Dear Hugo
I read somewhere in the past that it was St Augustine that had astrology removed from the bible is this true and is there any knowledge of exactly what was removed?
It is also written that Clement of Alexandria wrote 'the path of souls to ascension lies through the twelve signs of the zodiac.' This is quite an interesting statement as we know that the North Nodes in peoples astrology charts the karmic influences that requires purification of the soul each lifetime.
Dear All
For those that are interested in the Karmic obstacles to be overcome this lifetime I recommend a wonderful book called 'Astrology and the Soul' by Jan Spiller it is all about your North Node.
being love
Kim xx
RE: Bible and Astrology
Hi, hope I can join in?
I'm no scholar of the Christian Fathers and their censoring habits so I've had to look up to see if we still have any references to astrology in the OT and NT
And the NT has:
Luke 21:25
(at the end of this age) ‘There will be signs in the sun, the moon, and the stars, and on the earth distress among nations confused by the roaring of the sea and the waves......
Matthew 2:2
"Where is he that is born King of the Jews? For we have seen His star in the east, and have come to worship him."
Matthew 2:10
"And when they saw the Star, they rejoiced exceedingly with great joy."
I Corinthians 15:40-41
"There are also heavenly bodies and earthly bodies, but the glory of the heavenly is one, and the glory of the earthly is another. There is one glory of the sun, and another glory of the moon, and another glory of the stars, for star differs from star in glory."
So they may have slipped up here by not understanding these references to astro-cosmology too well but they certainly had authority over what scriptural texts contained and what could be read by the populus
The Church Fathers were willing to impose strong sanctions against astrology to protect their flocks. In A.D. 120, the noted mathematician Aquila Ponticus was excommunicated from the Church at Rome for astrological heresies. In the quotes below, Augustine and others records that such sanctions were still in force in his day, three centuries later, and could result in a person's being excommunicated.
The OT has deeper references to astrology/astronomy, there was no separation of these subjects in ancient times, and which is central to esoteric Judaism.
Exoteric references are subtly disguised, example:
Job 38:31-33
"Canst thou bring bind the sweet influences of Pleiades, or loose the bands of Orion? Canst thou bring forth Mazzaroth in his season? Or canst thou guide Arcturus with his sons? Knowest thou the ordinances of heaven? Canst thou set the dominion thereof in the earth?"
Now there are some very interesting words in these verses. The first one is the word Pleiades. Pleiades is a "cluster of seven stars in the neck of the constellation Taurus." (Webster's 1828) Then there is Orion. Orion is "constellation in the southern hemisphere containing seventy-eight stars." (Webster's 1828) What is this word Mazzaroth? Well according to Strong's Bible Concordance # 4216 means: "the twelve signs of the Zodiac" Here the silence is broken with a deafening sound. Here we have a verifiable account of the Zodiac being looked upon with a "holy reverence". Job is actually asking if Yahweh (the so called sacred name for the tribal god of the jews) God can bring the Zodiac about each day and according to the dates thereof. So it is very clear that we are talking about Astronomy here.
The Mazzaroth is highly significant scheme/structure that shows how biblical numerology and symbology developed
It is no coincidence that there are 12 patriarchs, 12 tribes of Israel and 12 disciples. 12 is the number of astrology and the 12 "houses" that the sun passes through every day and the 12 hours of night and day.
The seven branched candlesticks seen in all Catholic churches are taken from, Revelation 1:12-16. These seven candlesticks are nothing more than the Sun as the central light and represented as Jesus again, and the Moon, Mercury, and Venus on one side and Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn of the other. Because in the "middle of the lamp stand one like a son of man,…girded across his breast with a golden girdle, and his head and hair were white like wool, …and his eyes were like a flame of fire. (Vs. 16) And in his right hand he held seven stars;… and his face was like the SUN shining in its strength." Here we have Jesus Christ being described as the sun again!
And the deeply occult messages of Revelation has many hidden references to planetary c
RE: Bible and Astrology
Dear Astra
Thank you for sharing, I was aware of some of these but I am more interested in what was taken out not for any particular reason was just wondering......especially as there is a whole section on Astrology in th Dead Sea Scrolls but it would take you and other astrologers to understand it.
Interesting that everything was in sevens and 12's and how cosmology may change with new discoveries of Chiron etc my astrologer friends tell me that the Astrological bodies cannot agree which is why this hasn't come in to the mainstream being the 13th sign of the zodiac we have also talked about the eight planetary bodies tieing in with the eight levels of the depths of consciousness. Where in the past everyone spoke in sevens. But i mislaid the whole discussion that I had on this with an astrology expert in Australia.
As I have mentioned before astrology is not my specialist subject just an interest and sometimes inspired to include in some articles when guided to do so.
blessings in abundance
kim xx
RE: Bible and Astrology
Wow, Astra Thankyou for that - This is all most interesting, i have never read the Bible, think i might buy one now. 🙂
RE: Bible and Astrology
Hi Sacredstar
Thank you for sharing, I was aware of some of these but I am more interested in what was taken out not for any particular reason was just wondering......
Maybe we'll never know the full extent of editing, but there seems to be enough astrological references there anyway for verification.
...especially as there is a whole section on Astrology in th Dead Sea Scrolls but it would take you and other astrologers to understand it.
Yes, Gnosticism incorporated mystic Judaism (Kabbalah and it's offshoot astrology) in their practices
Interesting that everything was in sevens and 12's and how cosmology may change with new discoveries of Chiron etc my astrologer friends tell me that the Astrological bodies cannot agree which is why this hasn't come in to the mainstream being the 13th sign of the zodiac
In an old HP post of mine I mentioned that the "thirteenth sign" debate has been around for some time between astronomers and many Western astrologers.
And yes in the Sidereal system there are 13 signs clustered around the Ecliptic,
the 13th sign being the constellation of Ophiuchus (links more with the sign of Scorpio)
However Western astrology is based on a twelve-fold division of the Ecliptic, of exactly 30 degrees (goes back to Babylonian times) This number had a metaphysical basis to the ancients as depicted in the Mazzaroth scheme (mentioned above)
The division of the ecliptic into an equal 12 would have incorporated the constellations that appeared at that time. Ophiuchus may have only become visible comparatively recently (astronomer view needed here)
I made the point then that maybe astrologers need to revise their interpretation of Scorpio taking into account the Myth of Ophiuchus, The Serpent Holder.
we have also talked about the eight planetary bodies tieing in with the eight levels of the depths of consciousness. Where in the past everyone spoke in sevens. But i mislaid the whole discussion that I had on this with an astrology expert in Australia.
Keeping to the theme of the Mazzaroth/Zodiac of the ancients then the 7 personal planets (sun, moon, mercury, venus, mars, jupiter, saturn) were recognised and 7 again is another significant number in this system
I'm not aware of the significance of the '8'
RE: Bible and Astrology
Dear Astra
Worth checking out Plato's cosmology then I also discovered yesterday that Islam consider that there are eight archangels that surround the throne of GOD further confirmation for me.
To me the '8' represents the unity consciousness that we are now moving into total alignment and oneness with all that IS infinity universal consciousness. To me the 7 represents the learning and the 8 the culmination of what has been learnt to date.
Learned and respected author friends have known of the 8 major chakra system for years but none seem to be prepared to go for it and step out from the accepted worldview in their books. Although there are some authors that i am sure you are aware that have written about many more then 8 majors coming into being. Spirit have only advised me of 12 but eight being connected to the depths of consciousness at this point in our evolution.
Dear All
For those that might read this and not be aware of the chakra energy system it is written that there are are anything from between 360 - 550 chakras when one includes all the minors.
blessings in abundance
Kim xx
RE: Bible and Astrology
Hi Kim
Back to what you say here: astrologer friends tell me that the Astrological bodies cannot agree which is why this hasn't come in to the mainstream being the 13th sign of the zodiac we have also talked about the eight planetary bodies tieing in with the eight levels of the depths of consciousness. Where in the past everyone spoke in sevens. But i mislaid the whole discussion that I had on this with an astrology expert in Australia.
and found this while researching for something else
The Thirteenth Tribe is the emerging global tribe, who celebrate diversity yet are unified by the awakening Collective Conscioussness, Na'aton. The Thirteenth Tribe is woven together from the twelve. Arachne, the spider-Goddess, is the Thirteenth sign of the lunar zodiac. Arachne is the eight-limbed one, Lolotehe, Kali -Creator and Devourer, Goddess of Time and cycles.
and wonder if this is what your friends were referring to...the merging of the twelve signs into one,the thirteenth ?
The Arachne eight limbed one maybe the eight numerology reference?
I've not looked into the lunar 13 sign model, so I can't comment too much on that (I do know that the moon calenders were/are important in Judaism)
Strangely James Vogh published a hoax book in the seventies called Arachne Rising: The Search for the Thirteenth Sign of the Zodiac, but that was based on the sun/sidereal system
Worth checking out Plato's cosmology then I also discovered yesterday that Islam consider that there are eight archangels that surround the throne of GOD further confirmation for me.
To me the '8' represents the unity consciousness that we are now moving into total alignment and oneness with all that IS infinity universal consciousness. To me the 7 represents the learning and the 8 the culmination of what has been learnt to date.
Well in most esoteric traditions all the sevens, eg the personal planetary bodies, the music scale, the light spectrum etc operate within the Law of the Octave.
On completion or merging with the seventh then a new higher octave of repeating sevens emerges.
So Eight is the key transition point into the next world/schema of Seven
RE: Bible and Astrology
Dear Astra
Good morning
Yes all very interesting thank you for sharing.
Well astrology friends here and abroad talk of Chiron 'the wounded healer' being the 13th sign fitting between Sag and Capricorn.
Next world - well as I understand it from spirit we are moving into a new plane of existence, as we move through the eye of the needle across the threshold co-creating the new kingdom of love. Many of us are moving into this new plane now and many more will by 2012.
This new plane of existence has also been confirmed to me by the Mayan Mystery School.
Plato talks of 8 he talks of eight that includes the stars as one.
being love
Kim xx
RE: Bible and Astrology
Hi Kim
Just to clarify the Chiron position.....
Some classify Chiron as a comet, asteroid or planetoid, which was discovered in 1977.
It tends to orbit between the planets Saturn and its not a constellation and therefore would not be attributed to the 'thirteenth sign'.
As far as I'm aware the "thirteenth sign" debate in the Western astrology is attributed to the constellation of Ophiuchus (mentioned above) that lies between the constellations of Scorpio and Sagittarius, but more linked into Scorpio
I think it was astrologers who actually named Chiron after one of the centaurs in Greek myth...the wounded healer who was half man half beast.
Astrologers consider Chiron as part of the planetary picture more and more nowadays and do include it along with other centaur type asteroids in their interpretations, but Chiron is the main one.
Some say that Chiron is the true ruler of Virgo, which shares its current ruler Mercury with Gemini.
The seven "personal" planets of the ancients will always have a metaphysical role in the evolution of mankind (mainly because of where they are placed within the solar system and their effect they have on the etheric body) despite the many recent discoveries of Trans Personal planets of Uranus Neptune and Pluto and many of the minor planets and asteroids that have since been discovered.
However these later "discoveries" are significant and do describe the next stages of evolutionary consciousness.
P.S. The current planetary placement of Chiron is 26 degrees of Capricorn, if that helps
RE: Bible and Astrology
Dear Astra
Yes I was aware
Chiron well I guess the debate will continue in astrological circles for some time to come.
'However these later "discoveries" are significant and do describe the next stages of evolutionary consciousness'
This is the most interesting aspect bearing in mind the cosmos is not static but constantly evolving and revealing new aspects that the ancients were not necessarily aware of and as such I feel it is important for everyone to keep an open mind on what is about to be revealed to us next.
blessings in abundance
kim xx