Task 4 - Support Protection from Physical & Mental Abuse
Hi There
Can some one help me with the following questions:
1. Why is it important for clients to feel at ease, and how might you know if they were not?
2. What actions can you take to put clients at ease and reassure them of professionalism
3. What responsibilities do you have when working with Children?
4. How should you react to a client (whether adult or client) talking about abusive experiences and what action would you take?
5. Why is Confidentiality important?
6. How can you protect yourself as a therapist from inappropriate behaviour?
Thanks so much for your help, if someone could suggest some good web sites for reference i'd much appreciate it.
Hi I am new to this site and saw your post re: task 4. I am currently doing reflexology and I have been given the same questions, I was wondering if you got the answers or help you were looking for and would you be able to help me please
Thanks xxxxx
Hello to you both. I have no axe to grind here and wish you both well in your studies but I do feel that most of the questions you cite could be answered by anyone with a modicum of intelligence and/or common sense. I'm not a therapist but I could make a good stab at giving answers to these questions. I have to say, therefore, and it's been said before here on HP that it seems to me that some people just expect to be spoonfed the answers to their exams and tests.
Not that long ago someone else requested help and the not unreasonable reply was that they should have a go at the answers themselves and then - and only then - HP members would be more than happy to join in and add suggestions and hints. But for heaven's sake - who exactly is taking this course? Us or you?
Sorry - that sounds very harsh and I don't mean to upset anyone but I wouldn't expect anyone else to do my homework for me....
if you were to post what anwers you have already thought of for yourself, then maybe others would help by expanding , but these forums are not for asking others to do your coursework for you
Lets take question one
1. Why is it important for clients to feel at ease, and how might you know if they were not?
What are your own thoughts about this?
Sorry If I gave you the wrong impression:confused:, I don't need people to answer the questions for me I was going to compare notes with the person of the original post to see if I missed anything.
You'd be welcome to post your answers here, Raquelle. Then you'll get a whole pile of input from helpful HP members!
This is what I have come up with so far, what are your view? your input would be greatfully received. 🙂
1. Why is it important for clients to feel at ease, and how might you know if they were not?
When you have initial contact with new clients, they will likely be experiencing uneasiness, fear, anxiety, uncertainty and apprehension. Your ability to place them at immediate ease will help you to stand out as a professional, by doing so, the client will be able to communicate with you in a calm manner. If the client was not at ease they would show this by their body language and would be reluctant to communicate with you.
2. What actions can you take to put clients at ease and reassure them of professionalism?
Warmth and caring are important throughout your relationship with your clients, but especially at the beginning. You can display your genuine warmth and caring by smiling and shaking hands upon greeting them, maintaining eye contact and using appropriate facial expressions, and simply listening. Ensure the setting is well maintained, welcoming, and with a positive, relaxing atmosphere.
3. What responsibilities do you have when working with Children?
When treating children you have a responsibility to protect the minor by ensuring a parent or guardian is present when examining or treating them. Ensure you have written permission from the parent or guardian to treat the minor. Children’s feet are likely to be more sensitive therefore a gentler touch will be needed.
4. How should you react to a client (whether adult or child) talking about abusive experiences and what action would you take?
If a client discloses abuse during treatment you need to stay calm and non judgemental. Make sure the client remains at ease. Any reports or signs of prior abuse should be noted; any explanations given for these signs should be recorded and treated with confidentiality within the law. Give the client a contact list of organisations available for help. If in doubt on how to proceed you can always ask for advice from various organisations e.g. Social Services.
5. Why is Confidentiality important?
In order for the client to feel free to be open about themselves, they need to be sure that their information will be kept absolutely confidential. As professionals we undertake to not pass on information to another (third) party without the client’s permission, although we are bound by law to report such things as instances of communicable diseases to the relevant health authorities. To meet the data protection act.
6. How can you protect yourself as a therapist from inappropriate behaviour?
Well, Raquelle, although I'm not a therapist those answers seem well thought out and well expressed. The only thing that I would say is that when you talk in No. 4 about getting advice from organisations like Social Services, shouldn't you add there 'without disclosing client's identity or betraying confidentiality' or something like that. I know you've put that in the next point but maybe it should go in No. 4 too.
But anyway, to me it sounds good.
Best of luck.
Thanks Sunanda, yes your right I do need to put that, thanks for pointing that out to me.
I don't know what the complementary therapies organisations have to say about the disclosure of abuse but any professional working in health or social care is duty bound to report. The confidentiality agreement goes out the window, especially where children are concerned. If you believe that a child is at risk of serious harm, you should report it to the police or social services immediately.