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Professional conduct & business awareness

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Does anyone know the answer for the following questions:

In a busy salon/clinic how regularly should all electrical equipment be checked for electrical safety?
A. Once a month
B. Every 3 months
C. Every 6 months
D. Every 2 years

Many thanks.

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RE: Professional conduct & business awareness


this is a tricky one, as it doesn't state who is checking it. If it is staff then it will be once per month to check wires haven't broken or come loose, if its a qualified elctrician then it is once a year they put the little green and white stickers on when have checked it.


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RE: Professional conduct & business awareness

Hi all,

Lorraine is right that PAT (Portable Appliance Testing) should be carried out yearly but that does not fit with the four answers offered!

It's a mystery to me.


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RE: Professional conduct & business awareness

Hi Russell

Thanks for that I couldn't remember what it was called P A T. The question is so open it needs to state 'Who' is checking the equipment.

Hope the reflex is going well.


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RE: Professional conduct & business awareness


I believe that the answer is every 6 months for a busy salon.

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RE: Professional conduct & business awareness

to clarify this the 1986 Electricity at work regulations state that all appliances should be checked by a competent person and a signed record of checks and maintenance kept every 6 months

Hope thats helpful 🙂

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RE: Professional conduct & business awareness

Hi! My husband carries out PAT testing. This is such an ambiguous question.
If the item is hand-held (eg hairdryer, tongs etc) it should be PAT tested every 6 months.
If the item is portable - depending on how much it is used it should be tested every 6 - 12 months.
If the appliance is fixed - i.e. never moved - it will depend on whether it
has a plug fitted or whether it is wired directly into the mains. If it has a plug head it has to be PAT tested every 2 years.

None of which answers your original query.... but, having taught H & S (basics though) to groups of 16 yr olds some years ago - a VISUAL check should be carried out at least every month for obvious signs of wear such as frayed wires, loose screws in plugs, that sort of thing.

In terms of the types of electrical equipment used in salons though I would imagine it would be the 6 months. Most of it is hand-held or portable with moderate to heavy usage.

Any one in agreement please?
