Dear All
Tertullian one of the early church fathers speaks of Jesus Christ as the "Great Fish' so it will be interesting to get different views on this. Also the importance of water plays such a large part in scripture and the life of Master Jesus.
I am also aware his life was influential of the Piscean Age but to me it means a great deal more then that. The fish swimming with the tide instead of against it, flowing with the cosmic laws and synchronicity. To swim in joyful unison just like the dolphins spreading their unconditional love for it this he and us have come to share.
The words and image of the Big Fish have been particularly symbolic for me the last year or so. Due to recent events and spiritual experiences, I truly know now the reason why and the sheer importance of the messages received.
Dr Horace Dobbs the scientist says that swimming with a dolphin is like swimming with angels but to meet with the whale is like meeting GOD.
The Aquarian age now flows with the divine feminine water bearer.
blessings in abundance
Kim xx
RE: Big Fish
Hi Kim,
Have to admit that I have always subscribed to the ‘acronym’ theory about the ‘fish’ symbol!
If anyone is not aware of it (which I doubt – but I’ll put it in as I feel it’s valid to this conversation)
There is a theory that because Christians were persecuted so heavily in the ‘early days’ that this was a ‘secret’ sign used by them to ‘know’ each other and conduct congregations in relative safety. This would help explain why the catacombs and even the early Christian churches are covered with the symbol and the subsequent slackening off of the symbol following 320 AD (or whenever Constantine said “it’s cool to be a Christian”)
The theory being that one Christian would draw half the symbol (by drawing a simple curve) and the other would finish it by adding the second curve (joining at the front and intersecting it at the back) to create the fish symbol – and so they would know each other as fellow ‘Christians’.
This is based on the Greek word for ‘fish’ being ‘ichthus’ which is believed (as an acronym) to stand for “Jesus Christ, Son of God, Savior” – essentially summing up for the (then secretive) Christians, both the man and his purpose. Or more accurately, the Greek text for ‘ichthus’ is only five letters and they are believed to represent the words – Jesus, Christ, God (‘s), Son, Savior.
I think that humans as a race throughout time have a) loved symbolism, b) ciphers & cryptic puzzles c) special clubs or memberships... & so, I buy into this theory comfortably.
Sure as a fish it can have many meanings; after all, it ties in very nicely with the words of Jesus himself (he was always using fish as metaphors). Moreover, I think that once a symbol is fixed upon, it can be endowed with power through the thoughts & intents of men & once we see it as such, we notice our chosen symbol in all things (from time to time) –
However, I’m not trying to detract from anything that you’ve said in your post (coz I can see too, what you describe) just that I believe first and foremost that this is how the symbol itself came about.
RE: Big Fish
Dear Roger
Thank you for sharing it is great to get all views factual and intuitively, great contribution. So yes very interesting I learn something new every day. This is also a very interesting link
'Water of GOD'
We also know don't we how spirit love symbolism, cryptic messages, metaphors and parables. Allowing us to witness the unfolding, their pure intent being to help us but in a way that does not interfere with our free will.
Although I do feel sometimes that free will is just an illusion and the cosmic joke is on US. Big smiles! But that is another topic entirely.
'that this was a ‘secret’ sign used by them to ‘know’ each other and conduct congregations in relative safety" I think quite a lot of this went on in ancient times it is said and friends and I have experienced the 'sisters of the rose' an ancient order of women that met in secret. By passing a rose around they knew there was to be a meeting of the women. Interesting the Rose is also the symbol of Sophia, Holy Mother Mary and love.
The Sacred Golden Ankh ~ The Original Cross another very important symbol it begs the question when did the Christians cut off the top and the womb of creation representing the divine feminine. This beatiful symbol of Salvation.
being love
Kim xx
RE: Big Fish
Thanks Roger for saving me typing!
Love and peace,
RE: Big Fish
Sometimes symbols are the only means of communicating the message, if the message is deeply mysterious. The Mysteries of the Christ would have been less understood intellectually in those times, and symbols can go to the core of the unconscious where the archetypal meanings reside.
And referring to the theme of astrology on this forum (and as Kim brings up) the Piscean Age heralded the new age of the Fish/ Fisher-King, as the old age of Aries the Ram/Lamb and it's sacrificial practices came to an end
So among the symbols of the new age, which included the cross, the cup the serpent etc., is the "Vessel of the Fish" or Vesica Pisces which came to represent Christ Consciousness.
The Vesica Pisces is created by two intersecting circles, the circumference of one intersecting the center of the other (like the Venn diagram). The vulva-shaped centre space is the Vesica Pisces. When it's viewed vertically it looks like the shape of a fish (Ichthys or Ichthus which represents the biblical Jesus as Roger says)
In sacred geometry it's part of the basis of the Flower of Life, which begins with The Single Point, Oneness...the undivided God Mind. From the One it divides into Two (Duality) then Three (the Trinity) From there on it divides further into a complex pattern.
The VP centre in the Three division represents the union of Spirit and Matter, Christ Consciousness
Here's how the geometry is explained: