I was reading an artical this morning found initresting.
Looking for life on mars in Australian's outback
Australian scientist are planning to build a "space station" in remote outback to simulate the conditions future human explores could face on Mars.
It will be 118ft long and include, cabins, generators, airlocks and docking hatches plus a garage to house "rover" to explore the surrounding area.
love and blessings
Wendy x
RE: Australians outback
Hi Wendy,
Just goes to show how similar planets Earth and Mars are.
RE: Australians outback
Very interesting, reminds me of Mars Dome on my favourite programme, Babylon Five!
RE: Australians outback
'Similar to Mars' yes some arid very cold, perma frost areas of Earth are 'similar ' to Mars, in their lack of liquid water, but that's all. I haven't seen the article, but I doubt if they can do much simulation that is useful and that can't be done outside the laboratory.