I am just coming to the end of my swedish body massage course and am undecided on what to to do next. I would like to do the Indian Head Massage course. When I spoke to my tutor she said that beauty was the best way to go if I wanted to start my own business. What does everyone think?
RE: What course next?
Hi Kit
Well it really depends on what you feel comfortable doing. There are plenty of therapists out there who run businesses without doing the whole Beauty thing. Maybe you're drawn more to the spiritual side of things so you could go on and do Indian Head, Reflexology, Reiki .. the list is endless. Other people just stick to the massage side of things - I'm studying Sports & Remedial now and love it.
Follow your heart and your gut instinct and you can't go wrong.
Good luck with whatever you decide!
RE: What course next?
Why not see if any of the local colleges are still running any more practicals for the other trainees and you could try some of the tasters, really relaxing and will help you decide what's next.. Do agree though, trust your instinct, I love IHM.. as do many many clients..