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[Sticky] ITEC Indian Head Massage

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within the past few weeks I have taken the IHM written paper and the practical. Have just heard that I have passed - huge sigh of relief.

The questions I was asked in the practical were:

What would I do if client had a nose bleed
What muscles am I working on at the moment
Do I know why we encourage client to lean forwards during IHM massage rather than sit upright? - totally floored me that one - hadn't a clue - however, I said it helps client to relax, otherwise they would be sitting upright, maybe holding tension in their backs etc. The examiner must have been happy with my reply, because she passed me! Afterwards, my model, who is also a yoga enthusiast said it also flexes the spine forwards which is what she is taught in yoga. (she wished she could have answered that one for me, but kept schtum!)

The other students were asked things like what is the benefit of IHM to a particular system of the body i.e. circulation etc. I was trying to earhole what they were being asked, but I was also deeply concentrating on what move I had to do next, so missed a lot of what was being asked/replied!!

As for the written exam I've been racking my brain to remember what questions were there but the exam all went in a bit of a blur. There were lots of the questions from the mock and sample papers, but some of the others really stumped me, as follows....

Learn the latin names for various conditions for headlice, dandruff etc. A couple of questions asked about contraindications etc, referring on etc, for the latin names of these things - again, I hadn't a clue, but some of the multiple choice answers were very obviously wrong, so it was a case of guessing 50/50 for the other answers (Who wants to be a millionnaire comes to mind).

Learn the posh term for frozen shoulder (i.e. adhesive capsulitis or something like that), too.

What does ear pulling do? i.e. relax, stimulate, energise etc. I think I got that wrong as I put relax, but looking in the book afterwards, it said stimulate (I think)

What is Ayurveda? i.e. science of life, science of nature, science of the body etc (correct answer = science of life?????)

Which of the following is not an effect of effleurage (and it gave 4 things like, relaxing, desquamating, lifting and 1 other - there were 2 very definite effects, and 2 iffy ones, but as it was asking for a negative effect, I got so excited when I thought I had sorted out an actual effect, that I think I put that answer down rather than the one it was not - so watch out for that - they mayask for what things aren't, rather than what things are.

It also asked why diabetes is a contraindicatin to IHM - of the 4 answers, it seems that the correct one is something like " because feeling is reduced with diabetes"

And that's about all I can remember

Good luck to anyone out there about to take their exam

Marino (named after a quaffable Spanish wine)

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RE: ITEC Indian Head Massage

Posted by Dot

Hi All,

Just coming out of lurksville to thank you for your posts helping with IHM theory.

I had my exam today and passed the practical. I find out about the theory in a few weeks.

I thought I'd let you know about a couple of questions that I found a bit tricky.

1. I client complains of a headache. After effleurage and lightly petrissaging his shoulders and neck which movement should you use next.

a. Friction
b. Champissage
c. tabla
d. vibration.

I put friction because that's the movement that followed in our technique. ??

2. A client complains of failing eyesight and loss of memory. What area should you concentrate on?

a. Mandible
b. Cheeks
c. Forehead
d. Neck

3. A client suffers from hypotension. What sort of massage should you give.

a. enlightning
b. soothing
c. calming
d. invigorating

I'll try to think of some more.


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RE: ITEC Indian Head Massage

Posted by Angel
These were the questions that were used in the VTCT M69 exam in March 04

1. Which is the deeper tissue movement
2. What is the name of the muscle that covers the shoulder to arm joint
3. Which of these is not a contra indication? (Answer was Stress)
4. On the epidermis, what is the bottom layer called?
5. What is partial baldness called?
6. Which carrier oil contains Phosphate?
7. What is the name given to the colour of the skin?
8. What is meant by Hypo-allergenic massage oil?
9. What is the best position for the client to put her head during the facial massage?
10. What is a link movement called?
11. How long does a IHM treatment last?
12. IHM is benifical for....
13. What is the first movement in IHM called
14. How often should a clinet come for treatment?

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Posted by Allie:

Here's 25 questions I found in the ITEC Theory Book:

1. Why is medical approval required before an epileptic client can have an Indian head massage?
Because it could provoke a convulsive seizure

2.Local contra indications to Indian head massage include:

3.Contra indications to Indian head massage requiring medical approval include:

4.Swedish massage is a treatment involving:
Massage of the whole body using talcum powder

5.Bach flower remedies are defined as:
Infusions of plants with water and alcohol to treat emotional problems

6.During Indian head massage, oil is used for:
Promote hair growth

7.General psychological effects of Indian head massage include:
Relaxes the mind

8.The effects of hacking include to:
Stimulate muscle fibres

9.The physiological effects of Indian head massage on the lymphatic system include:

10.The physiology effects of kneading include:
Prevents fatigue by removing lactic acid

11.The benefits of vibrations include to:
Stimulate localised nerve endings

12.Circular petrissage movements around the temple help to:

13.Frictions at the side of the scalp release which muscle?

14.By improving the circulation with massage you are also:
Encouraging more efficient delivery of nutrients

15.Champissahe (double hacking) is preformed with the:
Sides of the hand

16.If the client was treated for the same condition by another Indian head masseur/se would you:
Refuse to treat the client for that condition until you had obtained a written referral from the therapist concerned

17.The importance of drinking water after an Indian head massage treatment is to:
Flush out toxins

18.The specific massage movement to most benefit a client suffering from non-medical oedema in the neck area (Doctor's approval has been given) would be:

19.One of the most beneficial massage oils to use on a client suffering from psoriasis would be:

20.Tension in the muscle will present as:
Firm muscle with nodules present

21.The type of massage you would give a stressed client suffering from insomnia and tense back would be:

22.A client presents with alopecia. Which part of the massage would you concentrate on?

23.The precautions you would take with a client suffering from dandruff would be:
Place a towel on their shoulders before commencing scalp massage

24.The physiological effect of squeezing and releasing at the side of the neck include:
Lymph drainage

25.Which specific massage movement would you use on a client who is hyperactive?

Hope they are helpful


Posted by SpyKeyFingle
1.What muscle is on the upper part of the face?
a. Trapezius
b. Orbicularis Oculi
c. Risorius
d. Platysma

2. How does blood & lymph affect the skin & muscles?
a. By causing contraction
b. Removal of waste products
c. Reducing the number of lines on the face
d. Dries out oily skin

3. Which of the following movements is least stimulating?
a. Petrissage
b. Tapotement
c. Effleurage
d. Vibration

4. What is the function of the arteries?
a. They assist circulation in the heart
b. Join up the arterioles and capillaries
c. They carry deoxygenated blood
d. They carry blod away from the heart

5. Which of the following are all facial muscles?
a. Pectoral, Zygomaticus, trapezius, mentalis
b. Deltoid, Masseter, corrugator, capillaries
c. Masseter, Risorius, Buccinator, Zygomaticus
d. Risorius, Corrugator, Platysma, Orbicularis oris

6.Which are all bones of the face?
a. Zygomatic, Clavicle, Temporal
b. Maxilla, Cervical, Temporal
c. Mandible, Maxilla, Zygomatic
d. Scapula, Temporal, Parietal

7. Which muscle is on the lowest part of the head/neck?
a. Corrugator
b. Orbicularis Oculi
c. Frontalis
d. Platysma

Answers: 1. B 2. B 3. C 4. D 5. C 6. C 7. D

. What is the effect of massage on the Blood Supply?
a. Makes the skin look paler
b. Stimulates the blood flow to the skin
c. Reduces the amount of blood in the skin
d. Causes a reduction in the number of blood cells

2. What is the appropriate action when a Therapist discovers that a client has a contra-indication?
a. Ask the client to seek GP advice about it and report back
b. Write a letter to the GP asking for consent to treament
c. See the GP Personally
d. Look it up in a book

3. What is the smallest blood vessel
a. Vein
b. Venule
c. Capillary
d. Artery

4. What is the Data Protection Act concerned with?
a. Confidentiallity of all record cards
b. Privacy of the client
c. Medical History of the client
d. Computerised Records n clients

5. A motor nerve transmits impulses to:
a. Muscles

b. Skin
c. Brain
d. Spinal cord

6. The central nervous system consists of which of the following structures
a. Brain
b. Brain and spinal cord
c. Brain, spinal cord and neurones
d. Brain, spinal cord, neurones and nerve endings

7. The lymphatic system -
a. Transports oxygen
b. Produces anti-bodies
c. Transports nutrients
d. Produces the pigment melanin found on the skin

Answers: 1. B 2. B 3. C 4. D 5. A 6. B 7. B

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RE: ITEC Indian Head Massage

VTCT Indian Head Massage Assignement - Lymph

Firstly, I need to do an assignment on the lymph system. The problem I have is with the last 3 questions.

Complete the following by filling in the gaps.

• What moves out of the blood capillaries into the surrounding tissues?


• When this substance is bathing the tissues, what is it called ?

Tissue fluid or interstitial fluid

• When the fluid just mentioned moves into the lymph capillaries, what is it called ?


• When the lymph flows away from the tissues, where does it go to ?

• On arriving at the above area, what happens to the lymph and why ?

• When the process just mentioned is complete, what happens to the lymph then ?

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RE: ITEC Indian Head Massage

Its been bout a month past ( refering by the date ur post been posted ^) Probably u dont nd the ans or any reply anymore. However I'll like to have a try..:eek:
Plscorrectmi, if my ans are wrong.. cuz im juz a newbie.. ^^

• When the lymph flows away from the tissues, where does it go to ?

• On arriving at the above area, what happens to the lymph and why ?

• When the process just mentioned is complete, what happens to the lymph then ?

1) lumph flows to the nearest Lymph Nodes.

2) Phygocytic action ( a process ) takes place in lymph nodes.
- A process of Kiling / destroying virus. Filtering of toxic and waste product.
- A chemical process that both waste product / toxic & WBC will destroy. Only plasma protein remains.

3) Returning protein to the cells by transporting those protein that has big molecules which cannot be absored by cells.


Im not sure if the ans are correct..pls correct me, if the answer are wrong or need to be corrected..Thx in advanced.

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RE: ITEC Indian Head Massage

hi all.
wasn't sure if the questions posted were looking for answers. here they are anyway.
posted by Dot, 1oth June 05
1. Friction
2. forehead
3. invigorating

posted by angel, 11th Sept 05
not sure about vtct, am unfamiliar with their training but these answers are applicable to ITEC
2. Deltoid
4. Stratum Germinativium/Basal layer
6. Sesame
7. Pigment/melanin
8. not likely to cause an allergic reaction
10. effleurage
11. varies
12. stress, headaches, hair growth etc
13. effleurage
14. varies

if anyone has questions, throw em my way and i'll do my best.


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Indian Head exam and oral questions from 2 days ago

I did my ITEC Indian Head exam 2 days ago. Here are some of the questions I got.

Written paper :

What move would you do for tension in upper forearm?
- thumb petrissage
- friction
- double handed kneading

Is psoriasis and eczema contra-indicated?
- Totally
- Medically
- not contraindicated at all
- Locally

Client with tension due to too much laughing. Which muscle would be affected?
- zygomatic
- pterygoid

A characteristic not of Pitta is?
- fluid
- smooth
- slightly oily
- light

A characteristic not of Vata is?
- stable
- light

A client with tension and pain in bicep muscle, what was it from doing?
- lifting heavy object too quickly
- throwing something
- bending arm behind back
- throwing striaght arm forward

To reduce inflammation and pain you would need to?
- increase circulation
- remove waste
-stimulate nerve endings

Client sits at computer and has tension in shoulder. What Indian Head move would you do?
- tabla
- champi
- petrissage
- cupping

To increase skin colour what move would you do?
- kneading
- tabla
- vibrations

Which complementary therapy uses plants?
- herbalism
- homeopathy

When would you update a consultation form?
- after every treatment
- at end of course of treatments
- at end of first treatment only

A therapist can eat smelly foods?
- before treatment
- any time, it doesn't matter
- never
- not before a treatment

Client has pain in jaw from chewing. Which muscle would not be affected?
- buccinator
- mentalis
- masseter
- temporalis

Shiatsu is?
- pressure on points
- light rolling moves
- manipulation of joints

What kind of move is a petrissage move?
- compression
- tabla

What is not contra-indicated to Indian Head massage?
- high blood pressure
- alopecia
- sycosis barbae

What is good aftercare advice?
- drink more water
- eat a heavy meal afterwards
- do strenuous exercise afterwards

Client with dandruff, what precaution would you take?
- place towel over shoulders
- wet the hair thoroughly
- brush the hair through

Effleurage on face?
- very light
- only heavy around the eyes
- gentle and even

Client who is stressed, has insomnia and tension. What type of treatment would you give?
- stimulating
- relaxing
- invigorating

What is not a psychological advantage of Indian head?
- feeling of relaxation and calm
- increase cellular activity
- relieve stress

What is not a physiological
- decrease anxiety
- increase circulation
- relax muscles

Squeezing and releasing at the side of the neck helps?
- increase circulation
- lymph drainage

Some oral questions :

Name any local, medical and total contra-indications
What did you find while working on this client
What is the benefit of that movement
Name the 5 Indian Head massage moves
What move would you do to relieve the clients problem
What are the Indian Head percussion moves

That's all I can remember then. Hope these help.
If anyone out there knows any sample CIBTAC Hot Stone, Thermal Auricular or Stress Management questions or has down the exam recently could you please let me know. We have our exams in 5 days.

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VTCT IHM exam paper.

1. Name six contra-indications of IHM? Give examples of three of these.

2. Name three classifications of massage moves, Give two examples of each ofthese?

3. Why is aftercare important?

4. Give six examples of aftercare, including two for the hair.

5.Name three oils used in IHM and give two examples of each of these?

6.What are contra- actions? Givew three examples of these.

7. Name 6 benefits of IHM?

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RE: ITEC Indian Head Massage

Hi my recent IHM had a couple of MCQ re: the characteristics of Vata, Pitta and Kapha. descriptions included hot, oily, subtle, calm, moist, intense.
A few others to describe shiatsu ' using fingers or thumbs'; Bach flowers' infusions of plants'

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Have recently sat IHM theory exam - hope these questions help - can't remember exact wording of questions or all options for answers but here goes:-

1. What is Pediculosis Capitis
- Infestation

2. Which of these is a viral infection of the skin
- Herpes Simplex

3. Hypotension
- do not massage without medical approval

4. What uses feet as maps of body
- Reflexology

5.What uses gentle moves on tissues
- Bowen Technique

6. What is homeostasis
- internal physiological balance

7. What oil prevents premature greying
- sesame

8.What do marma points do
- balance doshas
- clear meridians
( was unsure which one of these was right!)

9.which of these is an incorrect description of a tapotement/percussion move
- hands flat following contours of body

10.Where perform Tabla
- Head

11. What does hair pulling do?
-stimulates nerves of the hair follicle

12.Which system is indirectly affected by IHM
- Nervous
- Lymphatic
- Muscular
- Urinary

13. The effects of IHM on Nervous System
- stimulation of sensory nerves

14.What is hypereamia
- blood to skin (can't remember wording)

15. What do vibrations do
- stimulate localised nerve endings

16. How many times recommend IHM initial treatment
-Once every 2 weeks
- 1 to 2 times a week
- 3 to 4 times a week

17.what complementary therapy has specific technique for TMJ
- holistic massage
- physiotherapy
- herbalism
- bach flower remedies

18.which gland associated with crown chakra
- pineal

19. Squeezing and releasing at side of neck
- Lymph drainage

20. distance between marma points measured in
- anguli

21. What colour solar plexus chakra
- yellow

22. What area would you work on if client suffering with poor concentration
- forehead
- shoulders

23. Client already being treated by Chiropractor what would you do
- check with Chiropractor IHM wouldn't effect existing treatment

24. Ringing in ears
- Tinnitus

25.Tension in muscles
- firm with nodules

Really hope this helps

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I got them all wright!!!!! =)

Oh my god I can belive I pass n that I got 100% or 98% its my first time I do so good in an exam , even from school,lo lol n have to say that I got help from this site so I want help others too =) n thank u everyone for making this post, u all make a difference!!!!

the first one was very tricky but we already talk n complain, so I think we got the point already!!

Gooooooooddddddd luck!!!!!!!! 😉

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