always got me this what the hell is good about good friday ??......surely the murder of the saviour of humanity should be be bloody awefull evil friday....or is that far too much common sense ?
religions are strange:D
RE: good friday
Erm good question could never get around that name myself but , i feel its more to do with it was good for us as Christ died on the cross to save us from our sins. So the good bit is not him dying but our being saved. Sad bit it Did we ever learn from it ? there is stil a lot of sin in the world. I know its all a part of the biggger picture & everything happens fro a reason , Our individual paths etc. But that in its self makes the story Christ dying on the cross either a useless endevour or ii never really happened in my book
Oh Eck Wolfen you got my brain cells working over time now:D& ive only just got out of bed its not helthy to be thinking so deeply while still half asleep[sm=rollaugh.gif]
Love & blessiongs Maria xxxx
RE: good friday
Maybe its because it is also Nissan, Passover.....everyone gets the day off......and I guess all people see that as good.
Just a thought!;)
Divine Love
RE: good friday
well if thats true then we are celebrating/condoning human sacrifice again....
which is still happening BTW....its called war.
RE: good friday
Yep, Wolfen I wrote a piece about it on another thread about passover, tried to put a link here but could not find the original on the general forum posted last week.
All these rituals are keeping the old way of being trapped in human consciousness of bondage.
Just found a copy in sent box see what you think.
Dear All
I agree with some of this despatch, however, I am concerned by others because while the 'Puppy Philosophy' is still in evidence the New Jerusalem will have difficulty being born. Unfortunately attachment can keep people in duality and stop people coming into oneness, letting go of the old way of being is very hard for many. However, it is essential if we all have the pure intent of coming into oneness of one people, one planet, one heart. How can we move into the new vision of peace while we are still living in the past? Hanging on to Egypt as a place of darkness when in reality those that have experienced Egypt in modern day it is a place of great beauty, magic and extraordinary light of creation. The same with the outmoded doctrine about EGO time to let it go, move out of the attachment of judgement and move on into the light of paradise and perfect creation. To be obsessive is to be in attachment to an old way of being and shows us there is still something to heal. Each and every person has the opportunity to choose to wake up, to choose and decide whether to hang on to the old or move into the new plane of existence of the Kingdom of Love. A sign of a pure heart; is the purity of the eye and state of perceptional consciousness. ‘In water a man sees his reflection, in a man’s heart we see the man’ Proverbs. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Yeshua did his best to show the Holy Land the way home to love and peace.... it was time to move on and live the New Convenant of Love in mind, body and soul, but the priests would not listen, their blindness was due to them not wishing to take off the dark glasses of blame and the man made concept of sin, condemnation and judgement. They were so entrenched in the limitation of the duality of old traditions that they could not embrace the new, even though God promised that he would make a new convenant with his people. God did send his messenger with the new convenant, how many listened? God says ‘I make no condemnation, I take no sides, I AM Neutral.’
How can people continue to hold onto old ideologies? It is no different for Christians and Catholics until every crucifix is removed from earth there will continue to be pain and suffering on this planet, the archetype will continue to be embedded in human consciousness. 'When the crucifix is removed from earth so will all the pain and suffering be removed from earth'. from Sacred Words
Can we continue to honour tradition and historical culture without attachment to it? Can we honour the past in a way that is more appropriate to 21st century consciousness and a higher state of being? How can we remove the old wounds from our DNA if we continue to embed it every year?
Can we move into the NEW and what GOD is showing US all NOW, instead of hanging onto the old? Life is for the Living, GOD is found in the Tree of Life experience in the PRESENT the greatest gift from God, if we keep on walking on the old path how can we ever find the new one that is more sacred and glorious than anywhere we have ever walked before?
Love is the path of no return.
You are the light of the world, the flame of love that purifies whatever stands in the way of complete oneness with GOD.’ from Sacred Words
New Life, New Love, New Vision of Peace creates the New Jerusalem. That is why it is called CREATION, each New Day is an opportunity to create it.
Love beyond measure
Love Ambassador
I had some amazing responses to the above....
in response to
B'S"D 13 Nissan, 5766
Dear Mochin Subscribers, Project Mind Associates and Friends,
Many of you are aware that tomorrow night, Wed., begins the festival of Passover c