I read this today and thought others here (if anyone still posts on this section) may find it interesting, I did:) [url]Jesus discovery: Does 1st Century coffin lid found in Jerusalem reveal Jesus' resting place? | Mail Online[/url] xx
Interesting! Though like everything else of a similar time it is all surmise. There are those in Afghanistan who say his tomb is there - who knows?
Not Jesus Coffin.
😎 At the time Jesus walked the earth Jesus was a common name. Also the Biblical Jesus is Jesus of Nazerth not Jesus of Jerusalem.
Interesting! Though like everything else of a similar time it is all surmise. There are those in Afghanistan who say his tomb is there - who knows?
Ditto Kashmir!
Strange statement in the article: "The findings and their interpretation are likely to be controversial, since most scholars are skeptical of any Christian archaeological remains from so early a period."
Why not, something may of survived. Prehaps they have an agenda, either anything that may be discovered that disagreed with the Bible, or total skeptics in Jesus.
Personally I hope they do find the tomb of Jesus with remains, as it would destroy the power of the church, and hopefully allow more people to discover their innate divinity within.
Whoa RP! What about if it's actually the other way around and Jesus came to show us our innate divinity, but people just interpreted it wrong and said he was God?
I'm horribly pushed for time at the moment, but I can see I need to start a new thread - especially as it's Easter!
Love and peace,
Hi Judy
Good point. Don't have a problem that 😀
Best wishes
People Not Divine.
:wave: I disagree with people being divine, God does not make mistakes humans consistantly make mistakes!. As for Christ body it won't be found for it was ressurected-the apostles and others gave theirs lives as evidence Jesus Christ was truely ressurected.
Since Judy asked me what if it's the other way round, and since then a FB friend said to me that the problem with the belief in Jesus is too biased towards his death and not enough emphasis on his life. Thinking deeply about this, it is obvious that seeing Jesus as a teacher than a god opens far greater vistas in the mind and consciousness towards spiritual development. Like in the same way the Buddha was a teacher and Mohammad and Kristnamurti and many others that have been and will be coming. They are not worshipped as god/s but as pointers to the path.
As someone who has reflected my negativity of Christianity many times on Hp, I do feel that the teachings of Christ's life and actions is to be focused on, not the commentators, the priests, the churches, the scaremongers, the control freaks or the happy clappy brigade.
I don't know if Jesus died on a cross, died for my sins, etc etc, but a core belief found in many spiritual paths that we all die and reborn all the time, that a change in heart/mind can create massive shifts in conscious, often leading to healing. So I may wake up tomorrow morning resurrected as a more wholesome human being bathed in divine light, then all well and good 😉
:wave: I disagree with people being divine, God does not make mistakes humans consistantly make mistakes!. As for Christ body it won't be found for it was ressurected-the apostles and others gave theirs lives as evidence Jesus Christ was truely ressurected.
Hi Foxer - people are not God. A ray of light is not the sun itself, but is one with the sun. People are not Spirit, God, but are spiritual in the true identity.
To me, God is another word for goodness itself - not just in the moral sense, but absolute purity, innocence, wholeness. I also think of God as infinite, incorporeal, immortal, eternal Love, Life, Truth, Life, Soul and the infinite universal Mind. In Genesis 1, it says that God made man in His image and likeness - that either means that God is a person (which is sadly what many Christians believe) or it means that the image and likeness of Spirit (which is what Jesus said God was) is spiritual. If man's real identity is spiritual (and I truly believe it is) then we too are one with God, as Jesus said he was, and he also prayed for his followers:
"I pray for these followers, but I am also praying for all those who will believe in me because of their teaching.
Father, I pray that they can be one. As you are in me and I am in you, I pray that they can also be one in us. Then the world will believe that you sent me.
I have given these people the glory that you gave me so that they can be one, just as you and I are one.
I will be in them and you will be in me so that they will be completely one. Then the world will know that you sent me and that you loved them just as much as you loved me." (John 17: 20-23)
But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord. (II Cor 3:18)
At present we are men looking at puzzling reflections in a mirror. The time will come when we shall see reality whole and face to face! At present all I know is a little fraction of the truth, but the time will come when I shall know it as fully as God now knows me! (I Cor:13:12)
So the Bible clearly states that our highest selfhood is one with God, Spirit, just as Jesus was. The mortals who constantly make mistakes are the counterfeits of their true selfhoods. The shadow of who we truly are.
And yes, I totally agree with you Foxer that Jesus' body will never be found. He fully understood his spiritual identity - that it was not dependent on flesh and blood - and he proved again and again in his healing ministry (and in raising others and them himself from the dead) and in other demonstrations of his authority over matter, like walking on the waves and feeding the five thousand, that Spirit is all.
Happy Easter to you!
Love and peace,
Since Judy asked me what if it's the other way round, and since then a FB friend said to me that the problem with the belief in Jesus is too biased towards his death and not enough emphasis on his life. Thinking deeply about this, it is obvious that seeing Jesus as a teacher than a god opens far greater vistas in the mind and consciousness towards spiritual development. Like in the same way the Buddha was a teacher and Mohammad and Kristnamurti and many others that have been and will be coming. They are not worshipped as god/s but as pointers to the path.
As someone who has reflected my negativity of Christianity many times on Hp, I do feel that the teachings of Christ's life and actions is to be focused on, not the commentators, the priests, the churches, the scaremongers, the control freaks or the happy clappy brigade.
I don't know if Jesus died on a cross, died for my sins, etc etc, but a core belief found in many spiritual paths that we all die and reborn all the time, that a change in heart/mind can create massive shifts in conscious, often leading to healing. So I may wake up tomorrow morning resurrected as a more wholesome human being bathed in divine light, then all well and good 😉
Hey RP - how lovely to see you soften up a bit and begin to think out in a new direction! 😎
To me, what convinces me that Jesus did actually die on the cross and was then resurrected and ascended (and I see that as that his physical body was simply no more) is that
a) for thousands of years there were prophecies about his birth, his mission and his death and he fulfilled them. Then,
b) there were the disciples - they were ordinary people like we are - fishermen mainly, who, after Jesus was killed, went back to their nets. But then, something happened, something that changed history, something that made men be willing to be tortured and fed to the lions - you don't do that because of a myth. If you read the New Testament gospels and the book of Acts for yourself, those are eyewitness accounts - they ring so true, so powerfully.
Also, there are two narratives in the Old Testament of prophets ascending - Enoch and Elijah. Elijah and others also did healing, raised the dead and proved that matter is subject to Spirit in many ways. I have also read about Hindu yogis ascending as well as performing many astounding healings, though it seems, mainly on themselves.
Coming more up to date, many of the Catholic saints proved their dominion over matter, healed others and I'm sure raised the dead. And Mary Baker Eddy, after she discovered the divine Science behind Jesus' healings in 1866, also cured hundreds of every type of disease and disability, usually instantaneously. There are records of her raising the dead and dying several times. Here's a link to a healing she describes in Science and Health: (scroll down to line 27)
[url]spirituality.com | Search the Books: Citation Display[/url]
These healings have gone on, and there have been a few individuals have also raised the dead. Of course, none of this comes through any personal power, but when our mortal ego is relinquished and we unite with the one Ego, God or Spirit.
So if all this is happening today - why should we think it didn't or couldn't two thousand year ago?
Love and peace,
But then, something happened, something that changed history, something that made men be willing to be tortured and fed to the lions - you don't do that because of a myth.
This isn't an argument with your beliefs - even if I wanted to, this isn't the place - but people are people. Being willing to be tortured and fed to lions is not dependant on what is true. It's dependant on what the person being tortured and fed to lions believes to be true.