quieten the ego.
About 8 yrs ago I have first hand observed a reading play out over a matter of months in the future in another,s life. Once I witnessed this I had a whole new respect for spirit connection in this way. A hugh responsibility I cannot stress enough to psychics/mediums etc I knew the sitters and the sitter's were not aware of all of the reading contents.
This is where on a rare occasion my ego came into play because out of my own thoughts of not wanting this change for them I didn't want to share that part of the reading which would bring immense change into their lives. yet the reading played out before my eyes anyway.It was like watching a movie with no control of the outcome, very surreal.The changes in their lives ended up positive and brought them strength not experienced before which was something I could not be aware of.After this experience I then decided to limit myself from readings.
What I can say is that I agree there are various psychics all for many reasons, and there are those who seem to a have true connection. It seems you and your friend have come across undesired experiences which has affected your views on all psychic's/mediums. Maybe the experiences have however brought you both to a point where the answers you seek can be dealt by the self or both of your combined strengths together.
You sound like a lovely person who cares deeply about those around you. and understandably affected by your experiences through 'false psychics'. Your friend and your own experiences with psychics may help to bring you both to a place where you can maybe share these experiences deeply with each other and looking at the causes that drove you both to psychics. It doesnt matter if the experiences were years ago, there is always an element of holding those experiences within as being expressed so passionate today. To me this sort of discussion with friends will bring more healing and answers than seeking from psychics 🙂
All of the people who believe the 'false information' given by Weather Forcasts (for eg), to try to predict the best future time to plan 14 sun-filled fun-filled days by the sea, will be caused pain and hurt (to varying degrees) when 9 of those days turn out to be overcast, and their idealized escape to 14 pain-free, hurt-free days was spoiled. Their escape time was encroached on, and the finger of blame is pointed in the direction of the weather forecasting system.
The glaringly obvious point is that any pain or hurt caused my being fed 'false information', emanated from the - painful and hurtful fact that personal circumstances could no longer be ignored.
PS. I don't sense a lot of pain and hurt from happygirl.....
Hi Happygirl
With kind respect if you don't mind me asking why did you and your friend pursue psychics so much even though you both had these negative experiences?. There seems to be a lot of expressive pain through your posts both from your exeriences with psychics/mediums etc, seeing your friend in distress to whom you care so much for and possibly personal matters.
I am thinking the general media view is common knowledge when it comes to psychics and fake's. Did you both have a preconceived idea of the social stigma about psychics?. Why didn't you both say from the first reading or so " Were not going through that again, that was awful ", yet you mentioned that you both 'tried and tested various psychics, all without any success'. Did you feel that maybe there was a pre set expectation placed on the psychic's expecting them to bring through what you were both seeking?
I just had the feeling that something must have been driving you or your friend so much that hoping at least to find one psychic is worth the search in order to seek what you were looking for. Its not easy to ignore that 'maybe' just maybe there is a possibility at least somewhere a psychic can help to take the pain away. in the end when if the psychic was found to be wrong, who then is to blame for the anger you both must have felt?,in the end would the psychic be justified to the root of the anger? knowing that there is possibility the psychic could be wrong!
I agree there are many so called psychics/mediums in this world, many on an ego trip, many suffering from something they wish not to face within themselves, yet there are that rare few who maybe connected to spirit in order to bring through, to bring through spirit without the need to put their own twist on the communications they receive.
From my experience there are certain people who suddenly become aware of some from of communication, depending on the depth and strength of the connection they at first don't know what to do with what they are receiving until they are with another person, the connection becomes strong and I can only describe as louder and alive, a feeling of having to tell this person what they are being told, sometimes psychics/mediums may say ' can you take this?' because the communication is not for them.
If the egotistic psychic doesn't affect the communication the reading can be a pure and unaffected connection. Connecting in this way takes practice for some, practice in a way to quieten the ego.
About 8 yrs ago I have first hand observed a reading play out over a matter of months in the future in another,s life. Once I witnessed this I had a whole new respect for spirit connection in this way. A hugh responsibility I cannot stress enough to psychics/mediums etc I knew the sitters and the sitter's were not aware of all of the reading contents.
This is where on a rare occasion my ego came into play because out of my own thoughts of not wanting this change for them I didn't want to share that part of the reading which would bring immense change into their lives. yet the reading played out before my eyes anyway.It was like watching a movie with no control of the outcome, very surreal.The changes in their lives ended up positive and brought them strength not experienced before which was something I could not be aware of.After this experience I then decided to limit myself from readings.What I can say is that I agree there are various psychics all for many reasons, and there are those who seem to a have true connection. It seems you and your friend have come across undesired experiences which has affected your views on all psychic's/mediums. Maybe the experiences have however brought you both to a point where the answers you seek can be dealt by the self or both of your combined strengths together.
You sound like a lovely person who cares deeply about those around you. and understandably affected by your experiences through 'false psychics'. Your friend and your own experiences with psychics may help to bring you both to a place where you can maybe share these experiences deeply with each other and looking at the causes that drove you both to psychics. It doesnt matter if the experiences were years ago, there is always an element of holding those experiences within as being expressed so passionate today. To me this sort of discussion with friends will bring more healing and answers than seeking from psychics 🙂
This thread has been particularly painful as yes firstly I do feel like a mug forever having gone to a psychic at all and secondly I’m not a person who likes splashing their personal life all over the internet or to all and sundry.
From my perspective I wanted mainly some info on my work and I asked a few personal questions along the way (see message 58). When I had been to one psychic and what they said hadn’t come true I didn’t “diss” all psychics (as in hindsight it would have been better to have done) and chose to get info from a few others. They all gave slightly different messages but sadly what they predicted didn’t come true either.
From my friend’s perspective her query was about her partner and she was trying to find info about a difficult situation (as I’ve mentioned in my previous posts). My friend differed from me in that she had a consistent message from psychics but that message in reality turned out to be entirely wrong. The reason she went to different psychics is the same as mine in a way. She went to the 1st, they gave her a message. The message wasn’t ringing true so she sought info from a 2nd psychic (as she thought the 1st may not be very good or was getting wrong info) who gave the same message. The message still didn’t ring true etc etc. Eventually she found out that reality was vastly different from the message she received from all these psychics.
I hope this answers your query as to why we used more than one psychic.
PS. I don't sense a lot of pain and hurt from happygirl.....
I have to tell you that visiting psychics has caused both my friend and I awful problems and I consider it to be one of the worst mistakes in my life. That’s how badly affected I feel with this whole experience. My friend’s life has been shattered by her partner’s infidelity – none of which had been predicted by the psychics she saw.
As you can imagine, my views on these people who peddle false information and who cause a lot of problems is unprintable.
I also wanted to add (sadly) that I have found some posts on here to be offensive. It's quite easy to sneer and point at the victim who had made a mistake and subtly blame them in some way for what has happened. My friend and I are proactive people who take personal responsibilty for our lives and wanted to make the best choice possible of different situations. Sadly the psychics didn't help but caused us immense problems instead. I blame myself for ever having visited a psychic as I feel the same way now as someone who has been conned by a conman (and I do know some intelligent people with a lot of common sense who have been conned btw). I know it's easy and facile to say "Oh that would never happen to me" but I do however believe that the law needs to be made stronger in many areas as people can be conned in a multitude of ways (see pensioners being targeted by conmen etc).
My reason for putting this thread up is the realisation that the bible is so true for condemning people who contact the dead or give predictions. I now believe that it is an area which needs to be steered away from as it can cause so much grief when what has been predicted turns out to be not true. I really hope that if one person is put off going to a psychic by reading my experiences then it is one person who in the long term will saved a lot of pain and heartache.
As you can imagine, my views on these people who peddle false information and who cause a lot of problems is unprintable.
Why waste any further energy here - do something proactive about it, start a campaign, before the psychic who you keep leaving messages for sues you for harassment or something like that.
This thread has been particularly painful as yes firstly I do feel like a mug forever having gone to a psychic at all and secondly I’m not a person who likes splashing their personal life all over the internet or to all and sundry.
Hi Happygirl
I agree forums may not be the place to delve into personal issues, but maybe considering not being too hard on yourself and consider how can you blame yourself for doing something you may felt was the right thing to do at the time.
Psychics/mediums have been around a long time and I expect will continue to years ahead. I agree the more people are aware of false psychics the more you may feel someone else has been saved from a similar experience as your friend and yourself.
I hope you may find peace from these experiences.:hug:
Getting back to the initial theme, my final thought, the bible certainly warns against seeking out false prophets or psychics alike. I wondered why the bible warns against this? Why would the person(s) who wrote the bible be concerned? I wonder if the bible saw psychics as working from a sort of evil?. However the warnings seem to have been justified in this case where people today have experienced what the bible had warned against.
Take care.
Sacrel 🙂
Re: psychics and mediums, BTDT. I don't know what I was thinking. I have been to a few psyhcics, probably about 3 times inmy life. i contacted a medium a few years ago. It was a phone reading. It was strange. She was a former nun. Funny thing was when I talked to her that she kept seeing me make sign of cross. I guess that was my Catholic guilt thinking that I should not be doing that. Nothing she told me made sense.
FF a few years, and I realized that the dead are not to be contacted. I guess that I was impressed by a medium that was on tv. And, the medium was a Catholic, so I thought, it was okay. I wanted to see if I could get a message about a sibling that died. I don't understand why they had a tv show, and gave medium readings.
The first psychic visit was a fun thing to do with a friend. The medium thing, I said that I wondered about my brother that died. It was sort of quick for us. We found out that he was in hospital, had advanced liver disease. He was in a coma, and we were never prepared. We never said good bye. That is why I contacted a medium. I worried if he was okay.
Now, I have returned home to my Catholic faith. I feel more Catholic than I ever have. I guess that I never had a strong faith before. I went through New Age phase, but I am over it now. And, now I pray for the dead, instead of trying to contact them.
Re: psychics and mediums, BTDT. I don't know what I was thinking. I have been to a few psyhcics, probably about 3 times inmy life. i contacted a medium a few years ago. It was a phone reading. It was strange. She was a former nun. Funny thing was when I talked to her that she kept seeing me make sign of cross. I guess that was my Catholic guilt thinking that I should not be doing that. Nothing she told me made sense.
FF a few years, and I realized that the dead are not to be contacted. I guess that I was impressed by a medium that was on tv. And, the medium was a Catholic, so I thought, it was okay. I wanted to see if I could get a message about a sibling that died. I don't understand why they had a tv show, and gave medium readings.
The first psychic visit was a fun thing to do with a friend. The medium thing, I said that I wondered about my brother that died. It was sort of quick for us. We found out that he was in hospital, had advanced liver disease. He was in a coma, and we were never prepared. We never said good bye. That is why I contacted a medium. I worried if he was okay.
Now, I have returned home to my Catholic faith. I feel more Catholic than I ever have. I guess that I never had a strong faith before. I went through New Age phase, but I am over it now. And, now I pray for the dead, instead of trying to contact them.
there is a saying let sleeping dogs lie, I believe we should not contact the dead also, I also believe that we should pray for them, there is a DVD you can watch on YouTube called the search for heaven, well worth watching. Also I believe as a follow-up on YouTube is the road to Armageddon, both are eye openers especially if you don't believe in life after death which I assume doesn't fall in with the teachings of the Churches, but doesn't alter the fact that it is true, how else would a medium be able to talk to a dead person if they did not exist?
Peace and light