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L.A.D is Real!

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I know many people here believe in life after death of the physical body, there is a film released I believe that relates to much after the death of the physical body, with English subtitles that is well worth looking at.

Many people have watched what the films “What dreams May come” Hereafter” “Dragonfly” “ The lovely Bones” and many others that are around.

Here is the link to the Portuguese film,

[url]Nosso Lar Astral City [English Subtitles] - YouTube[/url]

I haven't watched all of it as yet, but what I have watched I believe it to be a good depiction of some of the other levels in Creation, I do not expect the churches to agree with it, as in much of it is would interfere with their teachings.

You cannot change truth and what is reality!

Peace and light

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I watched the film last night. It does seem to support many of the ideas that I came across during my spiritualism days.
In truth it does not reject many of the Christian beliefs, because it focuses on life after death. Or for the truists after we lose the mortal body, because as spiritual creations we actually never really die.. Re incarnation may be a bit prickerly but the fact that we are basically spirit should not as I see it, offend a church goer.
All in all a very good film. Pity about the subtitles but it did not seem to distract from the message.

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I watched the film last night. It does seem to support many of the ideas that I came across during my spiritualism days.
In truth it does not reject many of the Christian beliefs, because it focuses on life after death. Or for the truists after we lose the mortal body, because as spiritual creations we actually never really die.. Re incarnation may be a bit prickerly but the fact that we are basically spirit should not as I see it, offend a church goer.
All in all a very good film. Pity about the subtitles but it did not seem to distract from the message.

And thank you for watching the film, I just tried to bring people to the knowledge that there is life beyond the Earth as we know it, it is massively debatable point because people have shut themselves off from the Truth for so long, and it is hard for them to accept that there is anything beyond the earthly, as was once a natural acceptance by nearly all.

As you say it should not offend a church goer, the truth should not offend anyone, it is just their teachings do not run true to the laws and the true knowledge of creation, I believe they only preach what they believe with their intellect, which is a tool of the spirit.

It was after I read your message that I listened to a lecture from the book I continually read and listen to,” In The Light Of Truth” the lecture was “Departed This Life” I don't normally refer to an individual lecture from this book, as in the author recommends the lectures to be read in sequence and not picked out indiscriminately.
But I felt that this related so close to the film and its contents.

[url]The Grail Message | Departed this life![/url]

The previous lecture prior to this one is called Death, which also relates to this subject.

Peace and light

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To me there is much that we do not know about what is known as life after death.
The film depicts a location (heaven) that our "souls" are supposed to return to but I personally am of the opinion that there is only one location and that is here, and now.

Heaven to me is like a set of different dimension, just as TV and Radio co-exist but at different frequencies. We can't see them because they are not in our spectrum. I believe our past on loved ones are still with us, we just can't see them

Our own "spiritual identity" will always be part of its parent dimension (spiritual home, or heaven) even though at present it appears as this physical body that inhabits the dimensions or spectrums that we are aware of as Earth.

I feel that If we could focus and improve on our "spiritual" understandings then it may be possible for us to "access" within safe limits, these other dimensions.

Maybe that is what Mediums do.

Hope it makes sense.

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To me there is much that we do not know about what is known as life after death.
The film depicts a location (heaven) that our "souls" are supposed to return to but I personally am of the opinion that there is only one location and that is here, and now.
To me there is much that we do not know about what is known as life after death.
The film depicts a location (heaven) that our "souls" are supposed to return to but I personally am of the opinion that there is only one location and that is here, and now.

I am sorry but I don't see it like this, mind you I assume we all have probably a different picture in our minds, and see things differently from each other.

Heaven to me is like a set of different dimension, just as TV and Radio co-exist but at different frequencies. We can't see them because they are not in our spectrum. I believe our past on loved ones are still with us, we just can't see them

A very good way to put it, I also believe that when Jesus said my father has many mansions I believe he referred to the levels in creation, vibrating at different frequencies, and to see that level we have to be on that level, not on any of the others, but only the homogeneous level of that time we are on, as to whether it be the gross material level that we are on the moment on one of the others.

Our own "spiritual identity" will always be part of its parent dimension (spiritual home, or heaven) even though at present it appears as this physical body that inhabits the dimensions or spectrums that we are aware of as Earth.

I believe personally from my learning, that the levels are a very distant apart, starting at the furthest from the Creator which I believe to be the gross material, but there are many levels also I believe below this level, the next up, i believe being the ethereal then rising to the animistic, all with many levels in between these levels, some people do not even make the ethereal after death of their earthly instrument.

I feel that If we could focus and improve on our "spiritual" understandings then it may be possible for us to "access" within safe limits, these other dimensions.

Maybe that is what Mediums do.

I do not believe we could ever access other dimensions other than when we are part of them; on each level in creation that we enter I believe we are blessed to be able to look back on each level partly, but never forward to the next level, without completing the level we are already on.

I believe mediums can access a lot other areas that we cannot, but only still of the level from which they are, not from other levels in creation but I believe some people are graced to see further than others in some situations according to there development, some even close to the ethereal happenings.

I also hope this also makes sense it is very difficult for a person to explain of how they see things into words, so other people can understand them i just keep trying.

One question that a lot of people do not seem to have the answer for, is why are we here?

Once we know this I believe we can live in harmony better with each other, and the environment we are blessed with, Planet Earth, and all the creatures on it.

One film that I believe depicts a closer vision to what life is like after death, is “What Dreams May Come” we were discussing it today at a meeting.

Well worth watching if you haven't seen it, i do not believe much surpasses it in closeness to the Truth.

Peace and light

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I do think that the reason we are here is to improve. We are fundamentally spirit, but although we have all the capabilities that identify us to our maker we have not the quality of those identities. It is like a baby. It has legs, but needs to develop them before it can run.
By experiencing the "mortal" we are being given the opportunity to practice our spirituality even being subjected to temptation. We are expected to learn from our mistakes and that will help us develop our higher abilities.
I doubt that we can get this sort of practice in the spirit world, it would be too pure. I suspect that learning is available in the spirit world and past mistakes can be analysed but the real test is to be under fire so to speak and that can't be done in "heaven".
Reincarnation is a function that allows us to continue our development and thus move up into a more useful spiritual position.

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One thing that has puzzled me is how do we get this mortal body.
The spiritual body would seem to be a Divine creation from what I would consider to be Divine ideas.
In the film the spiritual identities are still seen as they were in mortal life albeit without the illness that they acquired whilst on earth. I suppose that in this film the depicted mortal identities are just for recognition purposes only, as I can't see spirit as having any need for a mortal outline.
That being so when a spirit reincarnates where does the mortality come from.
Does this mean the Divine as well as creating individual identities, as spiritual entities also has created all ideas that if called on can result in a physical expression for that spiritual entity, that is a body.

Any one any ideas

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One thing that has puzzled me is how do we get this mortal body.
The spiritual body would seem to be a Divine creation from what I would consider to be Divine ideas.
In the film the spiritual identities are still seen as they were in mortal life albeit without the illness that they acquired whilst on earth. I suppose that in this film the depicted mortal identities are just for recognition purposes only, as I can't see spirit as having any need for a mortal outline.
That being so when a spirit reincarnates where does the mortality come from.
Does this mean the Divine as well as creating individual identities, as spiritual entities also has created all ideas that if called on can result in a physical expression for that spiritual entity, that is a body.

Any one any ideas

Hi again

To get the picture that you are asking for, you need the full picture of our beginning as a spirit germ, us, we are spirit germs incarnated here!

There are so many pictures of Creation we are given, it is like a jigsaw puzzle, with each piece you put together for a more overall picture, I believe we can never have the whole picture; its magnitude is too great.

I believe that on each level we travel to we have a body corresponding to the nature and composition, be it of gross material, ethereal, or so on, but our core is spirit, and as we cast of each of these bodies, eventually we are just left eventually with the spiritual body, when we started with on our journey (hopefully), all the other cloaks we leave behind as we progress through the levels as we do not need them anymore.

The many films that we watch with body’s similar so own, I believe is the purpose of identification only, in the film “What Dreams May Come” the form of the bodies of some the person's passed over in certain cases changed.

If now you cast your mind back to the time of Jesus, Jesus after His death,"murder" He appeared to some of His disciples, and it relates to the fact that they did not recognize him immediately, I believe he was in his ethereal body and had a different form, as I believe many of us do when we leave the gross material level and take on the form in our other body’s we carry with us.

Everything in Creation I believe is radiated form, and everything is created from radiation, hard to accept with the intellect as it can only work within the material level, and in many instances it takes control away from the spirit and acts without spiritual impulses its master.

Birth and death are inseparable poles, you can have one without the other, this is a passage I drew off another site I thought it was wonderful =

"The passing of someone can be seen as a ship leaving port. We're all standing on the harbour sad and crying and waving goodbye and someone says 'there she goes'. But far far away there is another dock, with many people waving and cheering and someone shouts 'HERE SHE COMES'"

There is a book I read, and mention many times, that explains why we are here, the knowledge of Creation and the unsolved questions of life, people reject it out of hand because it doesn't fall in with what they already believe or have been taught by the churches and cults, and they seem to find it too hard to give up the old for the new, they try to look at the author and judge Him before the Word, I say heed the Word not the bringer, this is what happened I believe at the time of Christ Jesus the Son of God.

The book is “In The Light Of Truth” “The Grail Message”, I am told by some people here and elsewhere that I push it too hard, but if you find something good you should share it with your fellow neighbor, as with a cure for disease, not hug it, I only lead to the water of life I do not make anyone drink it, it is the knowledge of Creation of where we are from and whither we go, i say we are lost we need a map to get back from where we came from, this is the map.

Its hard to read but for the knowledge of Creation would you expect it to be easy

Peace and light

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One thing that has puzzled me is how do we get this mortal body.
The spiritual body would seem to be a Divine creation from what I would consider to be Divine ideas.
In the film the spiritual identities are still seen as they were in mortal life albeit without the illness that they acquired whilst on earth. I suppose that in this film the depicted mortal identities are just for recognition purposes only, as I can't see spirit as having any need for a mortal outline.
That being so when a spirit reincarnates where does the mortality come from.
Does this mean the Divine as well as creating individual identities, as spiritual entities also has created all ideas that if called on can result in a physical expression for that spiritual entity, that is a body.

Any one any ideas

this is the paper I received prior to the film which it is worth reading.

Not everywhere in the world are world-philosophic thoughts or artistic works, which have a life after death as their content, pushed so quickly into the drawer labelled questionable esoteric, as with us. Thus “Nosso Lar” (Portuguese: “Our Home” – German title: “A spiritual homestead”) the best-selling story by the Brazilian medium Francisco Candido Xavier, was already filmed in 2010 by the producer Wagner de Assis. With us this production, which was as extravagant as it was successful, and the soundtrack of which was looked after by the world-famous composer Philip Glass, never found its way onto the big screen.

But fortunately there is YouTube and the DVD – and in this way, since a few months “Nosso Lar” can at least be viewed with German subtitles.

The strongly impressive pictures and the deeply meaningful beyond-story is gripping after only a few moments: A prominent doctor from Rio de Janeiro, Dr. Andre Luiz (played by Renato Prieto), wakes up in sombre surroundings and roams bewildered among other suffering and twisting souls. He remembers odd episodes of his life – the life on earth, which he has now lost.
Death has been lived through – and now?

The story of this man makes increasing demands on the onlooker, takes him along on a journey and forces him to consider: Can it really be that every emotion within us, every action and every characteristic can form itself into something to be visually experienced in the so-called beyond? Whoever knows the explanations in this connection given by Abd-ru-shin in his work “In the Light of Truth”, and knows a little about the lawfulness in the ethereal world, can say: Yes, absolutely!

And from this viewpoint it is also plausible that the whole story has not been made up, but that it can concern something actually experienced. The doctor who is dictating his experiences and events – after his death – to a medially talented human being on earth, reports about his own development and about what really matters in life – on this side as well as in the beyond.

Francisco Candido Xavier, who possessed as a medium the necessary senses for such a declaration, died in June 2002 – and can now himself lead a life in the many “abodes in God’s house”.

Always according to his inner development, the strength of his bonding to the material or for spiritual recognition, the human spirit finds himself after his departure from the earth-world in one of these “abodes”, in one of these to us invisible planes in the beyond. That is where everyone finds also the souls connected with him. These can be bonds of love, of spiritual homogeneity or also of guilt, which connect human beings with each other. Through death alone these bonds are not dissolved.

We therefore form in every hour here on earth the circumstances of our life “on the other side”. And the more we recognise these interconnections and spiritually grow with them, the more beautiful will be that which we are allowed to experience.

Wagner de Assis’ film “Nosso Lar” touches us with very detailed pictures, wonderful words and leaves a lasting impression. One may however wonder about the provisions of the beyond, which at times remind one of the well-polished high technology of the earthly world of the 21st century, but perhaps that is not too far fetched. In the end also our technological developments, which are impressing our life are a “precipitation” of thought-forms, therefore an expression of the human inner world. And this inner world is the “Material” for the formation of the beyond, the way it will be expecting us after death.

But no matter how much of what this film has to offer in the way of definite pictures really coincides with the experiences of this doctor, how strongly the fantasy of the stage designer or that of the medium may have affected things – whoever is open for greater interconnections of meaning in life, can enjoy “Nosso Lar” not only as a nice film, but also as a possible insight into a kind of transition station for people who have certain things to learn, to put right. A premonition of what the other world that will expect us one day may look like, draws through the intuitive perception…..

That is also exactly what this story is trying to achieve. In that Dr. Andre Luiz mediates his experiences, he is helping others to see beyond the end of their own nose and to achieve a premonition of the magnitude of their existence – and of that which is of real importance in life. He lets it become known for instance that there is always hope, that help is always standing prepared – for all human beings who ask for it from the bottom of their heart and are willing to work on themselves and also to be helpful to others.

“Nosso Lar” mediates also just how precious this life is. Which unbelievably great possibility has been gifted to us thereby, how with a little effort and willpower we can become better human beings and develop our consciousness, to be tiny but important parts in God’s all-embracing Creation, fitted out with strong possibilities, which have to be lived and developed – for our own well-being and the well-being of all our fellow creatures and our environment.

Nobody should succumb to the error that with death everything is “over and forgotten”. We are on a long journey with many stations, where we have constantly to learn, so as one day to be allowed to experience true joy. What that is, everybody can find during the search for the Truth. It is good that there are films like “Nosso Lar” which encourage this search and personal development!

Peace and light

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I wonder how different the world would be if every one knew that it was the spiritual that is important and not the mortal....Would people strive for spiritual perfection in their physical form or carry on as before and ignore the consequences of a selfish earthly existence

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I wonder how different the world would be if every one knew that it was the spiritual that is important and not the mortal....Would people strive for spiritual perfection in their physical form or carry on as before and ignore the consequences of a selfish earthly existence

A wonderful way to put it, it is the way we should be, how we would live in harmony with each other if that was the way, Paradise on earth.

Peace and light
