Anyone just sat the vtct m149 anatomy and physiology for massage, which many of us are taking tomorrow morning. And if so anyone got any sample Q's to help us people fumbling in the dark.
Also, anyone sat the vtct m62-8/m133 Anatomy and Physiology yet which we have got to do on 24 March Again we have no clues as to what to expect
Would be very grateful to anyone offering a double quick reponse.
RE: M149 past papers and m62-8/m133
Hi there - how did your M149 paper go? Was it quite straightforward or were there any surprises in it?
I'm sitting the M62-8/133 on 25th and am getting q stressed out about it as I just don't know what to expect! Good luck with yours on 24th and do let us know how it goes - I need someone to put my mind at rest!
RE: M149 past papers and m62-8/m133
Sitting the A & P for massage on Thursday too, so not exactly sure what to expect. ( Sat A& P for Massage last Wednesday) 19 multiple choice q's 11 to pass, found it so so
My guess is that there will be between 30 and 40 multiple choice q's in the same vein
some q's as follows as far as I can remember
how many types of simple? eplithelium tissue are there
what are the muscles in the lower leg
what are the main muscles of the trunk
what are the functions of the skin
what does blood contain
what is cytoplasm
what is the main muscle used for breathing
how many chamers are there in the heart
what is the lymphatic system for
which is a type of joint= synovial
what are types of compact bones = compact and cancellous
where do you find the ischium
what are the main nerves of the nervous system
hope this helps and good luck
Also try looking at this.
Can't be sure it's what will be on the papers but may help everyone
RE: M62-8/M133
Hi Ya all sitting the A&P exam this week
I sat M149 last week and found the multiple choice a bit tricky especially when you start to doubt yourself so for the A&P exam which im sitting on Thursday i am going to try and stick to my first choice!
I have a feeling i will be resitting in June even though i am putting in over 100% in trying to absorb all the body systems !
Good Luck to everyone
Lets hope we all well
love bozz
RE: M62-8/M133
Hi ya stressed (dont be!)
The college has told us to look in the yellow book from VTCT and read through the range statements which is what we will kneed to know for the exam! Also your portfolio
Good Luck
RE: M62-8/M133
Hi there Stressed... thanks for posting some of the questions you had last week .... be nice if some of the same questions come up on Thursday ... but somehow I doubt they will!!! I really don't think I'm going to pass this exam ... looks like it'll be a re-sit in June ...hey ho!
Anyway, good luck to everyone taking the exam!
RE: M62-8/M133
Hi again ... just taken a look at the Thomson Learning site - its really helpful ... but still think I'll fail!!!! Okay ... we need positive thinking here!
RE: M62-8/M133
Hi Caroline
Well I thought the same as you until just recently. I have done the 20 week course and felt none the wiser for various reasons. I decided I would sit the exam and fail.
I know feel that with it, hopefully being multiple choice and my own efforts on studying over the past week or so that I might - with just a little luck, pass.
I have found that link useful and also this one
[DLMURL] http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/gcsebitesize/pe/anatomy [/DLMURL]
Let me know how you go on
RE: M62-8/M133
Hi again Stressed.... your a star posting all the links through ... thank you v much! I've had a bash at them all now ... and on some systems have suprised myself and done quite well but on others it shows that I need some more revision .... so back to the books for me!
This time tomorrow ... it'll all be over and done with thank goodness. Hope it goes well for you and I'll let you know how I get on ... keeping everything crossed!!!
RE: M62-8/M133
Hi Stressed.... I thought I'd post my thoughts on today's paper .... the questions weren't at all as I'd expected so it threw me quite a bit - although I was surprised that there were only 25 questions to do in an hour ... which was way too much time! Its so boring just sitting there watching the clock tick!!
I thought I'd definately definately failed after speaking to others at my college as they had quite a few different answers to mine for example ...how many different types of bones are there? How many arches in the foot? What organ produces the most heat? What did you put for these answers? But now I'm not so sure and will have a very nervous and anxious wait for the results as its too close to call!!
How do you think you did ... look forward to hearing from you and anyone else who also took the exam.
RE: M62-8/M133
Hi Caroline
I sat the A & P paper Thursday and thought also they would be more questions
I am trying to remember the questions & answers
How many types of bone in body (5) I got this wrong put 4!
What organ generates the most heat (Liver) i think ?
How many arches in the foot (4) another wrong answer i put 3
How is blood pressure measured (Through force excereted through vessel walls)
Which of these is a connective tissue
Sidewalk ??
How many pairs of crainal nerves are there
Which is the largest vein in body
Does muscle work better with heat (True)
Sense of smell (Olfactory bulb)
Tubes from Kidneys (ureters)
Which one of these is in the dermis layer (tricky one) I know what you mean with the list of possibilities
The same type question about the liver (i put A as it was the only one that had filters blood ?)
Emm strugling to remember them all
I am just glad it is out the way i have to crack on with the 4 assignments now!!!
Hope everyone who sat the paper did well lets hope we all past!
Take care
RE: M62-8/M133
some of the multiple choice optiosn were a bit tricky weren't they? If you did the paper at home you could probably answer them straight away, but in an exam situation you start to doubt yourself!! I end up getting really paranoid and reading the question about 5 times! I know I've definitely got some wrong - put 4 types of bone instead of 4, forgetting irregular. As for arches of the foot, one book says there are 4, one says there are 3 so not sure about that one!! I put 3 and I think that's right. Organ that generates most heat I said the heart (a guess).
Hmm what else was there, biggest vein in the body i said internal jugular, that's wrong it should've been one of the vena cavas. I'm hoping I've scraped 15 to pass!
Would be interesting to hear what other people thought of it!
RE: M62-8/M133
Hi i found the exam paper very confusing. I also put 4 types of bones, because in the VTCT Holistic Therapy A & P book it says FOUR main bones. Also put 3 arches of the foot.[:@] Just have to wait and see.
RE: M62-8/M133
iv posted a couple of replies since thurs, but i am still so so disappointed in myself, i really thought i would do well but who knows. studied really hard but now it seems for the wrong stuff, have health and safety soon but that seems jut as bizare as the A&P.
i always believed that you can achieve anything you want in life as long as you want it enough, i think thats true as long as VTCT are not involved.
sorry guys just on a downer at the mo.
RE: M62-8/M133 questions as best I can remember them
Questions (and answers) as best I can remember them, but only got 24 not 25
Can anyone improve on the list? with q's and a's
1. How many arches in the foot 3?
2. how many types of bone = 4 or 5
3. what is connective tissue = fibrous
4. what do veins carry - deoxygenated blood
5. which do not create insuln - pancreas ... =ptuitary gland
5. Which hormone does the Pituitary gland not secrete ... I thought it was insulin.
not sure how it was worded
6. what are the lungs covered in - pleural membrane
7. what is the largest vein = inferior vena cava
8. when do muscles work best = WARM
9. What organ generates the most heat heart... =4Liver
organs involved in heat production are muscles, liver and digestive organs -
10. How is blood pressure measured
11. how many spinal nerves = 31
11 How many pairs of crainal nerves are there = 12
not sure whether both these q’s were there or not?
12. Which is the largest vein in body inferiour vena cava
13. Sense of smell? Olfactory bulb
14. Tubes from Kidneys ureters
15. Which one of these is in the dermis layer
dermis made up of - erector pili muscles eccrine aprocriine sebaceous sensory and motor nerve ending blood vessels ????
16. question about the liver ??
17. cells energy - mitronchondria
18. what is hair made of - cortex medulla??
19. Where are the inguinal nodes found - in the groin
20. brain meniges spinal cord - central nervous system
21. the secondary sex characteristics in a female; oestrogen and progesterone
22. What gases are involved in gaseous exchange? carbon dioxide and oxygen
23 A question on whether the endocrine system secretes hormones through ducts or directly into the blood= into Blood stream
24. Mechanic of breathing??
RE: M62-8/M133 questions as best I can remember them
Well done for remembering all those questions ... these have also sprung to mind :
Where does ingestion start? Mouth
Which bones form the spine? lumbar, sacral, thoracic and cervical
I don't know if I'm right or not ... but in the yellow book it say that there are 4 arches in the feet - so not sure about that one?
Hopefully we'll all be put out of our misery soon!