and strings and time traveling!!
ahah! got you!
So it's a bit of a "bag" post cause I'm interested in all that but I wanted to know if anyone of you here knows anything about black holes, space-time that warps and could be used to time-travel (many scientists believe so) with the help of the "strings", and also parallel universes.
Am addicited to documentaries about space science and physics. And although I didnt get the details of the string/spcae-time thing, Im facinated by the suggestion that there are more black holes in the universe than planets and stars and gallaxies...and why do asteroids and planets strech into thin branches when being sucked into one (looks all very liquid to me. Are we the insides of Liquid body, stone and metal being liquid even if to us it's pretty hard and solid?)...?
what's on the other side of black holes?
And what about those astronomers who say we exist in different places at the same time? and not just one other Peter for earth Peter my friend, but plenty other Peters! all at the other ends of the space "strings". Theory based on Light. Light controls Matter and Matter controls Time (I hope I got that bit right). and that we are just one train on some rails but we could as well jump on trains going to different futures, because we are multiple.
Gosh, what a Sunday!
the multiple identities theory is based, easier to understand on the Laser light science:
in laser, photon particles are here and there and there at the same time. So, really, we could be the same.
The physics science man supporting that view (cant remember names, just that Stephen Hawkin says that time travel is already possible, the problem, is we cant come back from it) has built a little machine with lasers crisscrossing and says that one day there will be micro machines like fingernails with tens thousands laser lights circling and creating a space-time warp.
O so exciting! reminds me of that old black and white spooky tv series...what is it called in English? outer space? you know the one! (la quatrième dimension in French. O feeling the spine thrills already).
Phew, far too much to answer in a simple reply on a forum.
Perhaps you could look at some books by John Gribbin. He's a scientific journalist, so he knows how to explain things in ways that most people can grasp, or if you're of a more scientific mind, also consider books/lectures by Richard P. Feynman..
I think they can explain these things far more concisely and accurately than I could ever do. 🙂
All Love and Reiki Hugs
cool, will look up both names, thanks.