I am in the middle of writing up my reflexology case studies at the mo - but somewhere along the line I appear to have lost all motivation. I have really really enjoyed carrying out all the treatments, but am now getting fed up with looking at all these bits of paper. Any suggestions for focussing and regaining my motivation gratefully received.
Nutmeg xxx.
RE: Motivation
:o) firstly, look at one at a time. its no good making your goal too far away/ too big. pick one, for now, and concentrate on it.
has your tutor given you an idea of how to set out your case studies, what headings to use? this helps enormously to get started! once you start, you will be fine. you dont even have to write reams. its to demonstrate that you know what you are talking about. mine were 2 sides of A4 each. and i used a 12 point font!
make sure you are not tired or hungry when you decide to do it.
the hard part is over... actually doing them! this bit is a breeze... once you set up the first one. use it as a template for the others.
good luck!
RE: Motivation
I agree with Rosie.. look at the big picture, and then set yourself small targets for each day and some rest days too... perhaps focus on one client.. write them up, put it to one side.. move to the next.. when you have a few moments just read through those you've written up and hand them in for marking and comment if your teacher will let you.. that way you can put each person aside and move on totally without worrying.
I did the AOR course and had to do and write up 64 treatments.. I had finished all my treatments by the Easter and lazy old me never got around to writing them up as I did each.. it was a strain to do and it seemed quite overwhelming but once I got into the swing of things got them all done in time.. I did most of them over a three week panic period in between finishing off 20odd treatment writeups for Remedial Massage course, which had a deadline of the same week.. it was a mare, but it fell into place.. press on now, it'll all be worth it, you really can do it!
RE: Motivation
I agree that a 'template' makes things a lot easier and really does save time.
Don't forget to take regular breaks every now and then too- it might help to get up and go and sit out in the garden or listen to music every hour or so. By giving your brain a break you'll be able to go back to your work feeling refreshed and it should help the juices start flowing again!
If you get up to go to the toilet/make a drink and find yourself getting distracted as you walk through another room where someone has the TV on and you think 'maybe 10 mins wouldn't hurt' just imagine that you're on an elastic band. Before you get up to make your drink or whatever, get on the elastic band- stretch yourself over to the kettle, and then when you're done, "ping" yourself straight back to the table. This way it reinforces the most important task (your case studies!) in your mind without allowing for distractions. Sounds weird I know, but it has worked for me in the past!!!!!
You might also want to play some soft music in the background (although I'd avoid music with words, because you'll probably end up turning up the volume when a song you like comes on, and then before you know it you'll be singing away! Or is that just me?)
Hope some of that helps!
Good luck with your coursework:D
RE: Motivation
Thanks for your help and advice Rosie, Gussie and Azalia and sorry it's taken me a while to thank you - have actually been getting of with my work for a change.
Please keep your fingers crossed and thanks for your kind words again.
Take care,
Nutmeg xxx.