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[Sticky] ITEC Anatomy and Physiology Past Papers

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Paper 1

1 Define the function of the erector pili muscle
Cause the hair follicle to stand erect (goose pimples)
Constrict the flow of blood to the epidermis
The layer of muscle found below the dermis
Pumps sebum to the surface of the skin

2 Define sebum
Milky fluid found in the axilla and groin
Sweat (water) that controls body temperature
A fatty acid that keeps the skin moist and lubricates the hair shaft
Alkaline solution that balances the Ph level of the skin

3 List the correct order of the layers of the skin
"Spinosum, Corneum, Lucidum, Granulosum, Germinativum"
"Corneum, Lucidum, Granulosum, Spinosum, Germinativum"
"Lucidum, Granulosum, Spinosum, Corneum, Germinativum"
"Corneum, Spinosum, Lucidum, Granulosum, Germinativum"

4 " The skin produces two products, these are"
Melatonin and Vitamin D
Vitamin E and Myelin
Melanin and Vitamin E
Melanin and Vitamin D

5 " I have a skin disorder, it is as follows. A bacterial infection causing thin roofed blisters, which weep and leave a thick, yellow crust. It is highly contagious. What is the disorder?"

6 " If you were to supinate your arm, would you"
Turn it to face downwards
Move it away from the body
Turn it to face upwards
Move it towards the body

7 Which of the following doesn't contain involuntary muscle
Digestive system
Respiratory system
Genito-urinary system

8 Where would you find the sternocleidomastoid?
Across the top of the shoulders
Upper back
Running up the neck

9 What is the function of the orbicularis oculi
Raise the corner of the mouth
Rotates the head
Closes the eyelid
Plantarflexes the ankle

10 What is the cause of fibrositis
A build up of lactic acid in the muscle
Sodium depletion
Scar tissue that has not healed

11 Where would you typically find squamous epithilieum
Lining the circulatory system
Lining the stomach
Lining the respiratory system
Lining the bladder

12 When a cell reproduces and divides the term is

13 Define adipose tissue
Loose connective tissue
Semi-solid tissue
Elastic tissue
Fatty tissue

14 " What am I explaining The transfer of a substance by pressure, when the concentration of the substance on one sife of the membrane if greater than the other. The transference stops when an equal concentration has been achieved."

15 What is the majority of a cell made up of

16 How many vertebrae form the spine

17 Which is NOT a good example of a long bone

18 Where would I find the occipital bone
In the orbital cavity
The jaw The ankle
Back of the cranium

19 What is the cause of osteoperosis
Growing old
Calcium deficiency
Autoimmune disease
20 Where would be a good example of a pivot joint
Between the atlas and axis cervical vertebrae
Between the carpals and tarsals

21 Which endorine gland secreted the following hormones
Thyroid Pituitary

22 What is the function of thyroxin
Regulation of water absorption
Stimulates the contractions of the uterus
Controls metabolic rate
Regulates salts in the body

23 Where are the adrenal glands found
Either side of the neck
The base of the brain
In the thorax
Superior to the kidneys

24 What does PMS stand for
Pre Menstrual Syndrome
Pre Monster Syndrome
Post Menopausal Syndrome
Post Menstrual Syndrome

25 What is the effect of amenhorroea
Menstruation ever 23 weeks
Absence of menstruation
Muscular atrophy
The patient becomes hirsuit

26 What is the function of thrombocytes
Transport of nutrients
Protect the body from infection
Blood Clotting
Solvent in the blood

27 As you look at the diagram of the heart - what is the top right hand chamber called
Right atrium
Left atrium
Right ventricle
Left ventricle

28 Which chamber of the heart does oxygenated blood return to?
Right atrium
Left atrium
Right ventricle
Left venticle
29 Which is the main artery that supplies blood to the legs?

30 What disease am I describing? Inflammation of a vein.

31 How do lymphatic capillaries differ to vascular capillaries
They do not differ
They are not porour
"They are not continuous, they have a blind end"
They are held open with hoops of hyaline cartilage

32 What is one of the functions of lymph
Transport oxygen to the tissue
Adds lymphocytes to the blood
Transport carbon dioxide from the tissued
Bathes tissue in plasma

34 How is lymph circulated
It is pumped by the hart
The spleen pumps lymph
"Gravity draws it to the hands and feet, where it is returned to the blood stream."
A combination of skeletal muscle contraction and valves in the veins.

35 What is the function of lymph nodes
The filter lymph only
To produce new lymphocytes only
A point of reentry to the blood stream for the lymph fluid
To filter lymph and produce new lymphocytes

36 Which part of the brain has control over cardiac output
Medulla oblongata
Pons varolii

37 Define dendrites
A long single nerve fibre
Nerve fibres - like branches that transmit nerve impulses
The centre of the neurone A
point where one neurone meets another

38 What does the peripheral nervous system do?
Transmits information (sensory and motor) to and from the body
Stimulates the body's involuntary organs
Slows down the body
Transmission of the sensory information only

39 Name a reaction of the nervous system outside the control of the brain

40 What would be symptom of bells palsy
Pain down the lower back and leg
Tremor Loss of co-ordination
Facial paralysis

1 A, 2 C, 3 B, 4 D, 5 A, 6 C, 7 B, 8 D, 9 C, 10 A, 11 A, 12 C, 13 D, 14 B, 15 B, 16 A, 17 b, 18 D, 19 B, 20 A, 21 C, 22 C, 23 D, 24 A, 25 B, 26 C, 27 B, 28 B, 29 D, 30 A, 31 C, 32 B, 34 D, 35 D, 36 C, 37 B, 38 A, 39 C, 40 D

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Hi Rosi1 !!

Have you remembered any more questions ? Maybe Lily Pond's post might have jogged your memory seeing as you had the same paper.

I would really appreciate any help with the remainding 32 questions !!

Thanks a lot,


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A & P exam

Hi again
There was a question on the functions of a sensory nerve and also what the sympathic nervouse system does for the heart.
There was also one I think on where would you find the dorsal venous arch and which chamber of the heart receives deoxygenated blood first.
Make sure you also know about lactase and the axillary lymph node and the pituitary gland as there was q's on those too.
Hope this is of more help

xx :cat:

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Hi Lily Pond !!

You're a legend !!

Thanks so much !!

Best Wishes,

Tanya10. x

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I did same exam as lilly pond!
Definition of adduction
What is study of the structure of tissues called
What do endocrine glands secrete
Which hormone controls adrenal cortex
Tarsal bones in each foot?
Cancellous tissue is found in bones and is used for?
Which part of brain is resposible for breathing?
Functions of ureter?
What is amenorrhea
what is mastitis
Name of lymph node in armpit
Function of venules
Where would you find tonsils
Best of luck in exam x

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Hi Mollywhoppy !!

Thanks for your post !

Can you remember the options for the answers to the location of the tonsils as they can pick very tricky answers for questions like this ?

Also, I am very poor on muscles - can you recall any other muscle questions ?

Thanks again,


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Hi Tanya,
Where would you find the tonsils? the trachea?
b in the small intestine
c. in the stomach
d. By the pharynx
What is action of orbicularis oculi?
Which muscle draws arm forward adducts and rotates the arm medially?
a pectoralis major
b serratus anteriorc
c deltoid
d teres minor
Definition of extension
Definition of adduction
Which of the following is the only moveable bone in the skull?
a maxilla
b mandible
c parietal
d temporal
What is action of biceps femoris?
Hope that helps,can't remember any more but i don't think there was lots of questions on muscles.:)

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Hi Mollywhoppy !!

Thanks for the extra questions !

Keep the faith !!

Kind Regards,


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Hi Lily Pond !!

Just want to pick your brain !!

What area of the spine does lordosis affect ? The answer isn't in the book I have but there is a picture and it would seem to be lower thoracic and all of the lumbar region, so I presume the correct answer is LUMBAR ??

Thanks for your help,

Kind Regards,


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ITEC exam quiz

Hi there, i'm a bit frustrated as I've just done the ITEC exam quiz paper 2, to find that there aren't any answers displayed at the bottom of it . . . :confused: Henri

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Which year? I don't have the answers, personally, but know that a colleague (teacher) does not give answers on past papers - the answers are discussed in class. Have you been given some past papers to work through by your tutor?

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I've done exam mocks and past exam questions in class which we've discussed in class, but i was referring specifically to a test / exam / quiz paper i found on this healthypages website, where the answers are given for some of the quizes and not given for others, and i did one where the answers aren't given and it's a bit annoying as i can't how many i got right, unless i go through them all myself with my book, which i could but it takes alot longer !


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