God, angered at the wickedness and violence of the world, decides to destroy his creation. But Noah, a man "righteous in his generation," is instructed to build the Ark and take on board his family and representatives of all species of animals and birds. The flood rises to cover the Earth, but at its height "God remembered Noah", the waters abate, and dry land appears.
If God was angered and the wickedness and violence then, what must he be thinking now?
He'd probably be thinking....." What is Zooing "?......:D
On a more serious note. The polar ice caps are melting rapidly.Maybe he has the problem in hand!.....after all, everything is temporary.
He'd probably be thinking....." What is Zooing "?......:D
getting the animals aboard two by twoing of course :p
He'd probably be thinking....." What is Zooing "?......:D
On a more serious note. The polar ice caps are melting rapidly.Maybe he has the problem in hand!.....after all, everything is temporary.
Wot U like :005: Oakey!!!
All aboard!!!!!!!!!!!