This is the first time I've looked at this section and there is lots of reading which I haven't time to look through right now.
I consider myself a Christian although I do not go to church. I believe in God and when I pray I always pray to Him. The problem I have God and Jesus one being or two separate beings. I cannot get to grips with Jesus's death 'to save our souls' how did that help, what happened before his death. I realise some of you are very educated people but could you please explain in layman's terms.
We are all sinners, as sin came into the world with Adam and biting out of the apple in the Garden of Eden. In the Old Testament, people offered animals sacrifices as payment for their sins. The penalty for sin is death (Romans 3:23), so it took a perfect lamb, Jesus Christ, to pay the price for all of mankind's sins on the cross. All we must do is repent from our sins and believe in His death on the cross and resurrection, and we are saved. We cannot be good enough to work our way to is only through God's grace that we can be saved.
Lets see if I've got the story straight. God made the entire universe (about fifty billion light years across) in six days. Now that's more than impressive, but I'm sure you'll agree for an omnipotent being his first go at making people was a bit of a disaster! He got it right round his neck. No sooner did he turn his back Adam and Eve were up to mischief, so he decides to sort them out. “You! (Adam) and all your descendants will toil the fields.” “And you! Misses and all your descendants will endure orrable pain in childbirth”. “And you! (the serpent) will slither on your belly.”
Hence original sin was contrived.
I think all will agree the serpent got off rather lightly!
Many millions of begetings later- shall we skip the first few generations in order to avoid an unpleasant truth? -god looks in and sees his creations singing, dancing, drinking, fornicating and generally having a good time. So he drowns the lot of them.
Apart from Noah and his ankle biters that is. Oh and despite popular belief the fish got it as well. Salt water fish cannot survive in fresh water and vice versa. So when the two are mixed it's curtains for the fishies. And the trees, grass, petunias, moss, marijuana and magic mushrooms. Nothing can survive the pressure of 30,000 ft of water you see, its about 16,000 psi.
So anyway.
Noahs mob got down to some serious begeting and many years later his nibs threw his head in to see what the crack was. Yes you've guessed it! Singing, dancing, drinking, fornicating and generally having a good time.
And he thinks “Oh for goodness sake! What am I going to do now?” Then it comes to him! I've got it he says.
I'll have myself brutally tortured and murdered by the people I created in order to save said people from my rage. Yep. That'll fix them.
There's still sin in the world. So what was the point of the fall, the drownings and the crucifixion? None of it worked. What's he going to do next time? There must be a billion ton asteroid out there in the oort cloud with our name on it.
Not even in salt lake city would anyone believe that story. Errr hang on a minute... Ok next week I'll tell you about the convicted fraudster Joseph Smith.
Lets see if I've got the story straight. God made the entire universe (about fifty billion light years across) in six days. Now that's more than impressive, but I'm sure you'll agree for an omnipotent being his first go at making people was a bit of a disaster! He got it right round his neck. No sooner did he turn his back Adam and Eve were up to mischief, so he decides to sort them out. “You! (Adam) and all your descendants will toil the fields.” “And you! Misses and all your descendants will endure orrable pain in childbirth”. “And you! (the serpent) will slither on your belly.”
Hence original sin was contrived.
I think all will agree the serpent got off rather lightly!Anyway.
Many millions of begetings later- shall we skip the first few generations in order to avoid an unpleasant truth? -god looks in and sees his creations singing, dancing, drinking, fornicating and generally having a good time. So he drowns the lot of them.
Apart from Noah and his ankle biters that is. Oh and despite popular belief the fish got it as well. Salt water fish cannot survive in fresh water and vice versa. So when the two are mixed it's curtains for the fishies. And the trees, grass, petunias, moss, marijuana and magic mushrooms. Nothing can survive the pressure of 30,000 ft of water you see, its about 16,000 psi.So anyway.
Noahs mob got down to some serious begeting and many years later his nibs threw his head in to see what the crack was. Yes you've guessed it! Singing, dancing, drinking, fornicating and generally having a good time.
And he thinks “Oh for goodness sake! What am I going to do now?” Then it comes to him! I've got it he says.
I'll have myself brutally tortured and murdered by the people I created in order to save said people from my rage. Yep. That'll fix them.Unfortunately.
There's still sin in the world. So what was the point of the fall, the drownings and the crucifixion? None of it worked. What's he going to do next time? There must be a billion ton asteroid out there in the oort cloud with our name on it.
Not even in salt lake city would anyone believe that story. Errr hang on a minute... Ok next week I'll tell you about the convicted fraudster Joseph Smith.
:confused: ..... :005:
The book of Genesis from chaper 2:6, [But there went up a mist from the earth]. Is not the history of how it IS. But how it is NOT.
Jesus wept. John 11 : 35.
I know how he felt.
Hallo Orangeblossom,
That is a question I have asked myself many times. And one which is asked the world over, and is rich in answers and possibilities.
I personally think you have to choose what resonates best with you. If you prefer to think He died for our sins, that is wonderful, and if you feel that perhaps He did not die after all, but lived on and had a family, that is just as acceptable.
My own personal opinion is that it is part of the human culture from the beginning of humanity, which gave sacrifices to appease the gods. Jesus is often described as having sacrificed Himself for us, and my belief is it goes back to this. In the Old Testament we have Abraham, prepared to sacrifice his son for God, until he is stopped. So the Bible itself is full of this. It would seem to me to follow a particular theme.
The question is this. Are we prepared to accept anything as the Truth unless it is wrapped up in the symbolism of sacrifice? Do we need to see a sacrifice being made in order to acknowledge that God has done something powerful for us? Or, that God even exists?
Many people dislike this 'sacrificial' need in humanity, and prefer to think of Christ as a potent symbol. Others see Jesus as purely Spirit, in other words, the events never actually occured, although we are supposed to understand what the story represents.
All the learned theories and less learned but more instinctive ideas are all absolutely right, as to me, they are all partly true, and point to the whole Truth.
It's often been said on HP that no one really knows or understands everything, but everyone's wisdom is valid. All thoughts lead eventually to the same conclusion, but perhaps not while we on actually on this earth? Who Knows.
Apologies if this rambles;)
He died and he resurected. That is what the scriptures are saying. He had not married, and had no children. There would be nothing wrong if he had. But he didn't.
He died and he resurected. That is what the scriptures are saying. He had not married, and had no children. There would be nothing wrong if he had. But he didn't.
According to whom exactly?
There are some that say he did marry, and that there are, even today, decendants of him.
So who knows the actual facts?
According to whom exactly?
There are some that say he did marry, and that there are, even today, decendants of him.
So who knows the actual facts?
Actually logic says he DID marry since an unmarried male of his age would have been very unusual. The tale of turning water into wine makes sense if the wedding feats in question was HIS feast - otherwise why would he be providing any wine in the first place?
When you consider our bible has been translated from greek arabic and hebrew into english,, various bits that didn't agree with the current tenets taken out (The apocrypha) then re-tranlated from the authorised version of King James into modern english there is a lot of scope for confusion!
Did yo know that there is no such town as nazareth? 'Jesus of Nazareth' probably started out as 'Jesus the Nasorean' which almost certainly means he was part of the Qumran community that produced the Dead Sea scrolls ....NONE of which are in the bible - while the letters from Paul who never even met him make up a large portion of the New testament
Yes, Jesus is God.
I would say that Jesus is the god experience, and we can all have that experience. We are all the daughters and son of god.
OK I stuck up the previous video with some of my usual pixie tongue-in-cheek (eventhough the song is based on a true story of the Dead Sea Scroll acedemic John Allegro). But regardless of whether Jesus physically existed ot not, why not Jesus Christ be an experience, and if it's an experience we can all tap into this. Therefore we don't neccesarily need the authority of the churchs, and then we can have a personal JC experience directly 😀
This is the first time I've looked at this section and there is lots of reading which I haven't time to look through right now.
I consider myself a Christian although I do not go to church. I believe in God and when I pray I always pray to Him. The problem I have God and Jesus one being or two separate beings. I cannot get to grips with Jesus's death 'to save our souls' how did that help, what happened before his death. I realise some of you are very educated people but could you please explain in layman's terms.
hi there
I also consider myself as a Christian, and I do not go to church I believe in God the Creator of all things I also pray to Him, I do not feel I need a church to pray to God,
Jesus is the love of God,Imanuel is the Will of God, if you think in terms of the human body, the right arm as the love of Jesus the left arm as the Will of God, and the Head as God himself (but all as one).
You can move the left are the right arm but they are all a part of the same body (all part of the Creator), I believe this is the easiest way to explain God, the Trinity, the love and the Will can work independently but also all as one, with the Father..
Peace and light