Hi I currently have NVQ 2 in health and social care and intend to do NVQ 3.
Can anyone please tell me what opportunities lie ahead for me ? and what directions I could go in ? I know I could take an A1 and become an assesor or assistant management in care home . Is there any other directions that this could lead me to please x
Any info greatly received many thanks x
Hi There Kendra
I dont hold these NVQs or work in that field myself, I do however work for a training company who deliver NVQ 2, 3 and 4 in Health and Social Care.
I'm unsure of you current employment situation, but have yopu considered Community Care/Support work - much more varied than residential care, and you can progress with NVQ 3 and upwards in this area too.
I guess it depends on what client group/service users you wish to work with long term.
If I can be of any more help, then please let me know.
Best wishes,
Saz Lou xx
Hi There Kendra
I dont hold these NVQs or work in that field myself, I do however work for a training company who deliver NVQ 2, 3 and 4 in Health and Social Care.
I'm unsure of you current employment situation, but have yopu considered Community Care/Support work - much more varied than residential care, and you can progress with NVQ 3 and upwards in this area too.
I guess it depends on what client group/service users you wish to work with long term.
If I can be of any more help, then please let me know.
Best wishes,
Saz Lou xx
Hi saz lou many thanks for reply , I am currently working as a support worker with learning disabilities , after first starting domcilary care.
I have been doing this role for two years now , if you could find out for me which directions I could go in I would be very grateful . many thanks kendra
Re: NVQ Health & Social Care.
Hii Kendra,
I would say its a good thought to progress unto NVQ in level 3 as its a double edge sword to decide what you can do later. If you like teaching or supporting others to achieve their NVQs it will come handy as you would need a minimum qualification at level 3 in addition with the A1 Award. Some people say not necessarily but think about it how do you support a candidate if you do not understand the process or course yourself. On the other hand managerial roles would be open to you when you hold an NVQ Level 3 or 4. Progression unto nursing or social work is possible too.
You can only gain more by doing the NVQ 3, opportunities come always but you need to have the qualifications to grab it when you see one.
Kind regards
Hi many thanks x
Hi there,
I have the NVQ 2 and 3 in H&SC and as I injured my back when working at a care home I had to leave my job and completely retrain in a different field, I am now a qualified Reflexologist and any day now about to qualify in IHM.
I found it a shame to have to leave my job when Id worked so hard for those NVQ's but I have found them useful in a sense that it has given me a better insight into dealing with people in a sympathetic manner.
I also have found it good for spreading the 'word' about my services to people who use these services and I live next door to a sheltered housing complex and through my NVQ's I have the knowledge of who to approach when trying to advertise my business. It was also handy when we covered about frailty and skin on elderly people and the laws regarding minors and also the data protection act as you know these are all covered majorly in the H&SC NVQ's.
You will need to get your level 3 and then go onto do the registered managers award if you want to go further in this field but I can honestly say that many doors will be opened to you as the world will always need human carers as opposed to machines so job prospects should be great!
I wish you all the luck with the future and please pm me if you need any assistance as I know some of the NVQ language can be a language of its own! whoever compiles the units must be paid a fortune to turn a fairly simple question into a completely alien one. 😉
Do you have any idea as to what you would like to do?;)