Healing through the Christ-consciousness
Dear friends,
On the "old" HP forums I started a forum which I called "A moment of spiritual consciousness" where I posted many awesome healings and experiences of protection. Other HP members shared theirs too. Now I feel it’s time to do this again and share inspiration and understanding as I go along.
I hope to focus on instantaneous healings, protection from danger and other undeniable proofs of God’s power and presence, (or the Christ, which Jesus so fully embodied and expressed) as they show most clearly the one-ness of God and man, divine Mind and its idea, perfect and whole NOW and HERE, not just something we hope to attain in some place and time after the change called death or by laborious moving up to higher dimensions, but through surrendering our human thinking up to the divine, the Christ, Truth.
The revelation of the Christ-consciousness comes to exactly where we are in our thinking. It is never from without, but from within (which is where Jesus said we would find the Kingdom of Heaven). When God is yielded to as the ALL and ONLY, reality is revealed - it is the coming to consciousness of that which is and then what has been our earth will be transformed into the divine reality it has always been, which is our heaven.
Christ is the true idea voicing good, the divine message from God to men speaking to the human consciousness. (Science & Health 332)
Some of the healings I will post will be my own experiences, but there is such a wealth of wonderful healings, protection from danger etc that I want to share from the vast number of articles from the Christian Science Publishing Society too. With other’s healings, unless they are on the Internet, I cannot post the whole article because of copyright, but if any of you would like to read the article or testimony, please e-mail me your address and I’ll be happy to photo-copy it for you to read in its entirety.
Most of you know that I am a student of Christian Science, which was discovered in 1866 by Mary Baker Eddy, the most prolific healer since the time of Jesus and the early Christians. She wrote down her discovery, which came through "reason, revelation, and demonstration" in her primary work Science & Health with Key to the Scriptures. This Science is not mind-over-matter, positive thinking, not even faith-healing. It is, at its highest, (divine) Mind-healing, which is built on self-surrender and the renunciation of ALL that is unlike God, good.
It happens when we let go of the material view of ourselves and yield to pure reality, our true identity as God’s spiritual idea, HisHer image and likeness (see Genesis 1:27); when we "leave the mortal basis of belief and unite with the one Mind.." (Science & Health 424). That one divine Mind, or God was what St Paul referred to when he said " Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus:" (Philippians 2:5)
Well, here is the first one – of someone who was facing certain death in a few minutes time from a rattlesnake bite (I thought I’d grab your attention at the beginning!) I’ve chosen it to begin with, as it is such a clear example of what I mean by the Christ consciousness that frees us from all human beliefs and fears.
The author started off telling us how she and two youngsters had seen a crack on the top rail of a garden wall, which had fooled them, by looking just like a snake. She had used this to explain to the children about the illusory nature of matter and how we can reverse and destroy these illusions with the Truth about them. Little did she know that the lesson from this simple incident would help save her life the next day.
When she felt a sharp pain as the fangs of the rattlesnake sunk into her ankle, she immediately protested with a huge "NO" at the suggestions of death.
..At once came the affirmation "God IS!" with the mental assertion of His allness and oneness with Him as His reflection. Then more truths came almost simultaneously: "God is my Life. I will not die. I will not consent to death."
As faintness came over me, I had to stop beside the garden wall. Through mists of pain I again saw the snakelike crack on the rail in front of me. The lesson learned from this illusion immediately dispelled the feeling that I was blacking out.
She lay down on the couch inside, continuing to pray, holding onto powerful truths of the all-ness of God, Life, and of man’s inseverable one-ness with this immortal Life. However, it was becoming more and more difficult to think or speak and she was battling against the urge to fall asleep. Unexpectedly, her nine-year old niece returned saying that she had suddenly wanted to come home to be with her aunt, because she wanted to go bicycling with her!!!
Well, the author of this article I’m quoting from felt that this was an angel message to rouse her so she did something that humanly was sheer madness – she got up and slowly lifting each foot with her hands, managed to get onto her bicycle and followed the little girl.
As we reached a woodsy area I fell, unable to go on. The child, seeing me, returned, crying out, "What’s wrong? What is the matter with the way you look?"
She then remembered that her early childhood had been lived in an area in the US where rattlesnakes are numerous and at school was always being told to be careful.
All at once, I vividly remembered the long-forgotten description of a neighbour’s appearance just before his death from a rattler’s bite. In a surge of strong revolt against this latent picture brought back by the child’s outcry, I once more struggled to my feet, rebelling mentally as well as physically against this senseless threat.
I could no longer see. Then, clearly as if it had been spoken, a familiar statement from Science and Health came to thought: "A spiritual idea has not a single element of error, and this truth removes properly whatever is offensive." (S&H 463) At this moment these words were illumined in their absolute, radiantly scientific meaning. I was suddenly no longer aware of my body.
Within a sense of immense and ineffable stillness, I saw that Truth "removes properly" the belief (and that is all evil is) there could be anything in the realm of all-inclusive Love to harm or be harmed, to poison or be poisoned, to fear or be feared, to kill or be killed, for all is infinite Love and Love’s manifestation! I felt God’s all-presence as never before. The world was luminous with divine Love. The universe itself could not contain such perfect Love!"
Her vision cleared, the icy coldness drained from her body and it resumed its normal size. She mounted her bicycle and rode back, rejoicing and in awe of the power and presence of Love, Truth and Life!
She writes:
My heart finds no words to express adequate gratitude for such a healing. Yet the purpose of this article is not to testify to the healing of snakebite per se. This experience illustrates the basic fact that when human life is as stake, spiritual awakening alone brings healing.
Wasn’t this proved in those desperate moments I experienced? In that radiant instant when the long-familiar passage from Science and Health came to thought and was felt in its absolute, primordial Christ-power – rather than in its formerly accepted human soothingness – a "new birth" of spiritual illumination took place. From that second, body, snake, time, circumstance, struggle, and death vanished from thought. Infinite Mind and Mind’s infinite idea were literally felt as All-in-all. Without process or time to formulate conscious thought, the Christ revealed in luminous clarity that since God is the only cause, effect has to be Godlike. No longer did I feel a "me" separate from God. I realized I was God’s expression, the very evidence of God. And this brought about the healing.
(from ‘The snake on the garden wall.’ by E. G. Heiss Christian Science Journal April 1981)
Love and peace,
RE: Healing through the Christ-consciousness
wonderful reading judy, i still have your book by the way and will read it soon and send back to you
with love
RE: Healing through the Christ-consciousness
Hello Tammy,
Good of you to pop in – hope you’re enjoying that biography of Mary Baker Eddy – there’s no hurry to get it back, especially with this postal strike!
Well, it was hard to decide which of my dozens of healings and other experiences to share today, but here’s one of my many instances of protection while flying:
Once, when we were flying over the Caribbean, the Captain came over the PA, almost shouting: "Cabin crew – take your seats IMMEDIATELY!". There was a lot of fear in his voice.
I strapped in and just turned unreservedly to God, putting all of us in His/Her care, just like a little child instinctively turns to its parents for safety and reassurance. There were no words, just a deep, deep KNOWING that Love’s presence and power were all that was going on. I felt a warm glow, almost as if there were a dozen electric fires in a circle all around me and a deep sense of peace, Love and harmony settled over me and I knew that all was well. It was the sense of peace that the writer above described and which the Bible says is the "peace of God, which passeth all understanding".
It was bumpy for a while, but nothing to be alarmed about and then the fasten seats belt signs went off and we resumed our work.
Later on, as we were walking through the airport terminal, the Captain came up to me (even though there were 15 of us and I hadn’t been in contact with him) and said "You just don’t know how lucky we were back there." I asked him what he meant and he said that we were flying into a storm front which was 60,000 feet high and 150 miles wide so we could neither go over it or around it and he said the three pilots who had over 70 years flying experience between them had never seen anything like it. He said that they had been absolutely terrified.
"So what happened?" I asked. He looked intently at me: "A miracle. We found a tiny little hole and flew right through the middle of it."
Whither shall I go from thy spirit?
or whither shall I flee from thy presence?
If I ascend up into heaven, thou art there:
if I make my bed in hell, behold, thou art there.
If I take the wings of the morning,
and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea;
Even there shall thy hand lead me,
and thy right hand shall hold me.
(Psalm 139)
Unfathomable Mind is expressed. The depth, breadth, height, might, majesty, and glory of infinite Love fill all space. That is enough!
(Science and Health 520)
Love and peace,
RE: Healing through the Christ-consciousness
A mother decribes how she was in the kitchen of their remote farmhouse when their two-and-a-half year old came running in, crying, saying he had drunk some juice that was burning his mouth. She went out and found an open bottle of fly control phosphate poison that her husband had been using.
She picked the child up and could smell the poison on his breath. She yelled to her husband in the barn but he didn’t hear her. She regained control of herself and reached out to God with all her heart in prayer. Looking at the bottle, it said that a physician should be called immediately. She writes:
"I immediately thought of God as our only physician. A familiar description of God, given by Mary Baker Eddy in Science and Health, then illuminated my consciousness like a light; it is found in the Glossary of the book: "GOD: The great I AM; the all-knowing, all-seeing, all-acting, all-wise, all-loving, and eternal; Principle; Mind; Soul; Spirit; Life; Truth; Love; all substance; intelligence." (p. 587)
"I became very still and conscious only of God’s allness and presence. I was then at peace and knew that all was well.
A Bible verse from Mark came to me – "and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not touch them:" (16:18) I realised no child of God had ever been touched by poison, nor had ever been separated from God’s perfection; our son remained as perfect as God had made him."
She felt freer and noticed that her son had stopped crying so she put him down and he began playing. This all took place within 10 minutes. Her husband arrived and felt the child should be taken to hospital where his stomach was pumped out. It took them two hours from when the poison was drunk to arriving at the hospital. Mrs Davis heard the doctor say that the poison takes less than an hour to have an effect and that the boy would soon go into convulsions and die. This didn’t happen.
A few days later, the boy’s father (who was not a Christian Scientist) said that he didn’t believe that the child could have swallowed the poison, so he returned to the hospital and asked if any poison had been found. He was told that poison had been found in the contents of his stomach and throughout his entire system. The doctor then said that he believed the child would be dead had it not been for the mother’s faith.
She ends her account with these words:
"I can hardly express my gratitude for this healing, for it brought me such a conviction and understanding of divine Truth. God’s omnipotence was so evident in this healing that reformation took place in our family. My husband began to study Christian Science, and we all experienced a greater sense of God’s goodness and love. I gained more patience as a mother in rearing all our children.
Christian Science has taught me to love and understand the Bible. Through healings in our family, we have seen Christ Jesus’ teachings made practical." (R. S. Davis Sept 5th 1995 Christian Science Sentinel)
RE: Healing through the Christ-consciousness
This healing has always been special to me.I was 17 and was on a ship sailing from Singapore to live in England for the very first time.
I can’t remember how I did it, but I dislocated one of my toes. I tried to manually push it back but it was too painful. My mother asked whether I wanted to go to the medical centre but I was so used to relying on God for healing and finding HimHer the most effective physician that I declined. Mum and I prayed together all that afternoon, acknowledging my innate perfection and wholeness as the image and likeness of God and knowing that accidents were unknown to God, as HeShe only knows harmony and wholeness, like the sun could only know light, not darkness. Because God is the only power, I could not suffer the effects of any other so-called power – in this case called accident.
The next morning there was no improvement and Mum said she felt we ought to go to the medical centre as it wasn’t right for the condition to continue. However, I still somehow knew I’d get this healing. We got right up to the door of the place but I still didn’t want to go in. There were some deckchairs outside on the deck and I asked Mum if we couldn’t just sit down and pray a little more. She gave me an article called "Treat yourself daily" – treat meaning give yourself a Christian Science treatment, rather than give yourself a Mars bar!
Well, I sat there. It was a beautiful day. The sun was streaming down on me and shimmering on the waves and the wind was playing with my hair. I opened this little article and read these words:
"God has endowed each of us with the ability to express His divine power in our daily life. But in order to do this, one must maintain a sense of man’s conscious union with God, eternal Mind. When one realizes God’s everpresence – that He is closer than the atmosphere or the sunlight – he begins to demonstrate his spiritual unity with the Father."
I closed my eyes and leant back in the deckchair, pondering what I had just read. God is closer than the atmosphere or the sunlight. I had the wind blowing all around me and the sun beating down on me. God was closer than that – it just dawned on me that I was ONE with God. This realisation was so profound, so beautiful, so enormous. It was one of those glimpses of reality that I have been so blessed to have occasionally had. It was a moment when I left my mortal thinking and had a moment of the Christ consciousness.
Mary Baker Eddy wrote in her wonderful book Science & Health p. 361 "As a drop of water is one with the ocean, a ray of light one with the sun, even so God and man, Father and son, are one in being. The Scripture reads: "For in Him we live, and move, and have our being."
I had read these words many times, but somehow now I understood them.
Also in Science & Health, in the chapter on Prayer, page 14 is this: "Become conscious for a single moment that Life and intelligence are purely spiritual,--neither in nor of matter,--and the body will then utter no complaints. If suffering from a belief in sickness, you will find yourself suddenly well."
That’s what happened to me – there was a click in my foot and in a split second all was normal. The toe moved back into place on its own and all swelling and discoloration instantly vanished. I jumped up and ran up to join my friends on the pool deck, much to their amazement.
As my thinking became aligned with reality (the Christ-Truth) as I really understood that I am one with God, the very expression of Her being, His image and likeness, so my foot became aligned in its normal position.
Love and peace,
During summer ‘01, I had the enormous pleasure and privilege of being a housemum to 11 sparkling young women between the ages of 18 and 22. It was at a holiday camp called Focus, which was for young Christian Scientists. As I got to know the girls, I was in awe of their deep spirituality and reliance on God’s power and guidance in their lives. Quite honestly, at their age, my only interest was pop music and clothes and my sole mission in life was to find a boyfriend!
We had many physical and emotional healings in our accommodation block, the whole atmosphere was so conducive to it. There were talks or discussion sessions every day on some aspect of prayer-based living and we were mixing with like-minded people, some very spiritual and inspiring indeed. When your thought is filled with the All-ness of God and the nothingness of evil or discord, healing is a very natural outcome.
This particular experience though, was very special to me as it showed so clearly that healing is not about fixing anything or changing sick matter into well matter, but about understanding the All-ness of God, good, and our relationship to that goodness as HisHer beloved child and that fact that we are NOW and always HisHer perfect image and likeness.
I'd just rushed in from buying our midnight snacks from town (having got caught up in the rush hour following the races in Newton Abbott) and was getting a drink before a houseparents' meeting 5 minutes later when Rachel passed the kitchen on the way from the showers and just said "I'm going to bed, I don't feel good. Will you pray for me please."
Talk about praying on the run! I had no idea what the problem was so couldn’t get bogged down with symptoms, expectations or anything else. All I could do was to go to God, to know the All-ness of Good and the perfection of HisHer image and likeness. I’d been telling the girls about a remarkable man called John Wyndham who had been interred by the Japanese during WWII and overcome torture and starvation, accused of being a spy ( he had made notes describing why evil could not stand, based on his understanding of Christian Science and that was used as evidence against him). After the war he used to lecture and at the end he would hold up three fingers and say: "There are 3 things God will not give us - sin, sickness and death." then he would make a huge ark with his arms and say "All the rest is yours."
What came to me as I set off to my meeting was "The three things that God does give us in infinite abundance is Life, Truth and Love." I just held to that beautiful and profound thought as I walked down the path. The houseparents’ meeting was opened by reading hymn 15 from the Christian Science hymnal:
As gold by fire is tested,
Its purity shown forth,
So cleansing fires of Truth may prove
To man his native worth.
And as a mirror shows us
A likeness clear and bright,
So God forever sees His child
Revealed in radiant light.
'Twas thus the loving Master
Saw man's perfection shine,
Beheld God's child forever pure
In radiance all divine.
As I heard those words, even though I didn’t know what had been the problem with Rachel, I just KNEW that they exactly met her need and that she was healed. I knew this from a higher level, from the Christ-consciousness. A couple of hours later she was in her place at choir. Nothing was said that night and I just assumed it had been a headache or something, but later on she told me what had happened:
She had been horse riding that day and had developed an aggressive allergy to the horse (something she'd had before.) Her throat had begun to swell and a rash was developing over parts of her body, which was very itchy. She was quite upset by this and then also developed a thumping headache. She decided to have a shower, miss dinner and get a couple of hours sleep instead as she wasn't coping but felt that she wouldn't think about it all while asleep. Rachel was quite new to Christian Science but had already had several wonderful healings and was a great little metaphysical worker herself and an inspiration to us all.
If you read the words of that hymn again, you’ll see how perfectly they did meet this condition (which, because we understand that it is unreal, because not from God, we would call a belief). To me, it shows how wonderfully our needs are met before we even know what they are, when we turn to and trust God. Well, needless to say, when she woke, she was completely healed, all swelling, irritation and headache gone.
I honestly feel that had I been confronted with all the descriptions of the symptoms, it might have been harder to have understood the unreality of it and to have just been bathed in the reality of the spiritual harmony and wholeness. I didn’t have to try to fix swelling and irritation and pain. All I had to do was to be a witness to God’s power and Love and perfection. So simple!
After Focus I received an e-mail which read in part:
> The other thing I wanted to share with you was about
> the healing you helped me with at Focus. I never told
> you what had appeared to be the problem, but I'd come
> back from horse riding and had an extreme reaction to
> the animals. (Before Focus I had always struggled with
> the belief of animal allergies) When I asked you to
> pray for me, I was feeling physically ill but also had
> some areas of my body that had formed a rash. As you
> know, within an hour (I went to sleep so I didn't
> carry on scratching which confirmed the belief rather
> than discard it) I was perfectly fine and I thought
> that was the end of it and that I'd had a wonderful
> healing and that was great.
> Anyway, when we got to Canada my brother his g/friend
> and I all stayed with my cousins and my parents stayed
> with my Aunt and Uncle. My cousins have 3 cats and
> normally I would have been quite fearful or in the days
> before I knew about Christian Science, I would have taken
> drugs everyday to combat the allergy. To be completely
> honest I hardly thought about this at all until we
> came home and I heard my father talk about a serious
> reaction he had to the cats when he came over to visit
> us at the apartment. It was only then that I realised
> that I'd been healed from this belief at Focus and
> therefore it wasn't even an issue in Canada. I'd had
> the cats all over me, sleeping with me on my bed etc.
> It was also great proof for my parents as
> non-Scientists to realise that I had no reaction and
> I wasn't taking any drugs (my brother had to take them
> 3 times a day) to stop it. So thank you so much for
> helping me with that one.
Mary Baker Eddy who discovered these laws of healing wrote in her book Science and Health: "The spiritual power of a scientific, right thought, without a direct effort, an audible or even a mental argument, has oftentimes healed inveterate diseases." and that’s what I feel happened here. What a joy to be part of that glimpse of the perfection of God and HisHer universe and to have proof that help is always right at hand - immediate in fact.
Love and peace,
RE: Healing through the Christ-consciousness
Hi Judy,
Good to see you at your inspiring best!
These are some of my thoughts on healing - how do they fit in with yours?
This world, this universe we live in has huge amounts of all kinds of energies all over the place, and we only consciously sense a tiny fraction of them. When we are unwell, it is because our energies are out af alignment. Anything we do in God-Consciousness, or simply with an altruistic and loving motive is in line and in harmony with those forces unseen, and so it helps bring about a re-alignment, and so heal the illness.
In meditation, I can feel when my energies are aligned with God's Energy, or Universal Love Energy if you like. It's like a purification process for my Self, Spirit, Soul (choose your preference) and fills my spiritual energy "tanks" for the day ahead. When that love is showered on me, I want to shower it on others, since Universal Love is for giving. Giving full measures to all and without exclusion.
Love to you
Brother Bob
P.S. I've had some difficulty cutting and pasting from Word documents. Have you had any problems with that?
Hello Brother Bob!
How lovely to see you here again! I was getting a bit lonely on this forum…..
What a beautiful post – thank you! You are I always think in such a similar way, though some of the terms might be different. As I read your post these words of Mary Baker Eddy’s came straight to thought:
The way to extract error from mortal mind is to pour in truth through flood-tides of Love. (Science & Health 201)
and in similar vein:
A patient under the influence of mortal mind is healed only by removing the influence on him of this mind, by emptying his thought of the false stimulus and reaction of will-power and filling it with the divine energies of Truth. (S&H 186)
And that patient of course, is ourselves first and foremost!
The word "mort" comes from the Latin for death. The collective world belief or thinking (perhaps that would describe some of the energies you talk of) that we are made of matter, that mind is contained in this matter and that life has beginning and end (and can be pretty miserable in between) is actually the counterfeit of what we really are – spiritual, perfect, at one with God, Spirit, divine Mind, The Source, The Light (whatever term is most comfortable).
As I understand it Brother Bob, there is only ONE energy and that is the divine energy of Spirit. (Eddy describes it as the "invincible and infinite energies of Truth and Love,") And that energy is not just all over the place, but is filling ALL space. It is that understanding – the Christ consciousness, that destroys the belief in a power opposed to God, good. Just like the sunshine burns off the fog which distorts the appearance of the landscape, though it never actually becomes part of the landscape.
You are so right – un-Godlike thinking is like the fog – it distorts our view of ourselves into struggling mortals, revolving in a sphere of our own, at the whim of forces beyond our control, instead of us realising that actually, we are the very image and likeness of Spirit, Truth and Love. It makes us believe that we are separated from God, good – and that is simply not true! We have authority and dominion over every single belief that is opposed to God, good – now isn’t that just wonderful to know? If only we would all accept it!
Love and peace,
I was just thinking about the healings above. Apart from when I helped Rachel (and it was very clear then that it really had nothing to do with me) all of them took place without any outside "help" – apart from omnipotent Spirit!
They to me illustrate three things:
1) That God is omnipresent and omnipotent – the great physician, our immediate help in danger, who is with us 24 hours a day, no matter where we are or how isolated (humanly) we seem to be. No case is too serious. No case is hopeless. No case needs a lengthy recuperation period.
2) Healings like this cannot happen through human will power. It is not any power of the human mind that beings these sorts of results. Also, they show that we don’t need any sort of medium – either a person or material treatment to connect with our real identity as an idea of God, Mind, who only knows Its own perfection.
3) That they illustrate that the healings and examples of protection all through the Bible are not just "fairy stories" like some cynics would like us to believe but actual accounts of wonderful things that happened to men and women just like us, proving the availability and superiority of spiritual over material so-called "laws". The promises in the Bible are not just beautiful words – they are actual spiritual laws, just as practical and effective as the laws of mathematics or music.
For instance, while reading the first healing of the snakebite, it reminded me that the apostle Paul, after surviving shipwreck on the island of Malta had a similar experience. The islanders showed the survivors great kindness. It was cold, so they built a fire
And when Paul had gathered a bundle of sticks, and laid them on the fire, there came a viper out of the heat, and fastened on his hand.
And when the barbarians saw the venomous beast hang on his hand, they said among themselves, No doubt this man is a murderer, whom, though he hath escaped the sea, yet vengeance suffereth not to live.
And he shook off the beast into the fire, and felt no harm. Howbeit they looked when he should have swollen, or fallen down dead suddenly: but after they had looked a great while, and saw no harm come to him, they changed their minds, and said that he was a god. (Acts 28)
Now let’s go to another Bible story, this time from the Old Testament.
Three devout young Hebrews were thrown into a furnace in punishment for refusing to worship a golden idol. These young men had complete faith and assurance in God’s power to deliver them, even though the furnace had been heated seven times hotter than normal and the men who took the three prisoners down to it were killed by the heat!
"..our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and he will deliver us out of thine hand, O king."
The king in question, Nebuchadnezzar was guilt-ridden and had a sleepless night. In the morning he went down to the furnace and to his utter amazement he saw, not only the three young Hebrews, but:
Lo, I see four men loose, walking in the midst of the fire, and they have no hurt; and the form of the fourth is like the Son of God."
"Then Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, came forth of the midst of the fire. And the princes, governors, and captains, and the king's counsellers, being gathered together, saw these men, upon whose bodies the fire had no power, nor was an hair of their head singed, neither were their coats changed, nor the smell of fire had passed on them." (Daniel 3)
Commenting on that experience, Mary Baker Eddy writes:
"You say, "I have burned my finger." This is an exact statement, more exact than you suppose; for mortal mind, and not matter, burns it. Holy inspiration has created states of mind which have been able to nullify the action of the flames, as in the Bible case of the three young Hebrew captives, cast into the Babylonian furnace; while an opposite mental state might produce spontaneous combustion." Science and Health p 161)
With that in mind, let’s go to another wonderful proof of God’s power and presence. This took place during WWII.
The writer, Bud Trick, was a young sailor at the time. He accidentally grabbed a hot steam line with both hands, mistaking it for the ship’s rails. His shipmate standing next to him asked "Do you smell something burning, like leather?" He quickly took his hands off the pipe, saying "No" to his friend but made his way back to his bunk, hands tightly closed, in extreme pain. He did not look at his hands. (In Christian Science healing, we pray from the standpoint of absolute perfection – of being God’s reflection and expression, now and forever. We turn away from contemplating what the material senses are screaming at us, to what God is knowing and being.)
Up to then, whenever Bud had needed healing, he had an experienced Christian Science practitioner to pray for him, but this time he knew he was alone (alone with God that is!). He thought about the story of the three Hebrews and their deliverance from the furnace and he started asking himself
"If this Bible story is true, could it be true for me now; if the three men were protected like that, couldn’t I also be protected; if they came out of that furnace without the ‘smell of smoke" on them, couldn’t I be free from any effects of grabbing that pipe?"
A second thought also came to him – a statement from Science and Health: "Mind (God) is the source of all movement, and there is no inertia to retard or check its perpetual and harmonious action." p.283
About 15 or 20 minutes after he’d started praying in this manner, Bud was called for watch duty. These are his words:
"I can still remember opening my hands for the first time. I rubbed them together, and onto my white navy blanket fell all the black burned skin. I collected it up and threw it in the closest trash basket. There was no sign of a burn on either hand, and no scars. I was not disabled in any manner. I was immediately able to use my hands normally."
Charles "Bud" Trick: Christian Science Sentinel Feb. 4th 2002
Love and peace,
This experience shows how our perceptions of others need to be brought into line with the divine and how a changed state of consciousness through spiritual discernment brings dramatic improvement to the whole situation.
The writer was living in a country in the Near East where she found the poverty quite overwhelming. It was everywhere and the suffering and hopelessness of the situation seemed so immense that she felt humanly helpless, even though she tried to assist in her own way.
There was a young boy who often followed her on the streets. He had lovely brown eyes and a quick warm smile, but he presented a picture of lack and indescribable dirtiness. In his few words of English he would keep asking her “Houseboy?” but she was unable to respond in his language and to tell him that in his condition no one would give him work.
One day, as she gave him a few coins, “aware of their inadequacy to touch his real need”, these lines from Science and Health came into her thought:
“Jesus beheld in Science the perfect man, who appeared to him where sinning mortal man appears to mortals. In this perfect man the Saviour saw God's own likeness, and this correct view of man healed the sick.”(S&H p 476)
It came to her that Jesus must have come across many people much like this young lad (after all, this was the same area of the world) She began to consider what Jesus would have done about this situation, how he would have thought.
“Surely he did not stand helpless, offering a few coins, mentally listing the human things that needed correction and searching for a means of communicating the truth. Instead, he turned completely from the picture before him and spiritually beheld man as he is, in all his beauty and cleanliness and health............”
“And suddenly there was light. There was nothing but light - the light of spiritual reality."
So bright was the light that she was no longer aware of the boy or the place; she was not aware of saying goodbye or walking away from him. She was aware only of God's presence and of His spiritual, perfect universe.”
For a few days, she forgot all about the lad and then, when she next saw him, she was amazed. The sores that had been on his face were gone and everything looked new and clean. Clean clothes, body, teeth, hair.
“In her delight she exclaimed excitedly over his changed appearance and pointed to his clothes. “New!”
“No new,” he said. “Wash.”
The words came out: “Who? Who told you to do these things?” It took him a moment to answer: “No man. No man tell.” Then, still searching for words, he looked upward, his gaze slowly following a great semicircle above. Then suddenly, joyously, he explained, “I” - and he pointed , not to himself, but upward - “I! I tell me.”
The young lad had been touched by the woman’s changed perspective and the Christ-consciousness communed directly with him too. He had then found dignity and value right where he was. Shortly after that, he found work with a French family and afterwards always appeared healthy and radiantly happy, even becoming a man of possession and acquiring a bicycle! This experience also helped the writer who discovered that she had a changed attitude towards the entire country she was living in. Instead of looking out on a scene of hopelessness, she kept her thought firmly fixed on the spiritual reality. She writes:
Habakkuk says of God (1:13), “Thou art of purer eyes than to behold evil, and canst not look on iniquity.” Since God cannot behold evil, can the man of God do so? We must see what God sees and not be overwhelmed by the apparent human situation. We should no more take our lists of human problems to God for correction than we would take a list of the dark corners of a room to the electric power. Light knows only light. All we need to do to the darkened room is to turn on the electric light. What we need to do to the darkened consciousness is to make apparent the light of Truth. All we need to ask for is spiritual discernment. Through spiritual discernment we behold the perfect man and perfect creation. And this beholding appears outwardly as healing.”
(From “Spiritual Discernment” by V L Ingraham Christian Science Journal Jan 1954)
I was just thinking of those words from Science and Health that came to the woman above:
Jesus beheld in Science the perfect man, who appeared to him where sinning mortal man appears to mortals. In this perfect man the Saviour saw God's own likeness, and this correct view of man healed the sick. Thus Jesus taught that the kingdom of God is intact, universal, and that man is pure and holy.(S&H p 476)
The root of the word “behold” is “keep” How many of us keep (hold on to) mental images of certain people, certain types and label them, not as God’s own likeness, pure and holy but as something much, much lower - sinning mortal man! I guess we’re all guilty of that from time to time - I certainly am. But Jesus’ viewpoint was from ultimate reality, divine understanding (Science). He literally saw with God's eyes and this not only healed the sick, but reformed the sinner and raised the dead.
It struck me that if a little grubby urchin could be transformed by one individual changing her perception of him, from the material evidence to the spiritual fact, then this would also work for those who we fear and perhaps hate, those who are called terrorists, murderers, rapists, with all the etceteras we can give. That is the ultimate prayer for peace, goodness and harmony. Perceiving the perfect man to be present right where our material senses are screaming the opposite. In that way, we would help free that person to realise the spiritual, holy and pure idea of God that they already are.
Here is a link to an article on describing how effective this correct identification with reality works equally well with dogs: [url]Good Dog![/url]
Love and peace,
RE: Healing through the Christ-consciousness
Christian Science saved my life!
This may seem like a very strong statement but it is absolutely true.
You see, when something wonderful absolutely changes your life you can't help but want to share. If just one person reads my post and sees that you can be freed from a label put upon you, then that's great.
I didn't always believe in God. I believed in a God who was angry, who sent pain and suffering in order to teach us a lesson. How wonderful it was to learn of God as Love.
Before I found out about Christian Science, I was at a very high pressure boarding school where I strived constantly for perfection. I study music and there is a constant demand to be even better. I was also studying for my A-Levels and I found that I couldn't cope.
I developed an eating disorder (Bulimia) and I lost dramatic amounts of weight. Every time I saw my doctor, he increased my strong doses of anti-depressants. I was constantly tired also because I took at least 30 laxatives every day but took them at a certain time of the day so that they would work at night so that nobody could suspect at college. I went to a special eating disorders clinic and had counselling for about six months. All I remember is being told that I would never ever recover, but I could learn to control it.
Let me tell you, when you go to a clinic for help and you hear that you will never get rid of this awful disease it really makes you question whether life is worth living. Things got worse and I had very little will to live, the only thing that really kept me going was my family, friends and music.
One weekend I was staying at a friend's house. She didn't know anything of my problems although I suspect she had noticed I had lost weight. I was exhausted and went to bed but she popped in to say goodnight. We started talking and I told her that I needed help and that I just didn't know what to do anymore.
I had known my friend for about 3 years, we had never spoken about religion although I knew she went to Church but I didn't know which one.
That night, she explained that she was a student of Christian Science and explained about the Church and Mary Baker Eddy, the discoverer and founder of Christian Science.
She told me all the wonderful truths of Christian Science and how I was God's perfect child, created in the image and likeness of God.
Imagine how I felt, having always been striving for "perfection" and finding out that I already was God's perfect child. I cannot describe the feeling I got as my friend discussed Christian Science with me.
Before she left for the night, she read a verse from a hymn by Rosa M. Turner (from the Christian Science Hymnal)
O dreamer, leave thy dreams for joyful waking,
O captive, rise and sing, for thou art free;
The Christ is here, all dreams of error breaking,
Unloosing bonds of all captivity.
My friend then left the room. I lay there feeling as if my body was absolutely weightless. I then fell into the best sleep I had had in months. When I awoke the next morning, I knew I had been completely healed. Everything I had been feeling just dropped away. I went downstairs and ate a big breakfast and enjoyed every mouthful. I then took all my medication and laxatives and flushed them down the toilet.
I was still under medical care and I was still an outpatient at the eating disorders clinic. I returned to the eating disorders clinic and stayed for all of 5 minutes. It was totally clear to them that I no longer needed to be there and that there had been a complete transformation in me. The doctor also was surprised at the complete change that taken place literally overnight.
I wasn't a religious person until I had such an over whelming demonstration of Divine Love, I was desperate to find out more and how it happened to me.
All I can say is that I'm not sure I would be here today had I not discovered what was really true about me. Every single day I am grateful for what I know, and I rejoice in the fact that I can demonstrate Christian Science an
I've added the ending to Rachel's last paragraph. She's in the middle of getting engaged and I would think that HP is the last thing on her mind, However, all long posts lost their ending in the transfer progress to this new website.
So here is how the post above should have ended:
Original: Jersey
I wasn't a religious person until I had such an over whelming demonstration of Divine Love, I was desperate to find out more and how it happened to me.
All I can say is that I'm not sure I would be here today had I not discovered what was really true about me. Every single day I am grateful for what I know, and I rejoice in the fact that I can demonstrate Christian Science and that it is available for absolutely everyone.
Thank you Rachel for sharing your life-changing experience with all of us. 🙂
I’ve just been re-reading a really wonderful healing (actually two as both husband and wife were blessed) from the Christian Science Sentinel of Jan 26 2004, in the article “The power of knowing your own heart” by Annette Kreutziger-Herr and her husband Klaus. It’s a wonderful article, sharing how she sees prayer as embracing all mankind, because we are all children of the one Parent, linked to one another by love. That we can only know ourselves when we know others in their actual spiritual identity. I really can’t do justice to it here. Well, towards the end of the article, she describes how, from about her early teens onwards, she had suffered from a heart problem and how fearful she was about it. One day however, it was her husband she was concerned about - he had a high fever and was delirious and very fearful. He asked her to pray for him.
What I found particularly interesting reading this, is where Klaus talks of the process of gathering. in order to find a permanent solution to any health challenge. Now, I’ve spoken much on this thread about yielding up our mortal thinking and then letting “that Mind be in us which was also in Christ Jesus” but I’d never thought of gathering - I was intrigued. He shares this passage from Science and Health by Mary Baker Eddy:
To be immortal, we must forsake the mortal sense of things, turn from the lie of false belief to Truth, and gather the facts of being from the divine Mind. The body improves under thesame regimen which spiritualizes the thought; and if health is not made manifest under this regimen, this
proves that fear is governing the body. (p 370)
Back to Annette. She writes:
“I prayed to see his spiritual nature and to see through the fear as a driving force in my husband’s or my thinking. Those divine qualities that I knew were his - goodness, life, strength, health, peace - I realized also had to be expressed everywhere, in everyone, because God, their source, was not confined to one place. I saw that my husband’s identity and individuality were entirely in his spiritual nature.
My prayers went deeper and deeper into spiritual realms, and at one point it felt as though I had touched something unexplainably tangible - as if my thought had touched Spirit, as the hand touches a pen. My husband opened his eyes and said “Thank you, dear.” That moment was one of the holiest I have experienced so far: Not only was Klaus healed, I, too had been changed. Later on that day, while lying in bed, I thought about this healing, and I realized that the truths I had prayed with for my husband were true for me as well - were universal. Mentally, I could walk into that dark corner in which fear of a heart condition had held me, and untie the ropes. I was free.”
The physical symptoms that had come and gone for decades never returned. Now let’s hear from Klaus:
“The experience that Annette has recounted shines for me as a lucid example of how simple it is to heal through prayer, when we understand the process is always the one thing anyone can do - to gather the facts of being from Mind, from God, by humbly asking and finding. My wife did just that in order to help me that day, when I was in dire need. In her prayer she began to gather right spiritual facts about me, and discarded whatever concepts could not have come from God.
.....All her anxieties over the years were proved to be powerless to resist the clear light that came with the spiritual facts she gathered in prayer on my behalf. To tell you the truth, remembering this moment gives me goose bumps even today.
.....Christian Science is logical, and the logical effect of seeking is finding. My wife found “(her) own in another’s good” (S&H p 518). It was the goodness of God’s child that she found. In unity with Him there is no separation.”
Love and peace,
RE: Healing through the Christ-consciousness
Well, this one isn't a physical healing, but it certainly was a healing of disbelief in God!! It was on the "old" HP and it's so awe-some I just wanted to make sure that everyone had a chance to read it here too. This account was carried in a South African – Natal - newspaper. Don’t actually have the name of the paper as my photo-copy only has the date part which was Feb 27 1994. It was in the "On Faith" section.
OK. Well, there’s this guy Ross Armstrong and recently he says "God and I hadn’t had a very good relationship….. In fact, a few weeks before, I had prayed asking that if God really was alive that he should prove it to me in some way so that I would know for sure that He is for real"
(Obviously Ross didn’t know about God’s sense of humour. Uh Oh! )
Late one night in Jan 87 he was driving home (which was a remote farm) and was caught in a ferocious storm caused by the typhoon Demmoina. He had to cross a river over a bridge but saw that it was covered with water. He had forded it before in this condition so he set off slowly. Ross was halfway across the bridge when the front part of the car dropped down and he realised that part of the bridge had been washed away. He tried to reverse backwards but the wheels spun and slowly the car edged forwards until it was hurtling down the river.
"Tossed like clothes in a tumbledrier, it smashed against unseen objects in the turbulent water. Rocks. Trees. Sheer terror took hold of me."
His electric windows were up and inoperable. He tried in vain to smash the glass and to open the buckled door, then a huge rock smashed the windscreen and made a hole the size of a tennis ball and water started pouring in and filling the car. On top of that Ross knew that about 100 yards away was a waterfall…..
He didn’t want to die and started begging for forgiveness for his sins and pleading to be saved. Then his prayer changed. "There was suddenly a lot that I wanted to say to Him. For the first time in my life I really began to speak to God with an urgency and a sincerity that I had never known before."
"I wasn’t just uttering prayers. It was like I was talking to someone who was really listening. After about 30 seconds of deep prayer, the terror of the moment faded and an incredible peace came over me."
"The Bible speaks of the "peace of God which passes all understanding." I knew in that moment, I really knew what peace was. I became quiet in my soul. All panic left me. All fear disappeared."
"Then I had an amazing experience. I was lifted bodily like a babe in arms. I felt the sensation of going through the closed and crumpled door of the car and out into the swirling waters. Once in the water, joy burst forth from me and I shouted in my freedom and excitement."
"There was no sensation of struggling against the flooded river adrift with trees. I was carried across the raging current of a river in full flood and on to the soggy bank."
Dazed, he realised that he was on the bank of the river on his neighbour’s farm. he managed to get to a sugarcane loading building where he knew there was a radio and eventually summoned help.
The next day, when the water had subsided, the AA came to retrieve the car out of the river. It looked as if a giant hand had crushed it. The man in charge of the operation, fearing the horrible sight inside tried to get Ross’s father to go home and not to look, but when he assured him that his son was safe and well, he looked at him in disbelief.
"Together they walked over to the wreck, the man tugged at the door handles. They were jammed tight. There wasn’t a window open. Only a tiny hole in the windscreen, the size of a tennis ball….."
A year later Ross met an old friend whom he hadn’t seen for a long time.
"I had a strange dream about you a year ago," he told Ross.
"I remember it because it was so vivid and it made such an impression on me. You were involved in a motor accident of sorts which would have been fatal but for an angel who picked you up and carried you to safety."
This healing demonstrates how our state of thought is objectified in our life and how a change from mortal thinking and belief, to the reality of the Christ consciousness can bring dramatic results!
Mary Baker Eddy writes in Science and Health:
There is no inherent power in matter; for all that is material is a material, human, mortal thought, always governing itself erroneously. (S&H 282)
Your decisions will master you, whichever direction they take. ……
Stand porter at the door of thought. Admitting only such conclusions as you wish realized in bodily results, you will control yourself harmoniously. (S&H 392)
Be firm in your understanding that the divine Mind governs, and that in Science man reflects God's government. Have no fear that matter can ache, swell, and be inflamed as the result of a law of any kind, when it is self-evident that matter can have no pain nor inflammation. Your body would suffer no more from tension or wounds than the trunk of a tree which you gash or the electric wire which you stretch, were it not for mortal mind. (S&H 393)
This woman’s home was in the desert in the south-western United States. She had been having many problems in her life at the time. One hot evening, while doing the dishes, she saw in horror a bobcat approaching her children who were in a plastic swimming pool outside.
She grabbed a small handgun intending to shoot it into the air to scare the bobcat away. The gun exploded in her hand.
Neighbours ran over and called a doctor to come to the house while she wrapped her hand in a towel and phoned a Christian Science practitioner (healer) who then started to pray for her. The doctor arrived and took her to the local hospital where he cut away metal fragments, nerves, tendon and flesh. After cleaning and bandaging it he recommended a trip to a major city hospital for reconstructive surgery, or he warned, she would have limited use of the hand and even with surgery would probably never regain the feeling in it.
She reminded him that she had just started to study Christian Science and he knew of the overnight healing of asthma of one of her children – in fact, one of his own children had been healed through Christian Science – so he was willing to take her home instead and leave the matter to God.
After her neighbours had put her children to bed, she picked up the first book of Mary Baker Eddy’s she saw and it opened to page 356 where her eyes fell on these words:
The pent-up elements of mortal mind need no terrible detonation to free them. (Miscellaneous Writings)
"At that moment it was quite clear to me that the explosion of the gun in my hand was a graphic metaphor for the state of my life at that time. Both the bobcat and the gun seemed to illustrate the fear and chaos in my life, and I knew it must stop."
She read on:
Envy, rivalry, hate need no temporary indulgence that they be destroyed through suffering; they should be stifled from lack of air and freedom.
"I put down the book, Then I finished the dishes with one hand and went to bed and slept all night free from pain. When I woke in the morning I removed the bandages and found that my hand was absolutely normal. There were no marks or scars, no sign that anything had ever happened to me.
This experience changed my life forever." (From the French Herald of Christian Science March 1989)
Easter seems a good time to share again this awesome healing that followed a "resurrection" of thought. This healing is very recent – in 2001. Philip is Welsh. He was preparing to die but within a few illuminating moments all that changed. From life to death; disease and disability to full health in a few minutes has to be a "resurrection" experience of Christ consciousness!
What I’m posting below is a compilation of Philip’s written and oral testimonies:
As child, Philip had a bone disease that left him with one leg shorter than the other and a curvature of the spine, he suffered regular neck dislocations, but this didn’t stop him from being very active in sports. However, in 1995 he suddenly started losing weight and eventually doctors concluded that he was suffering from Irritable Bowel Syndrome and could not tolerate certain foods. He also had Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. By 1997 he only weighed seven and a half stone (105 pounds or less than 50 kilos), could only eat brown rice and raw grated vegetables, he suffered regular neck dislocations and was bedridden. He was declared permanently, physically handicapped and was not expected to live much longer.
What I find is one of the most remarkable things about this experience is that it didn’t make him bitter and twisted and full of self-pity like it would most people who would say "Why me?" He tells us that though, due to him knowing some "unkind, aggressive people" who called themselves "Christians" he had totally rejected anything to do with religion or the Scriptures. In speaking to him though I have discovered that he looked into many other spiritual and Eastern philosophies, particularly Buddhism and he had always had a great desire to experience the life of a monk. He had applied to a few religious orders but they couldn’t take him because he was so ill.
So, he decided that this was a "golden opportunity" to take the vows of a monk and live as one on his own at home. He began to practice a form of meditation which had started off as an interest, but it became the mainstay of his days. He would "observe the painful sensations but not identify with them" he was able to "remain equanimus" regardless of what sensations were in his body. As a result, he didn’t become depressed, fearful or angry. He would say to himself "This really isn’t my true identity. and I AM going to find the solution to all of this." but, as he admits, he thought he’d find the solution after he died. (He didn’t realise then that the answer is already here – in a book - and that we can experience our true spiritual identity here and now.)
The meditation disciplined his thought and it became more bearable in a way because it gave it a purpose. In his own words: "I devoted my days to spiritual devotional meditations. This gave me strength, deeper and deeper peace - this despite my grave physical condition."
I’ve spoken on these pages before about yielding up the material to the spiritual. It’s incredibly gentle and natural, yet so powerful. Another word is self-immolation – laying down our mortal sense of self. Handing over our human will to God and letting "this (M)ind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus:" (Philippians 2) I’m guessing in a way that this is the state of thought that Philip had reached and it prepared the way for him to be led right out of the physical pain and suffering into his God-given inheritance of freedom and wholeness! Matter had not given him any answers and he was ready to give it up.
Early in 2001 he saw a poster advertising a local lecture: "It was about a woman I had never heard of - Mary Baker Eddy. I couldn’t understand why the idea of it wouldn’t go away. I had no connection to or interest in this lady. And I had no desire to learn anything about her. Not to mention that the venue of the lecture was hard for me to access as a handicapped person. But the idea still wouldn’t leave me. It kept going round and round in my mind." His inner peace was destroyed. Eddy’s name just kept going round and round in his head – he couldn’t meditate, he couldn’t think. In desperation he decided to go to that talk.
He was exhausted when he reached the venue and in pain and didn‘t much care for what he was hearing. He heard the word Scriptures. "As a young boy, I had felt very uncomfortable with people who were into "The Scriptures." I was hearing the word healing a lot also. I had spent a lot of money on every type of complementary or natural therapy, from acupuncture to zone-therapy (I had tried everything from A to Z) and many in between. I had not come to this lecture for a healing. I was fast losing interest."
And then the lecturer mentioned these words from Science and Health : "God is at once the centre and circumference of being." (pages 203-204). That grabbed his attention! "I immediately thought to myself, "How on earth can God be ‘the centre and circumference of’ this being? This being that is so full of sickness, pain, and deformed bones." "What is that lady talking about?"
He became even angrier the speaker spoke about the truth in Genesis 1 that God made man in His image and likeness and then she quoted "and God saw everything that He had made and behold it was very good." She said that the word God means "good" and that this "good" fills all space. "What was "good" about all that I had suffered for all those years? What was "good" about being registered handicapped at the age of 35? I was enraged!" Philip thought, "and God saw everything that He had made and behold it was very good, except for Philip’s stomach" "and God saw everything that He had made and behold it was very good, except for Philip’s spine, etc." "This lady has no idea of what I’m going through. This lady doesn’t know what she’s talking about."
Philip had been seeing himself as outside of the infinite goodness of God but actually, that’s impossible. He then speaks about his "moment of spiritual consciousness". His mind suddenly went quiet for just a moment – a split second. The pain and discomfort suddenly lessened. He stopped listening to the speaker and just was aware of changes happening in his body – as he described it, like a sharp jagged ice cube suddenly getting soft and round as it dissolved. He started experiencing ease and an almost sensationless body. "The simple ideas of Truth had transformed my painful body into one of almost sensationless ease."
He bought Science & Health as he left the talk and walked home, feeling "carried along by an energy I didn’t own", free of pain and walking like the athlete he had once been, shocked and amazed and "overflowing with joy".
The next morning he woke with his thought filled with the ideas he had heard the previous night. He woke knowing that "God IS the centre and circumference of being". When he discovered that both his legs were the same length (poor chap had one shock after another!) words he did not consciously remember came to him to rely radically on God for his good. Then and there, he removed all the foot plates from his shoes.
The next shock was the thought that he should eat a normal English breakfast. This disturbed him more than anything else, as for years he had only been able to tolerate brown rice and grated raw vegetables, but then the thought came that God had created everything good – VERY GOOD and right on the heels of that thought came another "So Phillip, when God declared everything to be good, He didn’t say everything good except for Philip’s weak stomach." At that all his fear left him and he went to the corner shop and bought all the ingredients he needed for a normal breakfast which he ate with no repercussions at all.
Within four weeks he’d regained all his lost weight. He talks about the "fantastic adventure of discovery’ he has had since he realised that the ideas that had healed him had come from Science & Health and he voraciously started studying Christian Science and also biographies of Mary Baker Eddy to learn where she had got this message from that had had such a remarkable effect on his life. He discovered that "My health, my life, my energy was all established as an idea of God and could never be taken away from me."
"I had attended a Christian Science lecture with no expectations, and I left with no limitations. I was freed for life."
Compiled from the November 2002 Christian Science Radio Sentinel Cassette – No 238, title "A remarkable recovery and the words that started it all." and the August 5th Christian Science Sentinel (I have several copies of this magazine with Philip’s testimony in it– if anyone would like one, just e-mail me your address)
When will mankind awake to know their present ownership of all good....? When will the world waken to the privilege of knowing God, the liberty and glory of His presence. Mary Baker Eddy
This is one of the most wonderful testimonies of healing I’ve ever read and it’s so special, I’ll share a little part:
It was written by the adoptive mother of a little boy called Les. They had been warned before he was born that he was probably disabled and an offer was made to find them a healthy child instead. This was the picture:
"The child was born with multiple handicaps, including unformed vocal chords, a damaged heart, and a serious bone condition. We were also told that he had cerebral palsy. The physicians on the case informed us that there was little that could be done for the child medically and that they knew of no child born with similar difficulties who had lived beyond the age of six or eight months. ………
He also had a blood condition which inhibited coagulation…
As a Christian Scientist I could not accept this verdict."
She tells how step by step every one of the physical conditions was healed. through prayer and the understanding of the child’s innate perfection as the image and likeness of God. Progress was slow until at the age of two they requested permission to discontinue the medical exams he had to have several times a week. In less than three months he was standing upright.
This is the bit about the healing of speech:
"…And we, everyone in the family, talked to him whether he answered or not. We gave him time to answer. And I really feel that he felt that he was in on all our conversations at the table or in the car. He always had his turn. And we could tell by the expression on his face what he was thinking. We just never treated him as though he didn’t talk."
When he was about four, the family came home from holiday and the mother and children decided to have a nap – the father had gone out.
" .. So we were all asleep when a man entered out home. I believe that my younger boy must have seen the shadow of this man on the wall. And he knew it wasn’t his daddy. I’m assuming this, for when I heard this shaky little voice, I saw the shadow of the man and the man in my room. Les was on the floor in the hall looking up at this man who was up tight against my dresser and just inside my door. The back of the man’s head was facing me. So neither Les nor the man knew I had awakened. I heard my son, Les, saying in a shaky voice, "No other gods before you. You don’t belong in here." No, these weren’t the words of the First Commandment, but the power of the First Commandment was in the words. And then he repeated it again in a very firm, strong voice. And the man walked out – never touched anything – walked around the boy and walked out of the house."
The mother tells how she just had to contain her joy. The verse from the Bible had come to her : "Be still and know that I am God." Les went off to get a glass of water and when he came back asked if he could get into bed with her. He said "I didn’t like that dirty man." And I said "Honey you healed that man. he won’t ever go into anybody’s house again, and I don’t think he’ll ever be dirty again. You made him think about God and made him know that somebody cared about him." So he just said "Oh" and went back to sleep."
"Well, I lay there probably ten minutes just being grateful. I would have liked to have taken him up in my arms and danced around the house with him ………" (Spiritual Healing in a Scientific Age by Robert Peel)
Having just mentioned these two experiences briefly on the thread "Mysticism" I thought they deserved to be told in greater depth and included on this thread, so here goes:
I had an awesome experience once, but was unable to talk about it for a very long while. I felt it had been such a special gift from God and wanted to hold it close.
I was 17 and used to suffer from terrible period pains. I passed out at school and they sent me home. I was alone and went to bed, taking my Bible and Science and Health with me, (others might turn to their medicine cabinet, but I always turn to God). However, I was in such pain that I was unable to read or even pray, but the thought came to turn to the 100 pages of healings at the back of Science and Health called Fruitage.
I'd only been reading for a short time (only up to the third testimony) absolutely engrossed in people’s accounts of their healings, that I forgot all about my body until I came across a testimony which quoted from these words of the Apostle Paul:
We are confident, I say, and willing rather to be absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord. (II Cor 5:8)
The healing I’d come to in that chapter was a remarkable one, so I’ll include it. The author had been "…a chronic invalid for a good many years. I had acute bowel trouble, bronchitis, and a number of other troubles. One physician had told me that my lungs were like wet paper, ready to tear at any time…………
I would also like to tell how I was healed of a sprained ankle. The accident occurred in the morning, and all that day and during the night I gave myself Christian Science treatment, as best I could. The next morning it seemed to be no better, being very sore, badly swollen, and much discolored. Feeling that I had done all I could, I decided to stop thinking about it. I took my copy of Science and Health and began reading. Very soon I became so absorbed in the book that I forgot all about my ankle; it went entirely out of my thought, for I had a glimpse of all God's creation as spiritual, and for the time being lost sight of my material selfhood. After two hours I laid the book down and walked into another room. When next I thought of my ankle, I found it was not hurting me. The swelling had gone down, the black and blue appearance had nearly vanished, and it was perfectly well. It was healed while I was "absent from the body" and "present with the Lord." This experience was worth a great deal to me, for it showed me how the healing is done.--C. H., Portland, Ore. (Substance of lungs restored. S&H 603)
Those words "absent from the body" and "present with the Lord." just stood out to me and I then realised that I too, like the writer had become so absorbed in what I was reading that I was also "absent from the body" and "present with the Lord." and then I realised that all pain had gone and I was healed!
The next moment, gently, silently, I lifted out of my body and hovered up on the ceiling, the brightest light I have ever seen shining all around me and the most incredible feeling of warmth, love, joy, harmony and peace I have ever known, just encircling me. The light was so bright – brighter than the sun and there were no shadows and I was also seeing everything clearly without my glasses. Words are inadequate to explain this, but those who have had this experience will understand. Above all, I had this glimpse that what I had learnt for years in theory – that "there is no life, truth intelligence, nor substance in matter, all is infinite Mind and its infinite manifestation" was true. I felt I was being shown my spiritual selfhood – entirely pure, innocent, perfect, at one with God, which had nothing to do with the "chrysalis" body
After a few minutes, I gently came back into my "body" but had no sensation of weight for at least 2 hours and still felt as if I was walking on air for the next two days. Also, that was the end of all my period problems. I feel it was such a special privilege to have been given this proof of my immortality and spirituality, to learn that right here and now, I am spiritual, not material, that God is my Life and my life is God.
It’s funny, because I was discussing this passage once with a neighbour, a lay minister at a local church, who was adamant that Paul was saying that he wanted to die so that he could experience his eternal and spiritual selfhood, "But you can experience that here and now" I replied and continued, "Heaven is not a locality, it’s a state of thought." He started arguing with me and I just quietly said – "Look, I’ve proved the power behind those words, I’ve had a glimpse of being "absent from my body and present with the Lord" and he couldn’t really say anything more.
The other time I had a similar sensation was following an overnight healing of "Pharaoh’s Curse" (everyone else who went down with it and took their Imodium etc was off work for at least two weeks) We were on a boat going down the Nile and one by one everyone was going down with this bug and finally me, that day. I had felt pretty rough but had still managed to visit most sites. When I went to bed I read Science and Health for quite a bit and had this clear message that I was not guilty. I had not committed any crime that I had to be punished for. Food has no power either harm or heal. I just went to sleep with the words "Not guilty" ringing in my head and woke up well!
That morning, we had arrived at the Valley of the Kings. It was such a hot day that after a visit to Tutankamun’s (sp.?) tomb everyone else in the party retreated to an air-conditioned restaurant for a drink, but I wanted to see three other tombs. I remember that at least one of them was down about 300 steps. Well, the joy and wonder and spiritual uplift of this healing had been with me since I woke healed, and coming up those steps, I actually floated – I was completely weightless again, and though my feet touched each step it was effortless and I was up in moments. Quite, quite a wonderful feeling and sometimes when I would be heaving my suitcase up the steep engineering steps of an aircraft I would wonder why I couldn’t repeat it!!
I see these experiences as proof that we are spiritual, not material, that we don’t have two bodies – one spiritual, the other material, there is only one. The material one is just how it appears to us at the moment. You know, I love to illustrate this with those Magic Eye pictures. On the surface, there’s a puzzling pattern, but if you focus BEYOND the surface, the true image appears. Now, it’s all the same piece of paper – it’s just that it appears different from the changed perception.
I understand that it is proof to me that we can experience all the joy and freedom of "heaven" here and now and that we live and move and have our being in infinite Spirit which we am at one with, like the sunbeam is one with the sun. Just a different perspective.
I just want to share with everyone Mary Baker Eddy’s wonderful description of the revelation of St John on the Isle of Patmos, (see Revelation 21:1-4) which I feel explains what I’m trying to describe far better than I can:
The Revelator was on our plane of existence, while yet beholding what the eye cannot see,--that which is invisible to the uninspired thought. This testimony of Holy Writ sustains the fact in Science, that the heavens and earth to one human consciousness, that consciousness which God bestows, are spiritual, while to another, the unillumined human mind, the vision is material. This shows unmistakably that what the human mind terms matter and spirit indicates states and stages of consciousness.
Accompanying this scientific consciousness was another revelation, even the declaration from heaven, supreme harmony, that God, the divine Principle of harmony, is ever with men, and they are His people. Thus man was no longer regarded as a miserable sinner, but as the blessed child of God. Why? Because St. John's corporeal sense of the heavens and earth had vanished, and in place of this false sense was the spiritual sense, the subjective state by which he could see the new heaven and new earth, which involve the spiritual idea and consciousness of reality. This is Scriptural authority for concluding that such a recognition of being is, and has been, possible to men in this present state of existence,--that we can become conscious, here and now, of a cessation of death, sorrow, and pain. This is indeed a foretaste of absolute Christian Science. Take heart, dear sufferer, for this reality of being will surely appear sometime and in some way. There will be no more pain, and all tears will be wiped away. When you read this, remember Jesus' words, "The kingdom of God is within you." This spiritual consciousness is therefore a present possibility. (Science & Health 573)
Love and peace,
I’ve just come across a favourite article from the Nov 15th 1993 Christian Science Sentinel which has always encouraged and inspired me. Its title is "A grain of Christian Science does wonders".
Injuries often have more dramatic and quicker healings than do diseases, or other conditions, especially chronic. That’s because people grow to identify themselves with their conditions. They talk of "my cancer," "my arthritis," "my depression" etc. They mentally accept that this is part of them, whereas with an injury, because it is so sudden, it’s very clear that it is not part of them, their identity does not include broken or hurt bodies. I have an account on tape of the case where a man’s son (and another soldier) were blown up by a double land-mine. Severe injuries and they were not expected to live. The mother was an experienced Christian Scientist in this case and had been spending at least three hours a day in deep prayer for their country (the former Rhodesia) and she also felt that her love and forgiveness was a big element in this healing – she felt no hatred of the terrorists who had planted the bombs. Following very much the steps in this healing below, both lads were healed within a couple of hours. The doctors were so amazed that they sent them to a military hospital for observation and both boys walked out of the ambulance that had transferred them to the other hospital.
OK let me tell you about this inspiring healing – and I have read and heard several like this. During WWII a woman received a call from a military hospital. Her brother was serving in the Merchant Marine. She was told that her brother had sustained a crushing fall from the highest point of his ship but they wouldn’t say anymore but requested that she come immediately to the hospital.
She was a very new student of Science and Health and had only read through half of the book. As she felt panic rising inside she thought "What does the book say I should do?" The answer that came from her simple understanding of what she had read so far was: "What you don’t take in (into consciousness), you don’t have to get out!" (Here of course, we are talking about the mortal consciousness, which must be exchanged for the Christ consciousness, in order for harmony and healing to be brought to light.)
During the hour’s drive to the hospital, she just held to that thought, "What you don’t take in, you don’t have to get out!". She refused admission to fear. She understood that this was not an exercise of human will, but held instead to a prayerful acceptance of the allness of God’s perfection, the Christ consciousness, which fills all space. This was not a mind-over-matter denial of the material "facts’ but instead, a refusal to even allow them in to disturb the thought and a steadfast yielding to and holding onto the perfection and All-ness of God, good.
When she saw her brother it was a dreadful picture. He was unconscious, he’d fallen feet first and his legs and lower spine were crushed. He was not expected to live.
This is the point at which we have a choice to make. We can either accept the human verdict and suffer its consequences, or we can turn to the divine Mind for our information and insist on the truth of the Allness of God, good, and the inseparability of our relationship to God as HisHer image and likeness, spiritual and perfect.
This woman chose the latter. As her husband drove her to a nearby hotel she just was determined not to dwell on what she had seen that evening. She refused to give evil any power. She didn’t go to bed as she was afraid of being assaulted by the memory and mental picture she’d seen at the hospital, so stayed up all night reading Science & Health, "steadfastly keeping her thought centred on Truth and her brother’s infinite status as a child of the ever-present, infinitely caring Father-Mother God. Regardless of what she had seen and heard, she instinctively knew that man, as the spiritual creation of this all-powerful, loving God, has total exemption from harm of any kind."
She held to these truths all night and in the morning when she returned to the hospital, she found several doctors arguing in her brother’s room and heard one of them say "Who in the world let this man in here, when there’s absolutely nothing wrong with him?" (The hospital was overcrowded and short of beds) Her brother told her that he had to get back to his ship immediately.
"To this day, the thing she remembers most about this incident is watching her brother running to meet his ship and jumping up and down to wave goodbye to her on those VERY SAME LEGS that had been crushed the day before." Needless to say, this woman then became a Christian Science practitioner and devoted the rest of her life to helping others understand and be healed by the Truth that had restored her brother.
Christ Jesus told us: ".. verily I say unto you, If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you. Howbeit this kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting." Matt 17
That’s exactly what that woman was doing – she was praying – affirming the truth; and fasting - refusing to enter into the dream of material existence.
She wasn’t some long-time experienced Christian Scientist; she’s only just started studying the book. There are many accounts where people have only read for a few minutes and were healed. Doesn’t this prove that the healing has nothing to do with our understanding, or even our faith, but with the Truth that is behind the words? Any statement of Truth has behind it all the omnipotence and effectiveness of the WHOLE of Truth, which is God, just like the simplest mathematical statement like 2+2=4 has behind it the whole principle and law of mathematics.
This woman didn’t have much experience and only a beginner’s understanding, "but it was her unwavering and 100% (not 90%) obedience to what she DID know, and her unflagging trust in God, that allowed the restorative laws of Truth to operate so effectively in her situation."
Mary Baker Eddy clarifies this point in Science & Health when she says: "It is not wise to take a halting and half-way position or to expect to work equally with Spirit and matter, Truth and error. There is but one way--namely, God and His idea--which leads to spiritual being. The scientific government of the body must be attained through the divine Mind. It is impossible to gain control over the body in any other way. On this fundamental point, timid conservatism is absolutely inadmissible. Only through radical reliance on Truth can scientific healing power be realized." …..
"If the scales are evenly adjusted, the removal of a single weight from either scale gives preponderance to the opposite. Whatever influence you cast on the side of matter, you take away from Mind, which would otherwise outweigh all else. Your belief militates against your health, when it ought to be enlisted on the side of health." (Science and Health p 167)
Another important point that the article brings out is that our understanding doesn’t originate in the human mind. God, divine Mind gives us the exact right thought at the moment we need it. As Paul said, "And such trust have we through Christ to God-ward: Not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think any thing as of ourselves; but our sufficiency is of God;" (II Cor 3: 4&5) and in Science and Health: "Spirit imparts the understanding which uplifts consciousness and leads into all truth." (p 505) We just have to allow it in!
Love and peace,
This healing keeps coming to thought, so I feel I’m meant to share it with you all:
All Christian Scientists study a weekly Bible Lesson during the week, which then forms the sermon read out at church on Sundays. I used to have a set of old wartime books – a Bible and Science and Health which were small enough to fit into the breast pocket of a military uniform and were very useful for taking on trips with me. (I used to fly as cabin crew with an international airline.) Unfortunately, I left my books in a hotel in New York and then was off on a trip to the Far East and Australia.
My mother lent me an old leather S&H but didn’t have a spare Bible, or Christian Science Quarterly (the booklet with the citations for the Lesson.) I knew I’d always be able to get a Bible, thanks to the Gideons who put one in each hotel room and while in Delhi, went off to the Christian Science Reading Room (bookshop) there to buy a Quarterly, but it was closed.
The next stop was Hong Kong, where I became very ill. I spent the whole slip in bed, praying as best I could, but feeling overwhelmed with it all. Somehow, it never seemed to occur to me to phone a Christian Science practitioner for help through prayer. Anyway, I managed to get myself onto the aircraft when it was time to leave, but I spent the entire flight down to Sydney in the toilet. The crew were very concerned about me and took me straight to the airline doctor when we landed.
The doctor said I had contracted dysentery while in India and gave me some drugs, which were supposed to help relieve the symptoms. I must admit to feeling very low – I felt as if I was a million miles away from home and what a time to be without my Bible Lessons!
Then I remembered that at every second of every day, there are Christian Scientists praying for the world with that Bible Lesson and that I was included in their prayers. I found that very comforting. I decided I would have my own Bible Lesson and would open the books at random each day. I noticed that the same passages would keep coming to me, either in the books or would come to my thought. Also, the old Science and Health had a weak spine (I thought) and it always opened at page 407 when some old chalk markings of my mother’s highlighted this passage:
In Science, all being is eternal, spiritual, perfect, harmonious in every action. Let the perfect model be present in your thoughts instead of its demoralized opposite. This spiritualization of thought lets in the light, and brings the divine Mind, Life not death, into your consciousness.
Because I was being ill on company time, I felt I should take the drugs the doctor had given me (even though this was completely foreign to me) They did absolutely nothing at all. Over the next two or three days, I continued to become weaker and weaker and more ill, till even a glass of water would pass straight through me and I couldn’t keep down any food at all. My crew had left on their next sector and the hotel hadn’t told anyone I was there. Also, I had put a Do not Disturb notice on my door so no-one came near me or I should think I would have been taken to hospital – I was so dehydrated.
Eventually, I realised I could not continue like this, sitting on the fence. I crawled on my hands and knees out of bed, flushed the drugs down the toilet and sat upright on a chair. Once again, I opened that old Science and Health and, for probably the fiftieth time, it opened to those words on page 407
In Science, all being is eternal, spiritual, perfect, harmonious in every action. Let the perfect model be present in your thoughts instead of its demoralized opposite. This spiritualization of thought lets in the light, and brings the divine Mind, Life not death, into your consciousness.
This time, I let the meaning of those words sink in. I turned right away from the whole mortal picture and put myself in God’s hands – just turned to HimHer as a little child would turn to their parent for comfort. Immediately, I felt a warm joyful glow – I felt so loved. Then, my stomach started rumbling. All energy and strength returned instantaneously and I jumped up – healed!
The hotel was on Bondi Beach and after a shower and washing my hair, I just went for the most memorable walk of my life – I was literally leaping and jumping for joy. I wanted to rush up to everyone I passed and shout "I’ve been healed – I’ve been healed!" Suddenly, I realised I was starving and went to the steakhouse under the hotel and had an enormous mixed grill – with no after-effects whatsoever.
When I returned to London, I had to undergo a thorough medical by the company doctors and they found I was 100% clear.
At the beginning of this thread I've written this:
This Science is not mind-over-matter, positive thinking, not even faith-healing. It is, at its highest, (divine) Mind-healing, which is built on self-surrender and the renunciation of ALL that is unlike God, good. It happens when we let go of the material view of ourselves and yield to pure reality, our true identity as God’s spiritual idea; when we "leave the mortal basis of belief and unite with the one Mind.." (Science & Health 424)
But the most wonderful thing about the whole healing was the day after – a Sunday, when I went to church and sat there, gobsmacked, as every single passage that had come to me (including the one on page 407) was read out from the desk.
And do you know what else – the next time I wanted that passage on page 407, I opened that old Science and Health but it opened to a different page. I was shocked. After opening to that page, dozens of times, once I had my healing, it never opened to that page again.
Love and peace,
In the next post I’m going to give a wonderful healing of blindness, but I just wanted to share with you the understanding that Mary Baker Eddy had of the All-ness of God, good and therefore the subsequent nothingness of evil or disease. This was how she was able to heal so quickly and effectively.
I often read (or am told) on HP of how we need the negative for balance, of how we need the bad to appreciate the good, light and darkness etc. This is a law of mortality or matter, not of divinity. It will keep you firmly on earth with all its problems. For instance, if you believe in fate or luck – in a "law" of chance, (rather than understanding that omnipotent God, good, governs all), then you are accepting into your experience not only the hoped-for good, but also evil and suffering.
This materialistic thinking is graphically described in the allegory of Adam and Eve as I explained in my thread "A spiritual view of Genesis"
I tried to elaborate there on the huge difference between the spiritual account of creation in Genesis 1 and the material allegory of Adam and Eve, (man’s attempt to explain how evil came into the world.) This account (with its corresponding wrathful depiction of a deity who sends punishment and suffering) has been accepted into all three Abrahamic faiths, Judaism, Christianity and Islam, so has influenced the thinking of countless generations throughout the world.
Jesus overturned so many of the old Jewish theological traditions and beliefs. He proved God’s unconditional love over and over again (while still insisting on obedience to the two great commandments). For instance, in Genesis 3, Jehovah curses Eve for her disobedience and says:"I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children;" (the origin of the term ‘curse’ for menstruation), yet, the purity and divinity of Jesus instantaneously healed the woman who had "an issue of blood twelve years." Paul too has some interesting things to say about this allegory in I Corinthians 15, especially this: "For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive." Yet, orthodox Christianity still clings to this idea of being born in "original sin" and cursed to a life of suffering.
In her article SPIRIT AND LAW in her book Miscellaneous Writings, Mary Baker Eddy explains clearly about the difference between the law of Spirit, God, and the material so-called "law" of nature:
The law of God is the law of Spirit, a moral and spiritual force of immortal and divine Mind. The so-called law of matter is an immoral force of erring mortal mind, alias the minds of mortals. This so-called force, or law, at work in nature as a power, prohibition, or license, is cruel and merciless. It punishes the innocent, and repays our best deeds with sacrifice and suffering. …………
Whatever appears to be law, but partakes not of the nature of God, is not law, but is what Jesus declared it, "a liar, and the father of it." God is the law of Life, not of death; of health, not of sickness; of good, not of evil. It is this infinitude and oneness of good that silences the supposition that evil is a claimant or a claim. The consciousness of good has no consciousness or knowledge of evil; and evil is not a quality to be known or eliminated by good: (Miscellaneous Writings p 256-9)
Eddy elaborates this theme in the following passage. I’m going to put the first sentence into bold as it is so important:
God's law is in three words: I am All,";" and this perfect law is ever present to rebuke any claim of another law. God pities our woes with the love of a Father for His child,--not by becoming human, and knowing sin, or naught, but by removing our knowledge of what is not. He could not destroy our woes totally if He possessed any knowledge of them. His sympathy is divine, not human. It is Truth's knowledge of its own infinitude which forbids the genuine existence of even a claim to error. This knowledge is light wherein there is no darkness,--not light holding darkness within itself. The consciousness of light is like the eternal law of God, revealing Him and nothing else. (No and Yes p. 30)
The healing on my next post will illustrate all this so beautifully.
Love and peace,
As promised – this wonderful healing of blindness. I copied this (that was an act of love!) from a inspiring little book called Christian Science in Germany by a remarkable woman, Frances Thurber Seal who went out to Germany in 1897, not speaking a word of the language, in order to introduce to that nation the re-discovery of the method of Christian healing as contained in Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy.
One of the cases of healing at this time was that of a lady who was totally blind. She was sixty-seven years of age and believed she had reached the period when life and hope were behind her. Like the woman whom Jesus healed, she "had suffered many things of many physicians," and had at last been told there was no possibility of recovering her sight because the optic nerve was atrophied. This case of healing proved so conclusively that error cannot stand in the presence of spiritual consciousness that I give it here that all who read may know the condition of thought that will enable us always to heal scientifically and instantaneously, as did Christ Jesus and Mary Baker Eddy.
I had been so constantly busy many hours of each day, that, while I read some of the books and studied the Sunday Lessons, it seemed difficult to lose my self and lay aside the problems of the practice and the church long enough to go into the mountain to refresh my thought, as did the Master of the hills of Galilee. After a time there came to me a sense of barrenness, together with spiritual hunger that could be appeased only by deep draughts of Truth and conscious communion with God.
I arranged for a time of quiet one day, after seeing patients during the morning hours. Just before noon I was called to the door to speak with someone, and found there a lady who told me that her mother suffered with her eyes, and that she had been told that if she would bring her mother to me I would heal her. I told her briefly to bring her mother the following day.
The entire afternoon and evening until midnight were spent with my books, the Bible, Science and Health, and Miscellaneous Writings. I read and pondered. In thought I walked with Jesus and received his teaching. I entered in some degree into the spirit of Mrs Eddy’s teaching, and went to sleep toward morning conscious of God’s presence, and awakened with the same uplifted thought.
After breakfast I went into the kitchen to arrange the flowers that had been sent in. The doorbell rang, and the maid went to the door. She returned rather excited and began telling me something, but I asked her to be quiet and continued my thinking. Then I took some flowers out to the living room. As I opened the door I found two ladies sitting there – the one who had come the day before, and a beautiful white-haired woman. The younger one told me that it was her mother and she was blind, and the mother echoed this statement.
Not for one instant did the suggestion enter my thought. Immediately came the thought, "No, no, no – not in God’s whole universe!" The mother talked for some time and I sat looking out in the sunshine, happy in the presence of divine Love, and with no consciousness of what she was saying. When she paused I took her hands to help her to her feet and told her that she might go. She said that if God would let her look upon her daughter’s face she would be willing to die. I replied that God would let her look upon her daughter’s face and live. I then bade them good morning and left the room and did not think of them again until the following morning when I entered my study to begin the day’s work. I found the mother there, radiant with happiness; and when I asked her if her daughter was waiting in the other room she told me no, she had come alone, that her sight had been restored and she could see as she did when a young girl.
I then asked her if she had been blind. Truth had so filled my consciousness that the statement of error had not reached me; and, not withstanding the story they told me the day before, I was entirely unconscious of what conditions had seemed to be. She told me of her past sorrows, and said that when she had left my house the morning before, her daughter had led her to the street car and placed her in a seat, and that she had looked out of the window and seen the street and the trees and the flowers and for a moment forgot that she had been blind. She spoke of what she saw, then her daughter screamed and told the people that her mother had not been able to see for many years.
It must have been a thrilling experience for the people on that streetcar, for both mother and daughter talked, telling of her past affliction, and that God had healed her. No words could describe the awe that filled my thought in the presence of this demonstration of Christ power.
(From Christian Science in Germany, by Frances Thurber Seal, Longyear Museum Press)
In fact, all the people in that streetcar attended the church service the following Sunday!
When I have most clearly seen and most sensibly felt that the infinite recognizes no disease, this has not separated me from God, but has so bound me to Him as to enable me instantaneously to heal a cancer which had eaten its way to the jugular vein.
In the same spiritual condition I have been able to replace dislocated joints and raise the dying to instantaneous health. People are now living who can bear witness to these cures. Herein is my evidence, from on high, that the views here promulgated on this subject are correct.
Certain self-proved propositions pour into my waiting thought in connection with these experiences; and here is one such conviction: that an acknowledgment of the perfection of the infinite Unseen confers a power nothing else can. An incontestable point in divine Science is, that because God is All, a realization of this fact dispels even the sense or consciousness of sin, and brings us nearer to God, bringing out the highest phenomena of the All-Mind. (Mary Baker Eddy Unity of Good p. 7)
Love and peace,
RE: Healing through the Christ-consciousness
Tonight I came across two gentle and natural examples of exactly what I am trying to describe with this thread. I have copied parts tha really spoke to me, but do read the articles to see them in context.
Timeless Healing
Once I had a hacking cough that persisted for a long time—at least that’s the mortal measurement I assigned the condition. I just couldn’t seem to shake it. Then one day while I was praying about the unreality of time, I felt a sense of freedom from mortality, a kind of immortality, or heaven. It was as though the nurturing influence of the Christ liberated me from the confines of time as I pondered the powerlessness of "mortal measurements" and "matter."
The cough suddenly stopped. I believe time stopped. I glimpsed and felt a sense of eternity. In that moment, God became more real to me than the cough. A spiritual view of reality overtook mortality. I could cough in time, but not in eternity!
Feel the power
At night, from the 16th floor of my building, the city sprawls below me, an enormous, shining jewel. This particular evening, I’m struck by what seems to be an infinity of lights. Big, little, multiple, single, blinking, steady—and every color. Suddenly I am exquisitely aware that all these lights draw their power from the same place. They can’t exist on their own but are, rather, evidence of just one source of power expressing itself everywhere I look.
In this instant, I see the spiritual relevance of my observation: that existence itself is proof of just one source of power expressing itself infinitely and all-inclusively.
I'm part of the divine source expressing itself as brightness and glory.
I find that I’m conscious of this divine source. Conscious of nothing else. I’m not a sick mortal looking out over a stunning cityscape. I’m part of that one, infinite source expressing itself in nothing but brightness and glory.
Love and peace,
RE: Healing through the Christ-consciousness
Hello Judy, Thank you so much for posting all these healings ! When I read healings like these a great sense of wellbeing comes over me, it seems as if my hearth opens wide with the realization that the phrase “God is Love” is truly true and practical also !!! That way these testimonies of healing have a healing influence themselves !? So please continue to post them. Thank you, Ivo
RE: Healing through the Christ-consciousness
Hi Judy! I was just browsing since I haven't had time for awhile. It was lovely to read your posts again. I didn't get through all of them - I admit! I think I was meant to re-read your teachings. As you know, you have helped me quite a bit. Remember my sinus headaches? (a thing of the past!) I do remember you and try to put into practice what I have learned from the books you so kindly sent me. I don't always understand the wording but I do get the gist. These teachings tie in with what I have come to believe over the past few years. I needed the reminder-thanks! love beej
RE: Healing through the Christ-consciousness
Hi Ivo and Beej,
Thanks for both your posts - it means a lot when people stop by and show appreciation.
Beej - great to see you on HP again. 🙂
Love and peace,
This past weekend, due to something going on in another thread, I’ve had my head in two biographies about Mary Baker Eddy, the remarkable woman who re-discovered the method of original Christian healing in 1866. I came upon a wonderful description of how the healing that she describes as her falling apple* came about, which ties in so well with the ideas in this thread.
*My immediate recovery from the effects of an injury caused by an accident, an injury that neither medicine nor surgery could reach, was the falling apple that led me to the discovery how to be well myself, and how to make others so.
However, I think it would be helpful to give you a little history first:
Mary Baker Eddy had since childhood been able to help people (and animals) through prayer. She had had several unusual experiences, like when over the period of a year she heard a voice calling “Mary” three times, but each time she ran to her mother she was not believed, until a cousin heard the voice too and then, her mother read her the story of Samuel (see ISam 3) and she replied as he did, “Speak Lord, for thy servant heareth” and the voice never came again. You can read this in her autobiography. Here's the link: [url]Voices Not Our Own[/url]
However, though a deeply committed Christian, she was a semi-invalid for most of her childhood and adulthood, as well as suffering the bereavement of her first husband, brother and mother, the removal of her child as she was too ill to care for him, poverty and great unhappiness:
The author became a member of the orthodox Congregational Church in early years. Later she learned that her own prayers failed to heal her as did the prayers of her devout parents and the church; but when the spiritual sense of the creed was discerned in the Science of Christianity, this spiritual sense was a present help. It was the living, palpitating presence of Christ, Truth, which healed the sick. (Science and Health p 351)
The allopathic medicine of her day failed to heal her and so she tried many of the alternative therapies of her day, including hydropathy, electric treatment, homeopathy and hypnotism, (called mesmerism in her day) but though some had worked for a time, she discovered that when away from the (often) charismatic influence of the individual, the problems came back again. She had started through this and through her own practice of homeopathy to see the connection between our thinking and our bodies. Here's a link to an experiment while practising homeopathy: [url]Dropsy Cured without drugs[/url] She found wonderful (but only temporary) relief from one Phineas Parkhurst Quimby (isn’t that an amazing name?) but it wasn’t until a month after his death that she discovered the answer to what she had been searching for all her life. She wrote of Quimby:
“….I tried him, as a healer, and because he seemed to help me for the time, and had a higher ideal than I had heard up to that time, I praised him to the skies, wrote him letters, …… I was enthusiastic, and couldn’t say too much in praise of him; I actually loved him, I mean his high and noble character, ….. but when I found that Quimbyism was too short, and would not answer the cry of the human heart for succor, for real aid, I went, being driven thence by my extremity, to the Bible, and there I discovered Christian Science.” (Robert Peel: Mary Baker Eddy, Years Of Discovery p 183)
Here is part of a newspaper interview of that time:
In 1866, while living in Lynn, Mass., Mrs. Eddy met with a severe accident, and her case was pronounced hopeless by the physicians. There came a Sunday morning when her pastor came to bid her goodbye before proceeding to his morning service, as there was no probability that she would be alive at its close. During this time she suddenly became aware of a divine illumination and ministration. She requested those with her to withdraw, and reluctantly they did so, believing her delirious. Soon, to their bewilderment and fright, she walked into the adjoining room, "and they thought I had died, and that it was my apparition," she said.
From that hour dated her conviction of the Principle of divine healing, and that it is as true to-day as it was in the days when Jesus of Nazareth walked the earth. "I felt that the divine Spirit had wrought a miracle," she said, in reference to this experience. "How, I could not tell, but later I found it to be in perfect scientific accord with the divine law." From 1866-'69 Mrs. Eddy withdrew from the world to meditate, to pray, to search the Scriptures.
"During this time," she said, in reply to my questions, "the Bible was my only textbook. It answered my questions as to the process by which I was restored to health; it came to me with a new meaning, and suddenly I apprehended the spiritual meaning of the teaching of Jesus and the Principle and the law involved in spiritual Science and metaphysical healing--in a word--Christian Science." (Daily Inter-Ocean, Chicago, December 31, 1894)
Let me share some of this healing in her own words:
St. Paul writes: "For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace." This knowledge came to me in an hour of great need; and I give it to you as death-bed testimony to the daystar that dawned on the night of material sense. This knowledge is practical, for it wrought my immediate recovery from an injury caused by an accident, and pronounced fatal by the physicians. On the third day thereafter, I called for my Bible, and opened it at Matthew ix. 2. As I read, the healing Truth dawned upon my sense; and the result was that I rose, dressed myself, and ever after was in better health than I had before enjoyed. That short experience included a glimpse of the great fact that I have since tried to make plain to others, namely, Life in and of Spirit; this Life being the sole reality of existence. (Miscellaneous Writings p 24)
Now, this was what I was thrilled to read this weekend as it so beautifully links in with the ideas I’m trying to share in this thread. (I know it’s been a long time coming down this page, but hope it’s worth it!)
This is from some reminiscences written down by her secretary, Alfred Farlow.
At that time it was not clear to Mrs Eddy by what process she had been instantaneously healed, but she knew that her thought had turned away from all else in contemplation of God, His omnipotence and everpresence, His infinite love and power. It eventually dawned upon her that this overwhelming consciousness of the divine presence had destroyed her fear and consciousness of disease exactly as the light dispels the darkness. She afterwards “noticed that when she had entertained similar thoughts in connection with the ills of her neighbors they too were benefited and it was in this manner that she discovered how to give a mental treatment. (Robert Peel: Mary Baker Eddy, Years Of Discovery p 212)
Love and peace,
RE: Healing through the Christ-consciousness
You my students are God----- Mary Baker Eddy
RE: Healing through the Christ-consciousness
Hi , Well, that's an interesting quote, but it certainly isn't from Mary Baker Eddy!
I tried to read something about you, but got "Member chose not to disclose his profile."
Here are some of MBE's authenticated views on this subject:
Man is not God, and God is not man. Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures p 480
There is but one Spirit. Man is never God, but spiritual man, made in God's likeness, reflects God. In this scientific reflection the Ego and the Father are inseparable.S&H 70
Man is not God, but like a ray of light which comes from the sun, man, the outcome of God, reflects God. S&H 250
Goodness is greatness, and the logic of events pushes onward the centuries; hence the Scripture, "The law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me [man] free from the law of sin and death."
This predicate and ultimate of scientific being presents, however, no claim that man is equal to God, for the finite is not the altitude of the infinite. Miscellany 272
The Christian who believes in the First Commandment is a monotheist. Thus he virtually unites with the Jew's belief in one God, and recognizes that Jesus Christ is not God, as Jesus himself declared, but is the Son of God. This declaration of Jesus, understood, conflicts not at all with another of his sayings: "I and my Father are one,"--that is, one in quality, not in quantity. As a drop of water is one with the ocean, a ray of light one with the sun, even so God and man, Father and son, are one in being. The Scripture reads: "For in Him we live, and move, and have our being." Science and Health 361
If she saw that Jesus himself was not God, she most certainly would never think, let alone say that any of her students were!! I actually find this rather shocking and hope you will remove it.
Love and peace,
RE: Healing through the Christ-consciousness
In reply tothe quotation-" You my students are God" I wish to retract my statement as this is too absolute - nevertheless future generations shall declare it- God is cause man is effect- so God is not expressed "by" Man, but "as Man- I shall leave it for now- I wish not to bring division in this forum- IF I have offend anyone< my deepest apology is given- Love Meta