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A spiritual view of Genesis

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Patsy (Songstress), asked me some questions about Genesis on another forum and it made me realise how difficult it is to read the Bible when we try reading it literally or historically, rather than spiritually.

Back in 2002 I wrote a HUGE forum about Genesis – it took over three weeks of daily writing and covered 3 HP pages (over 100 A4 pages !!). Now, I don’t intend to inflict that on anyone again (I was so impressed with all those, like Paul and Gillyann who stayed with me all the way through originally!) but felt a potted version might be helpful. I have severely edited this and left many "Days" out, but hope you will still get the general gist!

In Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, Mary Baker Eddy devotes a whole chapter to Genesis, taking every verse in Chapter 1 and then most up to the Cain and Abel story in Genesis 4.

If you would like to, you can read the whole chapter from on

Before we begin, I will put any quotes from Genesis 1 in purple, the Adam and Eve allegory in red and the writings of Mary Baker Eddy in blue.
Day 1
At the beginning of the Bible is a little chapter that has been largely overlooked and ignored. It only has 31 verses and it is so easy to read it, take the words literally and then dismiss it. I am talking about Genesis 1 – you remember, where God made the world in seven days?

Most people assume that the Bible starts with the allegory of Adam and Eve. It doesn’t. The first chapter (and first three verses of the second) was written by a different author from the rest of the book of Genesis. Whoever compiled it all those thousands of years ago decided to leave the two accounts of creation in there, side by side. The second one is completely opposite and contradicts the first. The first one has much spiritual truth and power. The second is a dream. From my personal observation, I would say that Chapter 1 is divine revelation while chapter 2 is human opinion. The first one holds the secret of what God is, what life is, what man is and our relation to HimHer and from this understanding comes immense power that can be expressed through metaphysical healing. It’s worth giving it all a deeper study!

The Bible is on three levels – the moral, the historical and the spiritual. There is the inspired Word – divine revelation, there is also human opinion and there’s also human opinion writing down what they think God’s word is – we have to decide for ourselves what is true and what is not, according to how we have come to understand the Light.

Reading the Bible literally does not work, as it is full of contradictions, so how do you know what is true and what isn’t? We need to remember that it was written by a variety of men of differing levels of spiritual understanding and inspiration. There are also mistakes and mistranslations and where an inspired teacher was dictating, perhaps his not-so-inspired scribe wrote it down wrong! Many people would find what I am saying blasphemous, but that’s just how I understand it.

I decide for myself what is true by what works for me – if I get healing and protection, guidance and supply, peace and joy from a story or a verse, then I consider it to be true because I have PROVED it in my experience. I don’t accept anything just because someone says it’s in the Bible (or Koran or whatever) therefore it must be true. It’s all too easy for religious leaders to threaten with eternal damnation or promise eternal heaven, (or 72 virgins to greet you etc) when they’re not going to be around when you find out for yourself!! What a con!!

The Scriptures are very sacred. Our aim must be to have them understood spiritually, for only by this understanding can truth be gained……

It is this spiritual perception of Scripture,

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RE: A spiritual view of Genesis for Songstress

Genesis 3:
22: And the Lord God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever:

23: Therefore the Lord God sent him forth from the garden of Eden, to till the ground from whence he was taken.

24: So he drove out the man; and he placed at the east of the garden of Eden Cherubims, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to keep the way of the tree of life.

Well folks, here we are back in the Garden of Eden (but not for much longer!) These three verses are actually the end of the chapter – there is much, much more in the book, but I was really wanting to discuss the real man made in God’s image and likeness and its counterfeit – the Adam dream, so I won’t go past these three verses. However, there’s much more to be discussed concerning them – the last verse links up with Revelation. (I’ll be touching on that next week)

Today, let’s just take the first two and a bit of the third verses above:

22: And the Lord God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever:

23: Therefore the Lord God sent him forth from the garden of Eden, to till the ground from whence he was taken.

24: So he drove out the man;

OK, that was the counterfeit. Let’s remind ourselves of the counter fact:

Genesis 1:
27: So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.

28: And God blessed them………………

31: And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good.

Here are some of Mary Baker Eddy ‘s observations:

The "tree of life" stands for the idea of Truth, and the sword which guards it is the type of divine Science. The "tree of knowledge" stands for the erroneous doctrine that the knowledge of evil is as real, hence as God-bestowed, as the knowledge of good. Was evil instituted through God, Love? Did He create this fruit-bearer of sin in contradiction of the first creation? This second biblical account is a picture of error throughout. (Science & Health 526)

God is All-in-all; and you can never be outside of His oneness. (Unity of Good 24)

In Him we live, move, and have being. Man's origin and existence being in Him, man is the ultimatum of perfection, and by no means the medium of imperfection. Immortal man is the eternal idea of Truth, that cannot lapse into a mortal belief or error concerning himself and his origin: he cannot get out of the focal distance of infinity. (Miscellaneous Writings 79)

Isn’t that another legacy of this whole fallen man/curse mythology that has permeated the thinking of countless generations? Don’t people believe that they are OUTSIDE of good? Instead of understanding that we are ONE with God, good, therefore INCLUDE all good, we see ourselves as separate. We see ourselves as struggling (sometimes sinning), mortals trying desperately to reach perfection. Some people still believe that we are being punished for the sins of Adam and Eve and that suffering is the way god turns us to him.

As you know, I like to illustrate what I've been writing about with a healing or related article. Here was a man who once believed he was outside all good - his wife had already died from AIDS and he and his daughter were not expected to live much longer either. (His testimony is underneath the top article)

"Some people here in my country attribute the origin of AIDS to the punishment that God gave to sinners. How can God, Love, punish His innocent child? was the question I had always had before."
Munyaneza Tite
Kigali, Rwanda

All suffering is the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of both good and evil; of adherence to the "doubleminded" senses, to some belief, fear, theory, or bad deed

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RE: A spiritual view of Genesis for Songstress

Day 20

Here we are at the last verse (although not my last post – the penultimate probably – or again, maybe not!!)

Genesis 3:

24: So he drove out the man; and he placed at the east of the garden of Eden Cherubims, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to keep the way of the tree of life.

From Science & Health :

Truth should, and does, drive error out of all selfhood. Truth is a two-edged sword, guarding and guiding. Truth places the cherub wisdom at the gate of understanding to note the proper guests. Radiant with mercy and justice, the sword of Truth gleams afar and indicates the infinite distance between Truth and error, between the material and spiritual,--the unreal and the real. (S&H 538)

Well, Adam (falsity) was well and truly excluded from all good! Do you remember the other "casting-out" in The Apocalypse?

Revelation 12: 9.
And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.

And here are some interesting comments by Mary Baker Eddy on that chapter:

Genesis and the Apocalypse seem more obscure than other portions of the Scripture, because they cannot possibly be interpreted from a material standpoint. (S&H 546)

The twelfth chapter of the Apocalypse typifies the divine method of warfare in Science, and the glorious results of this warfare. The following chapters depict the fatal effects of trying to meet error with error. The narrative follows the order used in Genesis. In Genesis, first the true method of creation is set forth and then the false. Here, also, the Revelator first exhibits the true warfare and then the false. (S&H 568)

I have spoken earlier of how the Bible begins and ends with absolute perfection – God and man, inseparable and with no presence of evil – just the omnipotence and everpresence of good. Genesis 1 is mirrored by Revelation 21 and 22 and also by the prophecy of Isaiah 11: 1-9. ("The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb,.......")

Now compare these two:

Genesis 3:

24: So he drove out the man; and he placed at the east of the garden of Eden Cherubims, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to keep the way of the tree of life.

And this from the vision of St John in Revelation 22:

And he shewed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb. In the midst of the street of it, and on either side of the river, was there the tree of life, which bare twelve manner of fruits, and yielded her fruit every month: and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations. And there shall be no more curse:

I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last. Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city.

The admission to one's self that man is God's own likeness sets man free to master the infinite idea. This conviction shuts the door on death, and opens it wide towards immortality. The understanding and recognition of Spirit must finally come, and we may as well improve our time in solving the mysteries of being through an apprehension of divine Principle. At present we know not what man is, but we certainly shall know this when man reflects God.
The Revelator tells us of "a new heaven and a new earth." Have you ever pictured this heaven and earth, inhabited by beings under the control of supreme wisdom?
Let us rid ourselves of the belief that man is separated from God, and obey only the divine Principle, Life and Love. Here is the great point of departure for all true spiritual growth. S&H 90/91

There is a wonderful page (573) in the chapter The Apocalypse which is in the Key to the Scriptures part of Science & He

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RE: A spiritual view of Genesis for Songstress

Hi Judy: Haven't finished this thread yet, but wanted to post this before I lost the "thread" by reading the rest! I haven't been around HP for awhile but obviously I needed to read your posts! You know me, plodding on trying to understand.... your post after that bit about God creating Male AND female made me understand that in a way I hadn't before, so thanks! Also, I've been struggling with "trust" lately (and making progress I might add) so reading "It is better to trust in the Lord then put confidence in Man" was just the reminder I needed. big hug and thanks...I'll read the rest now......love, beej

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RE: A spiritual view of Genesis for Songstress

Hi Judy: Just finished! (after taking a break for lunch!) This is truly a fascinating thread and given me a new take on things. Having received a conventional religious upbringing! It helps to reconcile what has always "jarred"! And, yet having always believed in God not wanting to discredit the whole thing! it was quite confusing! Thanks to everyone else who has contributed to this thread with their posts - really informative. I made some notes along the way to remind myself of some comments I wanted to make - but now I can't remember! I must give up the belief of senility and memory loss! 😉 Whatever it was that I read reminded me of "living in the Now" which is something that I hear quite often - but not able to get my head around. What's your take on "living in the Now"? Do you feel with what you believe it has any relevence? The topic of "evil to know good, up to know down" etc. I feel more comfortable with the view that God hasn't made evil - so it has no reality. Still have to work on that though....

Here's an "oh, by the way": My biggest beef with modern childbirth is how it was taken over by men and the established medical industry - huge revenues have been generated - leaving women the losers. Childbirth is natural and such a spiritual event. I know it is better now (don't forget I'm not of this generation) but it still happens - woman being forced into unnatural positions to give birth - being given drugs - sorry, off topic, but the "curse" of Eve reminded me - that the male dominated industry has just added to it and kept it going! (no I'm not anti-male although it doesn't sound like it! :D)

Anyway, I've really enjoyed this thread, thanks. love, beej

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RE: A spiritual view of Genesis for Songstress

To Judy and others

Just to re-state my view, words like *sin* *evil* *punishment*, in the biblical/Genesis sense, have been vastly mistranslated, misused and misunderstood and have been the cause of much hate and destruction.
All scriptures, that we have access today in mainstream society, have come a long way from original and ancient textual meanings, and the bible is no exception.

We have mistranslation by scholars, for many reasons, but mainly in the non understanding the rules of Hebrew grammar, in the first place, which corrupted subsequent translations into Greek then Latin
Then various texts were misused, disregarded or hidden away to satisfy power bases of the time.
So inevitably the true purpose of biblical scripture has been misunderstood with shocking consequences down through the generations.
Biblical teachings become inspirational only when there is spiritual sincerity, a dedication to Truth and Knowledge and when one can see past the failings of human input.

I am not a student of the Bible in the sense of in depth study and I can't readily choose other passages from the OT or NT to confirm and link up textual truths, but when I do find them then it is revelational (as they say). And I'm no scholar of Hebrew texts, merely a struggling student!

I mostly agree with CS's view of Genesis, which does indeed come from a spiritual angle, but I do wonder how much Eddy referred back to the original Hebrew.

Just to pick up on one of her passages you posted above:

The "tree of knowledge" stands for the erroneous doctrine that the knowledge of evil is as real, hence as God-bestowed, as the knowledge of good. Was evil instituted through God, Love? Did He create this fruit-bearer of sin in contradiction of the first creation? This second biblical account is a picture of error throughout. (S&H 526:13)

If you remember, I stated above that Genesis 1 describes Creation and Genesis 2 describes Formation, two different but connecting and validated activities of the creative process.
Before Creation (Genesis 1) there already existed the Divine Mind, which Itself emanated from the Trinity aspect of the Holy One
The Holy One (or God) is simply beyond existence, knowing neither good nor evil. It is said that the purpose of the creation and formation of Adam (Mankind), who is the reflection of the Divine Mind, is to experience all Existence in all its forms, in order for God to experience God, when the Holy Name becomes I AM That I AM.
This is the accepted view of the purpose of Mankind by Hebrew scholars who understand the inner teachings of the texts.

I, myself, can't find any reference to the Hebrew word *good* used in Genesis 1 in the context of "all creation was good", but I understand, from other sources, that *evil* did not form part of this creation that we are experiencing, for previous creations were not perfect and had to be "destroyed". So the Genesis 1 Creation, from this point of view, is *good*

Right way we are up against opposing forces in the translated word and remember the Holy One does not experience good nor evil

When Creation starts to unfold (Genesis 1) and moves through stages of Formation (Genesis 2) and Manifestation (Genesis 3 and beyond) it automaticlly brings about, on all levels, two opposing forces and one unifying force, called the "three forces" in many other traditions and science.

Examples of natural physical processes (e.g. a falling stone) where the force is one of the natural forces known to physics (e.g. gravity) and the form is some combination of physical laws which constrain the force to act in a well defined way ~Colin Low

The problem though is the emotional rection to how these forces are portrayed in the biblical sense.

The Tree of Life, as depicted in Genesis 2, describes the structure of Creation.
The left side, or Pillar, is that of Form or containment and

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RE: A spiritual view of Genesis for Songstress

Hi Astra: Thanks for your contribution. Very interesting and something I've not been exposed to before. Your last "as an aside....etc" sounds too intriguing to be an "aside" any chance of expounding further on that? love, beej

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RE: A spiritual view of Genesis for Songstress

Another thoughtful and brilliant post by Astra, who gives an alternative view and possibilities, which is what life is all about.

I look forward to your posts Astra, even if I don't have time at the moment to comment much. They are balanced and I respect that.



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RE: A spiritual view of Genesis for Songstress

Thanks for your appreciative comments Gillyann and beej:)
Beej...I'll try to expand the IHShVH concept further, maybe on a new thread.

much love

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RE: A spiritual view of Genesis for Songstress

Dear beej,

Great to see you back on HP! I’ve missed you and I’m sure others have too.

Whatever it was that I read reminded me of "living in the Now" which is something that I hear quite often - but not able to get my head around. What's your take on "living in the Now"? Do you feel with what you believe it has any relevence?

How about:

..behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.
IICor 6

And when he was demanded of the Pharisees, when the kingdom of God should come, he answered them and said, The kingdom of God cometh not with observation: Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you. Luke 17

…the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him. God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth. John 4

Jesus required neither cycles of time nor thought in order to mature fitness for perfection and its possibilities. He said that the kingdom of heaven is here, and is included in Mind; that while ye say, There are yet four months, and then cometh the harvest, I say, Look up, not down, for your fields are already white for the harvest; and gather the harvest by mental, not material processes. (Unity of Good 7)

We own no past, no future, we possess only now. Mary Baker Eddy

Living in the NOW is the only time we can live beej! I love to think of myself as the outcome, the activity of God, the one I AM. God is the I and man is the AM. AM is in the present tense. Mind is thinking its ideas new and fresh every moment – we are all individual ideas of Mind, being made new every moment! I love to think of that.

And Beej, right NOW, you are the perfect, beloved, whole and complete daughter of the King!

Look forward to more of your posts,



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RE: A spiritual view of Genesis for Songstress

Hi again Astra - you've been as busy as me here!

Just to re-state my view, words like *sin* *evil* *punishment*, in the biblical/Genesis sense, have been vastly mistranslated, misused and misunderstood and have been the cause of much hate and destruction.

I totally agree with you – which is why I’ve spent hours writing and editing this thread! My purpose is to help lift off the imposition of the "fall" and the "curse" that has been believed for thousands of years and still is influencing men and women today. But, I’ve got to talk them up in order to talk them down, also I will go on mentioning the words "sin" and "evil" as orthodoxy believes that this is where they entered the world.

All scriptures, that we have access today in mainstream society, have come a long way from original and ancient textual meanings, and the bible is no exception.

Yes, I agree, but, as Mary Baker Eddy writes:

The decisions by vote of Church Councils as to what should and should not be considered Holy Writ; the manifest mistakes in the ancient versions; the thirty thousand different readings in the Old Testament, and the three hundred thousand in the New, --these facts show how a mortal and material sense stole into the divine record, with its own hue darkening to some extent the inspired pages. But mistakes could neither wholly obscure the divine Science of the Scriptures seen from Genesis to Revelation, mar the demonstration of Jesus, nor annul the healing by the prophets, who foresaw that "the stone which the builders rejected" would become "the head of the corner." (Science & Health 139)

Biblical teachings become inspirational only when there is spiritual sincerity, a dedication to Truth and Knowledge and when one can see past the failings of human input.

Yes I agree. As I keep saying, I only take the INSPIRED word of the Scriptures for my study and guidance. I know something is inspired when it has led to healing, to protection, to the "peace of God which passeth all understanding."

I am not a student of the Bible in the sense of in depth study and I can't readily choose other passages from the OT or NT to confirm and link up textual truths, but when I do find them then it is revelational (as they say). And I'm no scholar of Hebrew texts, merely a struggling student!

I’m no student of the Bible either and certainly know absolutely nothing about Hebrew, so am very grateful Astra for your insights you are sharing here. What I am, is a struggling student of the INSPIRED Word of the Bible and of the book which unlocks the healing power of the Scriptures, Science & Health with Key to the Scriptures.

I do wonder how much Eddy referred back to the original Hebrew.

I really can’t say Astra. This is what was important to her:

The Scriptures are very sacred. Our aim must be to have them understood spiritually, for only by this understanding can truth be gained. The true theory of the universe, including man, is not in material history but in spiritual development. Inspired thought relinquishes a material, sensual, and mortal theory of the universe, and adopts the spiritual and immortal.
It is this spiritual perception of Scripture, which lifts humanity out of disease and death and inspires faith. (S&H 547)

If you remember, I stated above that Genesis 1 describes Creation and Genesis 2 describes Formation, two different but connecting and validated activities of the creative process.
Before Creation (Genesis 1) there already existed the Divine Mind, which Itself emanated from the Trinity aspect of the Holy One
The Holy One (or God) is simply beyond existence, knowing neither good nor evil. It is said that the purpose of the creation and formation of Adam (Mankind), who is the reflection of the Divine Mind, is to experience all Existence in all its forms, in order for God to experience God, when the Holy Name becomes I AM That I AM.

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RE: A spiritual view of Genesis for Songstress

Thanks, Judy, again just what I needed to hear . love, beej

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RE: A spiritual view of Genesis for Songstress

Hello everyone,

If any of you are interested in digging deeper into this subject, I recommend reading this:

Has man fallen from a state of perfection?
Mary Baker Eddy
From Miscellaneous Writings 1883-1896

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RE: A spiritual view of Genesis for Songstress


(Or, DOES God give us free will?)

Hello again,

A few days back, Rosi posted about free will and I asked her to wait till I’d finished this thread. It's not quite finished, but I felt I should say a word here.

I know this post will probably upset and annoy some more people, but I am not forcing anyone to agree with it, but just to put across the Christian Science perspective.

The "New Age" view (for want of a better umbrella term) as I have tried to understand it, seems to be that god has given us free will to experience everything in life, (including good or bad). Of course, some also say that there is no good and no bad, no such thing as sin or evil and that the 10 Commandments that Moses was given are outdated and discredited etc. (In case anyone wonders, I don’t think they are, but that’s another subject for another day!)

This is from Rosi’s post:

The Adam and Eve story represents duality as we know it. This story is not about sinning, or temptation. It is about God granting our request to have the experiences of hot and cold, up and down, it is about experiencing it all, and we can only do that on the Earth plane. WE chose to experience this Earth plane, where choices could be made. Adam and Eve represent the FREE CHOICE that God granted us.

and Astra seemed to be saying something similar with this:

It is said that the purpose of the creation and formation of Adam (Mankind), who is the reflection of the Divine Mind, is to experience all Existence in all its forms, in order for God to experience God, when the Holy Name becomes I AM That I AM.

And on another thread, Venetian posted this to me:

… within this realm of time and space, one has the laws of karma and reincarnation, which account for the suffering by humanity self-imposed by the misuse of free will: free will being the whole point, it being God's "gift" to us as a means by which to decide for ourselves and to learn - including by our mistakes or the potential to make such. More accurately, this free will is not a bestowed "gift", but is in the nature of who and what we are innately, for we are part of God, as experienced as a truth by all mystics.

So Venetian, the nature of God includes the potential to make mistakes? To me, that is the god of the Adam dream. Karma sounds like the Adam and Eve curse too.

With great similarity, the orthodox Christian explanation of the contradiction of a good creator making a sinning person in the Adam and Eve allegory, is that God has given us free will to choose for ourselves whether we want to obey him or not. In other words, if we’re to blame for our own sins, then God can’t be held responsible and the concept of a good God is left intact.

Throughout the Bible, people are disobedient to God (blamed on their human nature), they sin and sin, ignore God and turn away from Him, then all sorts of terrible catastrophes happen to them and of course, many then complain "Where was God when this happened?" "Why doesn’t He intervene to stop this suffering?" History repeats itself.

However, doesn’t this also raise as many questions as it might try to answer? Why on earth would a good creator want to create a vulnerable person in the first place and surely, if that vulnerable person (who to me is reflecting an equally weak god), then suffers as a result, surely the creator has some responsibility in all this? There is also the belief that suffering is god’s gracious means for making us return to him and then, through repentance we will find the way.

I just want to say that the Christian Science view of this last sentence is that in the human realm, sin is its own punishment. That, when we do things that don’t work (like going through a red traffic light for example) the suffering that can come as a result is what stops that behaviour in the future (at least in anyone with a hint of a conscience). It’s not God, divine Love who punishes, but sin punishes itself in order to destroy it

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RE: A spiritual view of Genesis for Songstress

Hi Judy
Just to finalise my view with yours on Genesis, before the thread goes in another direction (and, you guessed it, I have views on Free Will as well ;)).

My approach to defining Genesis (mainly chapters 1 and 2), as presented in our English translation, was to go back to the source...(as much as I was able to do anyway)...which seemingly is a different approach to that of Mary Baker Eddy.

I think it is recognised that there are problems with biblical translations; also the first the two chapters of Genesis, presented as a cosmology, does seem incongruous.
So when Eddy states

"But mistakes could neither wholly obscure the divine Science of the Scriptures seen from Genesis to Revelation, mar the demonstration of Jesus, nor annul the healing by the prophets",

then in some ways it wouldn't matter how many "errors" there are, as the inspired word will come through, as you've said many times Judy.

And I do agree that this happens and perhaps it's not important to understand how Creation came about as Eddy explains here:

"Our aim must be to have them understood spiritually, for only by this understanding can truth be gained. The true theory of the universe, including man, is not in material history but in spiritual development. Inspired thought relinquishes a material, sensual, and mortal theory of the universe, and adopts the spiritual and immortal. It is this spiritual perception of Scripture, which lifts humanity out of disease and death and inspires faith. (S&H 547)"

but the fact is that the Creation account is presented and described in Genesis, which is the subject of this thread, and I believe it can be understood both intellectually and spiritually, without detriment to the latter.

So I'd like to expand more on the original texts and the reason why their age and authorship isn't vital to the actual cosmology. Just as the authorship and age of the Canonical Gospels isn't vital to the main reason why they're placed in the NT:
To proclaim the new dispensation to the Kingdom of heaven.
The sacred texts that formed most of the OT were pieced together from various sources and were written down for the first time around 600 B.C.E. Apparently these scribes were held captive in Babylon, where they also had access to early Sumerian creation texts, approximately 1000 years older than the Hebraic texts. The sacred writings they were exposed to would have been of various ages so I'm not sure how the exact number of years between the two books of Genesis has been calculated, but, for sure, they would have been written originally by more than one author.

To present their cosmology the Priests and Rabbis transcribed the texts into cipher. Subsequent scholars who decoded these inner teachings recognised that the first two chapters of Creation were connected, in the way I discussed earlier.
Exoterically, the author of the Pentateuch was attributed to Moses, however it would have been inconsequential as to who the real authors of the original texts were or to the ages of them as it was the presentation of the cosmology that was important, for both the inner and outer teachings of the creation mystery.

For me, understanding the cosmology is important, as I said above, and Judy when you say:

There are no opposing forces in the spiritual account of creation in Genesis 1 - all is harmony, perfection, dominion, completeness. All is GOOD.

then I have to disagree. Creation, in Genesis 1, describes the division of the Light and Dark.
Inner teachings describe Light and Dark as the first principle of Force and Form, the blue print for the Genesis 2 Tree of Life, whose sides represent (biblically) good and evil.

Teachings describe Creation separating out from the Divine Mind ( i.e. before Genesis 1) where the Holy One in Unity of I AM is. And the Divine Mind, contains no opposing forces, not even "good" because that implies an opposin

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RE: A spiritual view of Genesis for Songstress

There are no opposing forces in the spiritual account of creation in Genesis 1 - all is harmony, perfection, dominion, completeness. All is GOOD.

then I have to disagree. Creation, in Genesis 1, describes the division of the Light and Dark.
Inner teachings describe Light and Dark as the first principle of Force and Form, the blue print for the Genesis 2 Tree of Life, whose sides represent (biblically) good and evil.

Teachings describe Creation separating out from the Divine Mind ( i.e. before Genesis 1) where the Holy One in Unity of I AM is. And the Divine Mind, contains no opposing forces, not even "good" because that implies an opposing force of "not good".

Absolutely feel impelled to come in here, late as it is, and agree yet, again, with you Astra. Certainly, what Genesis is trying to tell us is that there is positive, and negative, light and dark goodness and evil and we must accept these. I do not believe all is GOOD, and never have done.

SCIENCE which tells us, without going too deeply at this time, there is indeed positive and negative, in all matter, i.e. all things. It makes much sense in so many ways, and is essential to all life forms, and to creation of such.

I can find links if you are interested.

GOD, as the great scientist, would have known that without the two opposing forces, SCIENTIFICALLY, life could not exist.

I find, with all respect to Judy, that MBE's statements often reveal a personality who wished everything in the garden to be rosy all the time. Denying evil is OK if you are saying 'I refuse to kill, main, hurt, destroy' etc., but rather foolish if you say it does not exist. Therefore you can deny yourself to be DOING evil, but, must NOT deny evil is as evident as goodness, or 'Godness'.

Look around at the world and you will see what I mean. The good always overcomes, but, evil does exist.

To deny this, in a way is to deny God. OMHO. And I might also ask, why is evil here, anyway? Some may say 'so we can fight it' and that makes sense.
But to continually say God is perfection, dominion and completness is only half the story. Of course He is, but there are other aspects, and to return the the old Garden of Eden scenario, why allow evil in there?

If God is so pleased with His creation,, why allow them to endure thousands, (but in fact millions) of years wandering in the wilderness, fallen from Grace? Unless it is for our benefit at some point in the future which we cannot yet forsee?

We have to stop seeing things in such simplistic terms, and dig deeper. If we don't credit ourselves with the intelligence to do this, we are blinding ourselves to so many other possibilites. We are given these wonderful, powerful brains to use, and to thrust through what we are TOLD to believe, to what we DO believe.

Is this what God wants? I think so. Keep questioning, keep moving forward, don't accept any human beings word for what He really is. Recognise evil and learn to overcome it. Get, in this way, eventually, back to the metaphorical Garden of Eden.

Love and Light


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RE: A spiritual view of Genesis for Songstress

Dear Astra,

So Judy, I think we agree that there is indeed harmony, perfection, dominion and completeness but for me it is not within Creation but within the Divine Mind, before Creation took place.

Wonderful! The creation described in Genesis 1 that Eddy describes in her exegesis is a SPIRITUAL creation – not a material. I think that’s where I haven’t made myself clear and where the misunderstandings arise.

This Mind forms ideas, its own images, subdivides and radiates their borrowed light, intelligence, and so explains the Scripture phrase, "whose seed is in itself." Thus God's ideas "multiply and replenish the earth." The divine Mind supports the sublimity, magnitude, and infinitude of spiritual creation. (Science & Health 511)

Rather than me posting huge quotes, this whole page describes Mary Baker Eddy’s discovery of the all-ness of Mind.

and it continues on the next page:

Christian Science reveals incontrovertibly that Mind is All-in-all, that the only realities are the divine Mind and idea. This great fact is not, however, seen to be supported by sensible evidence, until its divine Principle is demonstrated by healing the sick and thus proved absolute and divine. This proof once seen, no other conclusion can be reached.
(S&H 109)

But, say you, is a stone spiritual?
To erring material sense, No! but to unerring spiritual sense, it is a small manifestation of Mind, a type of spiritual substance, "the substance of things hoped for." Mortals can know a stone as substance, only by first admitting that it is substantial. Take away the mortal sense of substance, and the stone itself would disappear, only to reappear in the spiritual sense thereof. Matter can neither see, hear, feel, taste, nor smell; having no sensation of its own. Perception by the five personal senses is mental, and dependent on the beliefs that mortals entertain. (Miscellaneous Writings 27)

"Matter can neither see, hear, feel, taste, nor smell; having no sensation of its own." That might seem outrageous, but a corpse can "neither see, hear, feel, taste, nor smell", yet it is as material as the live body – made of the same matter. The difference is that the sense of consciousness, mind, is not present. Again, we could believe that we are, say, allergic to tomatoes. A refrigerator is just as material as the human body, but it doesn’t suffer when you put tomatoes inside it! When you have experienced healing through giving up your material beliefs and letting "that Mind which was in Christ Jesus be in us" the connection between our thoughts and beliefs and what we experience humanly does start to become clear.

Science and Health was written on two levels – the spiritual, describing absolute reality – the spiritual ideas behind everything that appears material and the relative – describing things from this human perspective.
This sometimes makes it seem contradictory, but if we remember to ask ourselves – where is this statement coming from – the perspective of the divine Mind, or the human mind, it will be clear.

Yes, of course darkness is mentioned in Genesis 1, but God didn’t make it! What is darkness? It actually isn’t anything, but simply the ABSENCE of light.

Genesis 1:3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.

Light is a symbol of Mind, of Life, Truth, and Love, and not a vitalizing property of matter. Science reveals only one Mind, and this one shining by its own light and governing the universe, including man, in perfect harmony. (S&H 108)

This little story that June (Talisman) posted a few months ago describes perfectly what I’m trying to say here:

Did God Create evil? (all things were created by Him & without Him was not anything made that was made?) This will make you think for a while.

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RE: A spiritual view of Genesis for Songstress

Dear, dear Gillyann,

You have Science & Health – why don’t you read pages 95 & 96, then the chapter titled ‘Animal Magnetism Unmasked’ and the chapter ‘The Apocalypse’ You would then be in no doubt that Mary Baker Eddy WAS NOT "a personality who wished everything in the garden to be rosy all the time". Nothing could be farther from the truth!

For instance:

It is not alone the mission of Christian Science to heal the sick, but to destroy sin in mortal thought. This work well done will elevate and purify the race. (Miscellaneous Writings 4)

The mild forms of animal magnetism are disappearing, and its aggressive features are coming to the front. The looms of crime, hidden in the dark recesses of mortal thought, are every hour weaving webs more complicated and subtle. So secret are the present methods of animal magnetism that they ensnare the age into indolence, and produce the very apathy on the subject which the criminal desires. (Science and Health 102)

I think I have been guilty of this on HP:

Many are willing to open the eyes of the people to the power of good resident in divine Mind, but they are not so willing to point out the evil in human thought, and expose evil's hidden mental ways of accomplishing iniquity. (Science & Health 570)

and to return the the old Garden of Eden scenario, why allow evil in there?

I’m beginning to wonder Gillyann, whether you’ve even bothered to read one word of what I’ve written about Genesis! I can’t believe that I’ve explained myself that badly! [sm=banghead.gif]

Perhaps you’d better read the chapter Genesis in Science & Health as well!

Dearie me. [sm=rollaugh.gif]

Love and peace,


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RE: A spiritual view of Genesis for Songstress

Hi Judy,

Chuckle 😉 You caught me out [&:]

No to be honest I havn't read this one all through, as I was very involved in the last one you did, and retained memories of that. I honestly didn't want to revisit Genesis, so I dipped in and out of this present thread.

Things just catch my eye from time to time. I love the way you and Astra communicate, for example. I no longer have S&H as I gave it away to a Quaker who is writing a treatise about different forms of Christianity. She is using it for research. Again being frank and honest, there are a few parts within S&H which I can relate to and many others which I cannot see the truth in any way.

However, I respect your opinions highly. And the amount of tiem and work you have put into this thread amazes me.

God Bless


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RE: A spiritual view of Genesis for Songstress

Hi Gillyann,

I'm very glad the Science and Health is being of some use! Much better than collecting dust.

With love,


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RE: A spiritual view of Genesis for Songstress

Hi again everyone,

I think it’s time to have a re-cap. Sorry to have posted so much today, but it's my only day off for weeks!

In Genesis 1, the first element of the spiritual creation (or the unfolding of ideas) was light – light which existed without the sun.

The continuance of this spiritual, pure and harmonious creation corresponds to the prophecy of Isaiah 11:

"The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together; and a little child shall lead them. …….They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain: for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea."

Man, who is both male AND female was made in the image and likeness of God, was given dominion over all the earth (over material beliefs) Man was blessed and God "saw everything that he had made and behold it was very good." There was no matter, no evil, no sin, no guilt, no lack, no toil, no disease, no pain, no sorrow and no death – just life, purity and innocence, harmony, truth and light.

Always remember that evil, disease and death do not come from God, do not belong to man, but are part of the Adam-dream, the deep, hynotic delusion that has settled on our global thought (a bit like the film The Matrix) and made us accept mortal limitation, mortal suffering as part of life.

The first chapters of Genesis also correspond with the spiritually true and false accounts contradicting each other in the Revelation of St. John on the Isle of Patmos. Genesis 1 particularly is echoed in Rev. 21:

And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea…….And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God. And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.

Isn’t it wonderful that the Bible begins and ends (and has accounts running all through it) with the omnipotence of GOOD?

The former things (the belief of life and intelligence in matter and man separate from God) are passed away, because "the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world:" (Rev 12) The lie about God and His reflection man (the Adam dream) had been uncovered and destroyed.

Genesis 2&3 is written by a different author and it’s about an entirely different god, an entirely different creation. I see it as not divine revelation, but as man’s attempt to explain how evil came into the world. It introduces a deep hypnotic sleep, man made of matter, separate from God, lonely, so he had to have a mate made for him who was then deceived by lies and ended up being disobedient. This allegory has had huge influence on the thinking of the world, but this dream has no reality, it has no authority, it has no power!

In her book The Search for God Marchette Chute writes:

The first three chapters of the Book of Genesis do not tell of one creation of the world. They tell of two. In the first chapter and continuing into the second, God creates the world. Then, beginning with the fourth verse of the second chapter, another God creates a different kind of a world altogether.

This second creation is not an amplification or continuation of the first one. Everything has been "finished" (Gen. ii.1) in the first creation, including man, and the work has been pronounced "good." (Gen. i.31) Whereupon a new creator with a different title appears and makes man and the world all over again, by a different method and with different results.

These two creations stand side by side in the Book of Genesis, without connectiv

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RE: A spiritual view of Genesis for Songstress

Hi 'Principled',,
just a quick hello and a very quick thought after reading your posts for the first time. (having said this, my 'quick' posts/writings tend to ramble... as you'll be concluding by now 🙂

Evolution: there are many educated, scientific, respected, credible writings and writers which elequently reveal the lies in the commonly accepted truth of evolution i.e. it doesn't fly in the face of science to argue against evolutionary theory e.g. single cells to philosopher. see [link= http://www.answersingenesis.org ]Answers In Genesis[/link]

7 Days - God is bigger than any word we have to describe him but it'll have to suffice for me to say that He is Huge! I have no problem believing that He was capable of creating the world in 7 literal days. Again there are many theologians and historians that can explain the original hebrew words/meanings of day and days and concluding that it makes perfect sense to take them literally. Again see [link= http://www.answersingenesis.org ]Answers In Genesis[/link]

The 'argument' arises when we try to align the bible with mans capacity for understanding and science.

The Bible - the inspired word of God: If God has inspired just one word in the bible, then surely it was His will to do so? I personally accept that He certainly did inspire far more than just one word in the bible; Why might He decide not to ensure that all of the bible wasn't under His complete guidence? i.e. if He is capable of inspiring one word He is capable of inspiring all of it! It makes sense to me that a God who chose to reveal himself to us through the bible, then He would ensure that His mysteries were all contained therein and not any part of it left open for mans interpretations or thoughts and intentions.

So, for me, the bible is in its entirity the inspired word of God. There may be, and indeed is, many parts of it that go over my head but God will reveal the wisdom and truths as He see's fit and according to my personal choices and dedication to His Word and my following of Christ Jesus.

Contradictions in the bible - again there are many credable 'explanations' regarding the so called 'contradicitions' - see 'The Case for Faith' and 'The case for Christ' both by Lee Stobel; and 'The Jesus I never knew' by Philip Yancey; and 'Mere Christianity' by C.S.Lewis. Again, personally because I find it sensible to believe that all of the bible is divinely inspired, that there are no contradicitions, just limitations to our understanding, or even 'stumbling blocks' to our understanding

The message of the cross is foolishness to those who are persihing, to us who are being saved it is the power of God. For it is written:"I will destroy the wisdom of the wise; the intelligence of the intelligent I will frustrate". Where is the wise man? were is the scholar? were is the philisopher of this age? Has not God made foolish the wisdom of the world?... 1 Corinthians 1:18-20

I like the scripture you quoted principled, Psalm 118 v.8 (NKJV) "It is better to trust in the LORD than put confidence in Man" - if any of the bible is simply of 'man' then I wouldn't trust them parts! but like I say, surely either all of the bible is Gods word or none of it!

ISAIAH 6524 - very good 🙂

God Bless


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RE: A spiritual view of Genesis for Songstress

Hi Steve,

Well, you're a quick reader! I only posted my reply to you on Roger's forum at 13:07 and here you are, having read something that's taken days and days to write (not to mention links to several articles and book pages) and here you are, having read it all and written a reply by 13:29!!

Mary Baker Eddy writes in Science and Health:

DAY. The irradiance of Life; light, the spiritual idea
of Truth and Love.
"And the evening and the morning were the first day."
(Genesis i. 5.) The objects of time and sense disappear
in the illumination of spiritual understanding, and Mind
measures time according to the good that is unfolded.
This unfolding is God's day, and "there shall be no night

The numerals of infinity, called seven days, can
never be reckoned according to the calendar of time.
These days will appear as mortality disappears, and they
will reveal eternity, newness of Life, in which all sense of
error forever disappears and thought accepts the divine
infinite calculus.

God bless you too,


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RE: A spiritual view of Genesis for Songstress

ORIGINAL: Principled

Mary Baker Eddy writes in Science and Health:

DAY. The irradiance of Life; light, the spiritual idea
of Truth and Love.
"And the evening and the morning were the first day."
(Genesis i. 5.) The objects of time and sense disappear
in the illumination of spiritual understanding, and Mind
measures time according to the good that is unfolded.
This unfolding is God's day, and "there shall be no night

The numerals of infinity, called seven days, can
never be reckoned according to the calendar of time.
These days will appear as mortality disappears, and they
will reveal eternity, newness of Life, in which all sense of
error forever disappears and thought accepts the divine
infinite calculus.

God bless you too,


Hi Judy,

An interesting angle on 'God's day' may be to see if the Vedic version of 'God's Day' has any for you to ponder on...
Actually, having said that, my mind tells me that you already have...LOL

Roger x

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RE: A spiritual view of Genesis for Songstress

Hi Principled..

You wrote

Jesus’ life and works all pointed to the truth that God’s will for us is to be perfect, just as He IS! And the truth that makes us free is the spiritual universal truth that we are God's own likeness, therefore we are incapable of making wrong choices, incapable of even being tempted to do anything that is unlike God, good!

Also you quote Jesus quite often (which is always a good thing in my book)[sm=1kis.gif]

But Jesus also said "This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but men loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil. Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that his deeds will be exposed. But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what he has done has been done through God." - John 3:19-21

I can't see how the bible supports the concept that man is incapable of making wrong choices... Jesus' whole purpose for being on earth was to pay the penalty for our sins.

Quite possibly I've misunderstood your comments (I'm a simple bloke who loves Christ and trusts and relies on Him) But, my 'simpleness' aside, I believe the bible should be held up as the infallable word of God and that the truth of Jesus' ministry should not be hidden or confused by 'mans' philisophies, or watered down so as to blend into what ever 'man' finds easier to accept or understand. So many so called 'christian' organisations/sects/etc or related philosophies produce versions of 'christianity' which I'm sure Christ himself wouldn't recognise! His message at the end of the day was quite plain and simple - it shouldn't need embelleshing. In Christ words "I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven" - Matt 18:3-4.

Paul wrote in his letter to the church at Colosse "See to it that no-one takes captive through hollow and deceptive philosphy, which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of this world rather than on Christ" - Coloss 2:8

Paul wrote this letter to a people and at a time when the 1st century church has become influenced by many differing 'religions', beliefs and philosophies - he was writing to them to say "Christ is enough", he is God, the fulness of God, the One who made the world, the reason everything exists. All the mystery and treasure and wisdom you could ask for are found in the person of Jesus Christ; there is no need to look elsewhere. If there had been computers around then, the forums would no doubt have contained the many varied types of outlooks on life etc that we see now. And, Paul would have written the same letter!

The only purpose of this reply is to follow-up on the one comment you made Principled regarding man not being able to make wrong choices. As a Christian and believer and follower of Christ and one who prays for Gods wisdom through His Word and through His Spirit, this statement, on the face of it doesn't seem in line with Gods word?

If in the process these threads sow some seeds in terms of leading people into the true light, then that would be awsome.
I've enjoyed reading both yours and Rogers postings, you are both obviously very thoughtful and considerate loving people. I'm back at work next week and no doubt won't get the chance tp spend so much time in this forum. But I will dip in now and again to say hello. Many thanks for your love and intentions and time given to sharing your thoughts etc.

May God Bless you all


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RE: A spiritual view of Genesis for Songstress

This thread is definitely making me think! (ouch) It makes sense to me that God would not create "evil". However, if he let Man loose upon the earth with free will - then "evil" is a man-made thing made of our free will. As Judy knows, I have wondered why man would be put upon a world made of matter and material things (including our bodies) if we were not to acknowlege and enjoy that materiality. However, I also can accept what I think is the idea behind CS that we are spiritual in reality - therefore aligned with God and capable of much more than we know. I have had "success" in using the principles of CS. Getting rid of a bad sinus condition, and various other "aches and pains". I have read Jesus's teachings and believe him when he says we can do what he has done. Although, we would need to "work" at it a bit - in just believing it to be true! I think we have listened too long to "people" telling us how imperfect we are (so "they" can fix us, either with organized religion, medicine, or government).

Now, I will confess my ignorance in that I didn't realize there were two Genesis stories side by side. This has fascinated me and I have been reading the posts with bated breath! I will re-read thru all of this again it is such a learning opportunity - thanks everyone for your energy in posting (I envy your stamina and ability to put your thoughts so coherently (sp?)) love, beej

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RE: A spiritual view of Genesis for Songstress

Hi Beej
I like your thought process and purity in your question/comments (that sounds deep dont it

I have wondered why man would be put upon a world made of matter and material things (including our bodies) if we were not to acknowlege and enjoy that materiality.

I don't see a problem with enjoying our bodies and material things - but there's a difference between enjoying them to being a slave to them:eek:
It depends on what we consider precious in our lifes I guess.

I have had "success" in using the principles of CS

For me, a key factor is 'what is the truth' - within this forum there are may varied beliefs and practices, some differing quite significantly, some more subtle in their differences; but there can only be one truth cant there? The fact that we may receive healing, comfort, peace etc from any one of these differing 'beliefs' isn't in itself an indicator to whether it is true or a lie. For instance, I might have been adopted as a child and my adopted parents may have elected never to tell me - I would have grown up believing they were my parents and felt absolutely fine and been amazingly happy; but it wouldn't have been the truth! (please don't take this onto discussing the rights and wrongs of bringing up adopted children).

I have read Jesus's teachings and believe him when he says we can do what he has done.

I can highly recommend all of Jesus' teachings! but its best to read them from the bible and to ask God to reveal the wisdom within them.
Personally, If I'm to accept even one of Jesus' statements/teachings then I'm prapared to accept them all. After all, He claimed to be the Son of God and predicted is death and ressurrection (as was also prophesised in the Old Testiment), so either He was who He claimed or He was a mad man or at least completey dilluded! I dont see how He can be seen as just a Good Bloke or a wiseman or just a prophet - the bible doesnt leave us with this option (best book to read to see this better explained is 'Mere Christianity' by CS.Lewis

(so "they" can fix us, either with organized religion, medicine, or government).

I understand what you say regarding 'organised religion' - I mean, which 'organsisation' does one look to?? for me its not the organised aspect thats important or even 'religion'; I'm a Christian but don not describe myself as Religious, I dont do things 'religiously, I do things and think things etc out of a Love and reverence for God. Organised religion prompted Jesus to show His anger! Thats not to say that all of todays Christian churches are 'bad' (cant think of a more suitable word) - a good many simply stick to the bible without adding man-made doctrine/practices/ceremonies/ or lifting a 'man' to some lofty position.

I thinks I may have waffled a little,, please forgive me

God Bless

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RE: A spiritual view of Genesis for Songstress

Hi Nephets: About the material body thing - let me put it another way, not meaning enjoying our bodies in any sexual sense of the word, but rather the feel of the wind on our faces, the rain, moving thru the ocean, feeling the sand under our feet, etc. etc. our physical bodies (matter) reacting and enjoying physical matter. Why be put into material bodies if we have to fight against the material, physical state? Ah! To enjoy the "good" of the physical world - not the "evil" or "bad" as in disease and pain. Since that isn't what the original intention was - I think I've just answered my own question! 😉 You mentioning not to be a slave to our bodies is a very good point!

Yes, I believe there is only one "Truth" but many truths and many ways to arrive at and express our own "Truths". I have accepted many ideas from different schools of thought if they feel right to me. The subject of "Truth" has spawned many outpourings on these forums!:)

I'll put "Mere Christianity" on my list! Thanks.

I believe that all organized religions are a little bit right and a little bit wrong!

Thanks for your input. love, beej

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RE: A spiritual view of Genesis for Songstress

Hi there Roger,

Hi Judy,

An interesting angle on 'God's day' may be to see if the Vedic version of 'God's Day' has any for you to ponder on...
Actually, having said that, my mind tells me that you already have...LOL

Roger x

Actually I haven’t Roger! – perhaps you could oblige?

Hello again Beej,

Thanks for all your encouraging comments. I find it interesting that you are getting so much more out of this forum this time, because you did actually read it last time – I have the saved forums to prove it, but I think your understanding has grown so you’re getting more out of it.

And hello again Nephets.

You know, I was wondering where you got your name from. I wondered if it was Biblical – couldn’t find it exactly, but Nepheg, Nephtoah, Nephish, Nephusim, Nephishesim and Nephthalim – did you make it up from any of those?

You know, I appreciate the way you write and I’m so glad you mentioned that Jesus was the Son of God, (as he said himself) – I’m always saying that on HP – any regulars would confirm. I certainly don't see him as some bloke or good man or mere prophet - he was unique and we owe him unending homage for his love and sacrifice.

As to my different way of reading the Bible, well, think about a majestic oak tree standing in the grounds of a large house. A biologist looked at it and said "A superb specimen of Quercus ---"; a little boy looks at it and says "Wow! What a great tree for a tree-house!"; a landscape gardener would say "That oak will make the perfect focal point for the whole garden" a lumberjack would say "That's X metres of wood'; an artist would say "dappled shade, beauty, grandeur, majesty"; a poet may wax lyrical about the spreading branches, the protection, the shade, the peace; a squirrel might think "Food!" and a pair of birds "Home, sweet home!"

The same tree, but viewed in totally different ways. It doesn't mean that one person's perception is wrong just because it's different - each person appreciates the tree in different ways and from different views and that's how I think of studying the Bible from different perspectives.

The study of Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy has just opened up the Bible for so many people and unlocks its healing power. At the back are a hundred pages of physical healings that people had just from reading the book when it was first published in 1875. These are a very few of the comments. Please don’t be so quick to simply dismiss a book that came through revelation and that has "reinstated primitive Christianity with its lost element of healing."

I could not understand the Bible before, but I found it illumined now that I had a little understanding of Christian Science.

I had long been a member of a Bible class in an orthodox Sabbath school, but I never felt satisfied with that which was taught; there was something lacking, I did not understand then what it was. I purchased a copy of Science and Health and began to study it. I wish I could express in words what that book brought me. It illumined the Bible with a glorious light and I began to understand some of the Master's sayings, and tried to apply them.
I had had a longing to live a better Christian life for many years, and often wondered why I failed so utterly to understand the Bible. Now I knew; it was lack of spiritual apprehension.

I was very much prejudiced against the Bible, and my first demonstration over self was to consent to read the four Gospels. My wife bought me a New Testament and I began to read it. What a change came over me! All my prejudice was gone in an instant! When I read the Master's words, I caught his meaning and the lesson he tried to convey. It was not difficult for me to accept the whole Bible, for I could not help myself, I was just captured.

The Bible, which I knew very little about, became my constant study, my joy, and my guide. The copy which I bought at the time of my healing is marked from Genesis to Revelati

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RE: A spiritual view of Genesis for Songstress

Hi Principled,

This is a very quick posting as I'm late for an appointment.

My login name: Nephets... well, its incredably deep! but the quick and most easily understood answer is... wait for it.....

STEPHEN is my 1st name NEPHETS see the connection?

When I subscribed I was in a rush and couldn't think of a login name (my usual nickname of 'Griff' had been taken) so I quickly spelt my name backwards!

Its intruiging to read that people would look for another meaning in the name.
I'll look closer at some of the names you quoted.

But must dash now

Many thanks Principled for your incredably thoughtout responses and postings

Speak to you soon

Steve (Evets) 🙂

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RE: A spiritual view of Genesis for Songstress

Whoops! I forgot to add that I also spelt my name bacwards wrongly! but as I said, I was in a rush. [8D]


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