Hi all,
I am doing an ITEC Dip course in Refexology. (already passed Holistic Massage last year).
Is there anyone in SW London willing to be my case study?
Hi there, sorry not in you area so no can do for the client thing, but just wondering how your finding your course and is it just reflexology your studying at the mo?
Pamela x
Hi Pamela,
I'm only doing Reflexology at the moment. it is my favourite complementary therapy, something I strongly believe in and most of all it does work, I can say that from first 'foot' experience.
Because I had already A&P, Business Awareness and Professional Conduct is 'doable' but still a lot of coursework assignments etc. Wouln't do (again) all three modules in one go!
Reflexology is one of my favourites too!
I previously did ITEC Holistic massage with my a+p and busines as a night class, and found it quite a lot of work, but I was silly enough to come back and do ITEC Comp therapies, and am vey much regretting it!
Roll on June!
The reflexology case studies that I've done so far, I have managed to find some reasonably interesting results, and when I finish this course Im going to really stusy into it as its such an interesting subject!