I'm a non-Christian really interested in 20-something born-again Christians, recently met a lot (4!!) at my work, some say God is putting Christians in my path, I say, probably not but I'm interested!
If you've been brought up in a progressive society, what leads you to God? - and specifically, a faith that is so old and so ingrained in our culture - I thought everyone was off chasing Buddha these days, Christianity's not much of a rebellion, is it?
And I'm really interested in how and why one would make such a huge huge change to their life... sometimes going so far as changing (or ignoring) their sexual orientation...
Any thoughts? Is it God truly speaking to people?
RE: life changing experience?
I am not religious myself but I think it's basically the state of the world that leads people to religion, any type of religion. I think that they find some sort of refuge in it and hope and peace, and that has to be good thing.
Also I think in todays world, for a young person to become a Christian is probably the biggest rebellion they could have. Think about it, a lot of young people are into drugs, tattoos, rock music or dance music, binge drinking, sex and materialism (they are where I live anyway!), for someone to turn their back on that and become a Christian is a pretty big act of rebellion in my book. Although I am not saying they have become a Christian simply as an act of rebellion.
RE: life changing experience?
Just a quick reply before i head off to the library!
Firstly maybe i'm not best placed to answer this becasue i am not a christian and am not drawnto christianity as a religion. The denying my sexuality is part of that but not all.
I am came to be interested in spiritual matters when i became very ill with depression. People have told me that i was searching for something to cling to when i was at my weakest. i don't agree with this and go for the 'you only see the candle in the corner when the light goes out' analogy.
I do believe however that God is putting christians in your path. I don't believe that this necessarily means you are destined to become a christian but it does open up the opportunity for discussion and exploration of your own beliefs.
Love and light
RE: life changing experience?
Hi v.m,
I think that reikidonna and Sunbeam have given very good appraisals of the situation - explore whatever feels right for you, and if something doesn't resonate with you, just walk away and try something else
Best wishes
Publisher [sm=wave.gif]
RE: life changing experience?
Dear v.m. life is multi-dimensional and everything has multi-dimensional reasons for being. The secret is for you to discover the reason by following your own heart and listening to your own soul. Sometimes others are brought as catalysts so that we may review where we are and where we are going, sometimes it can be more profound or sublime. Revelation is everywhere when we are open to it. Sp ask yourself what are they showing me? How do I feel? Why have they been brought into my life? What is their reason for being? Sometimes it can be to trigger something within ourselves that needs healing, sometimes a signpost at the crossroads only you can truly know what this means to you. If you haven't read it I recommend you read the Celestine Prophecy Adventure Story this will help you understand synchronicity and its meaning in our lives.
Divine Love
RE: life changing experience?
I think you search for meaning in your life eg religion/spirituality, when some sort of traumatic situation hits you. For me it was firstly divorce, and then two deaths in the family. When your world is shaken like this, you look for peace,stability and meaning. I was brought up a Roman Catholic, but find lots of sense and practical help in other religions as well.
RE: life changing experience?
I like to share with you my life changing experience after accepting Christ in my heart. After accpeting Christ, I feel this peace in my life. After 3 years with Christ in my heart, I got Baptized about a month ago. That was a life changing experience, it feel different, it actually help me quit smoking too and more motivation towards life. I feel like I have a new purpose in life and it is beautiful.