Dear All,
I have found this excellent article in my travels. It is called
Our Soul's Journey from Bethlehem to Calvary and Beyond By John F Golden.
It gives an entirely different perspective on the Gospels, in a Jungian frame.
This explains partly what the author is saying. I found it fascinating and would urge anyone who is looking for an alternative explanation of Christianity to read this.
The Christian Archetype: A Jungian Commentary on the Life of Christ, I felt the hidden meaning of the life of Jesus had finally been revealed to the public. Edward Edinger describes the true psychological meaning of the Christian story. An archetypal pattern most of the western world is inextricably tied to. The understanding of the symbolic meaning of Christ’s story is critical for anyone on the path to individuation. Archetypal stories and images allow us to develop a metaphorical understanding of our life’s experiences.
This article explores the Christian landmarks of faith, and the symbolic and psychological ways these landmarks guide us on our own spiritual pilgrimage. Birth, Baptism, Transfiguration, Crucifixion, Resurrection, Ascension and Pentecost are archetypal events that take place within the psyche and drive us toward individuation. By looking at the life of Jesus symbolically and his experience with these seven significant events, we can learn to understand the psychological process we encounter in our intra-psychic world. These monumental experiences in the life of Jesus marked tremendous changes in his psyche and can be interpreted as symbolic events in our psyche. These experiences understood psychologically, gives us meaning and the tools to understand the changes taking place in our spiritual nature.
love Gillyxxx
RE: The Christian Archetype
Hi Gilly
Edward Edinger is the Top Man when it comes to expressing the Jungian view of the Judeo-Christian *story* in my opinion.
To quote the Foreword of one of Edinger's books:
Transformation of the God Image~ An Elucidation of Jung's Answer to Job
Despite the biblical imagery this book is not concerned with traditional religion.
Its subject rather is psychology, the scientific study of the soul.......
.....If, as Ediinger predicts, Jung's works are one day read as scripture once was -for sustance of our souls, for moving words that touch our heart, for reassurance, guidance and orientation (then) Answer To Job will surely occupy a unique place in the Jungian cannon.~Lawerence Jaffe, Jungian analyst
Maybe the West is ready (after 2000 years or so of church controlled teachings) to take on board the deeper symbolic meaning within biblical myths and stories...(?)
RE: The Christian Archetype
I do hope so Astra. For the benefit of anyone else who may be interested, I'll post the full article.
Love Gillyxxx
The story begins with the Angel Gabriel coming to Mary to tell her she will bring forth a son and he will be conceived by the Holy Spirit and will be called the Son of God (Luke 1: 26-38). Mary the virgin conceives a child miraculously without copulating with a man. Of course in the 21st century artificial insemination could be an explanation, but we are looking at this occurrence symbolically and metaphorically. Mary is symbolic of matter the physical world, the divine principle of the feminine; she is representative of Sophia (divine wisdom). The Holy Spirit enters the physical world through Mary as Jesus the baby. A new spiritual awakening is beginning to take shape within the psyche/soul. Just as when we dream of a pregnancy, a woman with child, we can usually interpret this to mean something new will be taking place in our psyche. In this case we are looking at the awakening of a divine consciousness.
It should be noted that Mary and Joseph go to a cave to give birth to the divine child. Symbolically this happens deep within the unconscious. One must delve to the depths of the unconscious to uncover the divine. This divine birth does not happen without a great deal of suffering. Just as a woman literally suffers the pain of giving birth to a child, we experience the psychological pain of bringing forth this new consciousness. Divine awareness is difficult to experience because for this to happen the ego must give up control. Ego will fight the process every step of the way. Hence, this new awareness is difficult to manifest because it comes with pain and suffering. This divine birth seems to be the moment when we first encounter a realization of the Self. We have a glimpse of our divine nature a transpersonal moment when we feel connected to the universe. Many of us could probably remember when we first encountered the Holy Spirit or Self, as Jungians would call it. Maslow might call it your first “peak experience”. Holding on to this moment is impossible. Jung said, “We can never hold an image of totality because our consciousness is too narrow; we can only see flashes of existence” (CW Vol. 18 par. 13). In essence our ego awareness is too limited to grasp the Self in its totality. In addition, this is the first awakening of the ego to the Holy Spirit/Self, it does not last long because of the ego’s limited level awareness, but it is the beginning. The ego has had a taste of the divine fruit (“Tree of Life”) and will seek more for spiritual nourishment.
It appears as if the birth is the awakening of the kundalini energy in the root cakra the Muladhara cakra. This corresponds to the earth element; perhaps we could say the sensation function. Once this cakra is awakened, the sleeping “Self” becomes activated in the psyche; there is a sense of a world outside the three-dimensional space the ego lives in. Muladhara “is a place where mankind is a victim of impulses, instincts, unconsciousness, of participation mystique, where we are in a dark and unconscious place” (Jung 1996, pg.15). The birth of Christ symbolizes the rise or awakening of kundalini in the lowest cakra. Ego, which up to this point is completely enmeshed in earthly and instinctual pursuits, becomes aware of the divine aspect of psyche/soul.
As our story continues we find King Herod hot on the trail of our new king. He sends his soldiers out to snuff out the existence of this new light on earth (Matthew 2:8). Herod is representative of the darkness that sets in to destroy the unity and comfort of the divine. Psychologically we are unable to hold the divine unity for long. Ego needs, and weaknesses creep in to bring us back to earth to experience the human condition. (It is a descent back into the depths of Muladhara). This is when Joseph receives a message in a dream from an angel that the divine baby is in danger and he should flee to Egypt u
RE: The Christian Archetype
Dear Gillyann
Thank you for posting this article.
Last year I was advised by spirit that I had completed a specific stage initiation and was about to go through the next one. At the time I did not know what these individual initiations specifically related to.
Then a couple of months ago I was then guided to get a book by the same title as the article you have posted
Bethlehem to Calvary by Alice Bailey
I thought the book was about the life of Jesus I did not realise until receipt of the book that it related to the initiations that Jesus went through in his life in a similar manner that is written above. I recommend this book by Alice it is a wonderful light read also with some great quotes from books now not published.
Bearing in mind the teaching that i received on ego I think the psychologists get to hung up in this and archetypes. (Jung was also Gnostic biased and from the limited amount that have I read there appears to be quite a lot of Enoch taken on by the Gnostics) Reminds me of a common message 'why do you humans make things so complicated when it is all very simple'. Interesting I was talking to someone today who has been working energetically planetary wise breaking down the archetypes set in human consciousness in recent years. Fascinating stuff!
But a great article none the less and a lot of food for thought!
Love beyond measure
kim xx
RE: The Christian Archetype
and on the 1st June I discovered this
Master Jesus said
I will overturn this domain of duality, doctrines and mental concepts and the ego and no one will be able to build it up again.
Gospel of Thomas
Interesting quote bearing in mind the ego dictation received in 2002 and amazing synchronicity!
Roll on co-creating the Kingdom of Love
Blessings in abundance
kim xx
PS love your new avatar Gillyann
RE: The Christian Archetype
Ah, thanks Kim. Leo constructed it for me. He's so clever like that, just exactly what I wanted.
My belief is that we complicate things which are inherently simple because this is a part of our journey, our very existance. We have been given these enormous brains of which we use only about one third, and they are developing constantly, but all this received and learned knowledge actually only confuses us more!
It is almost as though we are supposed to eventually 'break through' the brain in order to use the power correctly, but in order to achieve this we have to travel this seemingly long road where we receive too much information and often use it unwisely.
It is very like a Star Trek episode, where the Beings that the Crew met on this particular planet were simply thought processes, but could make themselves into physical form if necessary in order to communicate with other 'lesser' beings. The concept was that they had progressed beyond mere physicality to simplicity and the energy of thought alone.
But they explained that this progression had taken many millions of years. So, great writing there, and perhaps a good method of explaining the complexities of our current state of understanding, and why we simply cannot be simple!;) As yet 😉
RE: The Christian Archetype
Dear Gillyann
Yes I agree but let us not forget that the soul has already been in progression for millions of years.
As you say it is not the destination but the journey that is the adventure and is it not possible that the part of the brain that we do not use is the part that we do not need for the intellect but is the divine mind? Which can come into full being once we surrender control and trust completely.
Love beyond measure
kim xx
RE: The Christian Archetype
Dear Hugo
well I was being a bit simplistic we now know that every cell as a mind of its own and holds memory multi-dimensionally in addition to the unseen energy system. So the function of the brain I see more as an automation like a hard drive again a simplistic view.
Dr Bruce Lipton
William Tiller
and Dr Paul Pearsall's work is worth looking at
also Dr Emoto showing us that the water in our bodies holds memory too!
So I guess this era is about referring to consciousness rather then brain/mind function par se for mind/body/soul for they are so intricately linked and bound together. But as Bruce Lipton says a 'cell can live and still communicate without a body'.
being love
kim xx
RE: The Christian Archetype
Hi Kim
I'd be interested to hear more on this:
Interesting I was talking to someone today who has been working energetically planetary wise breaking down the archetypes set in human consciousness in recent years. Fascinating stuff
Any links to articles etc?
RE: The Christian Archetype
Sorry Astra it was a client who (works with the Ascended Masters) like many on these forums who do not make their work public.
love beyond measure
kim xx