Healing through the Christ-consciousness
Dear friends,
On the "old" HP forums I started a forum which I called "A moment of spiritual consciousness" where I posted many awesome healings and experiences of protection. Other HP members shared theirs too. Now I feel it’s time to do this again and share inspiration and understanding as I go along.
I hope to focus on instantaneous healings, protection from danger and other undeniable proofs of God’s power and presence, (or the Christ, which Jesus so fully embodied and expressed) as they show most clearly the one-ness of God and man, divine Mind and its idea, perfect and whole NOW and HERE, not just something we hope to attain in some place and time after the change called death or by laborious moving up to higher dimensions, but through surrendering our human thinking up to the divine, the Christ, Truth.
The revelation of the Christ-consciousness comes to exactly where we are in our thinking. It is never from without, but from within (which is where Jesus said we would find the Kingdom of Heaven). When God is yielded to as the ALL and ONLY, reality is revealed - it is the coming to consciousness of that which is and then what has been our earth will be transformed into the divine reality it has always been, which is our heaven.
Christ is the true idea voicing good, the divine message from God to men speaking to the human consciousness. (Science & Health 332)
Some of the healings I will post will be my own experiences, but there is such a wealth of wonderful healings, protection from danger etc that I want to share from the vast number of articles from the Christian Science Publishing Society too. With other’s healings, unless they are on the Internet, I cannot post the whole article because of copyright, but if any of you would like to read the article or testimony, please e-mail me your address and I’ll be happy to photo-copy it for you to read in its entirety.
Most of you know that I am a student of Christian Science, which was discovered in 1866 by Mary Baker Eddy, the most prolific healer since the time of Jesus and the early Christians. She wrote down her discovery, which came through "reason, revelation, and demonstration" in her primary work Science & Health with Key to the Scriptures. This Science is not mind-over-matter, positive thinking, not even faith-healing. It is, at its highest, (divine) Mind-healing, which is built on self-surrender and the renunciation of ALL that is unlike God, good.
It happens when we let go of the material view of ourselves and yield to pure reality, our true identity as God’s spiritual idea, HisHer image and likeness (see Genesis 1:27); when we "leave the mortal basis of belief and unite with the one Mind.." (Science & Health 424). That one divine Mind, or God was what St Paul referred to when he said " Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus:" (Philippians 2:5)
Well, here is the first one – of someone who was facing certain death in a few minutes time from a rattlesnake bite (I thought I’d grab your attention at the beginning!) I’ve chosen it to begin with, as it is such a clear example of what I mean by the Christ consciousness that frees us from all human beliefs and fears.
The author started off telling us how she and two youngsters had seen a crack on the top rail of a garden wall, which had fooled them, by looking just like a snake. She had used this to explain to the children about the illusory nature of matter and how we can reverse and destroy these illusions with the Truth about them. Little did she know that the lesson from this simple incident would help save her life the next day.
When she felt a sharp pain as the fangs of the rattlesnake sunk into her ankle, she immediately protested with a huge "NO" at the suggestions of death.
..At once came the affirmation "God IS!" with the mental assertion of His allness and oneness with Him as His reflection. Then more truths came almost simultaneously: "God is my Life. I will not die. I will not consent to death."
As faintness came over me, I had to stop beside the garden wall. Through mists of pain I again saw the snakelike crack on the rail in front of me. The lesson learned from this illusion immediately dispelled the feeling that I was blacking out.
She lay down on the couch inside, continuing to pray, holding onto powerful truths of the all-ness of God, Life, and of man’s inseverable one-ness with this immortal Life. However, it was becoming more and more difficult to think or speak and she was battling against the urge to fall asleep. Unexpectedly, her nine-year old niece returned saying that she had suddenly wanted to come home to be with her aunt, because she wanted to go bicycling with her!!!
Well, the author of this article I’m quoting from felt that this was an angel message to rouse her so she did something that humanly was sheer madness – she got up and slowly lifting each foot with her hands, managed to get onto her bicycle and followed the little girl.
As we reached a woodsy area I fell, unable to go on. The child, seeing me, returned, crying out, "What’s wrong? What is the matter with the way you look?"
She then remembered that her early childhood had been lived in an area in the US where rattlesnakes are numerous and at school was always being told to be careful.
All at once, I vividly remembered the long-forgotten description of a neighbour’s appearance just before his death from a rattler’s bite. In a surge of strong revolt against this latent picture brought back by the child’s outcry, I once more struggled to my feet, rebelling mentally as well as physically against this senseless threat.
I could no longer see. Then, clearly as if it had been spoken, a familiar statement from Science and Health came to thought: "A spiritual idea has not a single element of error, and this truth removes properly whatever is offensive." (S&H 463) At this moment these words were illumined in their absolute, radiantly scientific meaning. I was suddenly no longer aware of my body.
Within a sense of immense and ineffable stillness, I saw that Truth "removes properly" the belief (and that is all evil is) there could be anything in the realm of all-inclusive Love to harm or be harmed, to poison or be poisoned, to fear or be feared, to kill or be killed, for all is infinite Love and Love’s manifestation! I felt God’s all-presence as never before. The world was luminous with divine Love. The universe itself could not contain such perfect Love!"
Her vision cleared, the icy coldness drained from her body and it resumed its normal size. She mounted her bicycle and rode back, rejoicing and in awe of the power and presence of Love, Truth and Life!
She writes:
My heart finds no words to express adequate gratitude for such a healing. Yet the purpose of this article is not to testify to the healing of snakebite per se. This experience illustrates the basic fact that when human life is as stake, spiritual awakening alone brings healing.
Wasn’t this proved in those desperate moments I experienced? In that radiant instant when the long-familiar passage from Science and Health came to thought and was felt in its absolute, primordial Christ-power – rather than in its formerly accepted human soothingness – a "new birth" of spiritual illumination took place. From that second, body, snake, time, circumstance, struggle, and death vanished from thought. Infinite Mind and Mind’s infinite idea were literally felt as All-in-all. Without process or time to formulate conscious thought, the Christ revealed in luminous clarity that since God is the only cause, effect has to be Godlike. No longer did I feel a "me" separate from God. I realized I was God’s expression, the very evidence of God. And this brought about the healing.
(from ‘The snake on the garden wall.’ by E. G. Heiss Christian Science Journal April 1981)
Love and peace,
RE: Healing through the Christ-consciousness
I wish not to bring division in this forum- IF I have offend anyone
You haven't offended me, because basically you may say what you wish on HP, as long as it is not a personal attack on any member.
These are your views and you should be free to express them and you must expect some of us to be over the top with their contradictions.
But just maybe you are off topic on this post. If you want to expand your views perhaps you could start a new thread,
RE: Healing through the Christ-consciousness
Thanks so much Meta for your explanation – whew! You know, it’s very easy for people to get confused between “man,” (as we understand the meaning of the term given by Mary Baker Eddy) the spiritual, eternal, immortal expression of God’s being and “mortal man”, its counterfeit. Just as the Christ is the divine power and presence or God, while Jesus was the human man who most fully embodied and expressed this, we must never confuse this mortal, fleshly stage and belief of existence, with God!
I’ll let Eddy do the explaining:
When man is spoken of as made in God's image, it is not sinful and sickly mortal man who is referred to, but the ideal man, reflecting God's likeness. S&H 345
Mortal man is the antipode of immortal man in origin, in existence, and in his relation to God. (Science and Health p 215)
God's man, spiritually created, is not material and mortal. S&H p 306
This carnal material mentality, misnamed mind, is mortal. Therefore man would be annihilated, were it not for the spiritual real man's indissoluble connection with his God, which Jesus brought to light. In his resurrection and ascension, Jesus showed that a mortal man is not the real essence of manhood, and that this unreal material mortality disappears in presence of the reality. S&H 292
In divine Science, man is the true image of God. The divine nature was best expressed in Christ Jesus, who threw upon mortals the truer reflection of God and lifted their lives higher than their poor thought-models would allow,--thoughts which presented man as fallen, sick, sinning, and dying. The Christlike understanding of scientific being and divine healing includes a perfect Principle and idea,--perfect God and perfect man,--as the basis of thought and demonstration. S&H 259
Man is the idea of Spirit; he reflects the beatific presence, illuming the universe with light. Man is deathless, spiritual. He is above sin or frailty. He does not cross the barriers of time into the vast forever of Life, but he coexists with God and the universe. S&H 266
Love and peace,
RE: Healing through the Christ-consciousness
ORIGINAL: Healistic
These are your views and you should be free to express them and you must expect some of us to be over the top with their contradictions.
Hello again Healistic. I absolutely agree with what Meta has said in his/her second post. And of course, everyone has the right to express their own views on HP! 🙂 This however, was not put forward as his or her own view, but as a quote from Mary Baker Eddy and it is not in any of her published works (as you might have guessed, I have them all on computer, with a concordance). I have emailed the Mary Baker Eddy Library for the Betterment of Mankind to ask if it is in any of her unpublished works, but have not yet had an answer.
As one of the individuals who you obviously refer to as going "over the top with their contradictions", since Mary Baker Eddy is no longer with us to defend herself, then if I see something that is not consistent with her published writings or verified in any way, and which could lead to more misunderstanding than is already out there, then yes, I certianly will defend her right to be correctly quoted and understood!
Love and peace,
RE: Healing through the Christ-consciousness
As one of the individuals who you obviously refer to as going "over the top with their contradictions",
Not So.
you have always been consistant and true with your beliefs and as far as I am aware unlike some (including me) you have not been obnoxious. I was making a general statement.
I am sorry if that offended you.
If I wanted to offend you I would have refered to you personaly.
RE: Healing through the Christ-consciousness
Another Whew!
You hadn't offended me anyway Healistic - I have a hide like a rhino when it comes to me - and besides, when we are all actually strangers, even personal remarks are only based on assumption, so how can they have any power, unless you give it to them? 😀
And please don't label yourself (or others) with a word like "obnoxious." "T'aint true! The reason I've stayed with HP for so many years is because everyone here is respectful, kind, considerate and loving. OK, occasionally, people get het up or prickly (it got rather horrid when Israel was bombing Lebanon as people took opposite sides) but on the whole, HP members give each other space for different views, different backgrounds, different beliefs etc and the few times there has been someone here who was simply trying to be a trouble-maker, they were quickly dispatched! The Mods quietly do a terrific job and so does Mike, who started it all up.
Well, with that, I hope I can get this thread back on topic again! 😉
Love and peace,
PS thanks for all the kisses!! [sm=jump1.gif]
Post 16 of this thread has the remarkable experience of a Welsh man who had a life-changing healing which was first published (and audio recorded) about 6 years ago. Last year, there was an additional recording made and the original testimony was included.
In it, Philip speaks about how much his meditation helped him find peace of mind and the ability to separate from the pain he was in, during his search for truth (he was expected to die and had taken the vows of a Buddhist monk). To me, his thought was being prepared to receive the wonderful new life he was then given.
Anyway, the reason I'm posting here again is that on , they are now making past recordings available by MP3 (there is a small charge, but it's definitely worth it with this one!)
[url]A landmark experience[/url]
Click on 2007
9 of 12 (September )
No 3: 737 Sept 8-14 2007
While I'm here, every month, there are free programmes to listen to at
Love and peace,
Just brought this up again, as I'm presently writing to all my friends encouraging them to get the download of Phillip's healing that I wrote about in
A landmark experience
I've brought this up again as I'm currently writing to all my friends encouraging them to get the download of Philip's healing and the interview 5 years later that I wrote about in post 16 of this thread (and also mentioned above) as it will be going off-line in a couple of months and it really is something not to be missed. (The Download Store on has been changed, so I thought I ought to re-post.)
His experience is so helpful on many levels. Not only is it one of the most profound physical healings (of terminal incurability plus physical disability) you may ever hear, but also it was his whole journey, which he discusses in both segments of this programme, that is very helpful to ponder.
He was a spiritual seeker from his youth, but not a religious one! When he became ill and allopathic medicine offered no hope, he tried many forms of complimentary and alternative therapy and spiritual healing, plus looked into many philosophies and faith traditions, all to no avail, but he found great peace in meditation, which enabled him to detach thought from the body. He had already given up his attachment to matter when he was so forcibly brought into contact with the Science of Being. His thought had already been prepared to receive this influx of light and truth.
Another aspect of this healing is that it is a clear illustration of Mary Baker Eddy’s description of the difference between Christian Science and all other pathological methods. This is the link to page xi of Science and Health where she explains it:
The downloads can be put on an MP3 player or a CD.
Then it gets tricky (took me ages to suss it out!) You click on Sentinel Radio (next to What’s New above the images of Sentinel Radio and the CS Heralds) and you should see a load of shadow Sentinel Radio CD covers come up in a stream. Each is a different month and you can go backwards and forwards.
Go to the far right and then come back to September 2007 and select A landmark experience no 737. They only stay on-line for 2 years, so hurry!
There is a small cost but I really can't encourage you enough. You will be glad you've heard this unique experience. 🙂
Love and peace,
This thread is truly amazing! It's always such a comfort and inspiration to me to know how much healing is going on all over the world - and for people from all walks of life - through the power of the Christ. Not everyone knows it by that name, but that's no matter. It's something I've seen people of all faiths - or of no particular faith - relate to, and respond to, and be uplifted by. If it wasn't completely universal, I know there's no way I could believe in it!
I've been a student of Christian Science too for several years, and while I haven't been in many situations that have needed a physical healing as such, I can definitely say I've seen enough of the transforming influence of the Christ in my life to know what I would rely on in an emergency.
Some of the accounts of healing on this thread remind me of an experience I had when I was still quite new to Christian Science. It's a relatively modest one compared to some, but it's always stayed with me, as even a "small" proof of divine Love's power proves the whole.
One day, coming home from university, I was plagued with an increasingly severe period pain - a problem for which I'd often taken medication in the past. This time, however, I was determined to apply what I was learning, through Christian Science, about my true identity as the perfect, spiritual child of God. I was affirming that over and over as I walked - uphill and in the heat of a sub-tropical Australian summer! - but it just seemed like so many words, and I felt like simply collapsing and curling up by the roadside. Mercifully, I made it home for a cold shower, which helped with the heat, but not with the pain.
My landlady at the time was a Christian Science nurse - someone who takes care of people who are relying on prayer for healing - so I trusted she'd be able to help me. "Why don't you listen to some hymns?" she suggested, handing me a cassette. Gratefully, I flopped down on the sofa. All the hymns on the tape were familiar ones, and I sang along with each one as bravely as I could manage, letting the words and music lift my thought away from myself, and refusing to accept that any physical pain could keep me from rejoicing in God's message. At one stage, realising it was way past lunch time, I got up to get something to eat, but was still in almost too much pain to move, let alone eat anything. I soon went back to my singing.
The last hymn on the tape happened to be one I particularly loved: "Christ My Refuge", by Christian Science's founder Mary Baker Eddy. It begins like this:
O'er waiting harpstrings of the mind
There sweeps a strain,
Low, sad, and sweet, whose measures bind
The power of pain...
And that's just what happened! As I heard and sang those words, even before the end of that first verse, I was flooded by what I can only describe as a rising tide of joy and certainty - that God, divine Love, was right here with me, was all there is or could be. There was simply no place for pain to exist there... and it didn't. I was completely free! (Once it had sunk in, I remember bounding downstairs to greet my landlady with a yell of "I've had a healing!!" - and then racing back up to the kitchen for a BIG lunch.)
That was the first really sudden and obvious healing I ever had through prayer, and it underscored a lot of things to me. What had seemed to be a grossly physical (and painful) condition had vanished in an instant, just through that glimpse of what God is and what I must be as God's reflection. That brought home to me that there really is no material condition to fix - only spiritual reality to be discovered. And the transformation in my consciousness was so clear and complete that there was no way I could mistake it as some sort of self-induced psychological trick. It could only be the Christ.
Indeed, what I learned from the whole experience is more or less summed up in what I was left thinking afterwards: "Ah... so THAT's how you know it's a healing!!" 😉
All love, Charis
I'd like to add another example of spiritual healing to this thread. This is a testimony I find very inspiring, as it shows that healing through the Christ-consciousness doesn't begin with simply "having faith" or "believing" in something mysterious that one can't understand - the writer of this account started out as a complete sceptic! Nor is it using any power of the human mind to "fix up" a physical body; it's forgetting personal ego and getting to know God and our relationship to Him/Her.
This account is included in a book called Spiritual Healing in a Scientific Age by Robert Peel, but it was first published in The Christian Science Journal of September 1982. (All healings included in this and other Christian Science Publishing Society publications need to be verified by at least three people who know of the healing and/or can vouch for the testifier's integrity.)
The writer of this testimony was crippled for over 12 years following an accident during his time as a New York police officer, which resulted in multiple fractures to both feet. Even after the best medical and surgical treatment available, and gradually progressing to walking, haltingly, with two canes, he was in constant and debilitating pain. One morning, as he tried to get out of bed, the pain just seemed too much for him to take any longer. He reached under the bed for his police revolver. But as he held the gun, he heard his wife say quietly, tenderly, "There is a better way..."
This man's wife was a lifelong Christian Scientist, and had told him early in their relationship that she believed that God is Love. He'd told her to keep her religion to herself; his only God was his gun and truncheon and shield. He had tried reading Science and Health, the Christian Science textbook, but didn't find it compatible with his thinking. Now, at his wife's gentle suggestion, he tried reading it again. A few weeks later, however, he was in such intense pain that he hurled the book across the room and told his wife (in very coarse terms) what he thought of her religion. She simply picked the book up and advised him not to read it just with the thought of finding physical healing - "You must forget about yourself and find out about God and your relationship to Him." He almost exploded again - after all these years of suffering, wasn't he entitled to a healing? - but he felt his wife's deep love and compassion and knew he had to give it one more try.
This time, when he opened the textbook, he went straight to Mary Baker Eddy's opening sentence: "To those leaning on the sustaining infinite, today is big with blessings" (p. vii). He'd read those words before, but now, for the first time, they "came alive with meaning":
[COLOR="Blue"]For twelve years I had leaned on doctors, hospitals, physical therapy, wheelchairs, crutches, canes, supports, pills. Now was the time to lean on something much greater than material means and human will. I was filled with an overwhelming sense of peace; I knew that what I was searching for would be revealed to me.
As I read and reread page after page of Science and Health I lost all sense of time. What had once been puzzling and obscure became crystal clear. The Bible, the textbook, and a dictionary were my constant companions. This study, this search, was a daily joy. My thoughts began to dwell on the sustaining infinite, as each session of study and research poured in flood tides of Truth. The understanding of God as Father-Mother, as perfect Love, and of His tender concern for all His children - including myself - began to dawn in consciousness. The truth that God is All, and that His beloved children reflect His divine perfection, became tangible fact to me.
Exactly when the healing came I never knew. The Christ so filled my days with joy and peace that time simply flew by. One morning as I was shaving in the bathroom and humming the melody of [a hymn that begins "I walk with Love along the way"], I realised that something was different. There was no pain!
He was completely and permanently healed. When his account was published some years later, it included his wife's verification statement, which concludes: "To see my husband again run, bicycle, dance, and walk without a limp or defect of any kind after so many years of agonising disability, has indeed proved to me that 'with God all things are possible' (Matthew 19:26)."
All love, Charis
A landmark experience
Hello friends,
I've shared many wonderful healings with your all on this thread, but in the past, was limited by copyright and also, when I did post links, they no longer worked after a few years. Now however, that has changed and the entire collection of tens of thousands of articles and testimonies of healings from the Christian Science periodicals as well as audio programmes, have been put online, through subscription, so that means that I can now provide links to the originals that are on this thread, for anyone who wants to read/listen to them.
I thought I'd begin with the wonderful experience of Phillip Hockley that I describe in this post: .
This is an audio of his original testimony, after his life changing (and life saving) experience plus an interview, which goes deeper into the spiritual practices that led his thought to being so receptive.
[url]A landmark experience - Program 737*/*Christian Science Sentinel[/url]Are there experiences that you would consider landmark experiences in your life? We’ll hear about a landmark physical healing that one person experienced. We’ll hear about the spiritual revelations that broke through during that troubling condition, and that brought healing. We’ll also hear how that person’s life has changed.
Love and peace,
Hi Judy
I've just had a lovely couple of afternoons reading your fascinating and uplifting posts - thank you. Please keep posting xx
Hi Vanessa,
I'm so glad you've been enjoying these wonderful experiences. They point to a divine principle that is available to everyone, regardless of religion, beliefs (or lack of it!) They also prove that nothing is impossible to God and that the power of Spirit is ever-present and omnipotent.
I will keep posting, but the trouble is, there are so many to choose from! I must say, my favourites are the audio - there is something so compelling about hearing people describe their experiences in their own words that you don't really get off the printed page (or even the computer screen!) 😉
Below I will post links to some of the written articles that I've taken excerpts from throughout this thread.
Love and peace,
Evelyn Grover Heiss - “The snake on the garden wall” (healing of rattlesnake bite)
[url]The snake on the garden wall*/*The Christian Science Journal[/url]
Velma Lewis Ingraham - “Spiritual Discernment” (beggar boy whose life was transformed)
[url]SPIRITUAL DISCERNMENT*/*The Christian Science Journal[/url]
Annette Kreutziger-Herr - “The Power of Knowing Your Own Heart” (heart condition healed)
[url]the POWER of KNOWING your own HEART*/*Christian Science Sentinel[/url]
Eileen A. Sorrels - “A grain of Christian Science does wonders...” (healing of sailor crushed by fall)
[url]"A grain of Christian Science does wonders ..."*/*Christian Science Sentinel[/url]
Lynne Bundesen - injured hand (from gun explosion) healed
[url]At one point many years ago I had been living under difficult...*/*Christian Science Sentinel[/url]
Rosemary Sholes Davis - child’s healing of phosphate poisoning
[url]Once when I was working in the kitchen of our farmhouse, I...*/*Christian Science Sentinel[/url]
Charles “Bud” Trick - severe burn quickly healed
[url]Severe burn quickly healed*/*Christian Science Sentinel[/url]
Hi Judy
Your posts are breath of fresh air. The beautiful being of a surrendered soul is a miracle itself. Far cry from "I can do this, "this happens through me", "My gift", "my understanding" "I am a channel for healing" me, me, me I , I ,I and my my my and all that gunky blah
please keep posting, meaningful thread.
Thanks Ruby! :1kis:
Hi Judy and everyone,
I'd love to see some more posts on this thread too! 🙂 But I just remembered I did visit it a while ago and share a couple of accounts of healing, and I now have a link to the full version of one of them, so here it is:
[url]A line-of-duty injury that retired me... / The Christian Science Journal[/url]
Love, Charis
Epilepsy cured in a moment of Christ consciousness
Well I haven't added to this thread for over a year, but thought you'd find the following healing inspiring. Freni is a friend from church (actually, I was the one who dropped her in it with suggesting she'd been a good subject for the video!) She grew up in Bangalore, India, a Parsee, though I understand that her family were not particularly religious Zoroastrians.
Freni developed a severe form of epilepsy when she was a teenager and as a result, lived a life heavily sedated all the time (we're talking 50' and 60's) I'll let her speak in her own words: [url]I returned to my hometown of Bangalore, India, for a holiday...*/*Christian Science Sentinel[/url])
While in my midteens, I suffered from epilepsy. The attacks were so severe that I used to be bedridden from five days to a week. My parents spent much time and money for me and took me to the best doctors and neurologists in the country. X rays of the brain and spinal column were taken, and after many medical tests I was put on drugs and tranquilizers. Being constantly on drugs, I went through life only half awake. I could not choose not to take the soporific drugs which would have enabled me to use my faculties fully, for the fear of a sudden attack hung over me like a sword.
In 1953, one of her sisters gave her the book I often talk about - Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy, a book that shines a light on the spiritual meaning of the Bible and has brought freedom and cure to countless people. Freni tried and tried to read it, but she said she just couldn't understand it, so laid it aside, only picking it up occasionally.
In 1961, I had the opportunity of going to England. All my family agreed that a change of scene might do me good, and even if it did not, I could consult the best neurologists in that country. Once more I was bitterly disappointed, since the same medical tests were taken and the same drugs prescribed.
After suffering for two more years I turned to Science and Health, purely for the purpose of acquiring mental peace and strength so as to withstand the fear of attacks. I read the book from cover to cover over a year. This time I understood its healing message and gained not only the sense of peace I was seeking but was also completely healed.
She didn't talk about the actual moment of healing in this testimony (though she does on the video) but she was still in London and her two sisters had gone out shopping, leaving her with her brother-in-law, who was working at his desk, while she read Science and Health. She got to this passage, which just stood out to her, like a beacon:
[COLOR="Blue"]God, the divine Principle of man, and man in God’s likeness are inseparable, harmonious, and eternal. The Science of being furnishes the rule of perfection, and brings immortality to light. God and man are not the same, but in the order of divine Science, God and man coexist and are eternal. God is the parent Mind, and man is God’s spiritual offspring. (Science and Health 336:25)
All at once, the room was filled with a blinding white light (I've seen that light during a physical healing too) and her brother-in-law turned around and said, "Where did that light come from?" That's fairly unusual - normally it's only the individual who sees the light of the Christ like that. When her sisters returned Freni told them that she was healed and was going to throw her drugs away. They were horrified, but the brother-in-law assured them that she was telling the truth, that there had been a blinding white light filling the room and that she was healed and so it was. Her whole family became Christian Scientists as a result of her healing.
This is Freni herself, giving a very brief account of the healing:
[url]Meet Freni*/*Christian Science[/url]
Love and peace,
Today is a Red Letter Day for me. 🙂
Ever since The Christian Science Publishing Society started to put all their past articles, testimonies and audio online, I have been searching for a particularly awesome healing of two young soldiers blown up by a double land mine, who were very seriously injured, in former Rhodesia. The Matthews' son was not expected to live and the sister of the other young man was told he would never walk again.
I'd found rather a dry written account by the father with verification from the son and mother (named Elizabeth Matthews), from the 70's when it happened, but many searches did not result in the wonderful audio I remembered from the 90's. Then I noticed the name "Betty Matthews" and voila - found it!
It's the very last testimony of this audio below. Let it all download and then scroll along to 34 minutes.
[url]The protecting power of God*/*Christian Science Sentinel[/url]
I appreciated her comment in the written account:
When I saw my son, who was apparently helpless, I earnestly declared to him aloud that God is Truth and that in truth he was a perfect creation of a perfect God.
The doctors, nurses, and the Army chaplain, who were silent onlookers, exchanged glances more of pity and admiration than of ridicule. They were obviously impressed by the simple truths that were uttered, which in due course bore fruit in healing.
." [url]I wish to share an instantaneous healing...*/*The Christian Science Journal[/url]
That experience must have given many people, especially the medical personnel a glimpse of an entirely different reality, one that has practical and unmistakable results.
Love and peace,
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Very up lifting Judy
kidney stones forum
For anyone it helps here's a quick way to get obama care, spread the word - I found this link to apply for Obamacare [url]Affordable Care Act - Online Health Insurance Forms (HA) » National Health Insurance Exchanges[/url]
I haven't added to this thread for ages, but while listening to this talk today, it struck me that Tony describes two moments of Christly, spiritual consciousness, when his whole life and way of thinking about himself and others was transformed. He also quotes Mary Baker Eddy's words which were the inspiration for this thread:
Become conscious for a single moment that Life and intelligence are purely spiritual, — neither in nor of matter, — and the body will then utter no complaints. (Science and Health 14:12-15)
Prayer that transforms us
Well, it's been two years since I last visited this thread. Since I started this, [url]Healing through the Christ-consciousness']Phillip[/url] (post 16 on page 1) who had the awesome experience of struggling into a CS lecture as a certified disabled person, who did not have long to live, and walked out healed, has become a lecturer himself and I just thought it was worth mentioning that he will be giving a free public talk in London on Sunday 8th Oct 2017, at 3pm. It's at 3rd Church of Christ, Scientist at 7 Curzon Street (nearest tube Green Park).
He's just been giving talks in Canada and this interview was interesting as he talks about how practicing Mindfulness had prepared him for Christian Science healing:
And for those of you who don't live near London, here is his experience in his own words:
[url]A landmark experience [/url]
<a class="go2wpf-bbcode" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="">
Love and peace,
It does show what the Mind can you when we let it. Good post.
It does show what the Mind can you when we let it. Good post.
Yes - and I think God (divine Mind) has a little bit to do with it too Scomm! :p
Yes - and I think God (divine Mind) has a little bit to do with it too Scomm! :p
Didn't you notice the capital M :D;)