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Saint Germain - Proof of Immortality?

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I could have put this in any of several HP forums, but since scientific minds tend to avoid the historical facts about Saint Germain, I thought I'd place it here.

Here we have a man who was mature by the opening of the 1700s, yet never appeared to age over well over a century. He was known to the royal houses of Europe, and warned Marie Antoinette about the coming French Revolution. He could speak every single language, it seems, including Oriental ones. He was a superb musician. Masons with deep knowledge believe he was either the founder, or much behind the scenes, in Rosicrucianism and Freemasonry in the beginning. Manley Palmer Hall believes Saint Germain had more than anyone else to do with the American Revolution.

He could write a poem with one hand while writing a letter with the other! He could turn flawed gems into perfect ones. He invented steam engines 20 years before Stevenson's Rocket...

Saint Germain never appeared to eat, or very little oatmeal according to some. He was enormously wealthy but had no bank acount and usually no obvious income. He acted as a diplomat or even spy over many decades for many countries. Though well-known in Europe, he was also with Clive of India in the 1850s (1750s?). Voltaire knew him and called him, "The man who never dies, and who knows everything." The opera singer, Emma Calve, was visited by him in 1897 and signed a phtograph for him, saying he had dispensed wonderful wisdom. His musical compositions are in museums around the world, and sometimes are recorded. He wrote at least one book, "Most Holy Trinosophia".

Since he was a grown man from around 1700, and still not aged by 1897 -- how? Many claim to have met him even up to the present day, and there are many such published accounts of meetings with him in the 20th century. People have known him throughout their lives, from their childhood to old age, but he does not age. He walked at will throughout the courts of Europe, in which everyone seems to have known him. When it was once attempted, he proved somehow impossible to arrest.

If this man isn't a mystery, what is?

The historical records are unquestionable, rom the letters and diaries of royalty and others of the day over centuries. He did exist. I've often noted how sceptics simply avoid looking at this subject, or throw out superficial answers without checking that well-known personages of the day attest to Saint Germain's longevity, during which his appearance didn't even alter. It's an interesting case given all the evidence.

It's said, "To know him is to love him."

One of hundreds of links is:



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RE: Saint Germain - Proof of Immortality?

I am very excited at the idea of St Germain being around so long and in 'solid' form. I know of St Germain as a spiritual being from who we can command the violet flame of protection when working with our energetic bodies. (Sorry science peeps but this is the only place to respond :eek:.) The purple flame is said to transmute any negative energy/thought forms. Do you think they are one and the same?

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RE: Saint Germain - Proof of Immortality?

......Maybe the thread should be copied to another area, it has sparked some interest from non-scientists.

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RE: Saint Germain - Proof of Immortality?


The purple flame is said to transmute any negative energy/thought forms. Do you think they are one and the same?

In the sense that you are talking about them - that the Violet Flame transmutes them - then they are more-or-less the same, yes. It's the imperfection imposed upon energy/matter by our thoughts and feelings that the Violet Flame transmutes, as you seem to know.

You are also right, by the way, in using the word "command". In practical reality, nobody can really use the Violet Flame to any great effect without the Spoken Word. This can be used by those who have training in it, as a Fiat, but more usually as a mantra or decree. And I get the feeling you know this already too? But there has to be sound and the use of the throat chakra.


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RE: Saint Germain - Proof of Immortality?

*mod had on*
It seems that this thread is heading into the spiritual and, although it could be argued that there is a connection between spritual and science (another topic altogether) I feel that it would be best if we can all keep this topic on the Scientific side of things. If you wish to talk about this in spiritual terms then please start a similar thread with a spritual angle to it over in the correct forum.

Thank you very much.
*mod hat off*

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RE: Saint Germain - Proof of Immortality?

For goodness sake! Is this not supposed to be a scientific thread? There are so few "facts" here I can't believe so many people have got involved. I started reading this with a certain amount of "curiosity" but, really, come on, does anybody really, seriously believe that this is one and the same character? I think we are in the realms of the tooth fairy and father christmas. Let's keep this section scientific.

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RE: Saint Germain - Proof of Immortality?

Well yes houseboy that is a good point what does this thread have to do with science?

Is it not more to do with philosophy?


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RE: Saint Germain - Proof of Immortality?

Well nothing has been talked about on this thread since 20th Feb. If there are more posts added and they are not scientific then I will consider moving it to Philosophy or somewhere else. Until then it can stay here.

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RE: Saint Germain - Proof of Immortality?

That's why he is called "The Wonderman of Europe". He attracts the psychics and all that stuff but was in fact a politician and a scientist, a very major mover in 19th century politics, so he rightly belongs here. But it depends where the thread goes. Read his biogs and he was a scientist. But wherever the thread goes, I think he is used to that treatment and he couldn't care a darn TBH!

I started the thread as I think it really fascinating that royalty of his day acclaim that he never died. Is that not science? How did he do it? - though I know it does involve 'spiritual' methods.


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RE: Saint Germain - Proof of Immortality?


Its me, I keep getting it drummed into me lately by earthly people that I have to prove the existence in scientifically acceptable terms and as science cannot explain immortlaity is it not also true that we cannot prove the immortaity of this amazing historical figure? If his only connection with science is that he was involved in it how does prove his immortality? And does not prove the science thereof does it?

Maybe you could expand the thread by informing us more about the science he was involved in, than the parameter truly does deserve to belong in this forum does it not?

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RE: Saint Germain - Proof of Immortality?

This is an old thread. It's pretty typical of the kind of treatment he gets.

I have to add to this thread, if I did not before, that Saint Germain is no 'spirit' or figment of the imagination. In fact, if it were not for him, my whole life would have panned out so differently. There is a saying, and I might leave it at that:

"To know him is to love him".

Once again, people on this forum will think I am talking about some kind of spiritualist contact, or channelling. ;)I would never accept such. Not so deeply.

To know this Man is to love him. And some will be the eternal sceptics, but others will seek to know Him. He's a wonderful person to know, and words - even though he himself half-created the English language - still can nowhere near come close to expressing who or what he is. To me, he is the best living person one could ever know in life.


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RE: Saint Germain - Proof of Immortality?

We are Immortal!! That is the answer. This is what all the great healers have come here to reveal. For example, Jesus, who rose from the DEAD, to prove to the unbelievers, that there is life after death. Consider previous discussions on 'free energy', quantum physics, string theory, and laterly... the Unified Theory of Everything. On a basic level, energy is tranformed from level (vibaration) to another. WE are made of energy (we burn), and this condensed light transforms from one state to another (past lifes et al).

SO did Saint Germain live for hundreds of years. Even!!! in the Bible it is reported that the likes of Abraham lived for hundreds of years. In the annuals of both yogic and taoist teachings, there are innumerate stories of those who using the practices, lived for hundreds of years. In Neale Donald Walsh's series of Conversations with God. God!! describes man's use of the body, and states that the BODY was designed to be utilised for many, many years than is the current norm. Due to the effects of social subjecation, imbalance of planetry resources... call it ego, call it survival of the fittest, the body is consumed years before its natural time. Therein, lies the illusion; we are not animals, and by rising above the basic level of need (freedom/ love), we LIVE longer, naturally.

So, is there life after death? Impossible, as death is only an illusion. Whether you believe in a God or not makes no difference (like gravity), because it is what it is; hence God says "I am what I AM; I am this andI am that; I am"

And finally, here is a quote from the authoress/ channellerDiana Cooper "

St Germain
St Germain was the Chohan of the seventh ray, the violet ray, who brought to us the Violet Flame of purification. He is now the Lord of Civilization. The part of him that incarnated as Rakoczy has recently taken over Mastery of the 11 th ray.
Previous incarnations - Samuel the prophet, Lao-Tze, the Chinese philosopher, Joseph of Nazareth, St Alban, Proclus the Greek philosopher, Merlin the Magician, Christopher Columbus, Francis Bacon, Rakoczy. As Christian Rosenkreutz he founded the order of the Rosy Cross, which later became the Rosicrucians."

Sounds like he's been here before!!!


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RE: Saint Germain - Proof of Immortality?

A really great post, but just one thing, and purely of course IMHO:

Diana Cooper hasn't a clue what she is talking about, and she is wrong in everything you quoted from her. Sorry, but that's the real truth,

Much love and respect,

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RE: Saint Germain - Proof of Immortality?

One P.S. to that. She does not know him. I would have thought that the first point of call would be to get permission from anyone in order to write a biography? Saint Germain does not want her book and it is purely a money-making endeavour.

Yet I did not mean to offend you. You are clearly so sincere. I would therefore suggest that you find the Master - it is not so hard to do - leaving Diana Cooper out of it? Seek the man, and He will never let you down. I promise.


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RE: Saint Germain - Proof of Immortality?

Thank you V for the Saint Germain info. I do know about him but forgot how amazing he seems to have been. And I will say for the record (you just never know who has internet these days)... Saint Germain, if you are reading this, please come and visit me in London sometime. You have an open invitation!

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RE: Saint Germain - Proof of Immortality?

:)Saint Germain reads everything, but a "visit" will probably take a different turn than you expect.

My advice would be not to wait for it. Just keep on track, and he will know about every minute of your day. 🙂

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RE: Saint Germain - Proof of Immortality?

I hadn't heard of St Germain until a few months ago andhad only read about him in terms of being an ascended Master. Is it true that St Germain is also the lord or master, not sure what the title is, of the Aquarian Age, in the same way that Jesus was of the Piscean Age?

And what do you think of the many channelled messages purported to have come from St Germain,after your opinion of Diane Cooper, are there any that you would give more weight to. My problem with channelled messages is that you can never be sure who on the other side, it's really from, and I'm sure that a lot of them are not from who they say they are.I have just read an interesting [link= ]one, from St Germain[/link]?, about Europe, politicsand his vision for the future.It seems more down-to-earth and less flakythan some channelled messages.

Sorry tohave veered the discussion away from the scientific and into the spiritual again...

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RE: Saint Germain - Proof of Immortality?

Hi shinycat,

Yes, it's true that in the latter half of the last century, from about 1950, it has been believed by many that Saint Germain became the 'Lord' or particular head of the Aquarian Age, and that Jesus was this for Pisces. This has many implications for the next 2,000 years. It is of course a period that will differ a lot from Pisces, which we've already left. I myself accept that on Saint Germain.

On truth or error, I'm a bit busy right now and it would be a long reply to really deal with it. I know I probably come across as being very choosy about sources!

I know of the site, messages through Kim Michaels. To me they are "pretty good" but she was - with other organisations or books she contacted- in The Summit Lighthouse. The Summit was already in decline when she found it, though she'll have read its books, etc. I feel many of the "better" channellers are influenced by the influencial Summit books of the 1970s and 80s, and that several people are still actually just bringing forth messages heavily influenced by The Summit Lighthouse, yet still from their unconscious.

But each to their own ...

V 😉

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RE: Saint Germain - Proof of Immortality?

I remember a few years ago when my son was taking his A level chemistry and having problems understanding it, I asked Saint Germain if he would help him.............with the result that he got an 'A' and went on to take Chemical Engineering at University and coming away with a first class honours degree!

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RE: Saint Germain - Proof of Immortality?

;)I've always found that the use of Saint Germain's Violet Flame helps a lot with exams! - because it clears your head and makes your memory and thinking razor-sharp. 😉


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hi guys

i only got to the end of page one but i thought i would like to add a subject to this debate which may give scientifically plausible explinations for the life SG. if you look into quantum physics, specifically the double split experiment and the observer principle, then you see that the things that he was achieving are not impossible.

for those who dont know the double split experiment is a partical expeiriment where you shoot an electron/photon at a platt with 2 slitts in. if you do this over and over again then you would expect the to see 2 lines behind the plate where the photons had gone through one slit or another and hit the screen behind. instead of this what they found was an interferance pattern (thick lines in the middle with smaller and smaller lines as you go to the edges) this is only possable if one photon went through boths slits at the same time.

then the scientist put detectors on each slit so that they could see which slit it went through. the next time they ran the experiment there was two lines. the way the describe this is that when your not looking the single photon becomes spread across every position it could possibly be and then when you look (with the experiment a organic living thing was going to see the results forward in time) it choses a position.

there is alot of speculation that this is proof that your conciousness is more real than matter and if you dont have strict expectations of something happening anything is possable.

there is alot of information on this from alot of different parties but most of the "evidence" to the contrary is hardly decisive. the way i see it. u have a magnetic field around u (ora) and ur body works on electrics. so does the plannet and the solar system and the galaxy and the cluster and the mega cluster. so basically the universe is a circuit. so is ur brain and a computure. so if u think how amazingly conplex that circuit is and how much information it could hold... right so thats what i think of as "god"

then i think of every living thing is a fractle part of that system.

things to reseach in relation:
micheal newman [url]Michael Newton-Past Life Therapy-Journey Between Lives 1/5 - YouTube[/url]
down the rabbit hole [url]WHAT THE BLEEP DO WE KNOW.DOWN THE RABBIT HOLE - YouTube[/url]
imagening the tenth dimension [url]Imagining the Tenth Dimension - Rob Bryanton [FULL CLIP].flv - YouTube[/url]

fred alan wolf is a good person to look at.

and if you are interested in experiments proving how the impossable is not so implosable when you mind isnt stopping you then you might have to look at black projects and wissle blowers which might offend the more main steam types but is is very good.

these are quite good testamonies
[url]Project Camelot interviews Aaron McCollum - YouTube[/url]
[url]MK Ultra Project Camelot Super Human Soldiers - YouTube[/url]

the work of david wilcock is probably the best on the conciousness stuff

[url]David Wilcock: The Source Field Investigations -- Full Video! - YouTube[/url]
[url]The 2012 Enigma by David Wilcock - YouTube[/url]

and so on...

but anyway the reason i bring this up is that if he had reached a state where he had alot more influence on his enviroment through masonic practices, eastern philosophy and through remembering past lives and between lives then it is not totally unscientific.

btw it goes far more strange than this if you look at top secret milatary projects around quantum effects. but thats beside the point.

anyway i just thought ide throw that in there as food for thought.

peace and love


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Hi Nozz and welcome to the forums... bit of an old thread you've dredged up here...

Just one question...

btw it goes far more strange than this if you look at top secret milatary projects around quantum effects. but thats beside the point.

... how can anyone look into top secret military projects... if they're top secret?


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hi Energylz

yes it does seem like a bit of an oxymoron but you can find it. obviously there is a lot more reliance on eye witness testimony than with more main stream information sources and a lot more dis-information aswell but it is out there.

thanks to sites like wikileaks (who hack gov servers) and interviews with Whistle blowers by people like Bill Ryan and Keri Cassady from project camalot there is a lot of "top secret" information that is accessible.

again it is up to the viewer weather to believe there testimonies or not but the wealth of information and how well it correlates with published physics.

as i said one of my personal Favorited researchers on this issue is david wilcock. he has done work on everything from quantum physics and the "source field" (14 dimensional energy field that we collapse into physical reality) to ancient civilisations and there technology to astrol projection and the science behind it.

alot of his information is well researched, quoted and linked and some is from insiders and whistle blowers but he states when the information is only backed up by what he has been told and when it is his opinion.

in recent years he has become more involved in behind the scenes global politics and there is alot of information on that which is very interesting but a bit besides the point.

i was about to post the project camelot website but it seems to be down at the moment but if you type it in to you tube there is a mind boggling amount of information in there interviews.

i hope ive answered you question 😀

peace and love


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