This morning I did my holistic massage practical. The examiner looked at our course files and one silly girl had put print outs of all the useful exam questions that have been posted on this forum. The examiner did not look happy at all when she found them and was writing lots of notes. I thought that I'd just warn people about this as I think something might happen as a result of it.
RE: Warning
Don't worry about it. There is very little they can do. People are people and will always look to others for help.
There are tutors on here and they ask for help too.
I should warmly welcome any examiners to the forum, especially representatives from ITEC.
RE: Warning
Hope you are right Candie, been overdosing on my Bach rescue remedy since reading Glovers posting, I suppose I had not really thought about it being wrong[&o], just trying to help others.
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Oh Gladyse, please don't worry!!!!
I have been on HP for over three years now and I was the first to post ITEC papers on here. As you may know, you are not allowed to take the paper out of the exam room with you, but you do remember the questions and we had been given old papers as mocks and I posted them up on here. I felt a little worried at the time because you couldn't get hold of them. But I felt that it was unreasonable for ANY examing body not to give mock papers out and was bloody minded enough to do it.
There was never any back lash from it. The truth is none of them is even interested enough to come on here, let's face it. There has been SO much criticism of ITEC and VTCT on these forums and there has never been a problem with it.
Anybody who posts papers on here does so with the intent to help others, no other reason. Rest assured. What can they do anyway?
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I agree with you entirely Candie. My examiner didn't even know what oils were on the ITEC Aromatherapy syllabus..........which is ridiculous!!!!! I've written enough about ITEC on here too.
Perhaps computers are beyond them.............i wouldn't say they were the most effecient outfit I have come across.
Yasmin x
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I don't think they really care, do you?[&:]
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Sorry, Gladyse. I didn't want to worry anyone. I have a few worries myself. Thank you Candie for what you said as it has reassured me a bit. I have to say that ITEC are not my favourite people at the moment in terms of what we have to learn to become qualified Massage Therapists.
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I have to say that I am proud of my ITEC qualifications and particularly proud of the fact that despite all the problems with both the college and ITEC I have actually achieved them. I don't know whether I would consider taking any more ITEC courses...........thank goodness I have done most of them now.
I would be proud to wear the badge....IF ONLY IT WOULD STAY ON 🙂 Every time I move it falls off. I would be very annoyed if I had paid the required £10.00 for it!!!!!!
I have to say Candie that I don't think they care at all...........they must know what we all think anyway!!!!
yasmin x
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Well guys, before I start I had better let you know that I am GLADYSE, under a new posher (temporary I hope, name)I was trying to change my old user name from capitals to lower case (the name in capitals was a mistake, like most things in my life, lol, ) well my daughter messes around with things while I was distracted I come back press ok , and there you go I can no longer access my beloved GLADYSE, hope admin people can sort it out for me.
Glover, don't worry about me worrying, It's what I do best, so glad you took the time to let us know, tell me was this poor girl upset, she must have been so embarrassed, :).
Candie, has anyone told you, you are like a warm fluffy mother thing, you make every one feel better, keep up the good work;)
RE: Warning
I totally agree, that ITEC haven't got a leg to stand on. If they were reasonable enough to supply past papers, this wouldn't be happening. This forum is nothing to do with ITEC and therefore they have no control over its content. Hopefully members are sensible enough not to publish the current exams, but even so, most ITEC papers are multiple choice and in theory should be generated individually for each college.
I too am proud of my ITEC qualifications and hope they don't become insignificant when degree courses become more popular. They have cost many of us a lot of money, sometimes £000's. What concerns me is that HNC students can opt to sit the ITEC exams at the exam only cost. They don't even have to attend the classes, just produce the case studies (many of which are submitted after the exams or are pretty bare). I even know of cases where HNC students can sit Post Grad exams without having their AP&M. To me this really does devalue the qualification. Perhaps if I had known all of this prior to entering into ITEC I could have paid just £120 for my three ITEC qualifications!
Sorry I'm ranting, but this really does wind me up!
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Hey we're only letting others know what we've had to do! What would they rather have, unhappy students and low pass rates or to see students working together to help one another?
RE: Warning
Candie, has anyone told you, you are like a warm fluffy mother thing, you make every one feel better, keep up the good work
Well I have been called some things, but that's a new one! Tell my thirteen old twin boys that after I just gave them what for after one on of them did badly in two exams due to not revising![:@] But thank you anyway, I shall consider my new image carefully.
BTW, what a transformation you have undergone. One minute you are Gladys and then suddenly you are la touche agreable, bloomin eck, that certainly doesn't conjure up a mother image! Be careful where you post!:D
When I posted the exam questions a long time ago, I worried that I had done the wrong thing as I was also under the ITEC influence at the time, but it soon wore off!
most ITEC papers are multiple choice and in theory should be generated individually for each college.
Angelfish. I can't speak for what goes on now with multiple choice. But I can tell you that private colleges NEVER had a hand in setting the ITEC exams. I have seen them being opened on the day of the exam. The college themselves are not allowed to open the papers until the start of the exam. Not sure what happens now, but suspect that ITEC still have control.[:@]
RE: Warning
candie, knit one pear one, knit one pearl one.....:D
hmm la touche sounds a wee bit sexy to me....if you have not already done so ask Mike for help in resetting your password and changing you to lower case unless you think this new handle is a little more you.....
by the way returning to topic, i dont ever remember signing anything that said we couldnt remember and write down the questions after the exam?
RE: Warning
candie, knit one pear one, knit one pearl one.....
You Monkey!!! I told you that in confidence. Ha ha.....[sm=rollaugh.gif][sm=rollaugh.gif][sm=rollaugh.gif][sm=rollaugh.gif]
Plus I had just given birth!
RE: Warning
:DNo Iwon't be keeping la touche, like you say it does sound a little sexy, and I can assure you that is not me at all [sm=FIFangel.gif]. It was suggested for a brochure I had to produce, and was told it meant nice touch, tho some one has since hinted it could be nice bum[sm=rollaugh.gif][sm=rollaugh.gif][sm=rollaugh.gif][sm=rollaugh.gif](can I say that on here?). Well I have to say I am hardly the Siren type, and will be going back to good old knobbly knees GLADYSE as soon as possible, a new more subdued lower case gladyse I hope.
As for knit one pearl one, come on , dish the dirt on Candie, you can send me a private email, I won't tell, honest;) lol
Is she a warm fluffy mother thing?:D
RE: Warning
Hi Candie,
Not quite sure what you mean. I meant that each college should be set different exam papers, not that individual colleges have had a hand in setting their own questions. I too haven't done the mcq's yet, but it will be interesting to see how many other colleges get the same questions.
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I am with you now!
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I am not a warm fluffy mother thing at all no! A few friends on here have already had a laugh about that one!
Ok. I will spill the beans, though not interesting at all.
TigerBee and I were discussing something (can't remember what) but think it was something to do with how much we take on, kids, work etc etc. Anyway I admitted to her that when my twins were born (both horrendous babies, underweight etc but that's another story) I taught myself to Fair Isle knit. Now, bear in mind that I also had a 22 month old and I couldn't knit at all!
Not for me 'KNIT ONE PURL ONE!!!!!' Oh no.
Told you it was boring!
And by the way there were bloody holes everywhere. I gave it up as a bad job. I prefer instant gratification!:D
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O.K Candie, maybe not a warm fluffy mother thing:D
But you do have a way of reassuring, sometimes all we need is some one to say "it's ok" and you are good at that, so thank you.[sm=grouphug.gif]
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