I would like to delve into the world of holistic therapies, starting with reflexology - I can only do part time (and I'm 44 yrs old..shhhhhh).
My local college have given me some info on courses and from what I can see I have to do this level 1 introduction to therapies for 1 year before I can start the reflexology course....ideally I would have liked to have gone straight into reflexology but they say I can't do this.
Is there any way I can fast track this level 1 course so that I can start reflexology? If anyone has done this course would you mind telling me what's involved please, my opening day isn't until may...and most importantly of all is it really never too late to learn because that's what I keep telling myself..?
I love all the holistic therapies, I've tried many different ones due to a back problem that I have under control now - just gives me trouble now and again but nothing I can't handle!
cheers susan
I did the VTCT Level 3 Diploma in Holistic Therapies last year. We had 16 on the course, only 2 of which were of the "normal" Level 3 age (i.e. 18 ish), the rest of us were mature students.
Some students did struggle. The ones who struggled most fell into two groups: those who had never done education as an adult before, and those who couldn't give a sh1t. However, most students did fine - I think only 2 failed and that's cos they didn't complete the course. I can see why the college insists you do an introduction course, and maybe that's the best thing to do. However, if I'd have been told to do a Level 1 course (I have Level 6 qualifications, and have been a practising therapist for 15 years or more) I'd have told them to stuff it!
Hope this helps
All the courses I have done (including VTCT) have been level 3, but then I did start with ITEC Anatomy, Physiology & Massage (which is also a Level 3). Check with your college whether they are insisting that a full Anatomy & Physiology course is completed before you are allowed to study for any of the other courses. If all else fails have a look on either the VTCT or ITEC websites to see what courses are offered in your area. I've not come across the course you describe - seems a little bit low to me.
Hi Susan
Unless you haven't got GCSEs/'O' levels, and most mature students go into level 3 courses because of life experience, I would tell the college where to stick their level 1 qualification! Level 1 in holistic therapies has no value whatsoever. The only benefit I can see is if you haven't been in a learning situation for a long time and wish to gain some confidence.
Best Wishes and don't give up
Thanks for the replies, I've had a quick chat with the college over the telephone and advised to go to the open day on May 13th to have a good talk about my options. There's a full time course VTCT level 3 Diploma in holistic therapy (1 year) which I might be able to do, they said it's usually 3 full days, I'm just hoping it's none of the days I work (I just do 2 days in the week) so fingers crossed it's the days I don't do hey? If it is it will be a miracle and meant to be!!
Cheers susan
Hi again, I have spoken with the right person at my college at last and she had given me loads of encouragement. She tells me she didn't start holistic therapies until she was 40 so it's never too late..yippee!!
Also I have chosen a full time course which is the VTCT Level 3 Diploma in Holistic Therapy and takes place on a tues 9-5, wed 9-3 & Thurs 5.30-8pm, what's amazing is that I work part time and my job is on a Mon and Friday which I am really pleased with as me thinks that this is a good sign saying to me 'do it!'
I know it's going to be hard work and am willing to put my all into the course as it's something that I really want to do! I just have to apply and go for an interview but I'm sure I will be ok!
Cheers susan
That's great! I did that last year and I can tell you you won't regret it. It is hard work and the portfolio can be a bit confusing, but you will get plenty of help and support.
Go for it!
Yes the VTCT portfolios are something that has to be experienced to be believed, but they are ok once you have got your head round them lol. Your tutor will know them inside out though and they give you lots of help and guidance.
Enjoy your course and good luck!!!
Thanks...I'm excited when thinking about it!
cheers susan
Is there any particular text books I will need or should I wait for the tutor to tell me what to buy?
xx susan
Good luck, I did two evening VTCT courses last year Indian Head and Reflexology. I managed to do this whilst holding down a fulltime job and looking after my OH and son.
The college was very encouraging and very supportive. The A & P was very interesting and I was able to merge the A & P so one evening a week I went in later than the others which was helpful. But I digress, I wish I could have done the fulltime course
As for age dont worry, we were a mixed bunch, on the whole mature students, even a couple of pensioners but we all supported each other and helped each other. I'm now 47 and last studied at college 30 years ago (the same college), keep up with the homework, organise your time so you can get the practical work done. I found it easier to use the same people for my practical work and they were very responsive as they had an IHM and then reflex.
As for books ask the tutors, they tend to have a fav book that they recommend. For the A & P I found pocket version which was recommended for nurses.
Good luck and dont worry, enjoy the course the lecturers will guide you through the various segments, explaining each bit as they go.
Have fun