Hi All,
Can anyone tell me what are the two other names for cervical vertebrae C1 and C2??
Why is it important to both actively and passively assess the ROM of joints?
I know I'm going to really cringe when I find out the answers because they are bound to be blindingly obvious but I've been studying for nearly 3 hours and my brain is practically fried!!![sm=confused-smiley-012.gif][sm=banghead.gif]
RE: Sports Massage questions - HELP!
Atlas and axis (check which is which)
Active is what the client can achieve on their own (which may be less than they can actually achieve)
Passive the therapist is taking the joint to the end ROM and testing the end feel and if and when there is any pain/discomfort in the joint.
Others may have more add - as I'm always learning. (that's why HP is such a great place)
RE: Sports Massage questions - HELP!
Thanks FB.
I knew I'd cringe when I read the answers... I just couldn't think how to phrase the active/passive one!
You're a star!