I am after finding out the best correspondence course; please no BSY they are like word search...'
The courses I am interested in are the following....Hypnotherapy/hypnoanalysis....Reiki....Tarot...Palmistry....Astrology....EMF? (can that be taken as a corre...course...?
The Starz
Have you noticed AmeliaJane's offer of a Tarot Correspondance course?
This is a question that seems to come up from time to time on this forum, so you might like to check out some of these links:
Home study courses
BSY: are they any good?
Online correspondance courses
Would you reccommend home learning?
Home courses
Advice re slow course
There are plenty more, and it's worth looking under a variety of different search criterea such as 'home learning' correspondance course' distance study' and the individual names of colleges, such as BSY, Kevala, Stonebridge etc.
The Starz, in your first post I notice that you didn't say why you were looking into a correspondance course- you don't have to tell us, but it is a useful question to ask yourself. Many people opt for a home study course because it costs proportionally less than studying "hands on" and participating as part of a class- althought this might seem a good idea it might not save money in the long term. For example-
someone enrolls on an aromatherapy course with a distance learning college. They pay £310 to study aromatherapy, which offers them a diploma in aromatherapy under the name of that particular college which is a lot less than you would pay to study in the classroom with a tutor. However, the course consists of 24 'lessons' (which can either be completed online through email or paper based) and by the time the person gets to the seventh lesson they find their motivation slipping. The questions in assignments are not well written, and often it is difficult to know what they are actually asking, so phone calls or emails have to be sent to the course tutor (who are not always particularly helpful!) Even if the paperwork and technical bits are OK, there are bound to be questions arising about the massage techniques....and have you ever tried to demonstrate and describe petrissage over the phone? It's not always the easiest way to learn hands on stuff! There are usually 2 days in a practical course such as aromatherapy where you will have to travel to a national location in order to demonstate the practical techniques you have learnt, but many people find they may not get that far into the course! Eventually the person that enrolled on aromatherapy or whatever loses all confidence and motivation, and gives up the course. This means they effectively lose the £3120 they paid out at the beginning, and if they still wish to practie aromatherapy professionally, they will have to opt for a classroom based course with qualified tutor...which means that they will have to pay for their experience in distance learning.
I'm not saying that this is the case for everyone, and it does sound a bit harsh, but unfortunately correspondance colleges make their money because many people fail to complete their course (I have the statistic somewhere and it is not impressive!) It just goes to show how easy it is top lose motivation when studying alone. I have done a corresponance course and found it to be a lot harder to keep completeing the assignments than I expected!
OK, I'm going back to my original question about why you wanted to do a correspondance course. From the list of courses you mention, I assume that the astrology and palmistry would be for personal enjoyment and the others for use as a professional practitioner? Personally, I would not recommend the home study option for hypnoanaylisis/Reiki/EMF balancing. In my opinion, hynotherapy is something that needs to be learnt from an experienced and knowledgeable tutor- it is not something that can be learnt from paper as it is a very in depth subject that requires the student to take practical training. Reiki is certainly not something that can be learnt via correspondance as it is a personal 'journey' into healing...it is essentially a practical healing technique, and in my view gaining confidence in anything practical can only come from practising it and asking questions as and when they arise. Learning reiki with other people gives you much more space to learn- both from the other students and the teacher. Of course, if you are already a holistic health practitioner and you are lloking into a corre course for CPD, then the situation would be different.
If you feel you would like to do a home study course, then I would suggest that maybe the astrology and palmistry courses are your best bet- that's if you're doing them for personal enjoyment. If you are looking into them because you would like to practise professionally, then you will need to be careful when checking the actual qualification you would gain at the end of it. Many colleg
If anyone would like to check out what's on offer, here are some names of colleges/ organisations that offer correspondance courses:
UK Open Learning
BSY Group
School of holistic [DLMURL] http://www.holisticaroma.co.uk/courses/ifa_correspondence.php [/DLMURL]
Natural Health
Iris therapy
Meridian College (postal address)
and here's a link including many more colleges offering courses:
If you want to study Hypnotherapy at home, I can heartily recomend: http://hypnoticworld.com/course/ with whom I recently quallified as a Hypnotherapy Practitioner. A great boon, if you can't find the capital to buy the course outright, is that you can purchase each module (£45) as you go!
All the best.
Here's a Tarot course with Barnes and Noble, i'm not sure yet how good it will be but as it is FREE iv'e signed up , course due to start June 6th.
I'm also on this one [sm=1syellow1.gif]