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All about correspondence courses

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Thanks to Azalia for this idea - a thread to be stickied to the top here with links to some of the most relevant discussions on correspondence courses.

Please - if you have attended any yourself, your comments and suggestions here about them would be very much appreciated to get the ball rolling!

I've not done any myself so can't comment I'm afraid.. but shall trawl the forums in a week or so and put together a good list of links in place for you..

[link= http://Correspondence courses discussion] [/link]
[link= ]Kevala[/link]

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RE: Oh dear....

I must admit that I have taken the ITEC route all the way and there seems to be a real problem this year in my locality for new students who have completed online, or distance learning correspondence courses in Anat/Phys/Massage - who are absolutely adamant about their qualifications [having worked hard on the course] and yet have little or no hands on experience and their qualifications will not be recognised by ITEC when they come to take reflexology or aromatherapy etc...

Having had to complete a good range and extensive number of case studies as well as weekly practical sessions, active discussions with the other students in my classes, great practical teaching from my tutors as well as our theory classes... I wonder how valuable correspondence distance learning can be? I'm not knocking it, just would like to hear what you have to say...

what does anyone else think?

Little red person

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RE: Oh dear....

i think you will always find a clash between classroom/ corrisponance courses. unforuanetly it is just not possible for some people to study in class, due to this thing we call life. but if someone is drawn to a profession, a pull to a subject, then they shouldn't diny themselve just because of circunstance. yes, corrispondance courses don't have the hands on experiance but that can be gained outside. the other thing to consider is that some people just don't respond well in classroom enviroments. i always do a case study for clients as it helps indicate the progress and allows you to refresh yourself with the person so that they are not just a body on a table but a individual with there own special needs. i was a lucky one who was guilded by a qualified friend , who saw in me the ability to help people through touch and energy healing. she gave me the greatest gift which was honesty. unfortiantely her inner self called her back home to africa. i am now studing with bsy and yes i do miss a guiding presence when i massage or just someone to give a qualified response but because of the standard or lack off at local colleges and full time work, it is impossible to study at a local college, and the nearest uni is just to far to get to in my time frame. what i was thinking about was maybe starting a group in my area to see if people want to get together for support and hands on work. what i was pleased about was that there was very little degrading comments from the people in this forum. whether in is obtain in a class room or a home, time, energy and a lot of hard work is put in by people to past their course and credit is due to them. please think about how hard it is to motive yourself to study without someone else doing it for you.

love and life

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RE: Oh dear....

Hi Bugsy1

I've just read your post, and it made me smile. I have a son, who is now at school - Reception - am on a low income, and don't have the means to get to London every other weekend to do the Yoga Teacher Training course I really wanted to do. I am studying with Kevala, who are great, I must say. So far, I have worked hard enough to achieve A's - it's hard work to motivate yourself, esp as I recently suffered an injury which meant I couldn't practice any physical yoga, BUT, I am doing it myself, paying for it myself - can get no help! - so when I do qualify, I can really be proud.

Thanks again for your post,


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RE: Oh dear....

Hi is anyone studying with SNHS? I wondered if there is a time limit that their courses must be completed in?

Cleo x

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RE: Oh dear....

I did BachFlower Level1 by distance learning from the Bach Foundation and found it to be excellent. The materials were good and clear, I could work at my own pace (up to 8 weeks for each module) and I got good feedback from my tutor/assessor on how to increase my skills, other thigns to consider etc, suggestions for further reading, and genuine praise, which is often missign from so much of life these days.

No hesitation in recommending this course.

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RE: Oh dear....

hi Cleo
I am doing the nutrition course with the SNHS. I sent them an email a few days ago because its months since I sent any work in and they said then that there is no time limit.
Smoothie xx

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RE: All about correspondence courses

Hi I have studied with Open College, I did their Nutrition course and their Homeopathy course. I found them very basic really, but I was working in a Health Food Store selling herbs and Nelsons homeopathy and I think the Diploma was enough for this kind of work. I would never think that I could go out and practice Homeopathy or be a Nutritionist with the amount of learning that went into these courses.

On the other hand I have been studying Kinesiology and Basic and Advanced Aromatherapy with SNHS and have found their course very good. There is a whole lot more than Open college plus 9 Case Studies for each one and an exam which you do live online at the end of the courses. I would feel confident practicing these therapies because I have spent a lot of time learning and practicing. The content of their packages is brilliant. I can certainly see the wide difference between these 2 correspondence courses. I was very dissapointed when I read in the discussions how some people think correspondence courses are not worth the paper they are printed on, as I have worked so hard on Kinesiology and Aromatherapy, and I feel they are all being tarred with the same brush. They both contain A & P and are very deep. I spent 1 year ft at college studying Holistic Therapies and had to leave just before the end because my daughter took ill, so I have hands on experience and a lot of learning under my belt concerning A & P and Aromatherapy etc but I still found the learning on A & P quite hard in both subjects for SNHS. It was actually the college that I studied Holistics with that advised me to go to SNHS! So they must have a good name.


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RE: All about correspondence courses

Hi just been reading all the posts on corespondence courses, and have to say i cant get my head around someone being able to treat clients hands-on having done a corespondence course only. as some of you mentioned if you have been to a local college and had hands on or done your basic practical courses at a local collegefirst or have had someoneexperienced guiding you in the practical,yes its possible as you have the experience . But no one to guide you in practical its unbelievable that you can do the theary and then get a piece of paper and go out and practice on the public!
In these corespondence courses do you have to do practical case studies? and if so who shows you how to do a reflexology treatment, how do youknow or feel or if you are even doing it properly?
I spent 2 years full time at my local college 12 years ago now doing Holictic therapies and even at the end of this i felt my knowledge of reflexology was not good enough and so i did another year once a week doing the Aor as much more through. But this was lots and lots of hands on and that is what it boils down to at the end of the day.
In essence if its a theary based subject then corespondence is fine , but a hands-on practical therapy you need HANDS on practice and experience and you do need to monitored.
As was mentioned above i would not want a theary based surgen with no practical experience touching me would you? !!

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RE: All about correspondence courses

I just read your message and wondered as you have done VTCT courses , were they yearly courses at local college or just weekend courses? Reason i ask i am writing an assignment for my 7307 teacher training which has to be on an educational issue, and i am trying to get to the bottom of how someone can do A&P and Massage over a few weekends with some homestudy not have to do H&S and end up with the same certificate as someone who has been to college 3 hours a week for 36 weeks? any views greatly recieved

EDITED to restore original subject line.

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Re: Earth Teachers Email Course

New Earth Teachers Email Course

UK :: 25th November 2006
These teachings and this information have been shared with you courtesy of Channie Centara Cha and her Teachers, the Higher Beings of Light from “out there”. They are aware of everything that is happening and are there to assist us and teach us how to move forward in this time of great change. It is time to educate ourselves and to pass this on to others, in order to help Mother Earth, all of her creatures, and us as a race.
If you think that this doesn’t apply to you, then ask yourself three questions:
• Where do I live?
• What am I?
• What would I have without Mother Earth?
This is your home, your race and you can make a difference.
These classes are the definitive guide to what real Ascension is and how to accurately and safely work to help Mother Earth and we, her people, but they also give us the education and understanding about the other immense events that are happening outside of and beyond our world that are also hugely affecting us all as we approach a time unlike any other we have seen; this is going to be the grand unification and equality of all energies and qualities of being, it is the beginning of the end and the New Beginning…This knowledge changes and raises your vibration, tones and frequency, and creates opportunities and possibilities for you that you could not even begin to imagined.
There is much information and education about how our world is rapidly changing and will change in a very real way when the new world arrives, how things will be different for humanity and also about our spiritual evolution into our new selves and our new place in the Universe, Creation and the All. This is fast approaching…
Time is not really what we as Humans have believed it to be, and the very fabric of time is altering at a very fast rate, bringing with it the new era and the New Earth…
Initiations are conducted via distance by appointment and all papers are included. Once educated, you will then be a New Earth Teacher (3) and will be advised as to how to conduct future classes yourself should you wish to.
If you become a New Earth Teacher you can as has been mentioned teach these classes yourself, (even as a physical class) but we would ask you to please bear in mind that the price should be kept fairly low and reasonable so that many can afford it.
The privilege of being a teacher is not to be abused, and these classes are not about making tons of money, they are to raise awareness. Also remember that anyone you teach is also then a teacher, and can hold their own classes if they wish to, so please make them aware of this. This truly is about helping, not prestige.

Net 1 - net 10
What you will receive
Here is a basic explanation about the training that will be given in the first net class (net 1):
• How to open small portals
• How to make small portals on oceans, lakes, on water
• How to connect with mother earth’s soul and spirit
• Two levels of meditations about the new earth
• How to take the first step in cleaning and fixing present earth: how to build a crystalline device for cleaning water
• How to help karma and release karma from the earth
• Understanding the new chakras
• How to use life elixirs
• How to do the golden movement part one
• Receiving an initiation to become a net teacher
• How to initiate others so that they also will become net teachers
Here is a basic explanation about the training that will be given in the second net class (net 2):
• How to make starpoints and build starpoint systems
• How to prepare others for the enormous changes coming
• Exercise to reach deeper within and find your self and your power of thought
• Exercise for those eager to help
• How to build a chakra ladder
• Stones to balance the new chakras
• How to help our fellow beings, so that they can let go of the ties that hold mother earth back
• Using thought power to work with ribbons/bonds to mother earth
• Meditation for the new sun
• Another journey to the new earth meditation
• Golden movement for the new earth
• Initiation for further openings
Here is a basic explanation about the training that will be given in the third net class net 3):
• How to open small portals at a distance
• How you temporarily change the frequency in big objects.
• How you temporarily change the frequency in small objects
• Changing frequency at a distance
• How to undo the frequency
• Meditations in power places on the new earth
• Healing with symbols
• About changing the appearance
• To raise your own frequency
• To prepare for contact
• Initiation
Here is a basic explanation about the training that will be given in the fourth net class (net4):
• "about time" - a little bit about what time really is and how it can be used.
• The process of the two planets meeting.
• Spiritual development
• Interdimensional ascendance
• How to make stronger portals
• The new energies of new earth
• About clouds
• A symbol that helps to change the vibration in food and drinks
• Symbols for personal development towards universal insight
• Life on old earth
• How to raise the frequency of objects at a distance.
• Life and death on new earth
• The last battle in the universe - good and evil
Here is a basic explanation about the training that will be given in the fifth net class (net 5):
• Soul changes
• Animals’ response
• Meditations to the new earth
• The total of the death kingdom’s new halls
• When the old and the new earth meet
• The new light
• The new chakras
• To open your friends and animals a little more
• Pockets of time
• The enlightenment stones of the soul and the spirit
• Words to intone, tone, chant
• White time healing
Here is a basic explanation about the training that will be given in the sixth net class (net 6):
• About catastrophes
• The ocean
• Symbol for cleansing liquid
• The little is so eternally important to the great whole
• Paradox
• The human group consciousness
• The death kingdom - working with its outer layer
• 3 meditations
• Personal development in connection with the spiritual evolution and the new earth
• The enlightened masters
• The third drop
• A way you can help the third drop
• The stone morganite
• Protection symbol
• New ways for your meditations on the new earth
• The latest news
• An initiation
• The sun and all the stars have a great and strong meaning in the whole, like eyes that see and give
Here is a basic explanation about the training that will be given in the seventh net class (net 7):
• Suggestion for pre-help
• Bigger brain capacity
• Three patterns to open the flow in the brain and activate it in a smoother way
• Pure thoughts can create
• To meditate with stones
• Deeper meditations on the new earth
• To understand yourself to integrate more new chakras in the body
• This is how you learn to pre-create with the pure thought
• Six point systems
• Big initiation
Here is a basic explanation about the training that will be given in the eighth net class (net 8):
• The dimension light
• Greater brain capacity with the protection of the new inner light
• Brain capacity patterns 1-5
• Symbols to open you up
• The new light’s symbol part 1-4
• Light meditations from beyond
• The symbol for the alliance of the new inner light
• The initiation
• Extra symbol for yourself
• Initiation meditation on the new earth
• Words of force and movement of energy
• About the new earth meditations
• Active energy, in your new earth meditations
• Energy procedure for active energy in meditations
Here is a basic explanation about the training that will be given in the ninth class (net 9):
• A map of the new earth
• That which has happened and is happening
• How do we actually feel?
• To give and receive cosmic forgiveness
• Cosmic forgiveness
• New earth meditations
• The six weeks before, the pockets are emptied
• What kind of body does one choose?
• The 3 days of ascension and the 6 weeks after
• The conflicts between good and evil
• The third drop
o The drop meditation
• So what was the war really about?
• A maybe, is the answer
• The changes of the chakras
• The completion of the chakras
• The chakra cord's inner and outer
• Meditations on the new energies in the chakras and for the chakra cord's wholeness of force and light
• The chakra cord's meditation
• What is happening to the soul and the spirit right now?
• The aura's final stage and completion
• The chakras' completion
• About the stones of the new chakras and their layout
• Thought patterns for the chakra cord's inner light
• The truth is in the beyond
• The presence in the heart
• The awareness of our solar system

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RE:All about correspondance courses

I've read through this thread with great interest; I am about to begin a bio-energetic healing diploma which recommends (altho' not a pre-requisite) an A & P qualification.

Trying to keep additional time & costs to a minimum I'm intending to use a correspondence course, I've looked at SNHS, GATEWAY, BSY, KEVALA & STONEBRIDGE - huge variety of costs & level of qualification as an outcome.

I've also now come across [link= ][/link] which is IPTI/BABTAC approved, costs £195 - has anyone studied with this group and how did they find it?

Any other advice on recommended A & P correspondence providers would be greatly welcomed!

Thanks - in advance.....Janice x

EDIT: edited subject line for clarity

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RE: All about correspondence courses

I have heard that shirly price in UK do a very good correspondence course in aromatherapy, reasonably priced and recognised

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RE: Online courses

I am new to this site (first time I have added a message)! but have noticed some interest and questions regarding distance learning.
Have you seen the new Online VTCT Anatomy & Physiology Level 3 Diploma Course? No paper! completely home study with e-tutor support. All tested and examined online. If anyone is interested I could find out more. I think exams are every 8 weeks so you can fast track through, my friend is aiming for the May exam date, she is loving it!

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RE: Online courses

Thanks for this. I haven't seen this course you've mentioned - to be honest my head hurts with trying to work out which course to enrol for!

Could you post the details please, that would be great.

Thanks again,

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RE: Online courses

Hi Janice

Found out website [link= ][/link] hope this helps - its a mine field out there!
I do know that this is a recognised qualification.

Happy hunting!!

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RE: Online courses

I am currently studying the Stonebridge A&P Diploma. The course is FHT and Beauty Therapy Guild approved and you get an ASET Level 3 qualification as well as the college diploma. This means the course if 'A' Level standard.

There was a comment about home study courses only asking for one-word answers and therefore being very easy. This is not the case in the Stonebridge diploma. Some questions are shorter and only require a sentence or two but on the whole they ask for more detail.

I chose this course after looking at many other correspondance A&P diplomas and this seemed to be the best one on balance for price and quality of qualification awarded. As well as gaining a recognised and comparable award, it is purely home study including the final assesment. With my family commitments this is much better for me. I will go away and study for practical courses.

The support so far has been excellent. I have chosen to so the course purely online through their website and this also gave a discount off the price of the course. I have had the results from my assignments the next day.

I have read through the comments on this thread about the cons of correspondance courses and I argree entirely that you cannot learn a practical skill through home-study alone, however with A&P this was my only option and my best learning choice - not very tolerant of theory based classroom training as I like to go aheadat my own pace.

I was a bit wary of the SNHS courses. I did a quick bit of research on them and they are registerd in Gibraltar (not necessarily a negative but did concern me) and it is probably nothing. Also, the website of the School of Natural Health Sciences and National College Of Holistic Medicine who accredit the diplomas look very similar - the websites are both designed by Oak Tree web builders based in Spain and I just wondered if they were in fact the same organisation. If anyone can shed any light on their authenticity pleasedobecause they offer some courses which I may like to do after I am qualified but until I know more I will leave well alone.

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RE: Online courses

i would agree that A & P is suitable for correspondence type distance learning. I am only considering it for my own personal development, and certainly can't see how hands on therapeutic practice would fall into distance learning other than theoretical & factual study.

I have been pointed to the Oxford distance learning course, although I have to say it's pretty daunting - a 5000 word dissertation is the final assessment. however, it is recognised by the CMA and with the advent of regulation at some point in the future for the world of complementary & alternative therapies the academic standing and recognition of correspondence qualifications will become vital for those of us working i this field.

My only reservation personally is having been out of the world of academia for 30+ years my brain cells might not be up to it!

Be good to hear from any of our colleagues experiences of the Oxford course.

Also, thanks to all who've responded so wishes, Janice

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RE: Online courses

Hi Janice

Did you get a chance to look at the ETS website? Ihad a quicky look. I took my A&P in '95 as a mature student so checked out the questions onthe demo of the course. I didn't do too bad! :)the muscles on the face - a drag and drop question made me think!

hope you had a good weekend.

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RE: Online courses

Im going to do my ITEC A&P through distance learning, and I guess I am right in thinking and after reading through this thread that distance learning is fine unless it is for something hands on.

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RE: Online courses

Hi folks - looked at ETC which looks grand, however the final exam location is geographically nowhere near me.

Separately I've now sent 2 e-mails & made 2 phone calls - all unsuccessful - trying to get more info from oxford distance learning (this is CMA approved). The 2 people who answered my calls today are receptionists who said that they are always on the receiving end of unhappy students trying to get to speak to tutors!

Finally, I've also seen on the BCMA website an on-line course which looks comprehensive and affordable.

Thanks for all the posts so far. As regulation is on the horizon I do believe the more information we have to help folks make choices on A& P is of great benefit for all potential future learners.


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RE: RE:All about correspondance courses

Hi all

I read this post with great interest as I am currently studing at college A&P and massage with ITEC however I am interested in extending my knowledge and as such correspondance courses appeal to me due to the normal work commitments etc.. while I wholly agree that Hands on courses cannot really be learnt via correspondance I am interested in taking several topics (non hands on)- i.e stress management and colour therapy. I have looked at SNHS for these - can anyone comment on their courses or calibre? Or can anyone recommend correspondance courses where you can gain reconised qualifications - it is very hard to know what is genuine or not!



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RE: RE:All about correspondance courses

I wholly agree with the statement that Hands on courses cannot really be learnt via a correspondence course. Although I do know that some offer workshops and a Practical Assessment.
I personally would not attempt to use them for Complementary Therapies.

Having said that if you require CPD Points, then there are some introductory courses available on the internet that are very good for that.

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RE: RE:All about correspondance courses

hi everyone
i just passed my anatomy and phisiology course with bsy group and got my certificate which im very proud of as im a full time mum of 4 children. I have completed a adult education course in indian head massage at my local college for the hands on experiance and now im doing home studie indian head massage for the diploma also with bsy group , im really enjoying the course and will defenatley be doing some more when i have completed this one.

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RE: RE:All about correspondance courses

Hi Dreamer

Congratulations. You appear to have got the balance just right.
I also took anatomy and physiology asa correspondence coursemany years ago before they called it home study.
But I was very lucky as when I took my aromatherapy course they had anatomy and physiology on the syllabus so I took it again.
Not quite as comprehensiveas what I learned but they had a great skeleton with pin on organs and muscles that was a great bonus to actually be able pin the tail on the donkey so to speak.

Best wishes for the future

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RE: RE:All about correspondance courses

I took the A&P home study with Kevala a few years ago. It was a very comprehensive and detailed course and exceeds level 3 requirements. I thoroughly enjoyed it. But then I came unstuck..........I wanted to do a course with ITEC and the pre-course requirement was ITEC A&P. I explained I had a qualification of the same level through Kevala but they wouldn't accept it, neither would an organisation doing a sports massage course (can't remember name off top of my head), which left me rather frustrated.

I now know that with Kevala I can pay a little extra and attend a two day tutorial plus sit a formal examination for the A&P to gain VTCT validation which I think I will probably have to do. (I have to admit I haven't re-checked the situation with the local sports massage company - i'll do so and report back).

This taught me to look in great detail at every aspect of a course and its accreditations.

Saying that, I would definately choose Kevala again. Very professional and helpful staff and very detailed coursework - I'm currently studying Indian Head Massage with them and the coursework over 6 modules is hugely detailed and I feel I've got so much more knowledge of IHM than just a 2 day weekend course.

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RE: RE:All about correspondance courses

Hi Sarah7

Kevla are ok theirA&P course is very comprehensive. It never ceases to amaze me where

ITEC get their ideas from some of their courses are the worst I have ever seen. It's all down to money with them. They appear to be American, run embody and now I have heard they own 50% of an insurance company.

The main thing is insurance there are many of us out there that offer fully accredited courses that exceed the NOS with full low priced multi-therapy insurance. We self regulate ourselves and have nothing to do with ITEC or VTCT.

Stick with kevala and do the workshops if you feel happy with that.

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RE: RE:All about correspondance courses

I am currently studying reflexology, nutritional therapy and herbalism with the Kevala. The courses and tutoring are top quality and for 'hands on' therapies involve tutorials should we choose to attend as Sarah mentions in her post and lots of case studies (if I remember well the Indian Head Massage involves 15 case studies? As far as I am concerned reflexology involves 10 and nutritional therapy advisor level, 6) . I personally attended one of the nutrition tutorial and it was excellent. I have always found them supportive, helpful and extremely knowledgeable. The reason why I chose distance learning is that unfortunately I cannot afford to work part time for the moment or give up work altogether to attend a college or regular courses. So far I haven't been disappointed and their courses being all so in depth I feel fully prepared to practice on my own in the future. I have also managed to attend workshops etc at various shows over weekends etc etc. to gain some further hands on experience and have found it invaluable.

I tried the colour reflexology course from Stonebridge Associated and was very disappointed in them, this course in particular is extremely lightweight and I don't feel there is a lot of support. My papers were barely marked and there was no real practical advice. However, I have no experience of any other courses at Stonebridge. But it doesn't look like they offer any tutorial or hands on experience.

I agree that it may be difficult to learn hands on therapies remotely but not that you can't really learn them that way, as long as we attend tutorials, practice with case studies and maybe join workshops when possible, I am sure we can gain the experience we need.


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Hi all, i am at the moment studing two bsy courses, one a a meditation teacher and the seond a relaxation therapist.
i can understand peoples reserve about these courses as i too wouldnt do them if i had no practical training, i actually take a group of people to do meditations regularly and want to expand on my reiki with the relaxation therapy. i truelybelieve youneed to be able to have and continue to practice what you are learning.


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I have contacted BSY about doing some distance learning courses. It is good to know that Embody recognises a lot of the courses including yoga. Check on the Embody site and the courses that are recognised are listed.

I have done a majority of my courses at college, but I feel that colour therapy crystal healing and such like courses can be studied at home....It is great if you are focused and are able to study.

I do feel that going to college these days, is the same as doing a distance learning course, as there are some institutes that take in any number of students just to get bums on seats...a lot of students do not fit the criteria nor are able to converse adequately to become a therapist.


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Does anyone have any experience of courses run by the College of Integrated Therapies?

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