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Moving to Wales

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Amelia Jane
Posts: 11613
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:oGosh this year has been rather insane for me...after a rather huge turnaround of events we're now set to move to Wales as soon as we get a buyer for our house, I'll probably be moving to the Gwnedd area, maybe Caernarfon, O/H has landed a job in Colwyn Bay so we're looking for somewhere within a 30ish mile radius. I do have family in Wales (wrexham) but other then that I pretty clueless, so if anyone on HP can give me some insight about areas/schools ect I'd be really greatful:D


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Hi Amy
Wow, what a challenge. I used to visit Caernarfon with my tour groups quite regularly and quite frankly I never liked the feel of the place. It just had bad vibes for me - very retro if you know what I mean - shops, restaurants (well burger bars) all seemed somehow rooted in the 50s, except for the bins in the public toilets for used syringes! I can't remember too much about Colwyn Bay as I haven't been there for years and then it was only to visit a friend who used to live there, but I remember it was OK. The countryside is lovely and there are some good beaches....But if you do go to Caernarfon, property prices were always low so you should be able to get a nice house. Keep us posted. And here's wishing you the very best. I'm sure the right place will pop up for you once you go to have a look around the area.


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Beautiful place to live. I lived in Gwynedd for a while in about 1989/90, I hated the fact I had to move away (job ended and it's not the best part of the world to find work). I still go over there as much as possible.

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Crikey Amy, it's all change for you isn't it? Hope that means other things worked out well then. 🙂
Gwynedd is quite a big county and there are some lovely places. I would say it's mainly village life, no big towns around. Infant schools tend to be quite small too from the one's I know of.
Why are you looking to Gwynedd in particular? There's plenty of nice places nearer to Colwyn Bay. Conwy County has lots of choice. Are you looking for rural, semi-rural or town type living?
I can give you lots of info if you want to give me more idea of what you are after.
If you want a lodger, let me know! 🙂

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My friends live in Ross-on-Sea near Colwyn Bay, which I think is a very nice small town - I love the whole area! How old are your childen - is it primary or secondary school you are after? I could ask my friends for some info.

Good luck with these exciting changes in your life!


Amelia Jane
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Thanks for your replies..I could really do with having the time to go and visit the areas or stay somewhere for a while but we're now rushed off our feet getting are house up to scratch to get it on the's all happening so fast lol. I would ideally like somewhere semi rural with 4 bedrooms, one thing I'm noticing is that lots of lovely houses are oil heated which I'd imagine the running costs to be quite alot in this day and age.

my kids ages are 5-13 so I need both primary and secondry school


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A website i use to check out areas is , it also gives listings of schools.

Here's another website re just schools:

Warmest wishes- calla lily 🙂

Amelia Jane
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Thats brilliant, thanks Christine, I knew about 'up my street' but not the one with all the schools..thanks:D


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Hi Amy

Glad to hear that you are on the move to North Wales - I had such a blissful break this year in Snowdownia - more sheep than people - suits me.

I think you will probably find that in rural locations oil fired CH is the norm I am not so sure about the larger towns though. Good luck with your search for a 4 bed and with the sale of your current home.

Luv Binah
