I have VTCT Level 3 in Swedish Massage and Indian Head Massage, and I'm currently doing Reflexology at college.
I would love to learn how to do Hot Stone massage - I get asked if I do these a lot and I think they would be very popular. I've had a quick look and Gateway Workshop's course is only 1 day long - is this really enough to learn a new treatment? I would not feel happy charging clients for a treatment it only took me a day to learn. Does anyone else do Hot Stone and where did they train?
My hot/cold stone course was 2 days run over different weekends, plus a 3rd weekend for practical and written exams. In the time between the weekends and exam I had to do 3 case studies.
So IMO a one day course isn't sufficent for what you need to know. But having said that, my new clients are surprised how much more I do in my Hot/cold stone treatment compared with what overs do. So I can only assume there is a huge variation in what's taught.
Have you check with your professional associated what courses they recognise and insure?
I'm due to do this course on the 20th of this month, and I can't wait, from what I gather there are only 4 of us on this course (atm) therefore there will be more attention for each person 🙂 will update when I have done the course
This website that is like an online university, it offers e-courses, [url]online massage classes,[/url] home study courses, books and the stone sets if you want to study hot stone massage.